Рабочая тетрадь "Времена глагола"

Пояснительная записка
Рабочая тетрадь создана в помощь студентам I года обучения.
Создание рабочей тетради вызвано необходимостью дополнить, углубить и
систематизировать материал.
Учебный материал состоит из 16 юнитов. Каждый юнит содержит
теоретический материал, дополнительные тексты и упражнения, которые
активизируют и систематизируют материал. Распределение материала носит
необязательный, а рекомендательный характер. Преподаватель вправе по
своему усмотрению, в зависимости от уровня знаний учащихся, увеличить
или сократить срок изучения материала.
Изучение юнита начинается с раздела, где то или иное явление
детально освещено, и упражнений, систематизирующих и активизирующих
Изучение грамматического раздела заканчивается тестом, что дает
возможность преподавателю проверить знания студентов по изучаемой
Содержание пособия подготовлено в соответствии с требованиями
образовательного стандарта СПО нового поколения и предназначено для
студентов и преподавателей техникума.
I. Phonetics
Unit 1 (Alphabet)............................................................................... 2
Unit 2 (Sounds)................................................................................... 4
Unit 3 (The rules of reading)............................................................... 5
II. Grammar
Unit 4 (Plural of the nouns)................................................................ 9
Unit 5 (Pronouns)............................................................................... 13
Unit 6 (Possesive case of the nouns).................................................. 21
Unit 7 (Cardinal and ordinal numerals)............................................. 25
Unit 8 (The verbs “to be”, “to have”)................................................. 33
Unit 9 (Structure “There is/there are”).............................................. 38
Unit 10 (Indefinite quantifiers).......................................................... 47
Unit 11 (Adverb formation)............................................................... 48
Unit 12 (Adjectives and adverbs in use)............................................ 50
Unit 13 (The degrees of comparison)................................................ 51
Unit 14 (The structures of comparison)............................................ 54
Unit 15 (Impersonal sentence)......................................................... 61
Unit 16 (Questions).......................................................................... 62
Unit 1 (Alphabet)
A a
A a
B b
B b
C c
C c
D d
D d
E e
E e
F f
F f
G g
[d i:]
G g
H h
H h
I i
I i
J j
[d eı]
J j
K k
K k
L l
L l
M m
M m
N n
N n
O o
O o
P p
P p
Q q
Q q
R r
R r
S s
S s
T t
T t
U u
U u
V v
V v
W w
W w
X x
X x
Y y
Y y
Z z
Z z
I. Заполните таблицу:
Unit 2 (Sounds)
[Λ] русское неударное о
и а в словах “мосты” “сады
[æ] э, более открытое
чем в русском
[ ] краткое очень
открытое о
[e] е в слове “шесть”
[ı] – краткое и очень
открытое и
[u] краткое у со слабым
округлением губ
[ :] долгое о
[a:] долгое заднее а,
похожее на а в ударном
слоге слова “палка”
[i:] долгое и
[u:] долгое у без
сильного выдвижения губ
[ :] произносится как
долгое ё (напр. в слове
“Фёкла”) но встречается и
под ударением
[ ] среднее между э и а
[p] [b] п - б
[f] [v] ф - в
[k] [g] к - г
[s] [z] с - з
[m] - м
[j] - й
[t] [d] т - д
(произносится с языком
упирающимся в десны)
[∫] – [ ] мягкие ш и ж
[t∫] – [d ] ч и дж
[n] н
[l] л
[r] нераскатистое,
невибрирующее, очень
слабое р (кончик языка
немного завернутый назад)
[θ] [ð] межзубные с
и з
[ŋ] носовой н
[w] звук, близкий к у но
не обрзующий слога
[h] звук образуется
когда мы делаем выдох
(похож на русский х)
[eı] эй
[aı] ай
[ u] оу
[au] ау
[ ı] ой
] иэ
[u ] уэ
[ ] эа
I. Напишите звуки русского языка соответствующие следующим звукам:
[t∫] –
[u ]
[eı] –
[ ]
[d ]
[ :]
[aı] –
[aı ] –
[ ]
[ ı] –
[au ]
[ı] –
[ :]
[ ]
[ u]
[ı ] –
Unit 3 (The rules of reading)
Ударный слог
в открытом слоге
в закрытом слоге
перед r
перед re
Неударный слог
ai, ay
aw, au
ar после w и qu
an + согласная
a + ss, st, sk
a + ft, th
a + l
w(h) + a
[ ]
[ ]
[ :]
[ :]
[ ]
[ ]
take, place, name, cake, state
map, sat, stand, happy, apple
car, art, dark, farm, party
care, bare, share, prepare
ago, about, legal, formal
main, chain, day, way, play
saw, law, autumn, claw, cause, fault
war, warm, warning, warn, ward
quarter, quarrel
answer, dance, chance
class, last, ask, task
after, craft, bath, rather
all, always, call, hall, mall, fall, tall
watch, wash, was, what, want
Ударный слог
в открытом слоге
в закрытом слоге
перед r
перед re
Неударный слог
ee, ea
ea + d
ei + gh
ee, ea + r
ear + согласная
[ i: ]
[ e ]
[ :]
[ı ]
[ ı ]
[ ]
[ i: ]
[ e ]
[ eı ]
[ eı ]
[ ı ]
[ :]
be, he, me, see, meter, Pete
best, next, left, smell
her, term, verse
here, mere, severe
begin, return, decode, because,
mother, rather, corner, over, ever
green, seem, sea, clean
bread, head, already
исключения: read [ri:d] lead [li:d]
eight, weight, neigh, neighbour
few, new, grew, blew, flew, sew
grey, obey, gey, fey, dey
исключения: key [ki:]
deer, dear, hear, appear
learn, earth, early
I i
Ударный слог
в открытом слоге
в закрытом слоге
перед r
перед re
Неударный слог
i + ld, nd
i + gh
[ aı ]
[ ı ]
[ : ]
[aı ]
[ ı ]
[ aı ]
[ aı ]
five, life, fine, tie, time, like, ride, side
исключения: live [lıv] give [gıv]
sit, hit, lift, pick, little, nickel, sick, fit
bird, girl, first, circle, mirth, shirt
fire, tired, admire
origin, engine
child, find, kind, mind
исключения: children, window
night, light, sight, fight, right, Dwight
Ударный слог
в открытом слоге
в закрытом слоге
перед r
перед re
Неударный слог
суффиксы ous
суффиксы or
oi, oy
oo + k
oo + l, m, n, d, t
oo + r
ou + gh
ou + r
o + l + согласная
ow + согласная
ow (на конце)
or после w
[ ou ]
[ ]
[ :]
[ :]
[ ou ]
[ s]
[ ]
[ ou ]
[ oı ]
[ u ]
[ u: ]
[ :]
[ au ]
[ :]
[ :]
[ ou ]
[ au ]
[ ou ]
[ :]
close, note, rose, home, hole, tone
исключения: gone [gΛn] done [dΛn]
none [nΛn]
stop, long, song, copper, hot, rod, got
form, born, fork, border, horn, torn
store, before, more, restore, fore
photo, motto, Negro
famous, various, numerous
doctor, tractor, conductor
coat, boat, road, roast, toast, goat
oil, noise, boy, enjoy, toy, coin
look, book, took
cool, tool, soon, food, root
door, floor, moor
исключения: poor [pu ]
house, mouth, cloud, round, found
bought, thought, brought
исключения: though [ðou]
four, course, your
old, cold, told, hold, folder, mold
town, brown, crowd, down
know, grow, low, slow, show
исключения: now [nau] how [hau]
work, word, world, worse
Ударный слог
в открытом слоге
в открытом слоге
в закрытом слоге
перед r + согласная
перед r + гласная
Неударный слог
[ ju: ]
[ u: ]
[ Λ ]
[ :]
[ ju ]
[ ]
tube, tune, use, useful, fuel, mule
blue, true, June
cut, but, hurry, hunter, bus, nut
исключения: put [put]
turn, burn, curly, hurt, fur
pure, sure, cure, during
upon, success, difficult
Ударный слог
в открытом слоге
в закрытом слоге
перед re
перед гласной
Неударный слог
[ aı ]
[ ı ]
[aı ]
[ j ]
[ ı ]
my, try, type, cycle, by, cry
system, symbol
year, you, young, yet
any, many, very, only
перед e, i, y
перед a, o, u и согласной
ch, tch
face, city, bicycle, cite, centre, scene
case, cat, cut, cool, coal, class, fact
watch, match, bench, chief, chess, chair,
clock, black, kick, thick, quick
перед e, i, y
перед a, o, u
[d ]
page, age, engineer
gate, got, great, fog
bring, sing, ring, long, song, morning
sign, design, reign
в начале слова
перед глухой согласной
после глухих согласных
после гласных и звонких согласных
между гласными
перед суффиксами -ion, -ure
в суффиксе -ous
ss + ion
[ ]
say, such, send, stop, speak
rest, best, ask, test
books, desks, asks, gets, puts
beds, reads, boys, days, factories
rise, these, please
occasion, pleasure, measure
famous, numerous, enormous
wish, show, she, shelf, fresh
permission, mission
passive, possible
перед гласной
перед h
wind, was, way
when, where, what, why, white
who, whose, whom, whole
write, wrote, wrong
перед согласными и в конце слова
перед ударной гласной
text, six
exam, exact
debt, doubt, subtle
know, knife, knit
photo, philosophy
queen, question
в начале и в конце знаменательных
в начале служебных слов,
местоимений, наречий и между
[ θ ]
[ ð ]
thin, thick, month, path, thought,
thunder, tooth
the, this, that, those, thus, they, though,
gather, bathe, weather
I. Прочитайте английские скороговорки и пословицы. Скажите какой звук
повторяется в каждой:
Hurry up, Dustin! Hurry up, Justin!
My mother’s brother is my uncle; my uncle’s son is my cousin.
Double bubble gum makes double bubbles.
What’s lost is lost.
Honesty is the best policy.
Tom got a job in a shop.
How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?
A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
Ten men tense ten tents.
Ten editors edited ten texts.
Many men, many minds.
Best defence is offence.
Mend or end.
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can.
Fat cat sat on a mat.
To have rats in the attic.
One man, no man.
A quick witted cricket critic.
Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.
Sink or swim.
The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!
Better late than never.
Come, come, stay calm, stay calm, no need for alarm, it only hums, it doesn’t harm.
That laughs best who laughs last.
Far from eye, far from heart.
This law has a flaw, it’s a raw law.
New lords, new laws.
How many seesaws could a sawyer saw if a sawyer could saw seesaws?
If Sue chews shoes, should Sue choose the shoes she chews?
Too good to be true.
Two flies flew through the flue.
Perfect purple pearls.
She survived thirty surgeries.
Her thirtieth birthday is on Thursday.
Pete eats sweet wheat.
Did he steal a steel wheel from the mill.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
No need to light a night light on a light night like tonight.
Might goes before right.
Out of sight, out of mind.
A noisy noise annoys an oyster most.
No joy without alloy.
The voice of one man is the voice of no one.
They say they sale stainless nails.
Kate could bake cakes at the age of eight.
No pains, no gains.
The crowd of scouts counts cows.
The crowd of clowns counts owls.
Sound mind in a sound body.
No nose knows like a gnome’s nose knows.
All roads lead to Rome.
Rolling stone gathers no moss.
He can’t bear to wear a hare hat.
He bought a mare at the fair. But the mare had no hair. It was an old bare mare.
To tear one’s hair.
He hears with his ears.
I’m really weary of this serial.
Who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Cowards are cruel.
We built a shower in the tower. It’s a tower shower.
A firemen retires when he tires of fires.
Strike while the iron is hot.
Unique news from New York.
You knew I knew you.
No news is a good news.
