Конспект урока "A Secret of Success" 11 класс

Открытый урок в 11 «Б» классе
Выполнила: учитель английского языка
высшей категории
МОУ Гимназии №9 г. Воронежа
Третьякова Галина Николаевна
г. Воронеж
Тема: «A Secret of Success»
1. Работа над активизацией лексики по теме.
2. Контроль восприятия иноязычного текста.
3. Развитие навыков восприятия иноязычной речи на слух.
4. Развитие навыков устной речи в форме монолога и полилога.
5. Picture-band discussion (Обсуждение на основе описания
6. Развитие навыков ведения дискуссии с аргументацией «за» и
7. Отработка навыков словообразования.
8. Активизация в речи сложноподчиненных предложений.
9. Развитие навыков эффективного общения на ИЯ с
применением формул речевого этикета.
Ход урока.
I Организационный момент.
Учитель приветствует учеников и сообщает им о задачах
предстоящего урока.
T.: Good morning, everybody!
So, today we are going to talk about what success is. Is it really a
place in the sun or not? I’m really curious how you would define success
in life. So what do you think on this point?
: Can I? So, well, probably success is earning a good salary.
: Well? I think success is having enough time to do what you are
interested in.
: Personally I think success is achieving what you set out to do.
T.: Any other ideas?
: Can I? Well, as far as I see it success is being liked by
everybody and becoming famous.
: May I? Well, to my mind success is being promoted at work.
T.: Who else?
: May I? In my opinion success is getting married and raising
children you love.
Учитель продолжает:
T.: So, as you see so many men so many minds. Well, good,
apparently it’s also essential to mention in our talk what difficulties
people can probably come across on their way to success and possible
advantages they can have while getting to the top. Besides we are going
to discuss what skills and personal qualities people actually need to be
successful. And finally we’ll talk about possible secrets of success.
Учитель продолжает:
T.: I’m absolutely sure you’re dying to share your ideas with us.
But be patient, everything is good in its season. Well, it might be a good
idea to start with recollecting some of the words connected with our
II Активизация лексики.
Учитель продолжает:
T.: I’ll give you out some cards. Your task is to fill in the gaps with
an appropriate word from the list:
Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the list
1) A formidable back-up team;
2) The secret of success;
3) To raise money to launch business;
4) An official red tape;
5) Long hours of work;
6) Being your own boss;
7) To reach the heights of the profession;
8) To gain confidence;
9) The same intelligence levels;
10) Insecure income;
11) To enjoy the taste of success;
12) Earning a good salary;
13) To get promotion at work;
14) To make a determined effort;
15) To reach the goal;
16) To make useful contacts;
17) To be responsible for.
Учитель продолжает:
T.: Well done! Now your task will be a bit different. I’d like you to
match the following words and word combinations from two columns
which are similar in meaning:
Match the following words and word combinations:
be bundle of nerves;
a group of people who give
you a helping hand;
an official Red tape;
formality, official paperwork;
be in deep water;
be in low water;
be broke;
force yourself to work very
push yourself;
work independently and not to
be employed by other people;
a workaholic;
feel exhausted/knackered;
feel like a squeezed orange;
be extremely nervous;
be your own boss;
have problems;
get to the top;
someone who wants to work all
the time;
a high flyer;
success in;
back-up group/team
someone who is extremely
successful in their job because
of his unusual ability
T.: Perfect! A good beginning makes a good ending. This time your
task will be a bit difficult. I’d like you to give me the opposites of the
following word-combinations. I’m completely sure you’ll manage it. So,
read aloud one by one.
Give the opposites of the following words:
succeed in;
be dependent (on);
get into trouble;
get the green light;
be your own boss;
be a lazy bone;
push yourself;
an official Red tape;
be broke;
have big bank accounts;
feel easy-going, relaxed;
feel knackered;
feel as fresh as a new paint;
be bundle of nerves;
get a lucky break;
lucky break
T.: Good of you! As you see it wasn’t a hard nut to crack for you.
Well, now, probably it will make sense on the one hand to know a very
interesting story of success of Martine McCutcheon, a British actress,
and on the other hand just to brush up word-building with the words
connected with our topic. Open your books at page 60, ex.1, (Matrix
Upper-Intermediate, S/B).
