План-конспект урока "Добро пожаловать в Лос – Анджелес, штат Калифорния, США" 9 класс

План открытого урока
по предмету «Английский язык»
Дата проведения: 14. 03. 2017
Класс: 9
Учитель: Чайка Н.А.
Тема: «Добро пожаловать в Лос – Анджелес, штат Калифорния, США»
Тип урока: практический
Вид урока: комбинированный, урок-соревнование с элементами ролевой
1. Методическая:
- скрытый контроль уровня сформированности речевых умений;
- совершенствование умений общаться в специально создаваемых
аутентичных ситуациях.
2. Образовательная:
- углубить представление учеников об истории и городах штата
Калифорния, административном центре- Сакраменто, г. Лос-Анджелес и
его достопримечательностях;
- формировать готовность к осмыслению социокультурных особенностей
страны изучаемого языка;
- овладение и отработка новых лексических единиц (американский
вариант произношения) с помощью интерактивной игры.
3. Развивающая:
- развитие памяти и внимания, умение работать в команде;
- развитие навыков аудирования; практического владения английским
языком в монологической и диалогической речи;
- отработка произношения в серии языковых и речевых упражнений
(декламация стихов, исполнение песни);
4. Практическая:
- поиск и обобщение материала по пройденной теме, путем создания
творческих сообщений (презентаций в программе Power Point);
- работа с художественной литературой (У.Шекспир, Р.Киплинг),
электронными ресурсами (Интернет).
5. Воспитательная:
-воспитание чувства партнерства, любознательности, стремления доводить
дело до конца;
- формировать уважение к языку и культуре носителей языка
Межпредметные связи:
География: Тема: Соединенные Штаты Америки
История : Период золотой лихорадки
Информатика: Работа с программой Power Point
Внутрипредметные связи:
66. Добро пожаловать в Лос Анджелес (Сложное подлежащее со
67. Добро пожаловать в Лос Анджелес (чтение с полным пониманием,
монологическая речь)
Наглядность: раздаточный материал и картонная коробка «Magic box»,
карта штатов США, таблички с названиями команд, бейджы с именами для
гидов Джейн, сувенирные звезды (gold-stars), плакат об интересных фактах
г.Лос Аджелес
Технические средства: компьютер, интерактивная доска, интерактивная
игра «Учите английский (американский вариант)»; презентации в программе
Power Point (темы: «Лос Анджелес», «История Калифорнии», «Сакраменто»,
«Повседневная жизнь в Калифорнии и известные города»), запись-минусовка
песни “Greenfields”(группа “Brothers Four), фото кинозвезд: Кира Найтли,
Селин Дион, Джулия Робертс
Литература основная:
1. К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман “Happy English. Ru: учебник англ. яз. для 9
кл. общеобраз. учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010
2. К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман Книга для учителя к учебнику Happy
English. Ru: учебник англ. яз. для 9 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. Обнинск:
Титул, 2010
3. К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман Рабочая тетрадь 2 с раздаточным
материалом к учебнику “Happy English. Ru”: учебник англ. яз. для 9 кл.
общеобраз. учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010
Дополнительная литература:
4. Ю.Б. Голицынский Соединенные Штаты Америки: Пособие по
страноведению СПб.: КАРО, 2004
5. Biboletova M., Volianskaya O., Harris M., Texts and topics for reading and
discussion (Longman Companion for Intermediate Level Students), Изд-во
«Еврокнига», 2002
6. Шарафутдинова Т.М. Открытый урок по теме «Телевидение» в XI кл.//
Иностр языки в школе.- 2007.-№5.
7. Голубева О.В. Урок-игра «Путешествие» на французском языке в VI
классе // Иностр языки в школе.-2007.-№7.
8. Томахин Г.Д. США. Лингвострановедческий словарь. – М.: Рус.яз., 1999.
9. Электронные ресурсы (Интернет)
10. Англо-русский, русско-английский словари
Подготовительный этап:
1) Распределение учащихся на три команды путем выбора жребия
2) Каждая команда придумывает название с порой на голливудские
фильмы (например «The men in Black», «The peacemakers», «The
3) Команда выбирает тему для презентации за две недели до открытого
а) History of California
b) Sacramento
c) Everyday’s life in California
Содержание занятия:
I. Организационный момент(5мин)- слайд№1
Teacher: Let me greet our audience, our guests and pupils. I am glad to see
you! Are you ready to start lesson? Let’s get down business.
- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- What day of week is it today?
- What is the weather like today?
- Who is absent?
- What was your homework?
II. Фонетическая разминка и сообщение темы урока (5 мин)-
Teacher: Today at the lesson we are going to have a travelling-competition to the
United States of America. Today’s theme of our lesson is “Welcome to Los
Angeles, California, USA!”
Two weeks ago you were divided by me into three teams. Each team has its
own name and leader, and motto; you had looked through the names of
Hollywood’s films. Let’s greet them:
1. The men of black (Motto: Eurika! We found it!)
2.The peacemakers (Motto: Under God the people rule)
3.The invincible (Motto: To the stars through the difficulties)
For each task one of the teams will get gold star. That one will win, which will
have stars as much as possible.