Unit 4 (Plural of the nouns)
1. Стандартные случаи образования множественного числа существительных
a fact facts
a cat cats
a day days
a girl girls
a plane planes
a dress dresses
a box boxes
a place places
a city cities
a family families
a leaf (лист) leaves
a shelf (полка) shelves
a knife (нож) knives
a wife (жена) wives
a life (жизнь) – lives
a chief (начальник) chiefs
a roof (крыша) roofs
a belief (вера) beliefs
a relief (рельеф) reliefs
a still life (натюрморт) still lifes
2. Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных
a man (мужчина) men
a woman (женщина) women
a foot (нога) feet
a tooth (зуб) teeth
a mouse (мышь) mice
a child (ребенок) children
phenomenon (явление) phenomena
a sheep (овца) sheep
3. Существительные, употребляемые только в единственном числе
wheather погода
furniture мебель
information сведения
knowledge знания
progress успехи
hair волосы
advice совет(ы)
news новости
money деньги
love любовь
anger злость
work работа
4. Существительные, употребляемые только во множественном числе
contents содержание
wages зарплата
clothes одежда
goods товары
politics политика
suburbs окраина
slums трущобы
trousers брюки
spectacles очки
tropics тропики
memoirs мемуары
scales весы
I. Образуйте форму множественного числа следующих существительных и
распределите их по соответствующим колонкам таблицы, учитывая произношение
окончаний этих существительных во множественном числе:
Cliff, brush, song, room, bath, spot, pen, rose, record, baby, church, book, fox, meal, room,
proof, bridge, potato, boy, mirage, cat, nose, peach, girl, bus, fork, beach, desk, shirt, leaf, class.
II. Какую форму множественного числа вы выберете для следующих
1) desk
a) desks
b) deskes
2) leaf
a) leaves
b) leafs
3) class
a) classis
b) classes
4) man
a) mans
b) men
5) potato
a) potatos
b) potatoes
6) goose
a) gooses
b) geese
7) photo
a) photos
b) photoes
8) city
a) citys
b) cities
9) mouse
a) mouses
b) mice
III. Выпишите из текста существительные во множественном числе, определите их
начальную форму (единственное число):
1.Tom’s farm is in the country. 2. There is a farm house with flowers round the door and the
windows. 3. There are a lot of animals on the farm.4. There are horses, cows, sheep, hens and
pigs. 5. The man near the door is farmer Tom. 6. His wife is working in the garden, and his two
sons are playing in the yard with their dog and four puppies. 7. Tom’s daughter Mary is in the
room. 8. She is drawing a picture. 9. There are eight mice and a big cat on the picture.
1.___________________________________ 6.___________________________________
2.___________________________________ 7.____________________________________
3.___________________________________ 8.____________________________________
4.___________________________________ 9.____________________________________
IV. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественном числе:
Family - ______, woman- ______, duck- ______, lake- ______, photo- ______, quiz- ______,
tomato- ______, play- ______, sheep- ______, uncle- ______, pony- ______, leaf- ______,
belief- ______, face- ______, postman- ______, toy- ______, tooth- ______, kerchief mouse-
_____________, child- ______, umbrella- _________, curriculum- _____________, magazine-
__________, knife- ______, life- ______, path- ______, class- ______, roof- ______, grass-
______, cup- ______, city- ______, phenomenon- ______________.
mother-in-law- ______________, butterfly- _____________, reading room- _______________,
standard lamp- ______________, inkpot- __________, tape recorder- _____________, son-in-
law- ______________, exercise book- ______________, suitcase- ____________, blackbird-
___________, passer-by- ____________, ex-president- _______________.
V. Поставьте следующие существительные в единственном числе:
rooms- ______, moments- _________, pipes- ______, plays- ______, years- ______, storms-
______, kitchens- _________, stockings- ___________, pockets- __________, clocks- _______,
answers- ________, replies- _________, feelings- __________, rains- ________, nights-
________, husbands- _________, stars- ______, children- ____________, actions-
___________, men- ______, geese- ______, sheep- _______, ships- ______, drops- ______,
beliefs- _________, days- ______, trains- ______, roads- ______, oceans- ________, seas-
______, continents- ___________, islands- ________, voices- _________, teeth- ________,
phenomena- ________________, curricula- __________.
VI. Определите число существительного (единственное или множественное):
Means (ед./мн.)
Food (ед./мн.)
Television (ед./мн.)
Child (ед./мн.)
Sports (ед./мн.)
Table (ед./мн.)
Feel (ед./мн.)
Papers (ед./мн.)
Progress (ед./мн.)
Fish (ед./мн.)
Horse (ед./мн.)
Trouble (ед./мн.)
Scissors (ед./мн.)
Goods (ед./мн.)
Fruit (ед./мн.)
Advice (ед./мн.)
Traffic (ед./мн.)
Data (ед./мн.)
Glasses (ед./мн.)
Bread (ед./мн.)
Watch (ед./мн.)
Men (ед./мн.)
Ship (ед./мн.)
Teeth (ед./мн.)
Weather (ед./мн.)
Sum (ед./мн.)
Trousers (ед./мн.)
Clothes (ед./мн.)
Money (ед./мн.)
Clock (ед./мн.)
Oxen (ед./мн.)
Mice (ед./мн.)
Sheep (ед./мн.)
Police (ед./мн.)
Work (ед./мн.)
Hair (ед./мн.)
Paper (ед./мн.)
News (ед./мн.)
Spectacles (ед./мн.)
Contents (ед./мн.)
Phenomena (ед./мн.)
Economics (ед./мн.)
Phonetics (ед./мн.)
This is These are
That is Those are
There is There are
It is They are
Final Test
1. Put into the plural.
1) A dog is an animal.
2) A potato is a vegetable.
3) A student is not always good.
4) A pencil is like a pen.
5) An eye is blue or brown.
6) A picture is pretty.
7) This is my book.
8) I am busy today.
9) That is her book.
10) She is busy.
11) Look at that little bird.
12) The girl in that room is my sister.
13) It is mine.
2. Put into tne singular.
1) Horses are animals.
2) Novels are books.
3) Boots are kinds of shoes.
4) Watches are small clocks.
5) Tables are pieces of furniture.
6) Frenchmen are Europeans.
7) Children are not always good.
8) Stockings are long socks.
9) Oranges are good to eat.
10) Classrooms have blackboards.
11) Schools are large buildings.
14) Give this letter to Peter.
15) Is that book yours?
16) Whose pencil is this?
Unit 5 (Pronouns)
местоимения в
в объектном
(сам, сама,
сами, себя,
I я
you ты
he он
she она
it он, она
we мы
you вы
they они
me мне,
you тебе,
him ему
her ей
it ему, ей
us нам
you вам
them им
my мой, моя
your твой, твоя
his его
her ее
its его, ее
our наш
your ваш
their их
Указательные местоимения
Единственное число
this этот
that тот
Множественное число
these эти
those те
I. Вставьте I, he, she, it, we, you, they:
1. ... am English. 2. I have two books. ... are good. 3. The book is not yellow. ... is grey. 4. Are ... a
student? 5. You and I are Russian, ... are English. 6. ... is his aunt. 7. ... is a teacher. 8. Are ...
from France? 9. ... is a doctor. 10. ... are good pupils. 11. ... is a sweet apple. 12. ... am a pupil.
13. ... is a clever boy. 14. ... are fine. 15. ... is a nice girl. 16. ... are my classmates.
II. Заполните пропуски соответствующими личными местоимениями в
именительном или объектном падеже:
1. This is Simon. ... is my friend. Give ... a chair, please. 2. Take your book. Is ... an English book?
Now give ... to me, please. 3. Tell ... about your lessons. 4. ... is our new typist. Show ... the
office, please. 5. Peter is from England. Don’t speak Russian to ... . 6. I am glad to see ... . How is
your wife? Give my best regards to ... .
III. Вставьте me, him, her, us, them:
1. Give Jane this watch. Give ... that one, too. 2. Give the children these ice-creams. Give ...
those ones, too. 3. Give Tom this book. Give ... that one, too. 4. This is my notebook. Give ... my
notebook, please. 5. That is my coat. Give ... my coat, please. 6. These are our umbrellas. Give
... our umbrellas, please. 7. I can’t open the door. Can you open ... for me, please? 8. These
shoes are nice. I will buy ... . 9. I can’t do this job. Can you help ...?
IV. Измените местоимения в скобках на местоимения в объектном падеже:
1. Let (we)___ listen to what he says. 2. Let (he) ___ read out the text aloud. 3. Let (we) ___
send them a telegram. 4. Let (I) ___ switch on the light. 5. Let (we) ___ turn off the radio. 6. Let
(they) ___ write the dictation. 7. Let (they) ___ eat up their dinner. 8. Let (she) ___ go to the
pictures (кино) . 9. Let (we) ___ see a film on TV. 10. Let (she) ___ help her friends. 11. Let
(they) ___ walk in the park.
V. Замените подчеркнутые слова местоимениями:
1. Give this yellow cup (_____) to your mother. 2. Ask your friend (_____) about her family. 3.
Tell the students (_____) about our English lessons. 4. Take your book and give it to Michael
(_____). 5. Listen to Mary (_____). 6. Look at your friends (_____). 7. Bring the book and put
the book (_____) on the table. 8. Take the cup from Mr. Hunt (_____). 9. Ask Mr. and Mrs.
Green (_____) about their children. 10. Don’t speak to George (_____), listen to Alice (_____)!
11. Paul (_____) is ten years old. 12. The cat (_____) is in the kitchen. 13. The children (_____)
are at school. 14. Susan and I (_____) are friends. 15. Helen (_____) is my cousin. 16. The
horses (_____) are on the farm. 17. Is Mary (_____) seven? 18. This is Frank’s (_____) car. 19.
Ann’s dress (_____) is beautiful. 20. Jim (_____) is Sue’s (_____) brother. 21. Ben (_____) is
from Wales. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Lee (_____) are from China. 23. Tina and I (_____) are in the 5
form. 24. Jonathan’s father (_____) is a doctor. 25. Father and mother (_____) are at home.
26. Mary (_____) is tired. 27. Sam (_____) gave Helen (_____) a book. 28. We are glad to see
Nick and Andy (_____). 29. Kelly’s dress (_____) is dirty. 30. Give me a guitar (_____). 31. Ann,
give the cup (_____) to Peter (_____). 32. Tell the children (_____) his adress. 33. My sister
and I (_____) have got a room. 34. John and Bill (_____) are journalists. 35. Nell, buy a
newspaper for your mother (_____). 36. Kate, read the story to John and me (_____), please.
37. Peter, bring some chalk (_____) to your teacher (_____). 38. Send the letter to your friends
(_____). 39. Paul (_____) speaks English (_____) well. 40. Mary (_____) saw John (_____) on
Sunday. 41. Tom (_____) lost the book (_____). 42. Jack (_____) met Steve (_____) in the
street. 43. Wendy (_____) will sing this song (_____) again. 44. David (_____) believes the
story (_____). 45. The boys (_____) locked the door (_____). 46. Mrs. Smith (_____) repaired
the car (_____) quickly. 47. Maria (_____) eats Spanish food (_____). 48. My parents (_____)
will visit Tom (_____) tomorrow. 49. Tim (_____) finished the book (_____). 50. Michael
(_____) read this novel (_____) last night. 51. Ted (_____) knows Jane (_____) well. 52. The
children (_____) play football (_____) in the park. 53. Sally and James (_____) are at home.
54. I wrote the new words (_____) in my notebook. 55. She put her umbrella and bag (_____)
on the chair (_____). 56. Father (_____) loses his things (_____) too often. 57. Bobby (_____)
cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom (_____). 58. Peggy and I (_____) saw the film (_____)
on TV. 59. Julia (_____) teaches languages (_____). 60. Jane (_____) found a purse (_____). 61.
