Открытый урок "EDUCATION, CAREER, SUCCESS" 11 класс

1.The beginning of
the lesson
Create an enjoyable atmosphere of
foreign speaking
Whole Class
2.Warming -up
Commenting the Quotations
Introduce problem questions. Practice
the vocabulary for defining the
Whole Class
3.Speaking (report)
Forming conversational skills.
Whole Class
Special Groups
4.Presentation about
Presenting Universities
Forming conversational skills.
Special Groups
Free Microphone
Forming conversational skills.
Groups of Two
The Presenter
6.Watching a
Watching a film
Forming listening skills.
Whole Class
7.Dialogues on the
Acting out
Discussing the main problem
Groups of Three
Deducing Formulas of Success
Forming drawing the conclusion
Whole Class
9.Song «It’s My
Performing a Song
Forming pronunciation skills
Whole Class
Drawing Conclusions
Whole Class
Коммуникативная - развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся в рамках разговорной темы "Образование, карьера, успех";
Обучающая - отработка лексики по теме, чтение и аудирование (просмотр фильма и презентаций) с извлечением информации, развитие
разговорных навыков в речевых ситуациях "Диалоги об успешной карьере", "Монологи о выбранном университете";
Воспитательная - создание мотивации к осознанному выбору будущей профессии и университета; умение аргументировать свой
Развивающая - расширение социо-культурных знаний учащихся, помощь в профессиональном самоопределении.
Задачи урока:
тренироваться в употреблении лексики по теме "Образование, карьера, успех";
развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи с целью обмена фактической информацией;
развивать навыки аудирования с извлечением информации; умения использовать полученную информацию в реальной жизни
смотреть фильмы в режиме “on-line по теме с детальным пониманием содержания и c пониманием заданной информации; уметь
обсуждать просмотренные фильмы
закреплять лексический материал по теме "Образование, карьера, успех".
Этапы урока:
1.Организационный этап.
2.Подготовка к учебно-познавательной деятельности
3. Этап обобщения и систематизации знаний.
4. Закрепление изученного материала.
5. Рефлексия, подведение итогов.
мультимедийный проектор
фильм «8 Traits of Success” youtube.com
журналы , буклеты
УМК Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English»
«Пособие по подготовке к ЕГЭ», издательство «Макмиллан»
Этап урока
Содержание этапа учебного
Результат этапа
ление к
В содержании этапа проводится
фонетическая зарядка,
позволяющая удачно
переключить учащихся на
предмет «ин.язык», установить
контакт с учащимися,
использование стихотворения
позволяет сформулировать тему
и цели урока совместно с
Читают эпиграф на
доске, интерпретируют
его, пытаются
определить тему урока,
осмысляют и принимают
учебную цель и задачу
(Фронтальная форма
Готовность класса к работе,
динамичное включение учащихся
в иноязычную атмосферу урока,
пробуждение их интереса к теме
Повторение лексики по теме
«Образование» и формулирование
целей урока.
подготовки к
Активизация лексических
навыков по теме, тренировка
навыков поискового чтения,
применение межпредметных
знаний (из области литературы,
искусства, политики) для
решения поставленной задачи.
Даны определения
словам «образование,
карьера, успех»
(фронтальная форма и
парная форма работы)
наглядный метод
обучения (задание с
цитатами на партах)
Учебный материал введен в
коммуникативной форме,
использована изобразительная
наглядность. Повторение лексики
по теме, соотнесение профессий с
выбранными вузами,
аргументация выбора. Подготовка
к ролевой игре.
Организована деятельность
учащихся по применению знаний
в измененной и новой ситуации
( рассказать о своем ВУЗе и
аргументированно ответить на
вопросы абитуриентов)
Работа с цитатами по
теме «Образование,
карьера, успех
(групповая форма
Постановка +
ответы на вопросы
Содержание цитат, афоризмов
понято и осмыслено учащимися,
были даны определения и
интерпретация высказываний,
Подтверждение осмысления цитат
учащимися: составлены свои
предложения и вопросы.
Высказывания великих людей об
образовании помогали построить
монологическую и диалогическую
речь учащихся.
