Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "Museum of Early Russian Culture and Art. Spaso-Andronikov Monastery"

ГБПОУ МО «Можайский многопрофильный техникум»
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Можайск 2015
Museum of Early Russian Culture and Art.
In two kilometers from Sadovoe Koltso
you can see the beautiful white walls of an old
monastery on the left bank of the Yauza River.
This is one of the oldest monasteries of
Moscow the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery
(St. Andronik Monastery of the Savior). In the
Middle Ages Russian monasteries served as
fortresses and, therefore, were built with
portholes for defense. The Spaso-Andronikov
Monastery protected Moscow from the raids
of nomad tribes and Tatar-Mongol troops on
the southeast.
The Monastery was founded by the Holy
Metropolitan Alexiy of Moscow. In 1356, as St.
Alexiy was returning to Moscow from Constantinople
with the Greek Icon of Spas Nerukotvorny (the
Vernicle), on the day dedicated to this icon, August 16,
he miraculously escaped from a terrible storm. To
commemorate the event a monastery was founded. The
Cathedral of white stone in the center was named
Spassky, or Savior’s, in honor of Christ. The first
Father Superior was the monk Andronik, a disciple of
St.Sergius of Radonezh, who founded of the Trinity-
St. Sergius Monastery near Moscow.
The main, Holy Gates are on the southern side, while on the western there is an early 16
refectory where royalty and special guests were received. Next to it there is the tall Church of the
Archangel Michael, erected at the turn of the 18
century in the style of Moscow baroque. The church
served as a sepulcher for the Lopukhins and other families of the gentry.
The Cathedral of the Savior is the oldest church in
Moscow that preserves some traces of Andrey Rublyov’s work.
The paintings of the late 1420s are the last creation of Rublyov
and his close associate, the monk Daniil Chorny. Unfortunately
the only surviving interior details are some ornamental features
in the altar.
In the Middle Ages the Monastery was a center of
Russian culture. The monks copied books, and the monastery
had large library of its own, including books of the famous
Greco-Russian philosopher Maxim the Greek.
The monastery experienced many disasters in its
history. It was laid waste by foreign invaders in 1571, 1611 and
1812. One of the fires destroyed its archives. In 1947 the
monastery was declared a historical and nature preserve. And
in 1960, nearly six centuries after its foundation, it became
home to the Museum of Early Russian Culture and Art named
after Andrey Rublyov.
The museum has a large collection of icons, needlework,
small plastic work, stone and wood carvings, ancient manuscripts,
and early books. The collection highlights the Moscow school of
icon painting and also work of the Novgorod, Tver, Rostov and
Rostov schools. There is a collection of authentic frescoes dating
from the 15
centuries and copies of frescoes from unique
Russian monuments.
The museum opened on the 600
anniversary of the birth of
the great Russian icon painter Andrey Rublyov, though the exact
year of the painter’s birth remains unknown. It is believed to be in
the 1360s or 1370s. Facts about Andrey Rublyov’s life are scarce. It
is known only that he was brought up in a secular environment and
took monastic vows at a mature age.
Wonder of the Russian Icon.
Russia adopted Christianity in 988 AD. As a
religious successor to Byzantium several centuries
later, Old Russia advanced the traditions of Byzantine
icon to painting. It was in Russia of the 13
centuries that the icon acquired its unique artistic
features. It has never played a mere ritual role in this
country. It conveys the spiritual and artistic experience
of the nation. Secular painting as a mass phenomenon
appeared in Russia only in the 18
The esthetic of the icon requires that the divine
and irrational must be embodied in visual and
comprehensible images devoid of the specific.
In all times the icon painter has faced the
difficult task of conveying the abstruse concept of
“divine beauty”. But how can a painter combine the
incompatible? He does so by employing certain
traditional methods of icon painting.
By rejecting all visual
likelihood the icon painter can focus
on the emotional massage. This
message, however, is not confined to a
religious subject. Icons have enriched
Russian art with such concepts as
moral zeal, tenderness of motherhood,
compassion, anguish and rejoicing.
Folk motifs too feature
prominently in the icons. The native
poetry and lively imagination of a
fairy tale, the imagery of songs, the
simple narrative, and expressive
details all distinguish the Russian
provincial schools of icon painting,
notably those of Tver, Yaroslavl,
Novgorod and Pskov.
Holy Icon Painter.
The Russian Orthodox Church canonized Andrey
Rublyov. In Russia the faithful and nonbelievers alike feel
veneration when they pronounce the painter’s name that for
centuries was shrouded in mystery and church legends. Rublyov
was canonized for his icons and frescoes, but these had been
hidden from the public eye for centuries. Church frescoes used to
be renewed every 100-150 years. Fresh frescoes were laid on the
original. Covered with drying oil, icons soon darkened from
candle soot and on one ever bothered to clean them. Icons also
got lost, perished in fires, wars and revolutions.