Ted and Sam (_____) learn Japanese (_____). 62. Bob (_____) heard the news (_____) last
week. 63. I like these girls (_____) very much. 64. I saw you with Peter (_____) on the bus this
morning. 65. Tom (_____) sat beside Peggy (_____). 66. I know all about Ted (_____). 67. The
girl (_____) stood under the tree (_____). 68. He paid for the food (_____). 69. He thought of
his friends (_____). 70. Wendy (_____) came with her sisters (_____). 71. He still plays in the
band (_____). 72. They stopped in front of the house (_____). 73. He is against the rules
(_____). 74. He waited for the girls (_____). 75. There were some books on the desk (_____).
76. John (_____) will get a ticket (_____) for Helen (_____).
VI. Измените структуру предложения по образцу:
# Give him your pen. Give your pen to him.
1. Don’t give me this book- ____________________________.
2. Give Peter this girl’s cup. - ____________________________.
3. Give Alice a piece of chalk. - ____________________________.
4. Don’t give them the bags. - ____________________________.
5 Give us that picture. - ____________________________.
6. Show me that picture. - ____________________________.
7. Send George that letter. - ____________________________.
8. Give her those flowers. - ____________________________.
9. Give Mrs. Jones these books. - ____________________________.
10. Give the children these ice-creams. - ____________________________.
11. Pass him the salt. - ____________________________.
12. Bring John that chair- ____________________________.
VII. Переведите следующие предложения. Дайте два варианта:
1. Покажи этот словарь ему. 2. Дай ей эту ручку. 3. Передай Елене хлеб. 4. Отнеси Мэри
цветы. 5. Пошли ему телеграмму. 6. Покажи им свою квартиру. 7. Прочитай этот текст
VIII. Вставьте my, our, your, his, her, its, their:
1. She has a bird. It is ... bird. 2. I have a pencil. It is ... pencil. 3. You have a shirt. It is ... shirt. 4.
It has a cage. It is ... cage. 5. We have a garden. It is ... garden. 6. He has a snake. It is ... snake. 7.
They have a kitten. It is ... kitten. 8. Alison is doing ... homework. 9. Do you live with ... parents?
10. We love ... new house. 11. The children are with ... grandmother. 12. Moscow is famous for
... museums. 13. I like visiting ... friend at the weekend. 14. I like ... new dress. 15. She is in ...
bedroom. 16. He is looking for ... shoes. 17. Can you give me ... book? 18. Jane put ... bag on the
chair. 19. Jim writes a letter to ... mother every week. 20. Julia likes ... English classes very
much. 21. They write new words in ... notebooks. 22. Mr. Jones put on ... coat. 23. Tim often
loses ... things. 24. Cliff gave me ... book. 25. I’ll put on ... best dress. 26. Grandfather took ...
pipe out of ... mouth. 27. John put ... left hand in ... pocket. 28. The men took ... hats off. 29.
Rose went to the concert with ... brother.
IX. Замените подчеркнутые слова местоимениями:
1. Jane’s (______)mother was late. 2. Peter’s (______)father came early. 3. Mr.
Taylor’s(______) cat ran away. 4. The men’s(______) hats were grey. 5. Helen’s(______)
brother smokes too much. 6. Lucy’s(______) car is in the garage. 7. I know Peter’s (______)son
very well. 8. My sister’s(______) birthday is in May. 9. Collin’s (______)hair is black. 10. Mr.
Webb’s(______) wife was angry. 11. Mary’s (______)brothers are students. 12. This tall man is
the boys’ (______)friend.
X. Переведите словосочетания:
мои игрушки –
наш сад –
ее брат –
ваш цветок –
твоя кукла –
ваши брюки –
мой кролик –
мое пирожное –
твои мячи –
наша кошка –
твой котенок –
его палка –
ваше блюдо –
наше дерево –
их машина –
наши цыплята –
твое платье –
ваша ваза –
XI. Употребите абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений:
Образец: # This is my bag. This bag is mine.
1. This is my umbrella._______________________ 2. That is our house. __________________
________ 3. This is her hat. _______________________ 4. These are my pencils. ___________
________________ 5. This is our dog. _______________________ 6. That is their cat. _______
_______________________ 7. These are your bikes. _______________________8. This is my
violin. __________________________ 9. These are our apples. _______________________
10. Those are their shoes. ________________________
XII. Вставьте myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves:
1. He bought ...... a new car. 2. She spoke very little of ... ... . 3. I’m not pleased with .. .... . 4.
Tom, don’t jump here! You can hurt ... ... . 5. I hope they will do it ... ... . 6. Good boys, you ask
nothing for ... ... . 7. Have a rest, mom. We’ll clean everything ... .... 8. He cannot do this
exercise ... ... . 9. Can you help him ... ...? 10. I think, I can translate this text ... ... . 11. Nelly
cleans her room .. .... . 12. What a nice story. Paul has written it ... ... . 13. Don’t run so fast,
children! You will fall down and hurt ... ... . 14. Mary and Steve can do the work .. .... . 15. Look
what a nice picture it is. We have drawn it ... ... . 16. My sister will water the flowers .. .... . 17. I
shall take care of my dog ... ... . 18. Can you make the cake ... ..., girls? Yes, we’ll make it ... ... .
19. She always does the housework ... ... . 20. When my sister was three years old she washed
her face and hands ... ... . 21. The woman saw ... ... in the mirror. She was beautiful. 22. My
puppy always plays with ... ... . 23. I shall make coffee ... ... . Don’t help me. 24. The pupils are
sweeping the floor ... ... . 25. Has your son watered the flowers ... ... ? 26. We have made this
doll ... ... . 27. Have you painted the floor ... ...? 28. Have you made the bird-house ... ... ? 29.
This text is easy. We’ll translate it ... . 30. I think Peter dusts the furniture ... ... . 31. Ann always
washes the dishes ... ... . 32. My mother and I have repaired my bicycle ... ... .
XIII. Use the proper pronoun if it's necessary.
1. Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of .... (an English proverb)
a) themselves; c) yourselves.
b) ourselves;
2. If you want a thing well-done do it .... (an English proverb)
a) himself; b) herself; c) yourself.
3. We had a party last weekend and we enjoyed ....
a) yourself; b) ourselves; c) yourselves.
4. When you are in trouble pull ... together!
a) yourself; b) himself; c) itself.
5. Dear guests, help ... to the cakes, please.
a) yourself; c) themselves.
b) yourselves;
6. Ben was a naughty boy (капризный) and his mother often asked him to behave ....
a) itself; b) herself; c) himself.
7. Billy and Lilly are true friends, they always take care of ....
a) ourselves; c) yourselves.
b) themselves;
8. I can cook .... I can be proud of ... .
a) itself, itself; c) herself, herself.
b) myself, myself;
9. Forgive (прощай) many things in others — nothing in ... . (обращение к одному человеку)
a) yourself; b) ourselves; с) myself.
10. Alice was a pretty girl and she liked to look at ... in the mirror.
a) himself; b) myself; c) herself.
11. "There are two kinds of knowledge: one we know the subject.... two we know where
we can get information about it." (Samuel Johnson)
a) yourselves; c) themselves.
b) itself;
12. The small dog defended ... bravely.
a) himself; b) itself; c) herself.
13. Ann always does her homework ... .
a) himself; b) herself; c) itself.
XIV. Translate the pronouns from Russian into English and use the necessary form in the
1. This book is ... (твоя) and that one is ... (моя).
a) yours, mine; c) your, mine.
b) your, my;
2. Ann doesn't like her friend's dog; she thinks ... (ее) is better.
a) her; b) hers; c) its.
3. Henry is looking for ... (его) pen, he can't find it anywhere.
a) his; b) its; c) hers.
4. Tom and ... (его) wife are walking with ... (их) children in the park now.
a) his, theirs; b) his, their.
5. Phil mustn't forget to do ... (его) homework. Bill mustn't forget to do ... (его) either.
a) his, his; b) its, its.
6. ... ( моя ) sister Mary is very beautiful. ... (ee) eyes are blue, ... (ее) hair is long.
a) mine, hers, hers; c) my. hers, her.
b) my, her, her;
7. What's (твое) name?
... (мое) name is Ann.
a) yours, mine; c) yours, my.
b) your, my;
8. ... (наши) oranges aren't good. I think, ... (их) are better.
a) ours, theirs; c) our, theirs.
b) our, their;
9. ... (моя) pen is broken. Give me ... (твою).
a) mine, yours; c) mine, your.
b) my, yours;
10. Polly and Molly didn't do ... (их) work well. I'm sure Phil and Bill will do ... (их) better.
a) their, theirs; c) theirs, theirs.
b) theirs, their;
11. I've got a dog. ... (его) name is Poppy,
a) His; b) Its; c) It.
12. These pictures are ... (наши) and those are ... (ваши).
a) our, your; c) our. yours.
b) ours, yours;
13. I met a friend of ... (одного из моих друзей) at the theatre.
a) my; b) mine.
14. Peter introduced me to a neighbour of ... (одному из своих соседей).
a) his; b) he.
15. ... (наши) teachers are very nice.
a) ours; b)our.
Final Test
1. ... is four years old.
a) him
b) his
c) he
d) they
2. These are our things. Give ... our things, please.
a) we
b) our
c) us
d) them
3. Rose went to the concert with ... brother.
a) her
b) hers
c) its
d) she
4. I think Peter dusts the furniture ... .
a) hisself
b) heself
c) himself
d) himselve
5. ... (Father) loses ... (his things) too often.
a) he, they
b) it, they
c) he, them
d) it, them
6. Do you know ... ? Are ... from Germany?
a) me, I
b) him, he
c) them, they
d) you, you
7. Don’t tease the dog. ... isn’t ... .
a) he, your
b) she, ours
c) it, yours
d) it, your
8. My mother and I have repaired my bicycle ... .
a) ourselves
b) ourselfs
c) themselves
d) yourselves
9. I wrote ... (the new words) in my notebook.
a) them
b) it
c) their
d) its
10. ... is my grandfather.
a) him
b) it
c) his
d) he
11. Jim writes a letter to ... mother every week.
a) his
b) its
c) him
d) himself
12. Moscow is famous for ... museums.
a) it
b) itself
c) its
d) it’s
13. ... (The children) play ... (football) in the park.
a) they, he
b) we, him
c) they, it
d) you, his
14. ... can’t do this job. Can ... help ... .
a) I, you, you
b) you, me, him
c) I, you, me
d) I, you, him
15. This violine is ... .
a) my
b) me
c) mine
d) I
16. Julia likes ... English classes very much.
a) her
b) hers
c) herself
d) its
Unit 6 (Possesive case of the nouns)
Единственное число
cat’s [s]
Tom’s [z]
mother’s [z]
boss’(s) [iz]
Marx’(s) [iz]
Множественное число
sisters’ [z]
children’s [z]
The Browns’(s) [iz]
Притяжательный падеж существительных обозначает принадлежность:
# Mother’s bedroom is on the second floor. – Мамина спальня на втором этаже.
These are my sister’s books. – Это книги моей сестры.
В притяжательном падеже употребляются одушевленные существительные.
Неодушевленные существительные не употребляются в притяжательном падеже за
исключением существительных, обозначающих:
a) время и расстояние (a month’s holiday, a kilometre’s distance)
b) страны, города, а также слова world, city, country (Moscow’s theatres, our country’s
Притяжательный падеж составных существительных образуется путем прибавления s’ к
последнему слову: my brother-in-laws books
Когда два лица являются обладателями одного предмета, окончание притяжательного
падежа прибавляется к последнему существительному: Jack and Andrews friends, Mary
and Anns room.
