Конспект "Nico in the classroom" 1 класс

Батыс Қазақстан облысы Орал қаласы
№44 мектеп-гимназиясының
II санатты III денгей
ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Рахматуллина Замзагүл Жансейтқызы
Form: 1
The theme:
Nico in the classroom
The aim:
Pupils revise the classroom items from the previous lesson.
The results:
1. Pupils know the name of school things.
2. Pupils understand the teacher’s saying and do it in actions.
3. Pupils match the pictures with the words.
The visual
Computers,CD disk, Vocabulary cards, Interactive board, felt tips,
The procedure of the lesson:
Teacher’s activity
Pupils’ activity
(7 min)
I. Organization moment.
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, dear pupils,
We are glad to see you.
II.Singing a song: ”What’s your name?”
CD Track 3
III. Revising the words playing a game
“A magic ball”
IV. Video. Revising the words. (a door, a
table, a chair, a window, a board and
classroom items)
Greeting of pupils
Good morning, good
Good morning to you.
Good morning, dear
We are glad to see you.
Pupils make a circle and
introduce yourselves, then
sing a song:
”What’s your name?”
Pupils play a game and
revise the words.
Pupils watch a video from
Interactive board.
( 5 min)
I. To introduce with the picture of Nico.
Open the books at page 16. Look at the
picture. What are you seeing?
II. New lesson: Nico in the classroom.
III. Playing a game.
Now, let’s play a game: “Nico says…”
Nico says: clap, stamp, point to the
window, (door, board, table, chair) jump,
dance, sit.
Thank you.
Pupils answer the
Nico, Bella, Anna, Eddie,
And the names of
classroom items.
Pupils play a game and do
The main
(15 min)
I. Group work. Nico’s tasks: ( 3 min )
1) Find the pictures of school things
2) Find the telephone numbers of
Bella, Anna, Eddie,
3) Find the pictures of things in
II. Physical minute. CD Track 5 Say and
Point to the window
Clap, clap
Point to the door
Clap, clap
Point to the board
Clap, clap
Point to the table
Clap, clap
Point to the window
Pupils do the tasks in
group and protect their
Pupils sing and do actions.
Point to the window
Clap, clap
Point to the door
Clap, clap
Point to the board
Clap, clap
Point to the table
Clap, clap
Point to the window
Stamp, stamp
Point to the door
Stamp, stamp
Point to the board
Stamp, stamp
Point to the table
Stamp, stamp
Stamp, stamp
Point to the door
Stamp, stamp
Point to the board
Stamp, stamp
Point to the table
Stamp, stamp
(8 min)
II. Evaluating pupils knowledge.
The lesson is over. Good bye, children.
Pupils help Nico to choose
school things.
Good bye, teacher.