Please, pupils, look at the board and repeat the following words and word-
expressions after me: Los Angeles Лос-Анджелес, Beverly Hills-Беверли
Хиллз, Malibu Малибу, Hollywood and Highland Голливуд и Хайленд,
Rodeo Drive- Родео-Драйв, Manns Chinese Theater “Китайский театр
Манна”, the Egyptian Theater- Египетский театр, movie (AmE) фильм, the
suburbs- окрестности, пригород, a celebrity- знаменитость,show business
(show biz)- шоу-бизнес, a film director- режиссер, a camera operator- оператор,
the Academy Awards- премии Академии \ премии Оскар, a film studio-
киностудия, fame- слава, известность, velvet ropes бархатные канаты, a
sidewalk- тротуар, to step наступать, concrete- асфальт, to install
III. Речевая разминка ( 5-7мин)-слад5,6,7,8
Teacher: The Task №1 is called «Magic Box», you should read the
questions at the interactive board and try to answer with the help of cards from
“magic box”:
1) Would you like to travel? If yes, why?
Models: I’d like to travel to change scene/learn things/ study geography/
just for fun/ learn English (выполняет первая команда)
2) How would you like to travel?
Models: I’d like to travel by bus/ by car/ by plane/ on foot/ by
boat(выполняет вторая команда)
3) Who would you like to travel with?
Models: I’d like to travel with friends/ parents/ boy/girl friend/ on your
own/ classmates/ anybody else(выполняет третья команда)
Teacher: Thank you for answers; the first gold star the team….”gets
IV. Контроль домашнего задания (15-20мин)- презентации команд
Teacher: Task №2 is called “Project about California”, let’s check up your
homework and ask to evaluate this task the teacher of geography
1) The first team “The peacemakers” will show us their project about
History of California (музыкальное сопровождение, гимн «Я люблю тебя,
Information of project: Group after group of Americans travelled over the
mountains to California. By 1846 a few thousand Americans lived there. They
all dreamed of making their fortune. Do you know what is gold rush? The gold
rush brought more than 80,000 people to California. They came from all over.
Some came from South America and Mexico. More than 25,000 came from
China. The gold rush helped to change California from a frontier area into a
state. In 1850 California become the thirty-first (31) state of USA.;
2) The second team “The men in black will show us their project about
an administrative center of California-Sacramento
Information of project: Sacramento is the capital city of the U.S. state of
California, and the county seat of Sacramento County. It is located at the
confluence of the Sacramento River and the American River in the northern
portion of California's expansive Central Valley. With a 2009 estimated
population of 466,676, it is the seventh-largest city in California. Sacramento is
the core cultural and economic center of the Sacramento metropolitan area
which includes seven counties; with an estimated population of 2,127,355. Its
metropolitan area is the fourth largest in California after the Greater Los
Angeles Area, San Francisco Bay Area, and San Diego Metro as well as the
25th largest in the United States. A city attaining global status, Sacramento was
cited by Time magazine as America's most ethnically and racially integrated
city in 2002.
Sacramento became a city through the efforts of John Sutter, a Swiss
immigrant, and James W. Marshall. Sacramento grew quickly thanks to the
protection of Sutter's Fort, which was established by Sutter in 1839. During the
California Gold Rush, Sacramento was a major distribution point, a commercial
and agricultural center, and a terminus for wagon trains, stagecoaches,
riverboats, the telegraph, the Pony Express, and the First Transcontinental
3) The third team “The invincible will show us their project about
Everyday’s life in California (музыкальное сопровождение, “Hotel
California” of “Eagles”)
Information of project: California is one of the most attractive places in the
USA. In this state you are never very far from the coast and there are lots of
seaside resorts. Thanks to the nearby the Pacific Ocean and warm climate, some
people can spend time swimming and lying in the sun on the beach. Lots of
people go in for surfing, sailing and water skiing there. Because there are the
high Cordillera Mountains, some other people go climbing and mountaineering.
Fresh grapefruits, oranges, lemons, melons and peaches are not imported. Low-
cost, high-quality fruits, juices and vegetables are available any time of the year
due to the fact that the southern parts of the country have warm temperatures all
the year round;
Teacher: Thanks for your presentations, they were very interesting; the second
gold star the team “….”gets (вручает учитель географии)
V. Основная часть
Teacher: Let me introduce you our today’s guide about USA, Jane, let’s listen
to her attentively:
Jane: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Let me introduce myself to you.
Have a look at the map of the USA (показывает карту США на
интерактивной доске). I hope you remember how many states are there in the
USA? Yes, you are right, fifty ones. The USA consists of three separate parts,
different in size, natural features, level of development and population
1) The Main Part, The United States proper, with an area of 7,800 sq km;
2) Alaska, which occupies the north-western part of the continent of North
America(показывает карту Северной Америки на интерактивной
доске), including a lot islands;
3) Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean
Today at the lesson we are going to make a trip to California. It is to the west
of the USA with area 411 th sq km, population is about 20 ml pl. And some
information about the well-known city Los Angeles, it is the second largest
American city after New-York. It has some nicknames “City of the Angels”,
“Roadsville”. LA is famous for one of its suburbs, Hollywood, which is the
capital of world movie production.
