Методическая разработка открытого урока "Мy daily routine" 10 класс

комитет образования и науки Волгоградской области
государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное
«Волжский политехнический техникум»
Методическая разработка открытого урока по теме «Мy daily routine»
Учебная дисциплина: Иностранный язык
Специальность: все специальности
Курс: 1
Автор: преподаватель иностранных языков Федотова М.А.
Тема: Мy daily routine
1.Тренировка произносительных навыков.
2. Ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме «Мой распорядок дня»
3.Изучение нового материала и активизация грамматических навыков по
теме: Неопределенные местоимения «some, any, much, many»
4.Развитие умений и навыков чтения (аудирования) с целью детального
понимания содержания.
5.Развитие навыков говорения.
6. Формирование стрессоустойчивости в повседневной жизни.
- понять основные грамматические признаки;
- развить знания и умения, анализировать материал и отвечать на вопросы,
применять полученные знания на практике;
- сформировать активную жизненную позицию.
Методы обучения:
1.мультимедийный проектор;
3.раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями, комплекты практических
Teacher. Hello, my dear students! How are you? I am glad to see you. Today we
are going to talk about «Мy daily routine».
2 Phonetic activities.
1. Students read the following words:
have to = must - должен
wake (woke) просыпаться
after waking - проснувшись
have a shower - принимать душ
brush my teeth - чищу зубы
get dressed - одеваться
prepare my schoolbag - собираю свой школьный ранец
make sandwiches - делать бутерброды (сэндвичи)
walk - ходить пешком
run (ran) - бегать
be late - опаздывать
bus stop - автобусная остановка
a couple of азг.) - несколько, пара
while we are busy talking, singing, reading or throwing things at each other -
пока мы занимаемся разговорами, поем, читаем и бросаем вещами друг в
information concerning the school - информация, касающаяся школьных
before going off to the first lesson - прежде чем идти на первый урок
get outside - выйти во двор школы
some kind of game - какая-нибудь игра
next - следующий
school hall - большая комната, используемая для школьных обедов
is laid out with tables and chairs - (в зале) расставляют столы и стулья
queue up - строиться в очередь
serving hatch - окно, соединяющее кухню и столовую
order food - заказывать еду
pay (paid) - платить
separate /'separat/ - отдельный
counter /'kaunta/ - прилавок
take the dog out - вывожу гулять собаку
2. Read and translate the text.
My Working Day
I have to get up very early on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and
Friday. I don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday. After waking I have a quick
shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, and prepare my schoolbag for the day. I don’t
need to make sandwiches, as I get lunch at school.
I start out quite early in the morning, at half past eight, after having breakfast, if
I have time. Then I walk or run if I am late to the bus stop, which is a couple of
streets away from our house. The bus takes us to the school, while we are busy
talking, singing, reading or throwing things at each other. Then we go into school,
go to our classroom, to register with our class teacher and receive any general
information concerning the school before going off to the first lesson.
The first break is at about half past ten, when we can go outside to meet our friends
for twenty minutes, and talk or play some kind of game. Then come the next two
lessons, and then another break for dinner. At dinnertime the school hall is laid out
with tables and chairs, and we queue up at a serving hatch, where we can order any
of a number of different foods. Next we pay for the food at a separate counter, and
then go off to sit down and eat. After dinner we have two more lessons before we
go home.
When I get home I usually go up to my room and listen to music or read, or
take the dog out, and after an hour or so have supper. After that I either do my
homework if I have any, or go to visit one of my friends and we play or listen to
music together.
3) Students answer the following questions:
What time do you get up?
What’s the first thing you do when you get out of bed?
What do you have for breakfast?
When do you leave for school?
How do you get to school?
What’s your favourite subject? Why?
Who do you sit next to at school?
Who would you like to sit next to?
When do you go home?
Do you go home at the same time every day?
What’s the first thing (that) you do when you get home?
How much homework do you get each day?
How long do you watch television each day?
What are your favourite programmes?
How often do you go out with your friends?
Where do you go?
What do you want to do when you grow up?
What time do you go to bed?
What’s the last thing that you do before you get into bed?
4) Retell the text in past tense. Begin so:
Yesterday I had to get up very early. I had a quick shower, brushed my teeth, got
dressed and prepared my schoolbag for the day. I didn’t need to make
sandwiches, as I got lunch at school. I started out quite early in the morning, at
half past eight and etc.
5) Tell me please, what date is it today and what’s day of the week, and then
what’s tomorrow. Follow a sample:
1) Today is the fourth of September, Monday.
2) Tomorrow is the fifth of September, Tuesday.
7, 1 Sunday 31, 12 Saturday 15, 4 Thursday
25, 2 Friday 8, 3 Wednesday 1, 5 Monday
6) Grammar activities
Наречия much и many используются в вопросительных и отрицательных
предложениях в значении "много".
Например: Do you have much work to do? /У тебя много работы?
В отрицательных предложениях конструкции not much и not many обычно
переводятся как "мало", "немного".