(Ученики один за другим читают статью, преобразовывая по
ходу правильно слова, данные в скобках)
The Secret of My Success
I`ve always loved dressing up and being glamorous. My first
performance (perform) was when I was aged 10 at stage school. Then
when I was a teenager, I spent a few years in a girl band, but we didn`t
get anywhere. I`d always believed that having
ability (able) and a
belief (believe) in yourself would be enough, but it isn`t. You need a
formidable team of people behind you and you also need a lot of money.
Luckily (lucky), I got the chance to audition for a role in a famous soup
opera and since then I`ve been working non-stop.
I think I am
successful (success) for my age because I`ve worked
very hard. I think you need dedication,
confidence (confident) and
ambition (ambitious) to be an actor. You also need to be able to accept
rejection and
criticism (criticize) and that can be frustrating.
I think the secret to success is being happy in your career. You
spend most of your time working so you should have lots of
(enthusiastic) for it. I may feel nervous when I go on in front of the
cameras, but each time I see it as a new
achievement (achieve), a new
Учитель продолжает:
T.: Good! This time your task will be on the one hand more difficult
but on the other hand really interesting and reasonable to do. Actually I
have some pictures for you. Look at them. You see two completely
different people. It looks like they have little in common. They are really
apples and oranges. Don’t you think so?
Surely everybody would like to be in his shoes looking at this
presentable, successful man. But to succeed, get to the top it’s necessary
to have definite personal qualities and skills. What are they? Look at the
blackboard and complete the sentences with suitable endings:
(On the blackboard)
1) If you are dying to be a success you should be …… (capable,
creative, patient, energetic, flexible, diplomatic, sociable)
2) It’s impossible to get to the top unless you are extremely ……..
(intelligent, hard-working, open-minded, imaginative)
3) Bill Gates is a great success because he is exclusively ……. (hard-
working, ambitious and optimistic)
4) When you want to set up your own business and be your own boss
you should be exceptionally ……… (capable and good at what you
5) It’s ridiculous to reach the heights of the profession without having
……… (a sense of responsibility, a perfect memory, astonishing talent,
definite backgrounds, useful contacts, back-up team, confidence)
Следующий этап урока направлен на развитие устной
речи в монологической форме.
T.: Not bad. Now looking at this completely different people try
briefly to describe each of them. Keep in your mind words we’ve just
mentioned. It’s really desirable to use some of them. Come on!
ученик описывает картинку)
: Can I have a say?
T.: Sure!
: Well, as for the person below it looks like he is unfortunately
homeless without having regular job and home. He really looks
miserable, depressed and exhausted. To my mind he is as poor as a
church mouse and quite possible he often suffers from hunger.
Probably he had a job, but unluckily got into trouble and was broke
and in the end couldn’t cope with this. We can’t say for sure. On the
whole he produces a depressing feeling and I wouldn’t like to be
in his shoes.
T.: Neither would I. Thank you. What about the other person? It
looks like he has nothing to do with the first one. Don’t you agree? So,
any other volunteers?
: May be I’ll try?
T.: OK.
: Well, as a matter of fact a presentable, successful man in the
picture above has definitely reached the heights in his profession and has
a promising career. Actually he looks extremely intelligent, capable,
responsible, energetic, highly ambitious and exclusively hard-working.
Probably he is a workaholic and his own boss. It seems to me the motto
of his life is «Business before pleasure», and he never puts off till
tomorrow what he can do today.
Следующий этап урока направлен на контроль
восприятия иноязычного текста с последующим
выполнением заданий.
T.: Good! Thank you! Well, you’ve just mentioned some personal
qualities that can help to reach success. However there’s another point of
view. Some people believe to become successful it makes sense to talk
about such a phenomenon like «Serendipity». What is this? According
to some dictionaries «serendipity» is a happy coincidence. The fact of
something pleasant happening by chance, a lucky break.
T.: So, another home task was to read an article about serendipity
and incredible life stories that happened to some famous people. I hope
you enjoyed reading it. Now it’s time to use your brains. There are some
exercises to be done according to the article.
(Далее идет статья)
We tend to think that successful people deserve their success. They
probably studied hard at school, they worked hard every day or they
took a lot of risks.
In fact, many successful people simply got a «lucky
break»: something happened that gave them a chance to be successful;
they took the opportunity and the rest, as they say, is history.