I. Переведите предложения и словосочетания на русский язык:
1. Barbara is Mike’s mother.
2. Barbara is Kate’s grandmother.
3. Bill is Kate’s brother.
4. Helen is Tony’s daughter.
5. Tony and Barbara are Mike’s parents.
6. Pat’s tortoise
7. the boys’ parrot
8. my sister’s friend
9. parents’ car
10. my father’s uncle
II. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами (nephew, brother, cousin,
aunt, daughter, grandmother, mother):
1. My mother’s son is my _________________ .
2. My grandmother’s daughter is my _____________ .
3. Your sister’s son is your ________________ .
4. Your sister is your mum’s _______________ .
5. Your father’s mother is your ______________ .
6. My mum’s sister is my ________________ .
7. Your uncle’s son is your ______________ .
III. Ниже изображено генеалогическое древо семьи Браунов. Рассмотри его
внимательно и выполни задания.
The Browns
Samuel (55) Mary (49)
a dentist a nurse
Dick (23) Chris (28) Susan (25) Ann (15)
a driver a buisnessman a guide a student
Richard (5)
Заполните пропуски словами, подходящими по смыслу:
1. Samuel is Richard’s _____________.
2. Chris is Mary’ __________________.
3. Dick and Chris are_______________.
4. Ann is Dick’s ___________________.
5. Richard is Mary’s _______________.
6. Ann is Samuel’s ________________.
7. Dick is Richard’s ________________.
8. Richard is Ann’s_________________.
IV. Выберите вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу:
1. Мамин зонтик:
a) mothers umbrella
b) mother’s umbrella
c) mothers’ umbrella
2. Книги родителей:
a) parent’s books
b) parents books
c) parents’ books
3. Фотоаппарат брата:
a) brothers’ camera
b) brother’s camera
c) brothers camera
4. Машина друга:
a) my friends car
b) my friends’ car
c) my friend’s car
5. Хомяк Майка:
a) Mikes’ hamster
b) Mike’s hamster
c) Mikes hamster
V. Перепишите словосочетания, заменив предложную конструкцию
притяжательным падежом:
# the poems of Pushkin Pushkin’s poems
1. the friend of my brother ......................................................................................................
2. the table of our teacher .......................................................................................................
3. the house of the Browns .....................................................................................................
4. the life of businessmen .......................................................................................................
5. the questions of the students ..............................................................................................
6. the room of my brother .......................................................................................................
7. the novels of Agatha Christie ...............,...............................................................................
8. the flat of James ..................................................................................................................
9. the voice of this girl .............................................................................................................
10.the luggage of the passengers .............................................................................................
VI. Перепишите словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж, где это
1. the roof of the house ..........................................................................................................
2. the boots of Ann .................................................................................................................
3. the birthday of my brother .................................................................................................
4. the top of the page ..............................................................................................................
5. the party of George .............................................................................................................
6. the clothes of the girls .........................................................................................................
7. the end of the street ...........................................................................................................
8. the beginning of the month ................................................................................................
9. the magazine of yesterday ..................................................................................................
10. the problems of the children ..............................................................................................
VII. Замените выделенные местоимения данными в скобках существительными в
притяжательном падеже:
1. His son is ten (my friend)......................................................................................................
2. Their children are excellent students (his sisters)................................................................
3. Their parents are teachers (these children)
4. Her daughter studies at university (my aunt) ......................................................................
5. Her father is an accountant (my cousin) ..............................................................................
6. We like his classes (Mr. Andrew) .........................................................................................
7. I think her boyfriend is very nice (Mary) ..............................................................................
8. Their house is spacious and comfortable (my grandparents) ..............................................
9. Her family is large (Alice) .....................................................................................................
10. I often reread their letters (my friends) ...............................................................................
VIII. Переведите на английский язык:
театры страны, музеи мира, работа летчиков, дочь Елены, дети Елены и Джорджа,
родители детей, вчерашний журнал, сегодняшний разговор, друг зятя, подруги золовки,
письмо Джонса, письма Джонса, адрес семьи Джонсов, центр России, экипаж корабля.
IX. Перепишите следующие предложения. Переведите их на русский язык. Определите
по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные
окончанием -s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:
a) показателем 3-го лица единственного лица глагола в Present Indefinite;
b) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;
c) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного
1. My brother has many friends.
a) -s b) -s c)-s
2. This is my sister's book.
a) -s b) -s c)-s
3. We often buy tomatoes and potatoes in the supermarket.
a) -s b) -s c)-s
4. Ann lives in Moscow.
a) -s b) -s c)-s
5. I am always in time for the lessons.
a) -s b) -s . c)-s
Final Test
I. Выберите правильный ответ:
1) ... is Alex.
a) My brother’s name
b) My brothers’ name
c) My brothers name
2) ... are red.
a) The tree’s leaves
b) The trees’ leaves
c) The leaves of the tree
3) Is this ... ?
a) the car of Jane
b) the Jane’s car
c) Jane’s car
4) I really like ... .
a) the Smith’s house
b) the Smiths’ house
c) the house of the Smiths
5) I always buy ... for my little sister.
a) children’s books
b) childrens’ books
c) children books
6) Is it ... over there?
a) James daughter
b) James’s daughter
c) the James’s daughter
7) Do you you know ... ?
a) the street’s name
b) street’s name
c) the name of the street
8) Where is ... ?
a) yesterday’s newspaper
b) the yesterday’s newspaper
c) yesterday newspaper
II. Отметьте словосочетания, в которых есть существительное в притяжательном
1) the student's dictionary
2) the pen of the doctor
3) Peter and Helen's flat
4) the parrot's cage
5) children's books
Unit 7 (Cardinal and ordinal numerals)
Cardinal numerals
0 zero (o )
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
15 fifteen
20 twenty
30 thirty
50 fifty
100 (one) hundred
200 two hundred
1000 (one) thousand
2000 two thousand
1000000 (one) million
2000000 two million
Обратите внимание на написание:
40 4 + ty (forty)
14 4 + teen (fourteen)
16 ...............................
17 ...............................
18 ...............................
19 ...............................
60 6 + ty (sixty)
70 .............................
80 .............................
90 .............................
21 20 + 1 (twenty one)
134 one hundred (and) thirty four
25 ...........................................................
254 .........................................................
7,231,543 ..............................................
В отличие от русского языка на письме разряды отделяются не точкой, а запятой. В
десятичных дробях, наоборот, дробная часть отделяется от целой не запятой, а
Русский язык
Английский язык
Три миллиона
Две целых три десятых
Числительные dozen - дюжина, gross - гросс (12 дюжин), hundred - сто, thousand -
тысяча, million - миллион, billion - миллиард (реже - биллион) в составе сложного
числительного употребляются в единственном числе. Форма множественного числа
этих числительных встречается в выражениях, указывающих на неопределенное
(большое) количество, в этом случае после числительного употребляется предлог of:
three hundred metres триста метров
tweny-five billion dollars двадцать пять миллиардов долларов
millions of people миллионы людей
В составе сложных числительных после сотен перед десятками (а если их нет, то
перед единицами) в британском варианте английского языка обычно
употребляется союз and. В американском варианте английского языка он часто
375 three hundred and seventy five
2,075 two thousand and seventy five
1,225,375 one million two hundred and twenty five thousand three hundred and seventy five
Следует обратить особое внимание на слово billion. В американском английском оно
означает миллиард, в британском английском – триллион.
В США: thousand, million, billion, trillion
В Великобритании: thousand, million, milliard, billion
При обозначении номеров домов, квартир, автобусов, а также страниц, глав,
упражнений и т.д. употребляются количественные числительные. Существительные в
таких случаях употребляются без артикля:
I live in apartment 10 (ten)
Open your book at page 16 (sixteen)
Here comes bus 65 (number sixty-five)
Каждая цифра телефонного номера читается отдельно. Цифра 0 читается [ou]. Если
две цифры одинаковы, употребляется слово double
555-88-01 five, five, five, double eight, o, one
При произношении простых дробных числительных числитель берется в форме
количественного числительного, а знаменатель - в форме порядкового
числительного (во множественном числе, если числитель больше одного) Вместо
числительного one часто используется неопределенный артикль a. Если при дроби
есть целое число, то между ним и дробью ставится союз and:
three fourths три четверти
an/one eighth одна восьмая
three and two thirds три и две третьих
Более сложные дробные числительные обычно произносятся по следующей
модели: числитель () + over + знаменатель
two hundred and sixty five over four hundred and forty-four 265/444
Десятичные числительные произносятся по отдельным цифрам. Положение
десятичного разделителя указывается словом point. Цифра 0 обозначается словом
nought (в британском варианте английского языка) или zero ( в американском
варианте английского языка). Распространено также произношение цифры 0 как
междометия oh
nought/zero point three four nine 0.349
six point oh five 6.05
После обычных дробных числительных существительные употребляются в
единственном числе, причем между числительным и существительным
используется предлог of
two tenths of a ton две десятых тонны
После десятичных дробей существительные ставятся во множественном числе без
seven point five centimetres 7.5 сантиметра
При указании температуры цифра 0 обозначается словом zero, существительное
degree - градус ставится во множественном числе
zero degrees Celsius ноль градусов по Цельсию
Значение "полтора" при существительном часто передается конструкцией a/an
+сущ + a half
an hour and a half полтора часа
При произнесении времени по часам возможны два варианта а) Произносятся
сначала часы, затем минуты (в форме количественных числительных) 9:05 nine
(oh) five 12:25 twelve twenty-five б) Называются минуты, затем предлог past
американском варианте английского языка часто используется также предлог
after), а затем часы. Если до конца часа осталось меньше минут, чем прошло с его
начала, обычно указывается количество оставшихся до конца часа минут, затем
предлог to (в американском варианте английского языка могут также
использоваться предлоги of, before и till), а затем следующий час
10:20 twenty past ten
10:40 twenty to eleven
Вместо 15 минут обычно используется слово a quarter, а вместо 30 минут - слово
5:30 half past five
5:45 a quarter to six
После целого числа часов (без минут) обычно употребляется слово o'clock
7:00 seven o'clock
В обычной речи при указании времени используется двенадцатичасовой цикл, при
необходимости с утоняющими словами in the morning - утра, in the afternoon - дня,
in the evening - вечера. На письме для уточнения часто используются сокращения
a.m. - до полудня, от лат. ante meridiem и p.m. - после полудня, от лат. post
20:15 a quarter past eight in the evening
21:10 nine ten pm
На письме даты могут обозначаться несколькими способами а) В британском
варианте английского языка даты указываются в следующем порядке: число,
месяц, год. Месяц часто выражается словом, а при числе приводятся две
последние буквы соответствующего порядкового числительного
16/10/1850 16 October 1850 16th October 1850
В американском варианте английского языка при обозначении даты обычно
сначала указывается месяц, затем число, а затем год. Если месяц выражен словом,
то год отделяется запятой
02/13/1971 February 13, 1971 February 13th, 1971
При произнесении даты возможны следующие варианты а) сначала произносится
месяц, затем число (в форме порядкового числительного с артиклем the), а затем
2 May 1456 May the second, fourteen fifty-six
сначала произносится число (в форме порядкового числительного с артиклем the),
затем предлог of, затем месяц и год
2 May 1456 the second of May, fourteen fifty-six
в американском варианте английского языка артикль the и предлог of часто
July 04, 1776 July fourth / fourth July, seventeen seventy-six
Годы, как правило, выражаются в сотнях, а не в тысячах (однако 2000 год и
следующие чаще выражаются в тысячах). Слова hundred and при этом опускаются.
1300 thirteen hundred
1945 nineteen forty-five
2005 two thousand and five / twenty oh five
Ordinal numerals
Порядковые числительные указывают на порядок предметов при счете. Они образуются
от соответствующих количественных числительных прибавлением окончания th
Запомните исключения:
1-й the first
2-й the second
3-й the third
5-й the fifth
Обратите внимание на написание:
9-й the ninth
12-й the twelfth
4-й the 4 + th (fourth)
5-й ...........................