He doesn't earn much money. /Он зарабатывает мало (= немного) денег.
Many может употребляться как часть подлежащего:
Many people came to the meeting. / Многие люди пришли на эту встречу.
Местоимения any и some-определители. Используются местоимения, когда
речь идет о неопределенных количествах, числах, в тех случаях, когда точное
количество или число не важны. Some используется в повествовательных
предложениях, а any в вопросительных и отрицательных. На русский
язык some и any, как правило, не переводятся. Иногда some можно встретить
в вопросительных предложениях, а any в утвердительных предложениях.
There is some milk in the fridge. / В холодильнике есть немного молока.
I’ve made some coffee. Would you like some? / Я сварила кофе. Хочешь
Is there any milk in the fridge? В холодильнике есть молоко?
There is not any milk in the fridge. / В холодильнике нет молока.
I need a knife. Any knife would do. / Мне нужен нож. Любой нож подойдет.
1. Use either how much, or how many.
1. people your company - to employ
How many people does your company employ?
2. money - secretaries - to earn per month
3. hours per day - employees - to work
4. time - workers to have for their lunch breaks
5. holidays per year - they - to be entitled to
6. flexibility - you to allow your workers
Key: 2. How much money do your secretaries earn per month? 3. How
many hours per day do your employees work? 4. How much time do your workers
have for their lunch breaks? 5. How many holidays per year are they entitled to? 6.
How much flexibility do you allow your workers?
2. Use any or some.
Lucy, her mother-in-law, drops in unexpectedly
Oh, hello, Lucy, how nice to see you. Would you like some coffee?
No, thanks, I just had….. . But maybe I could have …..cake.
I’m terribly sorry, but there isn’t….. What about……of our chocolate biscuits?
They’re freshly made.
No, thanks, I prefer plain biscuits. I don’t suppose you have….,do you?
No, I’m sorry. I don’t, You really don’t want anything to drink?
Well, if I could have…. tea?
Yes, of course, I just made…... You take milk with your tea,don’t you? There is
still…….milk in the fridge. But I’m afraid I have to go shopping now before the
stores close. Yesterday we had…… people over for dinner, and there isn’t …….
beer or wine left.
Oh, if you go shopping, I need ……fresh fruit. Could you get me….. when you go
to the greengrocer’s?
Of course. But I need……. time for my shopping, because I have to go to the
butcher’s in town. This morning I wanted to buy…….lamb chops in the village,
but there weren’t ….in….. of the supermarkets.
Don’t worry, I can wait until you come back. I’ll read…..of your fashion
magazines, or maybe I’ll have a little nap.
Okay, see you later, then.
Key: 1 some, 2 some, 3 any, 4 some, 5 any, 6 some, 7 some, 8 some,9 some, 10
any, 11 some, 12 some, 13 some, 14 some, 15 any, 16 any, 17 some.
7) Аудирование.
Listen and tell me please, why is Peter Bored?
Why is Peter Bored? Why Does He Feel Like a Robot?
- Every day I get up at a quarter to eight. I get dressed, I have my breakfast, I go to
technical school at half past nine, I come home at about twenty to four, I do my
homework, I watch TV, I get undressed and I go to bed at a quarter to eleven. And
then the next day, I get up again at a quarter to eight, I get dressed, I...
Every day is the same. I’m bored. I feel like a robot.
Do you tidy your room or wash up or iron your clothes or go to the shops?
No, I don’t like to do housework.
Do you do any sport?
Well, I don’t like sport - except on TV.
Go and see your friends.
Oh, they are all busy on Saturdays. Tom plays football, Jane has piano lessons, and
Jack helps in his parents’ shop.
I’m bored. Мне скучно.
I feel like a robot . Я чувствую себя как робот.
tidy your room убирать свою комнату
wash up or iron your clothes мыть посуду или гладить свою одежду
go to the shops ходить в магазины за покупками
do (the) housework заниматься домашней работой
do a (some) sport заниматься спортом
except кроме
play football играть в футбол
piano lessons уроки игры на пианино
8) Объявление домашнего задания и выставление оценок.
Tell about your daily routine (in the simple or past tense), learn new words. Our
lesson is over. Good-bye.
По нашему мнению, студент должен научиться находить в тексте конкретные
сведения, определять тему и главную мысль текста, делить тексты на
смысловые части, составлять план, понимать информацию по теме и уметь
объяснять содержание урока. В данной работе мы пришли к следующим
выводам: познакомились с новой лексикой по теме «Мой распорядок дня»,
узнали новый грамматический материал по теме: Неопределенные
местоимения «some, any, much, many»,где студенты показали свои умения и
навыки чтения (аудирования), говорения.
Список используемой литературы:
Л.И.Кравцова. Английский язык/Учебник. Москва 2004.
Габи Гальстер, Зигрид Бруггер, пер.на русский Н.А .Ганиной. Английская
грамматика/ Учебное пособие. Москва 2011.