Конспект урока "Используй свои деньги с толком" 8 класс

Конспект урока в 8 классе
По теме: «Используй свои деньги с толком»
Цели урока:
учебная - совершенствование речевых навыков на основе дифференцированных заданий,
обеспечение условий для максимального развития способностей каждого ученика,
удовлетворения его познавательных потребностей и интересов в процессе усвоения им
воспитательная – формирование терпимого отношения к мнению другого человека,
развитие умения сотрудничать в паре;
развивающая расширение кругозора, развитие фонематического слуха и памяти,
способности к догадке, сравнению, обобщению.
- активизация лексики по теме «Используй свои деньги с толком».
- закрепление навыков произношения;
- активизация навыков монологической речи
- активизация навыков диалогической речи
- развитие навыков аудирования;
- развитие навыков изучающего чтения
Оборудование: компьютер, магнитофон, диск, наглядные пособия (речевые опоры), ,
раздаточный материал, карточки с диалогами, ватман, картинки по теме «Используй свои
деньги с толком», клей.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
T: -Good morning, boys. Good morning, dear guests. I’m glad to see you.
-How are you?
- What date is it today?
- What day of the week is it?
- What season is it?
- What’s the weather like?
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
T.: Let’s practice the English sounds and words.
[ k]
currency, credit card,
cash, discount, coins
bargain, to find a bargain
sale, be on sale, special discount, save money
T: Now you have to find the words with the sound [b] [k] [s]
bargain, save money ,to find a bargain sale, sale, discount, be on sale, special
discount, save money, be on sale
Введение в тему урока
T: Now look at the blackboard, read the title of the lesson and say what we are going to
speak about.
P: Make the most of your money. I think we are going to speak about money and the ways
of spending and saving money
T: I want you to read the proverb and say whether you agree or disagree with it.
P: “Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves”. As for me I
agree with this proverb because I also think that we should save money and buy only useful
III. Aктивизация навыков монологической речи.
T: I think all of you have pocket money.
Answer my questions, please.
Do you have pocket money?
P: Yes of course, I have pocket money. ( No, I have no pocket money, my parents don’
give it me)
What do you need your pocket money for?
P: I need pocket money for buying disks, computer games…
How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?-I think they should get
100roubles a week.
Do your parents always give you pocket money?
P: My parents don’t always give me pocket money, because I can’t spend (save) money.
How much money do they give you?- They give me 150 roubles a week
IV Развитие навыков изучающего чтения
Т: We know that children like to ask their parents for money.
Look at the postcards and say what the son wants his father to do. What is the father’s
Dear Father,
$chool i$ really great. I’m
making lot’s of friend$ and
$tudying very hard. With all
my $tuff, I $imply can’t think
of anything I need, $o if you
would like, you can’t ju$t $end
me a card, a$ I would love to
hear from you.
your $on
Dear Son,
I kNOw that astroNOmy,
ecoNOmics, and
oceaNOgrophy are eNOugh to
keep even an hoNOrs study
busy. Do NOt forget that the
pursuit of kNOwledge is a
NOble task, and you can
study eNOugh.
P: I think/ I suppose…the son wants his father to ask for money because there are a lot of signs
of Dollar in the letter.
P: To my mind, father doesn’t want to give money. May be he asks for money very often.
V. Развитие навыков аудирования
T: Now let’s listen what the British teenagers think about this problem and take notes
while listening. Fill in the table, please. Pay attention to the questions. (слушаем 2 раза)
Are they good at saving?
Are they good at saving?
No, doesn’t want to save
( Детям, имеющим трудности в восприятии текста на слух, предлагаются карточки для
заполнения одного-двух участников разговора)
VI Aктивизация навыков монологической речи
T: Now let’s think and try to give advice how to save money.
P: Make a shopping list
P: Buy the important stuff and save the rest
P: Go to a cheaper shop
P: Find something you want
P: Not to spend it all at once
T: Do you think is it a good idea to save money?