16-й ...........................
27-й ............................
В английском языке порядковые числительные, как правило, употребляются с
определенным артиклем:
the the two hundred and fifty-sixth day двести пятьдесят шестой день
После существительного, как правило, используется не порядковое, а
количественное числительное. Исключения составляют числительные после
собственных имен царей, королей и т.п.:
Book Two Книга вторая
Но: Louis the Fourteenth — Людовик Четырнадцатый
I. Напишите это по-английски:
8 ...........................................
12 .........................................
27 .........................................
15 .........................................
73 .........................................
19 .........................................
44 .........................................
69 .........................................
101 .......................................
31 .........................................
56 .........................................
87 .........................................
245,533 .........................................................................................................................................
816 ................................................................................................................................................
3,562 .............................................................................................................................................
7,324 .............................................................................................................................................
сто книг – ........................................................................................................................................
сотня страниц – ..............................................................................................................................
сотни людей – ................................................................................................................................
тысяча машин – ..............................................................................................................................
тысячи людей – ..............................................................................................................................
миллион книг – ...............................................................................................................................
2+3=5 ............................................................................................................................................
7-4=3 .............................................................................................................................................
3∙5=15 – ...........................................................................................................................................
10:2=5 ...........................................................................................................................................
1 Января – .......................................................................................................................................
8 Марта – ........................................................................................................................................
глава 5 – ..........................................................................................................................................
автобус 6 – ......................................................................................................................................
3.45 ...............................................................................................................................................
8.09 ...............................................................................................................................................
2/3 .................................................................................................................................................
4/5 .................................................................................................................................................
II. Напишите словами количественные числительные и образуйте от них
порядковые числительные:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 28, 30, 33, 42, 50, 57, 63, 72, 84, 96, 111, 132, 153
III. Напишите словами:
a) numbers: 6; 73; 38; 17; 13; 12; 0; 101; 152; 1,045; 6,671; 9,854; 87,432; 80,400; 329,645;
110,536; 13,614,200;
b) fractions: 1/3; 4/6; 92/100; 0.0058; 22.107; 341.894; 1 ⁸⁄₉; 10 ½; 103 ½;
c) dates: June 1, 1905; May 9, 1945; July 2, 1800; February 4, 1995; October 3, 1101;
September 30, 1445; March 30, 2000;
d) time: 3:10; 4:15; 5:45; 12:00; 1:30; 7:40; 2:05; 8:15; 4:00
e) titles: Henry VII, Elizabeth II, James I, Charles V, Louis XII, Edward VII, Peter I, Catherine II;
f) telephone numbers: 213-66-01, 421-57-83, 221-00-74, 971-24-50, 426-11-44, 157-18-20,
g) phrases: exercise 5, page 312, bus 102, room 203, text 6, tram 17, lecture room 9, chapter
12, line 13, box 481.
IV. Напишите даты и век словами:
Пример: # eleven forty seven (1147) the twelfth century
56, 844, 1066, 1156, 988, 1342, 1560, 1404, 1701, 476, 837, 33, 1682, 1721, 1812, 1645, 1585,
1917, 2015, 1245, 1313, 2000, 1939, 1856, 1778, 2005, 1492, 1999, 12, 2010, 1990s, 1920s,
V. Переведите на английский язык:
1. В этой школе семьсот учеников. 2. В спортивных соревнованиях приняли
участие сотни учащихся. 3. Тысячи людей пришли на митинг. 4. На этом
предприятии работает две тысячи рабочих. 5. Эту программу смотрели
миллионы телезрителей. 6. Население Москвы – более десяти миллионов
человек. 7. Георг V был двоюродным братом Николая II. 8. Ты можешь
позвонить мне по телефону 246-00-17 с десяти до пяти. 9. Платье стоит 245
рублей. 10. Дом был построен в XIX веке. 11. Новый закон вступил в силу с 1
января 1998 года. 12. Вы можете мне писать по адресу: Мичиган, 49911,
Северная улица, 115. 13. Берта родилась 26 сентября 1975 года в Ноттингеме.
14. Группа выезжает в Египет 24 июня 1998 года, а вернется 15 июля 1999 года.
15. Позвони мне до без четверти три. 16. Когда будильник позвонил в 5.30, я с
трудом открыла глаза. 17. Вручите эти цветы леди Уильямс 7 мая ровно в час
дня. 18. Премьер-министр Британии живет по адресу: Даунинг-Стрит, дом 10.
19. Лекция по истории состоится в 11-й аудитории. 20. Этот пример можешь
найти на 17-й странице. 21. Многие до сих пор пишут Шерлоку Хомсу по адресу:
Лондон, Бейкер-Стрит, 221В. 22. 1-й и 12-й троллейбусы ходят в центр. 23. Дом
стоил десять миллионов рублей. 24. Она получает каждый день сотни писем.
25. Яйца продаются дюжинами. 26. Разменяйте мне, пожалуйста, сто долларов
Final Test
Отметьте правильный вариант перевода количественных числительных:
1. 2
a) second
b) two
c) twelve
2. 8
a) eighth
b) eight
c) eighty
3. 4
a) four
b) fourth
c) forty
4. 3
a) third
b) three
c) thirty
5. 22
a) twenty-two
b) twenty two
c) twenty second
6. 200
a) two hundreds
b) two hundred
c) two-hundred
Unit 8 (The verbs to be”, “to have”)
To Be
Утвердительная форма
Отрицательная форма
I am
I am not
I’m not
Am I?
He is
She is
It is
He is not
She is not
It is not
He isn’t
She isn’t
It isn’t
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
We are
You are
They are
We are not
You are not
They are not
We aren’t
You aren’t
They aren’t
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?
To Have
Утвердительная форма
Отрицательная форма
I have
I have not
I haven’t
Have I?
He has
She has
It has
He has not
She has not
It has not
He hasn’t
She hasn’t
It hasn’t
Has he?
Has she?
Has it?
We have
You have
They have
We have not
You have not
They have not
We haven’t
You haven’t
They haven’t
Have we?
Have you?
Have they?
I Вставьте подходящую форму глагола to be, to have:
1. She... a student. 2. He... a businessman. 3. I... an employee.4. We... pupils. 5. You...
journalists. 6. This... a ruler. 7. Those... clips.8. I... a disc. 9. They... books. 10. These boys...
pupils. 11.Those girls...students. 12. The pupil ... a ruler and some pencils. 13. My mother...a
lawyer. 14. My sister ... some notebooks. 15. 1 ... some discs. 16. We... some books. 17. He ... a
cassette. 18. He ... a musician. 19. They ... journalists. 20. We ... pupils.
II Переведите на английский язык предложения, используя глаголы to be, to have:
1. Он врач. 2. Его жена — учитель. 3. Их сын — бизнесмен.4. Их дочь — студентка. 5. У него
есть эта кассета. 6. Это ее журналы, а то — мои. 7. Это ваши сочинения. 8. У меня было
несколько кнопок. 9. У них был этот диск. 10. У меня была эта книга. 11. Моя мама
журналистка. 12. Мой папа — юрист.13. Мои бабушка и дедушка — пенсионеры. 14. У
бабушки есть эти журналы. 15. Моя сестра — ученица. 16. У моей сестры есть эта кассета.
17. Его брат был музыкантом.
III тест 1. Какую форму глагола tо bе выберете?
1) Не ... a pupil.
2) You ... Russian.
3) I ... a teacher.
4) She ... a nice girl.
5) My dogs ... very noisy.
6) The boy ... my brother Bob.
7) This ... a classroom.
8) These ... my books.
9) Those ... their dolls.
10) That... a good doctor.
a) am
b) are
c) is
IV Тест 2. Какую форму глагола to have вы выберете?
1) ... you got a daughter?
2) Mr. Brown ... got a son.
3) I ... got many things to do in the morning.
4) Tom ... his English lessons two times a week.
a) have
b) has
Стандартные фразы
I have a (book)
У меня есть (книга)
I have no (cat)
У меня нет (кошки)
This (boy) has a (ball)
У этого (мальчика) есть (мяч)
That (boy) has a (gun)
У того (мальчика) есть (ружье)
He has a (kitten)
У него есть (котенок)
She has a (doll)
У нее есть (кукла)
This (book) is on the (table)
Эта (книга) на (столе)
The (spoon) is in the (cup)
(Ложка) в (чашке)
Do you have a book?
У тебя (вас) есть книга?
Has she a dog?
У нее есть собака?
Has he a dog?
У него есть собака?
Have you the dog?
У тебя есть собака?
Have they a dog?
У них есть собака?
Has this boy a dog?
У этого мальчика есть собака?
Has that boy a dog?
У того мальчика есть собака?
Has the boy a dog?
У мальчика есть собака?
Is the book on the table?
Книга на столе?
Is this book on the table?
Эта книга на столе?
Is that book on the table?
Та книга на столе?
How many balls have you?
Сколько мячей у тебя?
How many kittens has the cat?
Сколько котят у кошки?
Are the books on the table?
Книги на столе?
Are these books on the table?
Эти книги на столе?
Are those books on the table?
Те книги на столе?
V Подберите к русскому предложению английский перевод:
1) У меня есть два хомяка.
2) У моей сестры есть фотоаппарат.
3) У него есть попугай и черепаха.
4) У девочки есть зонтик.
5) У моих родителей есть плеер.
6) У котят есть корзинка.
7) У попугая есть клетка.
8) У Петра есть магнитофон.
a) The girl has an umbrella.
b) Peter has a cassette-recorder.
c) My sister has a camera.
d) My parents have got a walkman.
e) He has got a parrot and a tortoise.
f) The parrot has a cage.
g) I have got two hamsters.
h) The kittens have got a basket.
VI Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола “to have”:
1) My mother ... a sunshade.
a) have
b) has got
c) have got
2) I ... a walkman.
a) has
b) have
c) has got
3) His daughter ... a computer.
a) have got
b) has got
c) have
4) We ... bicycles.
a) has got
b) has
c) have got
5) The girl ... a walkman.
a) has got
b) have
c) have got
VII Догадайтесь, о ком из членов семьи идет речь (mother, father, sister, brother,
1) She is old. She loves the children very much. The children love her too. She doesn’t work.
2) She is not old. She is a doctor. The children love her very much. ___________
3) She is small. She is young. She doesn’t go to school. ___________
4) He is young. He doesn’t work. He likes History and Maths. ___________
5) He is not young, but he is not old. He works at the office. He loves his children.
VIII Задайте общие вопросы:
Example: She has got a son. Has she got a son?
1. They have got a sister. - _______________________?
2. She has got a brother. - _______________________?
3. She is his sister. - ____________________?
4. He has got a friend. - ____________________?
5. They have got a son. - _____________________?
IX Скажите, кто у кого есть:
1. У меня есть сестра.
I _______ a sister.
2. У нее есть брат.
She _______ a brother.
3. У него есть сестра.
He _______ a sister.
4. У меня есть бабушка.
I _______ a grandmother.
5. У нее есть друг.
She _______ a friend.
Final Test
1.Tom…a good boy.
a) am
b) is
c) are.
2. Jack and Jill … my friends.
a) am
b) is
c) are
3. Mr and Mrs Brown … on holidays.
a) am
b) is
c) are
4. I … ten years old.
a) am
b) is
c) are
X He … is a pupil of the fifth grade.
am; b) is; c)are.
Mike and I… in the yard.
am; b) is; c)are.
Simon … absent today.
am; b) is; c)are.
Karen … our new English teacher.
am; b) is; c)are.
We … doing test.
am; b) is; c)are.
