Тест "Времена группы Continuous" 8 класс

Variant 1
Task 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. He is reading a newspaper now.
2. Is he reading a newspaper or a book now?
3. He is not reading, he is listening to the radio now.
Task 2. . Use the Present Continuous Tense.
1. We have lectures every day. (now)
2. He watches TV in the evening. (at the moment)
Task 3. Use the Past Continuous Tense.
1. He worked hard, (when I came)
2. He delivered lectures (at 12 o’clock yesterday, day)
Task 4. Use the Future Continuous Tense.
1. We have an English lesson today, (at 10 o’clock tomorrow)
2. He is preparing for his exams. (next month)
Task 5. Answer the questions
1. What were you doing at about 4 o’clock yesterday? (to repair my tape-recorder)
2. What was Ann doing at that moment? (to sleep)
3. What were you doing all afternoon yesterday? (to watch TV)
.Task 6. Make the sentences interrogative.
1. She is translating the article into Russian
2. His friends are still speaking over the telephone
3. We were looking for him the day before yesterday.
4. She was typing a letter at that moment.
Task 7. Make the sentences negative.
1. It is raining.
2. She is talking to her old friend.
3. It was snowing when I left home.
4. We were having dinner when you rang me up.
Task 8. Answer the following questions.
1. Are you reading or writing now?
2. Are you making progress in your English?
3. Is your friend listening to you now?
4. Is it snowing now?
Task 9. Put the verb in brackets into the Present, Past or Future I Continuous Tense.
1. He (to take) a bath now.
2. I (not to laugh) at you.
3. He (to I come) here next week.
4. If I (to sleep) when he comes, please, I wake me up.
Task 10. Form questions with the question words given.
1. The expedition is returning next week. (When)
2. We are doing grammar exercises now. (What)
3. The mother is teaching her little son to read. (Who)
Task 11. Translate into English.
1. Что вы обсуждаете? — Мы обсуждаем план будущей экскурсии.
2. Вы идете в кино с нами?
3. О чем вы сейчас думаете?
4. Автобус уже отправлялся, когда я подошел к остановке.
Variant 2
Task 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. It was raining when I left the house.
2. I shall still be working at 6 o’clock.
3. Will they be writing their course papers in April?
Task 2. Use the Present Continuous Tense.
1. He sleeps in the daytime every day. (from 2 till 3)
2. She writes letters to her parents every week, (now)
Task 3. Use the Past Continuous Tense.
1. He left the house, (when the bell rang)
2. He crossed the street, (when I saw him)
Task 4. Use the Future Continuous Tense.
1. We are celebrating the 80th anniversary of our University. (next year)
2. He is leaving today, (at 7 o’clock tomorrow)
Task 5. Answer the questions
1. What will she be doing after supper? (to do her home exercises)
2. What will you be doing for two more years? (to study French)
3. What will you be discussing at the seminar? (my essay)
Task 6. Make the sentences interrogative.
1. .He is leaving by the 8 o’clock train
2. They are crossing the street?
3. He was watching TV when I came home.
4. They were crossing the street at 4 o’clock yesterday
Task 7. Make the sentences negative.
1. I am buying sweets here.
2. Boys are playing football.
3. John was not listening to the latest news at 7 o’clock in the evening.
4. She was not hurrying to the station at that moment
Task 8. Answer the following questions.
1. Was she wearing black at the party?
2. At what time were your j friends waiting for you at the station?
3. Where was he hurrying I at 8 o'clock in the morning?
4. What were the students translating when the teacher came?
Task 9. Put the verb in brackets into the Present, Past or Future I Continuous Tense.
1. What journal you (to read) when I came to the library?
2. The whole family (to have) dinner when the telephone I rang.
3. Where he (to go) when the rain started?
4. She (to listen) to the radio at 5 o'clock tomorrow.
Task 10. Form questions with the question words given.
1. I am reading a book on modern art. (What)
2. They were still arguing when I entered the room. (Who)
3.He is coming tomorrow. (When)
Task 11. Translate into English.
1. Что он делал, когда вы зашли к нему?
2. Идет дождь, и мы не можем поехать за город.
3. Вчера в 10 часов наша группа сдавала экзамен по английскому языку
4. Мы будем переводить этот текст, когда ты вернешься.