P: Yes, I think it’s a good (not very good) idea to save money, because…
Один ученик выходит к доске и в роли советчика обобщает все предложенные
VII Развитие навыков диалогической речи
T: Now, let’s make dialogues using the phrases from the blackboard. You have cards with
different situations.
Parent ( Father) 1A
You are the father of a teenager. Your salary is 15
thousand roubles a month. You give your son 300(three
hundred) roubles pocket money every week.
Your son comes to ask for extra money. On the one hand
you would like to help him, on the other hand you
cannot spend more than your salary.
Listen to your son’s request and decide whether
you will give him extra money or not,
depending on the reasons he gives.
Decide how much extra money you can give
If you decide to give the money, try to
minimize this unplanned expenditure: to
suggest a cheaper shop, etc.
Teenager (Son) 1B
You are a teenager. You get 300 ( three hundred)
roubles pocket money a week.
Your friend has invited you to a birthday party and you
need to buy a present for him/her. Also you want to buy
new trainers and some clothes for the party.
You go to your parents to ask for extra money.
Decide what present you want to buy for your
Think of the arguments you will use talking to
your father.
Parent ( Father) 2A
You are the father of a teenager. Your salary is 15
thousand roubles a month. You give your son 300(three
hundred) roubles pocket money every week.
Out of your salary you have to pay the rent
(квартплата), buy food, clothes and save for the next
summer holidays.
Your son comes to ask for extra money. On the one hand
you would like to help him, on the other hand you
cannot spend more than your salary.
Listen to your son’s request and decide whether
you will give him extra money or not,
depending on the reasons he gives.
Decide how much extra money you can give
If you decide to give the money, try to
minimize this unplanned expenditure: to
suggest a cheaper shop, etc.
Teenager (Son) 2B
You are a teenager. You get 300 ( three hundred)
roubles pocket money a week.
You want to buy a new CD and a new computer game.
You go to your parents to ask for extra money.
Think of the arguments you will use talking to
your father.
VII Работа в группах.
Учащиеся делятся на 3 группы. Им предлагается набор картинок, содержащих
иллюстрации по теме” На что можно потратить деньги”, а так же шаблон человека.
Они должны выбрать 5 актуальных для них вещей и на макете изобразить человека и те
вещи, на которые они готовы тратить деньги. Затем по представителю от каждой
группы выходят и презентуют свои работы.
T: Please, discuss in groups the next points
Why teenagers need pocket money
How much pocket money you would like to get
Whether saving money is a good or bad idea and why
We would like to get …. roubles a week.
Teenagers need pocket money for buying
The most popular things we can buy are (discs, books, comics…)
-We think that saving money is a good idea, because when you buy only the important
stuff, or go to a cheaper shop, you can save the rest.
- We think that saving money is a bad idea, because when you have money, you can spend
it and buy what you want.
VIII Подведение итогов. Оценки
Write down your home task: (учащимся раздаются карточки с вопросами для написания
мини-сочинения по теме урока)
Карточка для учащихся:
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of
themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
( учащимся с низким уровнем успеваемости предлагается дать короткие ответы на 5
The lesson is over. You may be free.
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
Task: Answer the questions. Write 80-100 words
- “Take care of the pounds and the pounds will take care of themselves” (agree or disagree)
- Do you have pocket money?
- What do you need it for?
- How much pocket money should teenagers of your age get?
- Do your parents always give you pocket money?
-How much money do they give you?
-Do you save your money?
- How do you spend it?
You can use these phrases
We would like to get …. roubles a week.
Teenagers need pocket money for buying
The most popular things we can buy are (discs, books, comics…)….
-We think that saving money is a good/bad idea, because …
You can use these phrases
We would like to get …. roubles a week.
Teenagers need pocket money for buying
The most popular things we can buy are (discs, books, comics…)….
-We think that saving money is a good/bad idea, because …