Peter and his brother … playing football.
am; b) is; c)are.
Jane … from London.
am; b) is; c)are.
Douglas … a taxi driver.
am; b) is; c)are.
I … fond of music.
am; b) is; c)are.
Linda … American.
am; b) is; c)are.
Randi … Tom’s sister.
am; b) is; c)are.
Cheryll and Dot … sitting on the sofa.
am; b) is; c)are.
Christine … called Chris for short.
am; b) is; c)are.
The boy oh the picture … Spanish.
am; b) is; c)are.
His hobbies … drawing and collecting stamps.
am; b) is; c)are.
What … this?
am; b) is; c)are.
Unit 9 (Structure “There is/there are”)
Оборот there is/there are служит для выражения наличия (отсутствия) какого-либо
предмета в определенном месте или в определенное время.
Present Indefinite
There is a picture on the wall. На стене картина.
Is there a picture on the wall? На стене есть картина?
There are pictures on the wall. На стене картины.
Are there pictures on the wall? На стене есть картины?
Past Indefinite
There was a picture on the wall. На стене была картина.
Was there a picture on the wall? На стене была картина?
There were pictures on the wall. На стене были картины.
Were there pictures on the wall? На стене были картины?
Future Indefinite
There will be pictures on the wall. На стене будут картины.
Will there be pictures on the wall? На стене будут картины?
Выбор формы глагола to be зависит от числа существительного, следующего сразу за ним:
There is a chair and two armchairs in the room.
There are two armchairs and a chair in the room.
Отрицательные предложения с оборотом there is/there are строятся следующим образом:
There is not (isn’t) a chair and two armchairs in the room.
There are not (aren’t) two armchairs and a chair in the room.
Вопросительные предложения с оборотом there is/there are строятся следующим образом:
Общий вопрос:
Is there anything in the bag? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
Will there be lessons tomorrow? Yes, there will be. No, there will not (won’t) be.
Специальный вопрос: What is there in the bag?
Разделительный вопрос:
There some pupils in the classroom, aren’t there? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
I. Вставьте to be в нужной форме:
1. There ... a telegram on the table. 2. ... there any telegrams from Moscow? Yes, there ... some. 3.
... there ... a flight for Moscow tomorrow? Yes, there ... ... . 4. There ... much snow last winter. 5.
There ... a lot of stars and planets in space. 6. ... there ... a lift in your future house? Yes, there ... ...
. 7. Some years ago there ... many old houses in our street. 8. ... there any lectures yesterday? No,
there ... . 9. ... there a lamp over the table? Yes, there ... . 10. ... there any interesting stories in this
book? 11. ... there a test last lesson? No, there ... . 12. Soon there ... ... a new film on. 13. There ...
only a Russian book on the table but there ... no English book on it. 14. There ... fifteen lessons in
our English book. 15. There ... six hundred workers at this factory last year. Now there ... seven
hundred workers there. 16. ... there a nursery school in your house? Yes, there ... . I take my son
there. 17. There ... forks. spoons and knives on the table but there ... no cups on it. 18. ... there
cheese and ham on the table now? Yes, there ... . 19. There ... a letter on this table. Where is it
now? 20. ... there a bathroom in Ann’s flat? Yes, there ... . 21. There ... no shelf in my room. Now
I have a good shelf. 22. There ... a tea pot and three cups on the table. 23. There ... many animals
in the zoo. 24. There ... a snake in the window. 25. There ... a zebra in the grass. 26. There ... lions
in the zoo, too. 27. There ... many baby lions near their parents. 28. There ... a bird next to the tree.
29. There ... many monkeys in the trees. 30. There ... an elephant in the zoo. 31. There ... some
water in the lake near the elephants. 32. There ... birds in the zoo. 33. There ... many people
visiting the animals today. 34. There ... many children, too. 35. There ... a gorilla in the tree. 36.
There ... some grass under the tree. 37. There ... bananas in the tree with the gorilla. 38. There ...
many birds near the gorilla. 39. There ... a rock near the tree. 40. There ... many sharks in the
aquarium. 41. There ... an eel in the aquarium, too. 42. There ... lots of water for the fish.
II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола to be. Переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1) There ... a bed near the window.
2) There ... books on the shelf.
3) There ... two chairs near the table.
4) There ... a clock on the wall.
5) There ... flowers in the vase.
III. Расставьте слова так, чтобы получилось предложение:
1) flowers, in, many, there, vase, the, are.
2) a, in, the, carpet, is, there, living-room?
3) are, in, armchairs, there, two, the, room.
4) on, there, the, combs, are, table?
5) the, two, on, pillows, there, bed, are.
IV. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
1. There are some new pupils in our group. 2. There is no book on the table. 3. There were many
old houses in our street. 4. There are four seasons in a year. 5. There will be a conference next
week. 6. There are many large cities in our country. 7. There was nobody in the room. 8. There are
seven days in a week. 9. There is something on the shelf. 10. There are many places of interest in
London. 11. There are many beautiful flowers in our garden. 12. There was much work last week.
13. There is a little girl in the room. 14. There was a telex on the table. 15. There are students
there. 16. There were forks on the table. 17. There are telexes on the desk. 18. There were women
in the room. 19. There are fifty children at the nursery school. 19. There are many flowers in the
vase. 20. There are some magazines on the shelf. 21. There are many apartments in the new block
house. 22. There are some armchairs in the living room. 23. There are some nice pictures on the
walls. 24. There are many bookshelves along the walls. 25. There are a lot of magazines and
newspapers on the shelves. 26. There is some chalk on the blackboard. 27. There is some ice
cream on the plate. 28. There is some coffee in his cup.
V. Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем и будущем временах:
1. There is much snow in winter. 2. There are five theatres in our city. 3. There is no lift in our
house. 4. There are many new books in our library. 5. There is little milk in the bottle. 6. There are
three rooms in our flat. 7. There is a map on the wall.
Откройте скобки и подчеркните подлежащее и сказуемое.
1. There (is, are)…….. a large table in my room. 2. There (is, are) ……..three windows in my
room. 3. There (is, are) …….. a table and four chairs in my sister’s room. 4. There (is, are) ……..a
blackboard, a table and many chairs in our classroom. 5. There (is, are) ….. many pencils and a
pen in my bag. 6. There (is, are) …….. a textbook and two exercise books on my table. 7. There
(was, were) …….. no school here in 1920. 8. There (was, were) …….. many children in the park
VI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, обращая внимание на употребление оборота
there is/there are.
1. Is there a blackboard in your
2. Is there a book on the
3. Are there many tables in your
4. Are there students in the
5. What books are there in your
6. Are there bad students in your
7. How many mistakes were there in your
8. Are there many chairs in this
9. Is there a bathroom in your
10. What’s there on your
11. Were there pupils or students in this room
12. Were there six or seven engineers in our office last
13. In what room is there a large
14. In whose room are there two
15. What is there in your
16. What will there be in your room
17. Who’s there in that room
18. Are there letters and telexes on your
19. Were there many children in the park
20. Will there be many people in the park on
21. Was there an institute in your town five years
22. When will there be a new cinema near your
23. What’s there in your
24. How many pages will there be in your friend’s new
VII. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. There are five good students in our group (1). 2. There will be a good park in our city (1). 3.
There is a large blackboard in our classroom (2). 4. There are English books on my table (1). 5.
There are no mistakes in my exercise book (1). 6. There will be a theatre near my sister’s house
in three years (2). 7. There were three mistakes in your dictation yesterday (2). 8. There are
students in this room (1). 9. There were English magazines on the shelf (2). 10. There is a
woman in the kitchen (1). 11. There was a watch on the desk (1). 12. There are good texts in this
book (2).
VIII. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление оборота
there is/there are.
а) 1. В нашем городе много школ и институтов. 2. В нашей группе было десять
студентов, а теперь в ней будет шесть студентов. 3. На этом столе много журналов и газет?
Нет, не много. 4. В нашей классной комнате сегодня нет доски. Завтра в ней будет доска.
5. В этой комнате три окна. 6. Какие книги лежат на этом столе? Там много русских и
английских книг. 7. В вашей группе было много студентов в прошлом году? Нет. –
Сколько студентов было в вашей группе? В ней было шесть студентов. 8. Какие
институты имеются в вашем городе? – В нашем городе есть институт иностранных языков.
Скоро в нашем городе будет три института. 9. В Москве много школ и институтов? Да.
10. На нашем заводе много инженеров. 11. На этом столе нет английских журналов. 12.
Сколько мальчиков и сколько девочек в их классе? В их классе двадцать мальчиков и
восемнадцать девочек. 13. Десять лет тому назад недалеко от нашего дома не было школы.
Сейчас рядом с нашим домом находится прекрасная школа. 14. Наша квартира большая. В
ней две комнаты и кухня. 15. Что на столе? На столе ручка и карандаш. 16. В нашей семье
трое детей. У нас два сына и дочь. 17. В вашей конторе есть молодые инженеры? Да. В
нашей конторе трое молодых инженеров. 18. На моем столе нет десяти писем. Там только
восемь. 19. Какие карандаши на столе? Там красные и синие карандаши. 20. Вечером в
парке не было детей. 21. У меня есть книги. На столе книги. Книги не на столе, они на
полке. 22. У нас есть дети. В комнате дети. Дети сейчас в комнате. 23. У г-на Смирнова две
комнаты. В его квартире две комнаты. Эти комнаты большие. 24. У нас есть хороший врач.
На заводе есть врач. Врача сейчас нет. Он на заводе.
У меня ...
На столе ...
У меня в портфеле ...
... есть интересная книга.
У него в последнем диктанте ...
В этой работе ...
У него ...
... нет ошибок.
В этой газете ...
У нее ...
У нее в журнале ...
... много интересных статей.
У них на столе ...
У них ...
На столе ...
... мало английских журналов.
У нас ...
На письменном столе ...
У нас на писменном столе ...
... не было бумаги вчера.
в) 1. Около моего дома есть школа. 2. Школа около моего дома. 3. В центре города
театр. 4. Театр находится в центре города. 5. Ошибка в пятом предложении. 6. В пятом
предложении есть ошибка. 7. Учебник на столе. 8. На столе лежат книги. 9. В этом уроке не
много новых грамматических правил. 10. Новые грамматические правила на десятой
странице. 11. В этой английский статье нет новых слов. 12. Новые слова на доске. _
IX. Составьте предложения по следующим образцам.
a) There is a book and many exercise
books in my bag.
b) There are no mistakes in your dictation.
c) There aren’t many mistakes in your
d) Will there be a new theatre near your
house next year?
e) There was no school near my house five
years ago.
f) ..............................................................
g) ..............................................................
h) ..............................................................
i) ..............................................................
j) ..............................................................
В моем портфеле книга и много тетрадей
В вашем диктанте нет ошибок.
В вашем диктанте не много ошибок.
Около вашего дома будет новый театр в
будущем году?
Около моего дома не было школы пять
лет тому назад.
X. Прочитайте текст, найдите конструкции there is/there are, выпишите их и
The Farm
The farm is in the country, it is not in the town. It is a warm day, it is not a cold day.
The sun is in the sky. There are some white clouds but they are small and the sky is very blue.
There is a mountain not far from the farm, and near the mountain there is a river. There are a few
boys in front of the farm. All the boys are in the river except one. He is on the green grass. There
are one or two big trees and some small trees on the farm. The small trees are apple trees. There
are red apples on the apple trees. These apple trees are in the garden of the farm house. There are
a lot of apples on the trees. There are flowers round the door and windows of the farm house.
There are a lot of animals on this farm. There are horses in the field near the river. One of the
horses is black, the others are brown. In the next field there are some sheep, in the next one there
are some pigs, and near to the pigs there are some cows. Some of the cows are brown, others are
black and white. All the sheep are white except one. It is black. There is a horse and cart in front
of the farm house. There are cabbages and potatoes in the cart. There is a field of yellow corn
behind the farm house.