4 .Этап
Организована подготовка и
восприятие фильма: сняты
языковые трудности, поставлено
целевое задание и использованы
языковые опоры (в трудных
местах включаются титры)
Организована помощь учащимся
и управление построением
монологических высказываний,
используя различные виды опор
( текст, опорную таблицу,
ключевые слова)
Просмотр фильма
Понято основное содержание
фильма «Восемь шагов к
успешной карьере»: 1)верно
построены диалоги по фильму;
2)использована полученная
информация для построения
собственного монолога и вывода
На основе просмотренного
фильма учащиеся разыгрывают
свои диалоги и делают свои
Контроль спонтанной
диалогической речи по
теме урока в группах
Демонстрация диалогического
высказывания в пределах 7-8
реплик с каждой стороны ( что
соответствует требованиям на
данной ступени обучения. )
Процент отдельных
грамматических ошибок в
пределах допустимой нормы, не
влияет на общее понимание
я о домашнем
по его
Учитель контролирует
понимание задания всеми
учащимися, дает рекомендации к
его выполнению, использует
дифференцированные задания.
Записывают д\з,
индивидуально тип
своего домашнего
Своевременность, полнота
инструктажа, дифференциация
домашнего задания.
Инструктаж понят всеми
7. Подведение
итогов урока,
Формирует навыки
рефлексивной компетенции
Сформулированы учащимися
степень решения задач урока,
самостоятельно обозначены
затруднения учащихся, намечены
дальнейшие шаги по их
Открытость учащихся в
осмыслении своих действий и
самооценке. Прогнозирование
способов саморегуляции и
Адекватность самооценки
учащегося оценке учителя.
Получение учащимися
информации о реальных
результатах учения
Формирование мотивации для
изучения ин. языка.
Teacher: Good morning, dear friends, boys and girls and colleagues! I am very glad to greet
you here today at our conference. All of us who have gathered here have much in common; we
are teaching, the students are learning and on the whole we are taking part in the process of
education. Look at those pictures. What is depicted there? What are the people doing? Yes,
they are studying, they are educating themselves. Now in groups of two make a small speech
revealing the statement “Education is treasure”, give the definition to the word “Education”.
While doing that think it over the connection between the words: education, career and success.
While the groups are working let me introduce my helper and presenter Kate.
Kate: So, my name is Kate. Dear guests and participants! Welcome to the Annual International
Moscow Fair of Education. Our fist day is dedicated to the conference “Education, Career and
Success in the 21
century”. Let me introduce our guests and participants. On the left you can
see the representatives of Moscow Universities (naming them in turn); on the right there is our
Press Centre headed by Mr. Erokhov Egor and his assistant Makarchuk Sasha and next to me
our main tutor- Maria Nikolaevna. I am also glad to meet our school-leavers who are still in two
minds as far as their future university is concerned. To make the right choice they are seeking
advice from our career counsellors. I give the floor to the Press Centre. Please, Egor.
Egor : “Ladies and Gentlemen! I am so glad to welcome you here at the International Fair
“Education and Career in the 21
Century in Moscow. The venue of the “Education and
Career” is rather impressive. More than forty guests have been invited here. Our exhibition is
held for the fortieth time. We celebrate the twentieth anniversary today. More than forty hundred
fifty thousand educational institutions both from Russia and overseas are seeking to find partners
here. More than one million and a half have taken part in our fairs and this year more than forty
thousand people are awaited for. Thank you for attention.
Kate: I give the floor to Maria Nikolaevna.
Teacher: So, let’s clear up what the word “education” means. Who wants to give the definition
to the word? 5-6 students answer. (“The action or process of educating or being educated;
the knowledge and development resulting from educational process”). Vanya, have a look at
the blackboard, read “Education is treasure”. Do you agree? Give your reasons. Students, you’ve
got some quotations for commenting. Welcome! Who volunteers? 5-6 students answer. Choose
any quotation you like and comment on it or just simply interpret it. Kate, take the “mike”,
please and go on with your work.
