Разработка сценического мероприятия для учащихся третьих классов «Little Snowflake wants to have friends»

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Разработка сценического мероприятия для
учащихся третьих классов
«Little Snowflake wants to have friends»
учитель английского языка
Шуман Ульяна Павловна
г. Петропавловск
Республика Казахстан
Little Snowflake wants to have friends
1. Fir-tree
2. Tree
3. Owl
4. Snowflake
5. Wolf 1
6. Wolf 2
7. Fox 1
8. Fox 2
9. Squirrel 1
10. Squirrel 2
11. Hare 1
12. Hare 2
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white
All day and night.
There is snow on the plants
And snow on the trees.
And snowflakes all around me
Like many white bees!
Snow is falling
What a beautiful sight
Snow is falling
It sparkles in the light
Music Snowflake!
I'm a little snowflake
Small and white.
When the moon is shining
I'm sparkly and bright.
But I’m so lonely
I need a friend
To play with me
to give me a hand.
Tree: So the little Snowflake walks on and on and sees hares.
Hares: Hello.
Hare 1: I’m Baxter.
Hare 2: And I’m Roger. And who are you?
Snowflake: I’m a little snowflake. I’m looking for friends. Do you want to be my
Hare 1: With great pleasure.
Hare 2: We’ll go with you.
Fir-tree: So they walk on and on. Then they see squirrels.
Squirrels: Hi!
Squirrel 1: I’m Hammy.
Squirrel 2: And I’m Mappy. Who are you?
Hare 1: I’m Baxter and this is Roger.
Snowflake: And I’m a little snowflake. I’m looking for friends. Do you want to be
my friends?
Squirrells: Ok!
Squirrel 1: We want to have friends too.
Squirrel 2: We’ll go with you.
Owl: So they walk on and on. Then they see wolves.
Wolves: Hello there.
Wolf 1: I’m Nitka. And this is White Fang.
Wolf 2: Don’t be afraid. We want to have friends.
Snowflake: That’s great we are looking for friends too. Come with us.
Squirrel 1:
Friends care,
Friends share,
Squirrel 2:
We need friends
Tree: So they walk on and on and then they see foxes.
Snowflake: Hello, We are all friends here. We have so much fun. Do you want to
be our friends?
Fox 1: With great pleasure. I’m Fluffy.
Fox 2: And I’m Ginger. We want to be your friends.
Hare 1: We are all friends now.
Hare 2: That’s wonderful.
Snowflake: Thank you all for this wonderful day. I’m not lonely anymore. I’m so
Список использованной литературы
1. Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т.А. Книга для чтения к учебнику
английского языка для 3 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского
языка, лицеев и гимназий М: "Просвещение", 2003 г.
Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы
1. http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/snow-is-falling/
2. http://www.englishforkids.ru/Seasons.shtml
3. http://www.fun4child.ru/217-stikhi-na-...e.-pro-zimu.html