A man is digging in the garden. There are some cabbages in the garden. The man near
the gate is the farmer. There is a dog behind the farmer, that is the farmer’s dog. There is a
woman near the door of the farm house, that is the farmer’s wife. The farmer’s wife is feeding
the chickens.
Итоговые тесты:
I. Выберите правильный ответ:
1) What is there in the hall? There is a ... in the hall.
a) bed b) cupboard c) chest of drawers
2) What is there in the bedroom? There is a ... in the bedroom,
a) computer b) TV set c) chest of drawers
3) Where are the beds with pillows and blankets?
The beds with pillows and blankets are in the ...
a) bedroom b) attic c) kitchen
4) Where do we cook? We cook in the ...
a) kitchen b) corridor c) study
5) Where do you do your homework? I do my homework in the .
a) dining-room b) study c) bathroom
6) Where do we put milk and butter to keep?
We put butter and milk to keep in the ...
a) fridge b) microwave oven c) dishwasher
II. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму
(is, are). Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1) There ... a bed near the window.
2) There ... books on the shelf.
3) There ... two chairs near the table.
4) There ... a clock on the wall.
5) There ... flowers in the vase.
III. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужное слово:
1) There are ... sweets in the vase,
a) many b) much c) any
2) There is ... butter in the fridge,
a) much b) many c) any
3) Is there ... water in the kettle?
a) some b) any c) no
4) There are ... eggs in the box.
a) any b) many c) much
5) There is ... flour in the packet.
a) any b) some С) many
6) There are ... pears on the plate,
a) any b) some c) much
7) There isn't... oil in the bottle,
a) some b) no c) any
Unit 10 (Indefinite quantifiers)
I тест Much или many,
1) we know ... English and America,,
2( There are ... rooms in the house.
3) Does she read ...?
4) There is not... milk in the cup.
5) There is ... snow on the ground in
6) There is ... light in the room, because
there are four windows in it.
7) ... people in the world speak English.
8) ... of my friends swim well.
II Тест Little или few
1) I have ... time to speak to you.
2) There is ... sugar in the tea.
3) I have ... friends in London.
4) There were ... boys on her birthday
5) I had very ... pleasure to do everything
6) ... has been said about his new book.
7) There was ... salt in the pot.
8) Many children were invited on the party
but... came.
III тест Выберите нужное местоимение.
1) Please, give me ... milk.
a) little
b) a little
c) a lot of
d) few
e) a few
f) many
2) I have ... books on English history.
a) little
b) a little
c) a lot of
d) few
e) a few
f) many
Изучите тему: неопределенные и отрицательные местоимения.
IV. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык
1. Не asked me _ questions.
a) some b) any с) not any
2.1 haven't_ money at all.
a) no b) some c) any
3.. Are the _ pictures on the wall?
a) some b) any c) not any
4. There are _ textbooks on the desk.
a) no b) no any c) any
5. You can buy stamps at _ post office.
Unit 11 (Adverb formation)
Образование наречий
Наречия образуются от прилагательных с помощью суффикса –ly
The river is very slow. The water flows slowly.
I am a bad football player. I play football badly.
He is very careful. He does everything very carefully.
It is heavy rain. It rains heavily.
This task is easy. He does it easily.
Особенности употребления некоторых прилагательных и наречий
a) HARD, FAST, LATE,EARLY, FAR, NEAR, LITTLE, MUCH являются прилагательными
и наречиями:
Прилагательные (Какой?)
This work is very hard.
My friend is a fast runner.
I’m sorry, I,m too late/early
It is a far journey.
We are near relatives.
I work hard.
He runs very fast.
I often come late/early.
She travels far from here.
Don’t go away, stay somewhere near.
!!! Но: feel well
Упражнение 1. Прилагательное или наречие?
Don’t go so quick/quickly. 2. Why do you look so angry/angry? 3. Why are you always so
slow/slowly? 4. He is a very careful/carefully. 6. My sister always studies hard/hardly. 7.
Children, be quiet/quietly! 8. It snows heavy/heavily in winter. 9. My friend speak
perfect/perfectly Spanish. 10. She speaks Spanish perfect/perfectly. 11. John plays the piano
good/well. 12. It is a nice/nicely flat. 13. Tim runs quick/quickly. 14. He is a quick/quickly
runner. 15. The sun shines bright/brightly in July. 16. This soup taster strange/strangely. 17. I
always feel happy/happily when I see you. 18. He always gets angry/angrily when somebody
asks him about his past. 19. What’s the matter? You look awful/awfully. Are you all right? 20.
Go home, it,s very late/lately.
II. Choose the right word.
1. Tom got so tired that he could ... walk,
a) hard; b) hardly.
2. It's ... cold today.
a) terribly; b) terrible.
3. I've seen two new films ... .
a) lately; b) late.
4. Listen ... when you're in class,
a) careful; b) carefully.
5. My elder brother reads very ....
a) fast; b) fastly.
6. Do you feel ... when you help your friends?
a) happy; b) happily.
7. Jane was at the party and came home ... .
a) late; b) lately.
8. You look so ... today!
a) wonderful; b) wonderfully.
9. Ben always smiles ... when he goes to school,
a) happy; b) happily.
10. If you want to pass your exams, you should study
a) hard; b) hardly.
Unit 12 (Adjectives and adverbs in use)
Прилагательное и наречие
При использовании нескольких прилагательных следует помнить о прядке их
употребления. Сначала употребляется оценочное прилагательное(красивый, добрый,
важный, плохой и т.д.). Затем идут прилагательные, выражающие объективно
существующие свойства предмета, в последовательности, показанной на диаграмме ниже:
Opinion A/ fact A
Fact A
Five-year old
green, dark-
A small
Fact A
Unit 13 (The degrees of comparison)
Односложные и
the biggest
the warmest
the easiest
more (less) beautiful
more (less) interesting
more (less) dangerous
the most (least)
the most (least)
the most (least)
Прилагательные, образующие степени сравнения не по правилам
good (хороший),
well (здоровый)
the best
bad (плохой),
ill (больной)
the worst
по возрасту
по старшинству
the oldest (самый старый)
the eldest (самый старший)
farther (дальше)
further (далее)
the farthest (самый далекий)
the furthest (самый дальний)
the nearest (самый близкий)
the next (следующий)
the most
little (маленький)
the smallest
little (мало)
the least
the latest (самый поздний)
the last (самый последний)
I. Complete the proverbs and rhymes.
1. It's ... (easy) to forgive an enemy than a friend.
2. Honesty is ... (good) policy.
3. Actions speak ... (loud) than words.
4. ... (good) late than never.
5. The ... (little) people think the ... (much) they say.
6. Hope for ... (good), prepare for ... (bad).
7. Your advice is wise but mine is ... (мудрее).
Your teacher is nice but mine is ... (лучше).
Your dog is wild but mine is ... (более дикая).
Your heart is kind but mine is ... (добрее).
8. I can't decide who to make friends with:
Ann is ... (talented) than Jan,
Jan is ... (talkative) than Mary,
Mary is ... (intelligent) than Ann.
9. Honey is ... (sweet) than sugar.
Coffee is ... (strong) than tea.
Juice is ... (good) than Coke.
You can't be ... (smart) than me!
10. This is ... (interesting) teacher I've ever met.
This is ... (difficult) English word I've ever said.
This is ... (pleasant) juice I've ever drunk.
This is ... (charming) song I've ever sung.
11. There was an old man from Moldavia
Who had ... (curious) behaviour;
For while he was able,
lie slept on a table.
That funny old man from Moldavia!
II. complete the jokes.
1. Teacher: Which is ... (near) to us: America or the
Pupil: The Moon is ... (near) to us than America.
Teacher: Why do you think so?
Pupil: Because we can see the Moon and we can't
see America.
2. Teacher: John, why are your English exercises always ... (good) than the French ones?
John: Because my mother doesn't know French.
3. John to Helen: You are ... (wonderful), ... (pretty). ... (charming), ... (witty), ... (kind) girl in
the world. You're the object of my dreams, the light
of my life, the hope of my hopes.
Helen: Do you like me, John?
4. Pupil: Heat makes things ... (long).
Teacher: You're right. Give an example.
Pupil: In summer days are ... (long) because it's hot, in winter days are ... (short) because it's
5. John to his friend: Look, your hands are ... (dirty) than mine.
John's friend: It must be so. I'm ... (old) than you.
6. Teacher: What's your name, my little boy?
Pupil: John Brown.
Teacher: Always say "Sir" when you speak to teachers. It's ... (polite).
Pupil: My name is Sir John Brown.
7. Teacher: Which is ... (useful) book for you?
John: A dictionary. I always sit on it when I do my homework.
III. Complete the questions and solve the riddles.
1. Which city is ... (old): Moscow or London?
2. Which language is ... (popular) in the world: English or French?
3. Which building is ... (tall): Moscow University or the Ostankino TV Tower?
4. Which ocean is ... (big): the Pacific Ocean or the Atlantic Ocean?
5. Which animal is ... (slow): a tortoise or a snail?
6. Which is ... (difficult) language? (Chinese, English, Russian)
7. Which is ... (big) planet? (Venus, Jupiter, Mars)
8. Which is ... (popular) writer in Great Britain.
(O. Wild, A. Christie, S. Maugham)
Unit 14 (The structures of comparison)
than чем
Tim is taller than Tom. Тим выше чем Том.
as ... as ... такой же ... как ...
The dog is as big as a horse. Собака большая как лошадь.
It’s as cold as in winter. – Холодно, как зимой.
not so ... as ... не такой ... как ...
She was not so young as he thought. Она была не так молода, как он думал.
the ... the ... чем ... тем ...
The more we study, the more we know. Чем больше мы учимся, тем больше мы знаем.
The sooner, the better. Чем быстрее, тем лучше.
much, far + сравнительная степень – намного + сравнительная степень
much better намного лучше
far more interesting намного интереснее
less + сравнительная степень – менее + положительная степень
less difficult менее трудный
still + сравнительная степень – еще + сравнительная степень
still easier еще проще
still more difficult еще труднее
I. Найдите и исправьте ошибки:
1. Donald is the happyest boy in our school. 2. Monday is the most busiest day of the week.
II. Определите степень сравнения:
most exciting, worse, nicer, more popular, least, smaller, less interesting, best, fresher, tall, most
favourable, warmer, most charming.
III. Составьте из данных слов выражения с оборотом as ... as:
# as light as a feather легкий как перо
a mountain
a feather
a lion
a cucumber
the sky
an elephant
a bone
the sea
Translate the Russian phrases into English.
1. а) Смелый, как лев, симпатичная, как роза, занятой, как пчела.
Who can it be?
b) Мужчине столько лет, на сколько он себя чувствует. Женщине столько лет, на сколько
она выглядит. (Английская пословица)
A man is ... old ... he feels,
A woman is ... old ... she looks.
2. Match the logical endings and translate them into Russian.
(хладнокровный) As cool as ... a mouse,
(спокойный) as quiet as ... a cucumber,
(слабый) as weak as ... a king,
(счастливый) as happy as ... a kitten.
Answer the questions:
Are you as happy as ...?
Are you as cool as ...?
Are you as quiet as ...?
I. Translate the adverbs. Choose the right variant.
1. Читать быстрее:
a) quick; b) quickly; c) quicker.
2. Идти медленнее всех:
a) slow; b) slower; c) slowest.
3. Жить дальше:
a) farther; b) further; c) far.
4. Рисовать лучше:
a) well; b)good; c) better.
5. Вставать раньше:
a) early; b) earlier; c) more earlier.
6. Позвонить позже:
a) late; b)later; c)latest.
7. Петь хуже:
a) badly; b) worst; c) worse.
8. Смеяться громче:
a) loudest; b) loudly; cj louder.
9. Учиться упорнее:
a) harder; b) more harder; c) hardly.
10. Любить больше всего:
a) most; b) more; c) much.
Итоговые тесты
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Тест Найдите слово, которым можно заполнить пропуск.
1) This is ... way to the station.
a) short
b) shorter
c) the shortest
2) The cat is ... than the kitten.
a) fat
b) fatter
c) the fattest
3) You are ... boy!
a) a happy
b) happier
c) the happiest
4) Next time I'll do it....
a) good
b) better
c) the best
5) You are ... student in the class.
a) bad
b) worse
c) the worst
6) It is ... book of all I have ever read.
a) interesting
b) more interesting
c) the most interesting
Тест Заполните пропуски, сделав правильный выбор.
1) You would ... take this seat. It is... one.
2) What a ... place!
3) You are ... a friend.
a) good
b) nice
c) better
d) difficult
c) comfortable
f) the most comfortable
Степени сравнения наречий
Тест Укажите слово, которым можно а полнить пропуск.
1) ill find out the truth ....
a) soon or late
b) sooner or later
c) soonest or latest
2) He runs ... than I do.
a) fast
b) faster
c) the fastest
3) Last time you did your work .... You had never done it like that.
a) correctly
b) more correctly
c) most correctly
4) You look tired. You should work ....
a) little
b) less
c) the least
III. Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
1 .She _ than her sister.
a) tall b) taller c) more taller
2.You are even __ than before.
a) more beautiful b) beautiful c) the most beautiful
3. I earn __than a postman.
a) little b) the least c) less
4. She is the _ pupil in the school.
a) most intelligent b) more intelligent c) less intelligent
5. The __ is the day, the _ is the night.
a) taller ... smaller b) shorter ... longer c) more ... worse
IV. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. This book is not so interesting as that one. 2. The Baltic Sea is not so warm as the Black
Sea. 3. The more you read, the more you know. 4. My brother is not as tall as you are. 5. The
earlier you get up, the more you can do. 6. Today the wind is as strong as it was yesterday. 7.
Your room is as light as mine. 8. John knows Russian as well as English. 9. Mary is not so lazy
as her brother. 10. The longer the night is, the shorter the day. 11. The less people think, the
more they talk. 12. The more I learn English, the better I can speak it. 13. The more people know
about the nature, the better they control it. 14. The longer you stay in the sun, the more sun
tanned you are. 15. The louder you speak, the better they can hear you. 16. The more you read,
the more you like this book. 17. The darker the night, the brighter the Moon in the sky. 18. The
farther from school you live, the more time you spend to get there. 19. The sooner you come, the
V. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих прилагательных
и наречий:
VI. Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательные в нужную форму:
1. Mary is (good) ……… student of this group. 2. Where is your (old) ……… sister? 3. I am not
so (old) ………as he. 4. There is (much) ……… snow in the garden than in the street. 5. Which
is (long) ……… day of the year? 6. Who is (popular) ……… singer now? 7. This room is (big)
……… and (comfortable) ………than that one. 8. His test was (bad) ……… in the group. 9. Bill
is 4 years (old) ……… than Ann. 10. July is (hot) ………month of the year. 11. Larry is (young)
……… than Stanley. 12. Frank is the (young) ……… boy in the group. 13. Lucy is (old) ………
than my sister. 14. Rose’s flat is (nice) ………than Alice’s flat. 15. June is (sunny) ……… than
April. 16. George is not so (strong) ………as Robert. 17. Sally is the (short) ……… girl in her
group. 18. This is the (cheap) ………dress in the shop. 19. Mr. White is not as (fat) ……… as
Mr. Black. 20. This is the (deep) lake in Estonia. 21. London is (big) than Tallinn but New York
is the (big). 22. He is the (lazy) ……… person I have ever met. 23. These jackets are (expensive)
……… than those coats. 24. Julia’s bag isn’t as (heavy) ……… as Sally’s but it’s (heavy)
……… than Nora’s bag. 25. Winter is (cold) ………season of the year. 26. Moscow is (large)
……… than St. Peterburg. 27. Which is (long) ……… day of the year? 28. The Alps are (high)
……… mountains in Europe. 29. Even (long) ……… day has an end. 30. It is one of (important)
……… questions of our conference. 31. Your English is (good) ……… now. 32. Who knows
him (well) than you. 33. Health is (good) than wealth. 34. Your son worked (well) of all. 35.
Today you worked (slowly) ………than usually. 36. Winter is (cold) ……… season. 37.
Moscow is (old) ……… than St. Petersburg. 38. What is (short) ……… month in the year? 39.
Where is it (beautiful) ………, in the mountains or near the sea? 40. It was (bad) ……… mistake
I’ve ever made. 41. In spring the days are (long) ……… than in winter. 42. It is (cold) ………
today than it was yesterday. 43. The Russian grammar is (difficult) ……… than the English one.
44. It was (good) ……… pen I’ve ever had. 45. Steel is (strong) ………than wood. 46. Your
house is not so (new) ……… as mine.
VII. Прочитайте текст и выпишите из текста прилагательные, наречия в сравнительной
и превосходной степени:
Getting ready for the Party.
Mrs. Forest is having a tea-party today. More than 15 guests are coming to tea with her this
afternoon. They are coming from Brimstead. They are some of the members of the Brimstead
Women’s Institute. Marian is the secretary of the institute and one of the best secretaries too.
She is getting the house ready for them: cleaning the rooms, putting the chairs and tables in
their right places, opening and shutting windows, moving mats and curtains, dusting cupboards
and putting out vases.
Richard, her eldest son is helping his mother. He is moving the heaviest chairs, she is
moving the lighter ones.
Stella, Mrs. Forest’s younger daughter, is in the kitchen. She is making a cake. She wants it
to be the tastiest one.
The Forests are very busy at the moment. But soon their sitting-room which is the largest
one looks very nice. It is clean and tidy. The nicest flowers are in all the vases. The biscuits and
cakes and tea things are already on the table. So everything is ready for the guests.
Unit 15 (Impersonal sentence)
Безличные предложение.
В отличие от русского языка, которому свойственно наличие безличных
Например: Весна. Тепло. Воскресенье.
В английском предложении обязательно должно быть подлежащее и сказуемое. В
тех случаях, когда на русском предложении нет глагола, при переводе на английский
язык, как правило, употребляется глагол to be в соответствующей форме:
Я студент. I am student.
Это ручка. This is a pen.
При переводе на английский язык безличных предложений в качестве
подлежащего выступает местоимение it:
Тепло. - It is warm.
Весна. It is spring.
Воскресенье. It is Sunday.
Обратите внимание на то, что в английском языке слова rain и snow могут быть как
существительными («дождь» и «снег»), так и глаголами, которым нет аналогов в русском
Идет снег. It rains.
Идет дождь. It snows.
Упражнение 1.
а) Переведите на русский язык:
1. It is very convenient to get to the university by tram.
2. It is important to understand the problem.
3. It often snows in winter.
4. It is great to see you again.
5. It is comfortable to live in a detached house.
b) Переведите на английский язык:
1. Сегодня холодно.
2. Важно сделать задание вовремя.
3. Необходимо прочитать эту книгу перед экзаменом.
4. Безопасно переходить улицу на зеленый свет (светофора).
5. Уже поздно, пойдем домой.
Unit 16 (Questions)
Типы вопросов.
Существуют четыре типа вопросов:
1. Общий вопрос. Этот вопрос образуется без вопросительного слова и требует ответа да
или нет.
Is he a doctor? Yes, he is (краткий ответ).
Yes, he is a doctor (полный ответ).
Общий вопрос с глаголом-связкой to be образуется по схеме:
Упражнение 1. Задайте общие вопросы к следующим предложениям:
1. Nick is a student from Moscow University. 2. This is a nice woman. 3. She is my friend. 4.
We are happy. 5. They are students of English.
2. Специальный вопрос. Этот вопрос образуется с помощью вопросительных слов (who,
what, where, why, etc.). На него нельзя ответить да или нет, а следует дать конкретный
Where is my tie? It is on the bed.
Упражнение 2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. My friend`s hobby is sports. 2. This is an interesting book. 3. The cat is under the table. 4.
Mary is a doctor. 5. That pencil is red. 6. Ben is 19 years old.
3. Альтернативный вопрос. Альтернативный вопрос – это вопрос, предполагающий в
ответе выбор между двумя или более предметами, действиями или качествами,
выраженными однородными, действиями или качествами, выраженными
однородными членами предложения, соединенными союзом or (или). Порядок слов в
альтернативном вопросе такой же, как и в общем вопросе.
Подлежащее …?
Is Paul in London or in Moscow? He is in London.
Упражнение 3. Поставьте альтернативные вопросы к выделенным словам,
используя слова в скобках:
Образец: This cat is black (white) Is this cat black or white?
1.The car is red (green). 2. These pencils are long (short). 3. This a map (plan). 4. It is his tie
(my). 5. My friends are engineers (teachers).
4. Разделительный вопрос. Разделительные вопросы, так же как и общие вопросы,
требуют утвердительного или отрицательного ответа, то есть подтверждения или
отрицания мысли, выраженной в вопросе. Разделительные вопросы состоят из двух
частей. Первая часть – это повествовательное предложение(утвердительное или
отрицательное). Вторая часть – краткий общий вопрос, состоящий из
соответствующего вспомогательного глагола (или глагола - связки, или модального
глагола) в соответствующей форме и личного местоимения в именительном падеже.
Если повествовательная часть содержит утверждение, то вопросительная часть
содержит отрицание и наоборот.
Steve is a good boy, isn’t he?
N.B.: a) в разделительных вопросах с утвердительной первой частью и подлежащим,
выраженным местоимением I, в вопросительной част употребляется arent:
I am right, aren’t I?
б) если подлежащим повествовательной части является местоимение everybody, то
вопросительной части употребляется they:
Everybody is happy, aren’t they?
Упражнение 4. Трансформируйте следующие предложения в разделительные
1. I am late. 2. My wife`s eyes are grey. 3. We are a very happy family. 4. My cat is very funny.
5. Everybody is still at school.
Упражнение 5. Задайте все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям:
1 My brother is a rich businessman. 2. These students are French. 3. I am a school teacher.
Итоговый тест
1. Bad news ... fast.
a) travels
b) travel
c) are travelling
2. Bright... should start school as early as possible.
a) childrens
b) children
c) childs
3.... there three million stars within our galaxy?
a) is
b) are
с) has... been
4. There ... ten pens and a magazine on the table.
b) are
5. They are successful....
a) businessman
b) businessmen
c) businessmans
6. A man is... old... he feels.
a) so... as
b) as... as
c) as... that
7. Honesty is ... policy.
a) the best
b) belter
c) more better
8. What's the ... news of today?
a) later
b) latest
c) last
9. Actions speak ... than words.
a) more louder
b) the loudest
c) louder
10. Hotels are ... nowadays.
a) more expensive
b) the most expensive
c) expensiver
11. That was... case in the practice.
a) the least difficult
b) the less difficult
c) the less difficulter
12. Is there ... work for you to do every day?
a) many
b) much
c) few
13. There are ... parties that have nice music and pretty
a) a few
b) few
c) little
14.... people are early risers.
a) any
b) some
c) no
15. Have you got... objections?
a) no
b) some
c) any
16. You can buy stamps at... post office.
a) any
b) some
c) no
17. I don't know about it; ask ... else.
a) nobody
b) anybody
c) somebody
18. There is ... new under the sun.
a) no thing
b) nothing
c) anything
19. Give the books ....
a) to him
b) him
c) to he