Тест "Present continuous, numbers, nouns" 4 класс

1. Поставь глагол в нужную форму Present Continuous.
1. The girls ________ (go) to the shop now.
2. They __________ (not run) at school now?
3. I __________ ( not sleep) now.
4. She __________ ( write) words at the
5. Children __________ (not eat) lunch now.
6. Tom __________ ( not swim) at the moment.
7. The dog __________ (play) now.
8. I ____________ ( eat) now.
9. You ___________( read) books now?
10. Your friend __________ ( jump) now.
2. Напиши буквами.
12, 100, 98, 60, 33, 47, 72, 20, 55,15.
3. Напиши мн.число.
Lady, foot, wife, child, man, mouse, tooth, woman, person, leaf, dog.
4.Составьте предложения в Present Continuous.
1. in the classroom / am / I / standing /now.
2. Pete / reading / not / a book / now / is.
3. listening / now / the pupils /are / to the teacher.
4. now / playing / they / are / games.
5. me / helping / now / my / not / friend / is.
6. dancing / with / is / she / now / Fred?
5. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Mary is drinking coffee and listening to music.
2. Mike is running and jumping at PE.
3. She is writing words at the English lesson.
4. Ann is working at school.
5. The cat is eating fish.