Конспект урока "Монархия. Британская королевская семья" 6 класс
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«СОШ № 55» г. Рязани
Конспект урока английского языка
для 6 класса
«Монархия. Британская королевская семья »
Автор: Черникова Майя Сергеевна,
Учитель английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ № 55»
Рязань, 2014
Краткая аннотация к уроку.
Класс: 6 класс, общеобразовательная школа (гимназический класс)
УМК: “English VI”«Английский язык для VI класса школ с углубленным
изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий» О.В. Афанасьева, И.В.
Издательство Москва «Просвещение» 2010 г.
Тема раздела: Unit 9, “England”
Тема урока: «Monarchy. The British Royal Family.» – «Монархия.
Британская королевская семья»
Форма организации работы: работа в парах, группах, индивидуальная,
Тип урока: комбинированный (урок закрепления изученного учебного
материала и ознакомления с новыми лингвострановедческими реалиями)
Методы обучения: ИКТ, наглядно-иллюстративный, демонстрационный,
- образовательные (познавательные): познакомить учащихся с
Британской королевской семьей, получение новой информации и расширение
кругозора учащихся; знакомство с генеалогическим древом королевской
- воспитательные: воспитывать у учащихся уважительное отношение к
культуре и истории страны изучаемого языка; становление
межкультурной компетенции через приобретение новых
лингвострановедческих знаний;
Формирование УУД:
личностные – формирование положительного отношения к учебе и
развитие мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка;
регулятивные - планировать свои действия в соответствии с поставленной
задачей; адекватно воспринимать предложения и оценку своих
одноклассников в процессе работы в паре и группе;
познавательные - извлекать информацию, представленную учителем в
заданиях; использовать визуальные и лексические опоры для решения учебной
коммуникативные - участвовать в работе пары и группы; распределять
роли, договариваться друг с другом и приходить к общему решению в
совместной деятельности;
Оборудование: мультимедиа аппаратура.
Наглядные пособия: фотография Елизаветы II, раздаточный материал.
Monarchy. The British Royal Family.
I. Организационный момент и вступительное слово учителя.
1.Речевая зарядка. Погружение в иноязычную речь
1. Приветствие.
Учитель: Good morning. How are you?
Ученики: We are fine, thanks, and you?
Учитель: I'm fine, too, thanks. Who is on duty today?
First of all I would like to know what date it is today?
Ученик: Today is the twenty-third of November.
Учитель: What day is it today?
Учитель: It's Wednesday.
Учитель: Who is absent?
Учитель: What is the weather like today?
Ученик: It's very nice. It's warm and sunny.
T. During our last lesson we spoke about Royal London. Today we’ll continue
talking about everything connected with the word «royal».
T. – P. Look at the blackboard and tell me, please, the theme of our lesson.
P. The theme of our lesson is “Monarchy. The British Royal Family.”
T. The aim of our lesson is to know more about the Royal family and speak about
the Queen and the members of her family.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has a very long history,
its own traditions, customs and culture. In Britain traditions play a very important
role in the life of people mostly because the British are very conservative. They are
very proud of their traditions and customs and keep them carefully. Keeping the
Monarchy is one of them. She’s the Queen of the UK and many other countries in
the world. She’s a figurehead. She’s a symbol and a long-standing tradition of the
country. The British are proud of her. And the family of Queen Elizabeth II is one
of the most famous families in the world and, I’m sure, the most popular royal
families nowadays.
The theme of our lesson is “Monarchy. The British Royal Family.”
2 .Warming-up. Phonetic drill.
отработка произношения слов по теме
• Let`s do phonetic drill.
[r]- royal, residence, reign, rule, remind, reason, throne, ceremony
[d]- duke, duchess, defeat, undefeated
[p]- park, place, palace, prince, princess, public, politics, procession, empire
[k]- control, classical, crown, character
• Let`s revise the new words. They`ll help us to speak about the Royal
official - официальный,
a ceremony - церемония,
a residence - резиденция,
an avenue - улица,
procession - процессия,
public - общественный,
a character - характер,
a monarch - монарх,
politics - политика,
to control - контролировать,
a throne - трон,
a tragedy - трагедия,
classical - классический,
empire - империя,
to own - владеть,
a crown – корона,
to crown - короновать,
to reign – править,
reign - правление,
to defeat - побеждать,
defeat - поражение,
to remind - напоминать,
touching - трогательный,
a reason - причина
• фронтальный
• индивидуальный опрос
II. Проверка домашнего задания.
1. T. Let`s check up your home task. Answer my questions (textbooks, ex.20,
1.What palaces in London are connected with the Crown? Many places in London
are closely connected with the Crown. There are royal palaces, royal parks, roads
and streets where beautiful ceremonies are held.
2. Which building is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II? The most
important building is Buckingham Palace (the Palace) which is the official
residence of Queen Elizabeth II.
