Тест "Черты характера" 8 класс

Класс: 8
Модуль: 1
УМК «Spotlight 8»
Тема: «Черты характера»
1. Test «Character adjectives». Choose the correct answer.
1. Sally doesn`t care about other people’s feeling. She`s confident / selfish.
2. You can trust Helen, she won`t tell anyone. Helen is honest /caring.
3. Bob believes in himself. He`s sincere / confident.
4. She never listens to anyone and does whatever she wants. Sasha`s stubborn
5. Аnn feels uncomfortable around new people. She is flexible /shy.
6. A person who is easily annoyed and excited. Generous / irritable.
7. John never gets upset and likes to meet new people. He`s easy-going/ patient.
8. Fiona enjoys giving money and things to people. She is shy/ generous.
2. Which of these qualities would you like to have? Which don`t like? Why?