Most people know Andrey Rublyov as he was presented in Andrey Tarkovsky’s film “Andrey
Rublyov”. The film depicts medieval Russia with all its religious spirit. It is mostly thanks to the Russian
Rublyov’s famous icons “The Savior” and Archangel Michael” were found by mere chance
in 1918. They had been thrown into a woodshed and were damaged. Today their value is estimated at tens
millions of dollars. But for Russians they are priceless as a perfect expression of faith in the divine beauty
and spiritual meaning of the world.
Restoration work in the 20
century revealed the artistic and symbolic message of Rublyov’s
icons and made the name of the humble monk known over the world. The Spaso-Andronikov Monastery,
where the great artist lived and worked in his last years and was buried in about 1430, is as holy a site of
civilization as Raphael’s tomb in the Roman Pantheon or Dante’s sepulcher in Ravenna, Italy.
Genius of Rublyov.
The genius of Andrey Rublyov imparted to icon painting an artistic content that distinguished it
from the strictly classical Greek models. His icons and frescoes reveal the joyous and immaculate realm of
early Russian painting. The artist contributed to the creation of the iconostasis for the Cathidral of the
Annunciation on the Kremlin grounds (the initial building has not survived). In 1422, in his mature years,
Rublyov with the assistance Daniil Chorny did painting in the Trinity St. Sergius Monastery. In tribute to
Father Superior Sergius of Radonezh, he painted his famous “The Trinity” for the Monastery’s iconostasis.
Today the icon is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery. In represents not only the Moscow school of icon
painting but the phenomenon of the Russian icon.
“The Trinity” draws on the Biblical subject of three
angels visiting the venerable elder Abraham and his wife Sarah.
The icon depicts three angel-like winged heralds in luminous attire
sitting at a table before a sacrificial cup and engaged in quiet
conversation. The conversation is conveyed by slightly bowed
heads, hardly noticeable gestures, and heartfelt looks. The bent
head of the angel on the right expresses sorrow, obedience, and
readiness for sacrifice in the name of love. The tender, almost
luminescent colors, harmonious lines, spiritual depth, celestial
quiet, and earthly tranquility convey in part the message of the icon.
The prominent Russian theologian Pavel Florensky once
said that Rublyov’s “The Trinity” is the best proof of the existence
of God.
Св. Андрей родился около 1360 г. Происходил из образованных кругов, отличался необыкновенной мудростью, о
чем свидетельствует его творчество. Живописному мастерству учился в Византии и Болгарии. Св. Андрей некоторое
время работал вместе с Феофаном Греком и возможно был его учеником. Вся жизнь преподобного связана с двумя
монастырями: Троице-Сергиевой лаврой и Спасо-Андрониковым Московским монастырем. Иноческий постриг святой
принял в Спасо-Андрониковой обители. Живя в высоко духовной среде, в атмосфере святости, инок Андрей поучался
как историческими примерами святости, так и живым образцом окружавших его подвижников. Около 20 лет, до самой
смерти, он вместе со своим «сопостником» Даниилом Черным вел жизнь иконописца-подвижника.
Кисти святого Андрея Рублева принадлежит знаменитый чудотворный образ Пресвятой Троицы, который до сих
пор является непревзойденным образцом иконописи. Святой Андрей расписывал Благовещенский собор в Московском
Кремле, иконостас и сам Успенский собор в г. Владимире (1408 г.). Прп. Андрей Рублев написал Владимирскую икону
Богоматери для Успенского собора в г. Владимире; написал иконостас и расписал стены Успенского собора в
Звенигороде (конец XIV - начало XV вв.); деисусный чин в иконостасе собора Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы Савва-
Сторожевского монастыря; расписал стены и выполнил иконостас Троицкого собора Троице-Сергиевой лавры и др.
- http://days.pravoslavie.ru/
- журнал “WHERE”, март 2004;
- фото личный архив.
Answer the questions, please:
When the monastery was declared a historical and nature preserve?
What Church in the monastery was erected at the turn of the 18
century in the style of Moscow
Who was the founder of the monastery?
How was named the Cathedral of white stone in the center of the monastery?
Who was the first Father Superior of the monastery?
Who founded the Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery near Moscow?
What collection has The museum of Early Russian Culture and Art?
What Rublyov’s famous icons do you know?
When Rublyov with his assistance Daniil Chorny did painting in the Trinity St. Sergius
In tribute to whom did Andrey Rublyov paint his famous “The Trinity” for the Monastery’s
And where is the Icon today?