Конспект урока "Health is the best wealth" 5 класс

Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
школа №394
Красносельского района города Санкт-Петербурга
Тема урока
" Health is the best wealth"
учитель: Степанова Людмила Викторовна
Тип урока: урок коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения.
Педагогические технологии:
технология критического мышления
развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся;
учить детей делать презентации творческих проектов;
обрабатывать полученные данные;
воспитывать здоровые привычки;
показать учащимся важность здорового образа жизни.
активировать изученную лексику по теме “Здоровье”;
развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать усвоенный
материал в новых ситуациях общения.
скрытый контроль развития речевых умений;
Методы: словесный, наглядный, практический.
Ход урока
I. Organization moment.
T: Good morning, everybody! I’m very glad to see you at today’s lesson. How
are you?
P1: I’m fine, thanks. And how are you?
T: I’m fine too. Thank you. (2-3 ).
T: Today we’ll speak on the topic Health is the ‘best wealth. We’ll discuss how
sports, balanced diet help us to be fit, healthy and strong. We shall speak about
problems of our guests. They are from Great Britain . You will know something
interesting and new for you. I hope that our cooperation will be important and
useful for you and for me. You see that your health is in your own hands.
Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: The ‘first ‘wealth is health. ‘Health is
the ‘best wealth”. These words will be a redline of today’s lesson.
We have got the group of doctors. They are oncology- doctor, eye-specialist and
dietitian . Our guests are healers, too.
II. Warm-up
T.: By the way, what words can you use speaking about health?
-Eating whole meal bread
-To take care of yourself.
-Physical training lesson (etc)
Let s begin our discussion.
1.One of our guest has become a letter from her frend. Listen to….
- I shall you read the letter of my friend about her helth freak.
Dear Elvira,
Hi! How are you? I hope good. I was very happy to get your letter. Thank you.
I have not been in autumn holiday. My health is very important for me. I get up in
the morning at 5 o clock. For breakfast I eat a raw egg with garlic and chili pepper.
Then I leave for work at 7 o clock. I never go by bus because I think that cars are
extremely dangerous. I walk with a mask over my nose and mouth everywhere. At
office I wash my hands 10 times a day. On Mondays I go to a fitness club. On the
days of month I see the doctor, just to make sure that I an not ill. My friends
think that I am health freak. And you? Do you save your health? How? I look
forward to hearing from you very soon.
With love, your friend Tom
T: Dear doctors and healers, what can you say about health of Olga? Is it surely a
freak? What do you think?
Doctors and healers discuss about Olga s health using
I disagree.-Я не согласен
In my opinion-По моему мнению…
I am of one mind with…-Я одного мнения с…
I have difficulty in…- Мне сложно…
I do not mind…-Я не думаю…
I mind…( I think…)-Я думаю…
I am not so sure about that.-Я в этом не уверен.
That is not how I see it.-Я так не думаю.
You should-Вам следует…
If you ask me, I think-Что касается меня, то я думаю…
I would like to say this…- Я хотел бы сказать следующее
It seems to me…-Мне кажется…
2.We have got a guest from Great Britain. He is Mr Smith. Let s meet him!
British people take care of health
. Cut out snacks and deserts
. Eat less of everything
. Exercise more
. Cut down on fat
. Don’t eat at night
. Eat more fruit and vegetables
. Count calories
. Eat less red meat
. Use low- calorie foods
. Follow a diet
Question: Are the Kazakhs like or different from the British in health habits?
3. We have got a video about bad habits. Watch it and discuss then(Learning
English-lesson23 “Faults and bad habits” First we need the new words. Look at
the board!
Foible-слабость , недостаток
Idiosyncrasy-черта характера
Peculiarity-странность , особенность
Routine- рутина, определенный режим
Shortcoming- недостаток, дефект
Now watch a video and answer the question : What bad habits influence on our
4. Watch that video once else and discuss about 2-3 bad habits in your groups.
How do they influence on the health of the people? Give your advises as doctors
and healers. You should use the new words. Prepare your answer for 5 min. Each
group tells how this bad habits influence a man. The pupils of other groups may
add if necessary.
group- biting fingernails, picking your nose, not talking a regular bath or shower
group- being late for an appointment, watching too much TV, not changing
your socks
group- talking for ages on the phone, talking with your mouth full of food,
drinking too much alcohol such as beer or wineобставлены: в убранство входили кровать,
столик, комод для белья и платья, письменный стол с необходимыми принадлежностями, а также
самовар, чайный и кофейный приборы. В Китайской деревне довольно часто жил с весны и до
глубокой осени выдающийся русский историк Н. М. Карамзин, в 1822–1825 годах работавший
здесь над многотомной «Историей государства Российского», которая осталась незавершенной в
связи со смертью писателя 22 мая 1826 года.
В настоящее время Китайская деревня полностью восстановлена. Домики вновь используются как