Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке "300-летие российской полиции"

Цикл гуманитарных и математических дисциплин
Устный журнал
«300-летие российской полиции»
(Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке)
Цели проекта:
1.Развитие познавательного интереса к предмету «Иностранный
(английский) язык» и будущей профессии.
2.Развитие навыков поискового чтения и отбора необходимой
3.Совершенствование навыков произношения и соблюдения
правильной интонации.
4.Осуществление связи изучаемого предмета с жизнью.
Задачи проекта:
1. Стимулирование читательской деятельности обучающихся на
русском и английском языках;
2. Развитие навыков перевода текста с русского языка на
3. Активизация индивидуального опыта творческой деятельности
(разработка и создание презентаций).
компьютерные презентации, компьютер, ММ проектор, экран.
Проект состоит из пяти этапов:
1. Создание творческих групп, консультации, мотивирующие
деятельность обучающихся.
2. Разработка плана проведения заседания устного журнала.
3. Анализ образовательных ресурсов (подготовка презентаций для
4. Проверка подготовленных презентаций, выбор музыкального
сопровождения и технического сотрудника, обеспечивающего
демонстрацию презентаций и музыкальное сопровождение.
5. Проведение заседания устного журнала и последующая
рефлексия по поводу полученной информации.
1. Компьютер
2. ММ проектор
3. Экран
4. Компьютерные презентации
Сценарий проекта «300-летие российской полиции»
1. Звучит песня «Наша служба и опасна, и трудна».
2. Вступительное слово ведущего.
Dear friends! I’m glad to greet you at our meeting. We’ll speak about
the history of Russian police. You know on the 5
of June of this year we’ll
celebrate the 300
anniversary since the date of the police foundation. Also
you know Russian police had several reforms and now we’ll speak about it.
Let’s start. The 1
page is devoted to the origin of the police in ancient
Russia. I give the floor to the journalist………
3. Журналист 1: Good day, I would like to give you the information about
the police in ancient Russia.
Презентация о зарождении полиции в древней Руси.
There were not special police squads in ancient Russian state. Their
functions were performed by Knyaz (prince), drujinyky (volunteers) and other
representatives of the authority and military.
Russkaya Pravda (Russian truth) was the first writing law. It appeared in
the beginning of the 11th century contained laws and rules of Ancient Russia.
According RP there were following punishments. There was vira fine for
killing a free man. Poluvirye- fine was the punishment for heavy damage a free
man was . Prodazha- fine was for other crimes. Golovnichestvo was the payment
to relatives of killed man. Urok was the payment to the host for stolen or spoiled
thing or for killed holop (slave).
The senior squad represented the top of the feudal lords, who largely
determined the policy of the Prince. Vassals of the Grand Prince brought with
them squads, and also a police from the servants and peasants.
In Ancient Russia there were no special judicial bodies. Judicial functions
were performed by certain representatives of the administration, including, as
already mentioned, the Grand Duke himself. However, there were special
officials to assist in the administration of justice.
The emergence of the old Russian state, of course, was accompanied by
the formation of the old Russian feudal law. The first source was the traditions
passed to class society from primitive society and which has now become
customary law.
But since the X century, we know and princely law. Of particular
importance there are the statutes of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Yaroslav, who
made important innovations in financial, family and criminal law. The Prince
himself and his squadron performed the functions of protecting public order. It
was a servant (Virnik, swordsmen), and free people the commoners.
4. Ведущий. Now let’s listen to the information about the police of another
period. I give the floor to other journalist………
5. Журналист 2: My name is……. I’ll tell you about the police in the time
of Peter I.
Презентация о становлении полиции во время правления
Петра 1.
The regular police began to create in Russia under Peter I as a system of
bodies of supervision, maintenance of public order, the struggle with crime,
ensure the safety of citizens, and also the protection the state system . That time
executive police was founded as a special system of bodies in mechanism of
state power. And the term "police“ appeared the first time.