3.Where are royal processions usually held in London? The Mall, a wide avenue
used for royal processions runs from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace
through St. James’s Park.
4/Why is it said that the Queen in Britain reigns but doesn't rule? It is said like that
because though she is a queen she does not take any important decisions.
2. T. Let`s do ex. 25 p.129. Let`s sum up what you know about Royal
P: (предполагаемый ответ - Summary)
The most important building is Buckingham Palace (the Palace) which is the
official residence of Queen Elizabeth II.
All together there are ten royal parks in and around London which are owned by
the Crown. They are open to the public free of charge. Each park has its own
character. Hyde Park, for example, used to be a hunting forest. Regent’s Park was
also a hunting place and is now the home of London Zoo, and an open-air theatre
which gives performances of Shakespeare’s plays in summer.
III. Oral speech training.
1. Речевая разминка.
T. Today we are going to speak about the ….
Answer my questions:
Teacher – Class:
На экране фотография королевы Британии Елизаветы II и вопросы
1. Who is this woman? What is she? (– A monarch, the head of Great Britain,
2. What does she do? ( – Queen Elizabeth the II rules the country)
3. Where does she live? ( in the Buckingham Palace)
4. Has she got a family? With whom does she live? (- with her family)
• What do you know about the Queen?
(возможные ответы учеников)
P1. The British Monarchy is the oldest institution of government in the United
Kingdom. It is four hundred years older than the Parliament. Queen Elizabeth II,
herself came from the Saxon Monarchs who united England in the ninth century.
P2. The Queen reigns but she does not rule. As Head of State, The Queen has close
contact with the Prime Minister and other ministers. She sees Cabinet papers and
records of Cabinet Committee meetings.
P3. Her Majesty acts as host to the Head of State of Commonwealth and other
countries and presents honors to people who have shown themselves in public life.
P4. Her Majesty is Head of Navy, Army and Air Forces of Britain.
1. Speaking.
Teacher: I want you to know more facts about the Queen.
And now be ready to speak. We have read ex.23 p. 126 and now I want you to tell
us everything you can about the Queen in her different life periods (one by one)
2. The royal family tree. Writing.
T: Queen Elizabeth the II is a symbol of power in Great Britain, but she is a real
woman with her duties and problems. Look, please, at this family tree. It was
headed by Mother Queen but she died some years ago.
We’ll do some tasks:
1) Writing. T. Say how the members of the family are related (ex. 24, p.
127). Write down only the answer. You have 5 min. to complete this task.
1) Prince Henry is Lady Diana’s younger son
2) Princess Anne is the Queen Mother’s granddaughter
3) Princess Margaret is the Queen Mother’s daughter.
4) The Queen is Princess Anne’s mother.
5) Prince William is Prince Philip's grandson.
6) The Queen is Princess Margaret’s sister
7) Prince Henry is Princess Beatrice’s cousin
8) Prince Andrew is Prince Edward’s brother.
T. Let`s check up your answers. One by one.
2) T. Make up a dialogue. Make up questions about the members of the royal
family and ask them to each other. Work in pairs, please. You have 1-2 min.
1) There are 17 members in the Windsor family.
2) No, not all of them are married.
3) The Queen has got six grandchildren.
4) The queen is married to Prince Philip.
5) She has a sister, Princess Margaret.
6) Prince Charles is the Queen’s eldest child.
7) Prince Edward is the Queen’s youngest child.
8) Prince Charles and Lady Diana are their parents.
9) Prince Charles can be the next monarch after Queen Elizabeth.
P. What do you know about the Royal family?
P1. There are many members, such as…
P. When did the Queen come to the throne?
P. Can you name places connected with the Royal Family?
P1. For sure I know such places as…
3) P1 – P2 (training the dialogues).
4) Sum everything up(monologue speech).
There are 17 (14) members in the Windsor family. Not all of them are married.
The Queen has got four children.
The queen is married to Prince Philip. She had a sister, Princess Margaret.
Prince Charles is the Queen’s eldest child. Prince Edward is the Queen’s
youngest child. Prince Charles and Lady Diana are their parents. Prince Charles
can be the next monarch after Queen Elizabeth II
Список использованной литературы
1. “English VI”«Английский язык для VI класса школ с углубленным
изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий» О.В. Афанасьева,
И.В. Михеева.- Москва: «Просвещение», 2010 г.
2. «Программы общеобразовательных учреждений. Английский язык.
II-XIклассы» Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В., Языковой Н.В.
3. Аудиокурс для VI класса школ с углубленным изучением английского
языка на 4 СD. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.
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- Презентация "Французская классическая музыка. Музыкальный салон" 11 класс
- Конспект урока "Французская классическая музыка. Музыкальный салон" 11 класс
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- Тест "Question tags"