Конспект урока "World of work" 6 класс

World of work
Цель урока: Способствовать формированию навыков устной речи по теме
Учебная: активизировать навыки употребления грамматического материала
«To be going to».
Развивающая: закрепить умение сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать,
умение работать в коллективе, развить коммуникативной компетенции
Воспитательная: воспитывать уважительное отношение к различным видам
профессиональной деятельности.
Оборудование: мультимедиа проектор, экран, ноутбук, аудиозапись
мультимедиапрезентация по теме урока, иллюстративная наглядность по
теме “Профессии”.
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент. Приветствие к классу.
Good morning, boys and girls!
I am glad to see you!
How are you ….? How is your mum? How is your Dad? What day is it today?
What date is it today? What is the weather like today? What season is it now?
What is your favourite season? How many subjects have you got today? What is
your favourite subject?
2.Well, children, you are students and I am a teacher. My mother is a doctor. My
sister is a nurse. There are a lot of professions in the world. What are you going to
be. We’ll know it today.
Today we shall speak about different professions. (Отработка изученной лексики
по теме “Профессии”)
2.Фонетическая зарядка
1. Dear children! During the last lesson we learnd new professions. Lets
remember them. Repeat after me. Read the names of professions.
3.Тренировка и закрепление лексических и грамматических навыков.
2. So let’s play a little! You know, that people have different jobs. They work
in different places.
Match the words and the sentences.
What is a person? Where does he work?”
A person works on a farm
It’s a farmer.
A person works at a hospital
Doctor / nurse
A person works at a shop or a supermarket
A person works at a factory (фабрика)
A person works at a bank
A person works at office
A person works at a school
A person works at an agency
A person works at an orchestra, pop group
A person works at a police station
Policeman / police Officer
A person works at a workshop (мастерская)
A person works at a house
A person works at a kindergarten (детский сад)
A person who makes a newspaper
A person who serves in the Army.
A person who decorates houses and create new clothes
A person who makes films
Film maker
A person who earns much money
A person who shows fashionable clothes
A person who drives a car
A person who flies a lot. (управляет самолетом)
A person who acts in films and plays
A person who works with a computer
Computer operator
3. Now we work in pairs. Decide which job in each group is different and why.
Use the ideas below to help you.
deal with the public design things fix things help customers look
after people use a computer wear a uniform work in a hospital/an
office work indoors/outdoors work with animals work with your
1 vet farmer builder
2 nurse taxi driver doctor
3 mechanic lawyer plumber
4 electrician secretary receptionist
5 architect engineer scientist
6 shop assistant teacher soldier
7 waiter hairdresser factory worker
8 musician programmer journalist
Lets remember the going to future. How do we form it?
4. Fill in the blanks.
My sister …going to be a nurse.
You … going to be a baker.
Which one in the first group do you
think is different?
I think a builder is different. A vet
and a farmer work with animals, but a
builder doesn’t.
They … going to be engineers.
I … going to be a fireman.
My parents … going to be doctors.
Tom and John … going to be pilots.
He … going to be a good farmer.
We … going to be students.
His father … going to be a policeman.
I … going to be a clown.
5. Let’s play! I am not a teacher now. I’m a student. Guess my future job!
What am I going to be? (игра с карточками) Одна карточка выбирается, и
дети отгадывают задававя вопрос:
Are you going to be a ….?
Well done!
Now another task.
4.Треировка навыков аудирования и говорения.
6. Listen to the dialogue. ( стр.89). Are the sentences true or false?
She”s going to work in a shop.
She”s going to spend all the money.
She”s going to save all the money.
Now we have the last task.
7. Write questions with going to.
1 How / you / celebrate your next birthday?
2 When / you / learn how to drive?
3 What / you / do when you leave school?
4 What / you / buy the next time you go shopping?
5 What / you / eat for dinner this evening?
6 What job / you / do in the future?
7 What / you / wear to school tomorrow?
8. Ask and answer the questions in pairs from exercise 7.
Well done children! Our lesson is over. What did we do today? Tell me please did
you like our lesson? What did you like?
Your homework is : Write your plans for this weekend using the words from the
exercese 6 at page 89.
Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye!