Презентация "Under the sea" 5 класс
Подписи к слайдам:
- Выполнила:
- Федорова И. Н.
- учитель английского языка
- МБОУ «СОШ №7» г. Выборга
- [ s ] – strong, strongly, slow,
- slowly, sad, sadly.
- [ l ] - loud, loudly, beautiful, beautifully,
- careful, carefully, lazily, lazy.
- [ k ] - quickly, quick, kind, kindly
- Hello. My name’s Mermaid.
- I would like to introduce my friends and neighbors.
- Jellyfish
- a whale
- a dolphin
- herrings
- a white shark
- a ray
- An octopus
- Answer the questions:
- 1. Where do the coral reefs grow in tropical seas?
- a) near the coasts
- b) far away from the coasts;
- 2. Who build the coral reefs?
- a) whales and sharks
- b) tiny creatures
- Say in English:
- Атлантический Океан
- Тихий Океан
- Марианская впадина
- Answer the questions:
- 1.Where is the largest range of mountains?
- 2.What is the deepest part of the sea in the Pacific Ocean?
- Answer the question:
- What kinds of sea creatures must come to the surface of the sea to breathe?
- 1.Jellyfish float in the deepest part of the sea.
- 2.The blue whale is the largest creature on the Earth.
- 3.Whales and dolphins can stay under the sea for a long time without breathing.
- 4.The white shark is the most dangerous shark.
- 5.Fisherman can’t catch herrings.
- 6.Rays live near the surface of the sea.
- 7.Octopuses’ homes are in holes in the rocks.
- 1.False Шкала оценивания:
- 2.True 7 – «5»
- 3.False 5-6 – «4»
- 4.True 4 - «3»
- 5.False
- 6. False
- 7.True
- Finish the sentences:
- Today I have learnt about …. .
- Now I know how to speak about ….. .
- Now I can say my opinion on ….. .
- Now I can find necessary information about … .
- Now I can understand information about … .
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- Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций «FORWARD» под редакцией проф. М.В. Вербицкой 5 класс (первая часть), «Вентана-Граф» 2014 год