Научно практическая конференция по английскому языку

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Learning Foreign languages Why is it important to learn foreign languages?

Подготовили: ученики 6 «Б» класса Маркелов Илья,

Пушкин Александр, Мухин Артем, Абрамчук Тимофей

Руководитель: Кузнецова Любовь Александровна

Цель: Показать важность изучения иностранных языков Задачи: 1.Выяснить какие языки сейчас наиболее важны. 2.Для чего нужно изучать иностранные языки? 3.Как изучение языка помогает?

Nowadays, it is very important to know foreign languages. What languages are the most important? English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese languages are important because of the fact that many of them are international.

The most popular languages in the world

English has become the international language. About 300 million people speak it as their native language. As for me, this language helps me to talk with people from all over the world, make new friends and read books in English.

Why is it important to know foreign languages
  • Some people learn languages, because they need them for their work
  • others travel abroad
  • for the third studying languages
  • is a hobby
  • who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other
  • countries
  • read books of famous writers in the original
-study of foreign languages helps to find a job -study of foreign languages helps to find a job -foreign languages help in science and technology -as foreign languages are used in computer technology - studying foreign languages is fashionable and practical -helps to learn more about the different events of people's lives, customs and traditions

People who know many languages - polyglots. We know some of the names polyglot: German professor Shlimman, a famous writer Shakespeare, philosopher Socrates and many others.

professor Shlimman


Resume So we have shown that learning a foreign language is important in everyone's life! Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!