Kate: “Dear guests! Today you have an excellent opportunity to make the right choice. In a
short period of time and under one roof you will meet the Career Coachers from the best
universities in Moscow. I give the floor to (in turn 5-6 people retell about their Universities;
the rest are watching their presentation; the university entrants are asking some questions).
Have you got any questions? Who has got any questions? (Students from the 8a, 8b, 10a
classes ask some questions). Take the free “mike” and ask someone you like. Thanks to
Possible questions:
1. What famous alumni can you name? What kind of professional career have they made?
2. What are the key subjects at the faculty of… “Foreign Languages?
3. Are there any exchange programmes for the course of “Foreign Languages”?
4. Can you offer any work placement?
5. What is your policy for switching courses with the university?
6. Is it possible to transfer credits if I decide to change the university?
7. Is it possible to get a postgraduate education? (to get Master’s)?
8. Are there out-of-class activities?
9. Is there any opportunity to follow an individual program?
10. How many people are there in a group at the faculty of Foreign languages?
11. What goals can we reach? What perspectives are in store for us?
12. How much does it cost per year of studying? Have you got any installment system?
13.What is the average “passing score” and the lowest passing score in your university?
Kate: “Dear guests and participants! Now we are going to watch a documentary. On the agenda
is the discussion of career and success in groups of 3 after having watched the film. So, welcome
to our cinema hall, watch the film and be ready to act out your own dialogues. Egor, please start.
(WATCHING THE FILM). (After watching). Now we are ready to act out the dialogues
and discuss the idea of the film.
Possible questions for dialogues:
1. Has Stuart had any success?
2. How many marathons did he take part in/
3. How many continents did he visit?
4. What mountains did he climb?
5. How many years have they lived together with his wife?
6. Is money important for him?
7. What kind of person does he consider himself?
8. What really leads to success (in his opinion)?
9. How many successful people did he take interviews from?
10. Are you surprised to learn that he has taken 500 interviews?
11. What conclusion has he drawn?
12. What are 8 traits of success to his mind (passion, work, focus, push, ideas,
improve, serve, persist) to be great?
13. What is the way to success?
Kate: Now I give the floor to Maria Nikolaevna.
Teacher: So, Stuart has got his own formula of success. Now it’s your turn to deduce your own
formula. Let’s draw the conclusion. My dear students! You are standing on the threshold of your
school-leaving and your future life. It’s up to you to choose the right university (all of them are
widely acknowledged and respected). Have a look at the blackboard :”If one does not know to
which port is sailing, no wind is favourable- CENEKA said. There two types of education.
One should teach how to make living, and the other how to live John Adams said.
Teacher:(And now your own formulas: 5-6 students answer)
In conclusion, Kate, take the mike and let’s cheer everybody up, let’s sing all together.
Egor, get everything ready. (SINGING: “It’s My Life”) Bon Jovi.
Teacher: “Thank you for the lesson. I am grateful to all of you. You have worked perfectly.
I’ll give excellent marks. Your home-task is on the blackboard (essay “The Ways To
Success Are Different”).
If there is some time left Sasha, would say: Maria Nikolaevna, we have just got a message
for you. (It’s a big letter). I’ll read the words in bold. (Attachment).
(FROM THE LETTER):”Be brave enough to let my son fail.
My son asks questions when it seems there are none to ask. I don’t want education to answer
them all for him - I want it to be there to listen to him, and to encourage him to question more.
My son dreams up imaginary characters, worlds, situations, predicaments, plot lines,
battles, relationships and plays them out with what he has around him. I hope education
shines a light on this creativity and seeks it out. Education should draw from him these
precious sparks and help him to craft them into something beautiful.
I want my son to struggle and to feel challenged. I want the education he encounters to be brave
enough to let him fail and to support him if he does and help him to learn the lessons.
Environments that encourage risk and innovation will also intrinsically understand failure.
Education should embrace all the ups and downs, the bumps in the road, the setbacks and
hurdles, the scraped knees and bruises, the “let’s have another go”, and not just the success
at the end of the road/course/year.
To work in education, it helps to be passionate. I want my son to see the drive and
determination in another person at some point in the next few years. I want him to feel that
human-to-human inspiration that is so powerful.
My son is happy at school. Education should be about cradling happiness”.