Конспект урока "Пишем письмо. Просим или даем совет" 11 класс

Урок № 36
Класс 11
Дата 14.10.2015
Тема Пишем письмо. Просим или даем совет
Цели урока:
1. Обучающие.
Добиться усвоения необходимого запаса специальных терминов и понятий, связанных с видами письма
письмо-просьба о совете. Продолжить формирование умения учащихся в составлении и оформлении
писма-просьбы с опорой на образец, в умении отличать друг от друга формальные и неформальные
письма, трансформировать высказывания в зависимости от данного типа письма Актуализировать и
расширить активный и пассивный словарь в сфере письменной речи
2. Воспитывающие.
Создать условия для проявления гуманных отношений в работе Прививать интерес к общению на
английском языке при выполнении заданий Прививать навыки самостоятельной работы
3. Развивающие.
Способствовать развитию языковых, интеллектуальных и творческих способностей учащихся
Ход урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность ученика
(the beginning
of the lesson)
Greeting the class.
Good morning, class! I’m glad to see you today. I hope you are fine and
are ready to work hard at our lesson, aren’t you? So, let’s start our
Introduction of the lesson’s theme.
The theme of our lesson is “Letter Writing”. We are going to learn how
to write а letter of advice
Good morning! We are
glad to see you, too.
2. Речевая
First, answer my questions.
- When do you write letters?
- Who do you write to?
- What do you write about?
- What types of letters do you know?
p. 26 General outline for informal letters of advice
- to have free
- to friends and
relatives we
know well, or to
people our own
- about news
новой темы
of the theme)
Explaining the structure of letter writing
We write informal letters to friends and relatives we know well, or to
people our own age. An informal letter should include:
an informal greeting such as Dear/ Hi + person’s name or just
Hi!An introduction with opening remarks, e.g. How are you? I’m
fine but I’ve been really busy, etc. and your reason for writing.
A main body containing the main points of the letter.
A conclusion with closing remarks, e.g. That’s all for now. Write
back soon.
An informal ending, e.g. Love from/ Lots of love/ See you soon/
Best wishes/ Yours + your name or just your name.
Each paragraph should have a topic sentence followed by appropriate
supporting sentences.
Informal letters should be written in an informal style. That is : everyday
vocabulary (It’s taken me a while to … ), short forms (I’d, I’ve, there’s),
colloquial expressions/idioms (I thought I’d drop you a line …), phrasal
verbs (settle in, getting on).
(использование раздаточного материала)
1) Read the letter and answer the questions.
- Is Joe writing to a friend or to a stranger?
- What is Joy writing about?
2) Match numbers 1-6 in the letter to descriptions a-f.
Before beginning a piece of writing, you need to make sure you
understand the rubric. Underline the key words. These will tell you
who will read your piece of writing, why you are writing it and what
you should write about.
Ex. 4 p.27
a) Understanding rubrics
Read the rubric, look at the key words, and answer the questions.
1. What are you going to write?
2. Who is going to read your piece of writing?
3. Why are you writing the letter?
4. What should your letter include
b) Text organization
Read the letter and match the paragraphs with the headings below:
- closing remarks
- writer’s feelings about the change
- life in the new city
- opening remarks for writing
- to a friend
- about his
plans for
Practising making suggestions. Ex. 5 p. 27.
o Go through the language in the box
o Students complete the task. Ss compare their answers with
another S.
o Go around the class monitoring Ss’ work
o Select individual Ss to read their answers to the class.
Suggested answer key
2. What about going
camping together?
3. Why don’t you get a
puppy for your sister?
4. Would you like to go
to a concert together?
5. Why don’t I meet
you at the train station?
ный момент
урока (the end
of the lesson)
The teacher thanks the pupils for the work, gives the home task and says
Your home task will be to write an informal letter or email, using the
rules of letter writing (ex.7p. 27)
How to Write a Letter of AdviceWriting a letter of advice can be a difficult, but also rewarding experience. It is a
unique opportunity to pass your wisdom on to someone you care about. If a friend, family member, or
work colleague approaches you for advice, it is important to be careful and considered in your response. It is likely
that your comments will be taken quite seriously, so if you don't feel confident in the advice you can offer the person,
you should politely respond that you are not well suited to give such advice.Below we will offer some tips for writing
your letter of advice. To ensure that your letter is not misinterpreted, it is worth putting some extra effort into
your English grammar and writing style. WhiteSmoke is the perfect tool for giving your letter of advice this finishing
touch. As an all-in-one solution, WhiteSmoke features a grammar checker, a spell checker, a thesaurus, an online
dictionary and special enrichment features to make your letter writing stand out.
Tips for writing a letter of advice Allow yourself time for a considered response, but do respond as soon as you are
able No matter how you feel about the predicament of the person, respond respectfully and helpfully Do not
criticize, and avoid discouraging language Only give advice relevant to the specific issue, and keep your writing
concise and to the point Keep channels open for further consultation should the person require more help
By following these simple tips for your letter of advice, you are half way there. However, you also need to ensure
your advice cannot be misinterpreted in any way. This requires solid proofreading, with attention to grammar and
style. WhiteSmoke Writing Software is the most complete writing tool available for this task.