Some people just fell into fame. Aretha Franklin, the legendary
Queen of Soul, was singing in her church choir when a record company
executive heard her voice. Sarah Michelle Gellar, star of Buffy the
Vampire Slayer, was in a restaurant when a TV executive saw her. She
was four.
A week later she had a part in a film. A month later she was
in an advert for Burger King.
Other people were lucky because someone else was unlucky. In
1963 the very famous Italian opera singer Giuseppe di Stefano had a
throat problem while he was singing in the opera La Boheme.
A young,
relatively unknown singer was asked to take over. His name is Luciano
Some people are just very lucky. Mel Gibson was born in New
York. In 1968 his dad won a lot of money on a quiz show.
He decided
to move the family to Australia. In Sydney Mel studied drama because
his sister sent off his application form. Then the night before one of his
first auditions, Mel had a fight at a party. And when the unheard-of actor
arrived at the audition, he looked awful but perfect for the role of Mad
Max. He got the part.
Sometimes lucky breaks lead to a new invention. When that
happens, it`s called serendipity. The discovery of Post-It
notes were
an accident.
In 1970 Spencer Silver was attempting to make a strong type of
glue. He failed. Then four years later, Spencer`s colleague was trying to
mark the songs in a hymn book at his local church.
But the pieces of
paper he used kept falling out. He remembered Spencer`s glue and the
was born. Last year 3M sold over $100 million worth of the
In life, it seems, sometimes you need a little luck. But while you are
waiting, it`s probably safer to keep working hard.
(Ученики выполняют упражнение после статьи один за другим
Exercise 1. Read the article and fill in the gaps with these
a) In fact, many successful people simply got a «lucky break».
b) But the pieces of paper he used kept falling out.
c) A young, relatively unknown singer was asked to take over.
d) He decided to move the family to Australia.
e) A week later she had a part in a film.
Exercise 2. Read the article and match words 1- 6 to synonyms
a) f).
1 break a) role
2 legendary b) opportunity
3 part c) discovery
4 unknown d) trying
5 invention e) unheard of
6 attempting f) very famous
T.: (Учитель продолжает). Well done! We have another point of
view to be a success. Famous boys and girls from a pop band «ABBA»
express their own opinion on this point. Let’s listen to a well-known
song «Money, money, money» and later do some exercises. (p. 63
Sound bites)
On the blackboard
If I got me a wealthy man - If I got myself a wealthy man
Have a ball - have a very good time
Fancy me - find me attractive
Win a fortune in a game - win a fortune by gambling
(азартные игры)
T.: (после прослушивания песни)
Nice song, isn’t it? Let’s try to answer some of the questions now
(p. 61, Matrix Upper-Intermediate S/B)
1) What kind of life do the singers have?
: Probably they work very hard, but never have enough money
left to enjoy themselves after they have paid their bills.
2) What way of making money have they dreamed of?
: Finding a rich man who is willing to spend his money on them.
They also think of going to Las Vegas or Monaco and winning a fortune
by gambling.
3) Why would the idea probably not work?
: Because he probably wouldn’t find them attractive.
4) Do you agree with the statement: «It’s a rich man’s world»?
: Probably money makes the world go round.
T.: Well, now having heard a lot of different and similar points of
view let’s define pros and cons, disadvantages and advantages of being
successful. Look at the blackboard and pick out and read aloud first pros
and then cons.
On the blackboard:
I think being successful is …………..
Having big bank accounts;
Having insecure income;
Being a bundle of nerves;
Going on a luxury cruise;
Making sensible investments;
The lack of free time;
Having an easy-going life;
Feel exhausted/knackered;
Red tape;
Increasing savings;
Stressful life;
Long hours of work;
A great responsibility.
T.: Good! So as you see, a way to the top goes through a thorny
path, it can’t be entirely cloudless. Let’s think of what success depends
on. After all said and mentioned here I’d like you to give a more
comprehensive answer, probably supplementing each other.
(Ученики высказываются, дополняя друг друга)
T.: So, to sum it up what in general success is. What makes a
successful person?
(Высказывание одного из учеников)
После высказывания ученика учитель продолжает:
T.: Thank you. Well, to crown it all I’d like to draw your attention
to these nice words. You’re finishing school and it’s needless to say that
everybody needs luck and success. (Идет стих)
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rain fall short upon your fields,
And, until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
«God Helps Those Who Help Themselves»
(Write a composition referring to the proverb)
Thanks a lot for your work. You really take the cake today. Your