In 1715 the Chief Police Office was established in St. Petersburg where
soldiers and non-commissioned officers were employed to perform the police
duties. Later, in May 1718, the post of general-political master (head of the
chancery) was established and A.M. Deviere was appointed. From that time the
history of the Russian police began as a special institution in the system of state
In 1722 the chief of the police department was founded in Moscow. The
Moscow Chief Policeman was submitted to the Chief of Police. The posts of
police chiefs and police offices (offices) were established in some major cities.
The police chief was usually appointed from the officers of the local garrison.
There were about 10 sergeants and soldiers in his command.
In 1719 a special form for the police was introduced (blue caftan with red
cuffs, green jackets and short blue trousers). The police had halberds, swords
and fusei with bayonets. All policemen took the oath to the tsar, the tsarina and
their heirs. After they kissed the Gospel and the cross.
The regulation of people’s movement and living in the capitals,
suppression of unwarranted leaving of working people, peasants and desertion
of soldiers were the most important police activities. Passports were introduced
to control the movement of people. Residents had to move around the country
only if they had such document.
In the first quarter of the XVIII century police offices had large powers to
investigate and prosecute criminal cases. They conducted the inquiry in all
crimes found by the police, and the preliminary investigation and the court with
respect to persons which were under the police. The police carried out its
The police reform by Peter I was not completed. In the first quarter of the
XVIII century the formation of the regular police took place, but the foundation
of it did not happen at all. At the same time the main tasks and functions of the
police were determined.
6. Ведущий. I give the floor to ………
7.Журналист 3: I’m……. The aim of my presentation is to show the
development of the police in the time of The Great Catherine II.
Презентация о деятельности полиции в годы правления
Екатерины 2.
The police reform of the Great Catherine II was connected with the
signing of the Statute of the Deanery and the next reforms and its rules.
Strength power, good police system, supervision for order were the
reasons and aims of the police reform.
The Statute of the Deanery or police had been signed on the 8
April in 1782. It consisted of 14 chapters and 274 articles. The work at
this document had started in 1767. Catherine the Great borrowed the
names of police ranks and the whole articles and theses from the works of
such phylosophers as Montesckye, Bekkaria, Didro and D’Alamber.
The main functions of the Deanery council:
The supervision for the preservation of law and keeping the order
The execute sentences and court decisions
The preliminary investigation and searching works
The examination of small criminal cases.
The special form was made for different police ranks
8. Ведущий. The next page is devoted to the police in the XIX-th century
and I give the floor to ………
9. Журналист 4: Good day, my name is……. I would like to give you the
information about the police in the XIX-th century.
Презентация о работе полиции в 19 веке.
At the beginning of the 19th century serious changes occurred in
the development of Russian statehood, which changed the system of
higher and central state bodies, which in turn affected the formation of
local government bodies. The changes were primarily caused by the need
to bring the state apparatus in line with the changing socio-economic and
political situation in the country.
One of the most important direction in reforming of the state system
was the formation of new bodies of the central administration - ministries,
among which a special role and place was assigned to the Ministry of
Internal Affairs. The most important aspect of the activity of this ministry
was the leadership of the police, in addition to fulfilling the large volume
of other internal functions of the state. It managed a variety of institutions:
local administrative and police bodies, estate agencies, charity
institutions, foreign settlers, food business, medicine, postal business,
management of a number of industries.
M. M. Speransky headed the Department of Internal Affairs. He
developed a project to create a special Ministry of Police. On July 25,
1811 it was announced the separation the Ministry of Police from the
Ministry of Internal Affairs for the management of administrative and
police institutions and certain important police and business matters.
In the second half of the XIX century a number of changes
occurred, largely related to the implementation of bourgeois reforms in
the 1860s and 1870s.
On December 25, 1862, the "Provisional Rules for the
Establishment of Police in the City and Counties of the Village" were
adopted, including a certain reform of the local police bodies. Old police
organs of the county level were united in the county police department,
led by the district police officer, appointed by the governor from the local
nobles. In the provincial and large district cities, as well as in the capitals,
the city police were preserved and city police departments were created.