Teacher: Thank you, Jane, for interesting facts. The Task №3 is called “Welcome
to Los Angeles”, it will be the working with the text, pupils, open your textbooks
at page 149 (работа с учебником -10 мин).
Information about Los Angeles
Los Angeles is the most populous city in California and the second most populous in the United
States, after New York City, with a population of 3.8 million, on a land area of 498.3 square
miles (1,290.6 km
). It is the focal point of the larger Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside
combined statistical area, which contains nearly 17.8 million people and center of the largest
urban area in California. This makes it the 12th most populous metropolitan area in the world.
Los Angeles is also the seat of Los Angeles County, the most populated and one of the most
multicultural counties in the United States. The city's inhabitants are referred to as "Angelenos"
Often known by its initials, LA, and nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a world center
of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, technology, and
education. It is home to renowned institutions covering a broad range of professional and cultural
fields, and is one of the most substantial economic engines within the United States. Los Angeles
has been ranked the third richest city and fifth most powerful and influential city in the world,
behind only New York City in the United States. The Los Angeles combined statistical area
(CSA) has a gross metropolitan product (GMP) of $831 billion (as of 2008), making it the third
largest economic center in the world, after the Greater Tokyo Area and the New York
metropolitan area. As the home base of Hollywood, it is known as the "Entertainment Capital of
the World", leading the world in the creation of motion pictures, television production, video
games, and recorded music. The importance of the entertainment business to the city has led
many celebrities to call Los Angeles and its surrounding suburbs home. Los Angeles hosted the
1932 and 1984 Summer Olympics. Los Angeles is also home to renowned universities such as
the University of Southern California and the University of California, Los Angeles.
Los Angeles was founded on September 4, 1781 by Spanish governor Felipe de Neve. It became
a part of Mexico in 1821 following the Mexican War of Independence. In 1848, at the end of the
MexicanAmerican War, Los Angeles and the rest of California were purchased as part of the
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, thereby becoming part of the United States. Los Angeles was
incorporated as a municipality on April 4, 1850, five months before California achieved
Teacher: Look at the pictures on the interactive board, they are the places that are
mentioned in the text, find and read some information about them.
Photos of sights of LA:
1) Los Angeles
2) Hollywood
3) Beverly hills
4) Rodeo Drive
5) Hollywood Boulevard
6) Mann’s Chinese Theater
7) The Egyptian Theater
8) 3,300-seat Kodak Theater
9) Academy Awards: “Oscars”
10) the Walk of Fame
Teacher: Thanks for answers; the third gold star the team….”gets.
Teacher: Task4 is called American English, let’s check up your
knowledge of American English, one member of your team will take part in this
kind of competition, you will have four rounds and will struggle with virtual
man, who will get the most quantity of points, he will be a winner in this game.
The first player, please, come to computer and begin you game (работа с
интерактивной программой американского английского-15 мин).
Teacher: Thanks for answers; the fifth gold star the team “….”gets
Teacher: Task5 is called I want to be a star, listen to dialogue between
the guide and visitor of Los Angeles
Jane: What would you like to visit in Los Angeles?
Visitor: I’d like to visit a film studio, to see a celebrity, in my home town
everybody said that I am good looking and good at acting. I am sure that very
soon somebody would notice me and give me a part in a movie.
Jane: I recommend you to visit casting in the film studio “20
Century Fox”, a
famous Film Director has a casting, let’s watch…
(к доске выходит ученик-режиссер, за компьютер- ученик-оператор)
Film Director: Help me, Jorge, I am sure my film will get “Oscars”, but we
need a beautiful, talented actress for main part!
Camera Operator: There are three candidates, three young women, look at
them, please.
Film Director : Hm, what is your favorite film star?
The First girl: I want to look like Saline Dion. She is charming, beautiful and
talented singer who has her own style of music and image.
(ученица исполняет песню, две следующие ученицы читают стихи)
Film Director : Great!!! I must think over…(обращается к учителю
английского языка, присутствующего в классе). Help me to choose, please,
who is the best?
Teacher: We will ask English teacher to evaluate your works and to declare the
winner. Thanks for answers; the sixth gold star the team ….”gets
VI Подведение итогов, выставление оценок,
Teacher: We must do the last task for today, look at the interactive board,
please, agree or disagree with the statements. Read and translate the sentences.
1. All the people are actors.
2. You can't become a star if you're not in the movies.
3. Everybody wants to be the best.
4. You need a very strong character if you want to be a star.
5. The celebrities who get a star on Hollywood Boulevard will never be
6. You have to work and suffer a lot to become famous.
Teacher: Let me announce the results. The team ….is stronger than others. My
best congratulations to you. I am satisfied with the work you have represented.
Thank you, everybody. The lesson is over. You are free for today. See you on
1) change scene
learn things study geography just for fun
learn English
2) by bus by car by plane on foot
by boat
3) with friends with parents
with boy friend with girl friend
on your own with classmates
The men in Black
The peacemakers
The invincible