Serious police reform was carried out on August 6, 1880. It was
primarily concerned to the central police bodies and was connected with
the reorganization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The management of
the entire Russian police has been concentrated in the Ministry of the
Internal Affairs. The Police Department was established. The department
was subordinated to a separate corps of gendarmes, who conducted
inquiries on crimes of a political nature. But the unification of the general
and political police in one department was largely formal. Therefore, the
necessary interaction of police and gendarmerie bodies often acquired a
conflict character.
In the development of local police bodies, certain structural,
organizational and staff changes occurred. By the end of the XIX century
the rulings of the Deanery were abolished. In the cities they were replaced
by the offices of chief policemen, police chiefs, town governors. Cities
were divided into police units, plots and neighborhoods.
10. Ведущий. It is the 5
page of our magazine. The floor is given to…….
11. Журналист 5: The aim of my presentation is to tell you about police at
the beginning of the XX-th century.
Презентация о работе полиции в начале 20 века (до 1917)
The county police guards were introduced in 1903, in the rural
areas, at first in 46 provinces. By 1916, It spread to 50 provinces by 1916.
By the order of P. A. Stolypin a special courses for the training of the
chiefs of the criminal investigation divisions at the police department
were organized. Russian detective police was recognized the best in the
world at the International Congress of criminalists in 1913 in Switzerland.
Police Department was abolished after the February revolution by
the resolution (decision) of the Provisional Government on March 10,
“People's militia" was proclaimed by the Decrees of the Provisional
Government "On approval of the militia" and "Temporary regulations on
militia” that were published on April 17, 1917. The people's militia
became the Executive body of state power.
The detachments of "workers' militia» were organized
simultaneously with the state "people's militia"
Simultaneously with the state "people's militia" the Soviets of
workers ' deputies were organized.
Working police had the character of mass organizations formed on
the basis of voluntary brigades. Therefore, they could not stop the rampant
May 10, 1918, the Collegium of the NKVD took declared "the
police exists as a permanent staff of persons performing special duties, it
should exist independently from the Red Army. Their functions should be
strictly segregated".
12. Ведущий. I give the floor to ………
13. Журналист 6: Good day, dear friends. I’d like to tell you about the
police since 1917 to 1991.
Презентация о работе полиции с 1917 года по 1991 год.
Militia is the name of the bodies for the protection of public order
in the Russian Federation. It was established
After the February Revolution of 1917, the tsarist police in Russia
was liquidated. The replacement of the “police” to "people's militia" was
proclaimed. In April 1917 the legal basis of the organization and activity
of the police was founded by resolutions "On the Approval of the police"
and the "Provisional Regulations on the police“. After the October
Revolution the second All-Russian Congress of Soviets legally fixed the
formation of the Soviet state and the liquidation of the Provisional
Government and its bodies, including the police.
On November 10 (October 28), 1917, the People's Commissariat of
Internal Affairs (NKVD) adopted the decree "On the Workers' police,"
which stated that all the Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies
established a working police. This decision became the legal basis for the
creation of the Soviet police.
May 10, 1918 the College of the RSFSR NKVD took the decision
that "the militia was a permanent staff of people who perform special
functions". From this moment militia began the transition from the
"people's" to the professional category.
October 12, 1918 the NKVD and the People's Commissariat of
Justice approved the instruction “About the foundation of the Soviet
Workers 'and Peasants' militia" as a professional militia in the USSR as
the "executive body of workers and peasants of the central authority.”
In 1920 All-Russia Central Executive Committee had confirmed the
first thesis About Workers 'and Peasants' militia“. According to it there
were town and district militia, industrial militia, railway militia, water
militia and search militia. The service in militia was voluntary.
By 1941 there were offices of the Criminal Investigation
Department, BHSS, external service, traffic militia, railway militia,
passport militia, science- technician militia, militia of struggle against
gangsterism. Later militia included such divisions as Detachments of
Militia’s Special Purpose - Special Forces (1987), Detachments of
Militia’s particular Purpose - OMON (1988), The Main Office of struggle
with organized criminality - GUBOP (1992). In 1990 the National
Central Bureau of Interpol was established in Russia.
In December 1991 after Mikhail Gorbachev, the president of the
USSR, had send in his resignation, the law of the RSFSR "On changing
the name of the state of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic"
was adopted, according to it the state of the RSFSR was renamed in the
Russian Federation (Russia). After that all bodies, institutions and
organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on the
territory of Russia were transferred to the jurisdiction of Russia included
to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
14. Ведущий. The next page is devoted to police’ work since 1991 to 2011.
15. Журналист 7: I’m glad to see you and I’ll give you the information
about the police since 1991 to 2011.
Презентация о работе полиции с 1991года по 2011 год.
As you know in December 1991 the law of the RSFSR “On
changing the name of the state of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist
Republic" was adopted, according to which the state of the RSFSR was
renamed in the Russian Federation (Russia).
After that all bodies, institutions and organizations of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of the USSR on the territory of Russia were transferred
to the jurisdiction of Russia included to the system of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Russia.
Until March 1, 2011 the activities of the militia were regulated by
the Federal law of RSFSR "About militia", which entered into force on 18
April 1991. According to this law militia in Russia began to subdivide
into the criminal militia and militia of public security (MOB).
The criminal militia consisted of such divisions as Criminal
investigation department, the department on struggle against economic
crimes, the department on struggle against illegal revolution of drugs,
against to extremism and others. The militia of public security consisted
of the unit on duty, district inspectors of militia, the State Inspection of
traffic security, insulators of temporary maintenance of suspected and
accused people.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation fixed the main thesis of
the law of the Russian Federation About militia“ which was adopted by
the all-Russian vote on December 12, 1993.
By 2004, there were 37 divisions (directorates) in the structure of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. On November
5, 2004, a Decree was signed by the president, according to which these
departments were replaced by 15 departments.
16. Ведущий. I give the floor to ………
17. Журналист 8: Good day, my name is……. I would like to give you the
information about the police of our time.
Презентация о работе полиции с 2011года по 2018 год.
On the 22 of January 2010 at the meeting of Association of lawyers
of Russia it was proclaimed that Militia of public security is not exist
now and it will be right to create professional police.
On the 6
of August 2010 Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president,
suggested to give people the opportunity to debate the bill “About police”
at the deliberation about police reforms in Internet. That day Dmitry
Medvedev suggested to rename militia to police.
On the 7 of August 2010 the new bill “About police” was
The Bill was adopted in the first reading on the 10
of December
in 2010 and the bill “About police” was adopted in the third and last
reading on the 28
of January in 2011 by The State Duma.
At first it was planning the new Law came into force since January
2011, but officially police in Russia was revived on the 1
of March and
since the 1
of January 2012 all militia symbolics became ineffective.
There are another symbolics today and some departments were
changed. And it has modern technical and weapon equipment.
18. Ведущий. Dear friends, you’ve got the information about the origin of
police in Russia, it’s development and reforms. And now let’s try to sum
up it. Please, answer my questions.
- When will Russian people celebrate the 300
anniversary of police?
- Had the ancient Russia the state special police squads?
- Who had performed its functions?
- What was the first writing law in ancient Russia?
- Who was the founder of regular police in Russia?
- When did Russian police become as a special institution in the system
of state body?
- Was the police reform by Peter I completed?
- Who was the successor of Peter I in police reform?
- When was the Ministry of Internal Affairs created?
- Who was the first head of the Department of Internal Affairs?
- When was the replacement of the “police” to “people’s militia”
- When was the Decree “On the Worker’s police” adopted?
- When was “militia” renamed to police?
- Was the Bill “About police” adopted in the first reading or not?
- Officially police in Russia was revived on the 1
of March in 2012,
wasn’t it?
Ведущий. So, friends, I see you’ve got very interesting information about
the historical periods of the police in Russia. And it is very important because
you are future policemen. Thank ‘s for your participation at our meeting.