Конспект урока "Russia and the USA: two countries, two cultures" 10 класс

Тема: Russia and the USA: two countries, two cultures.
Класс: 10
Тип урока: урок – игра.
Дидактическая: формирование умения аудировать, строить монологическое
высказывание по теме;
Развивающая: развитие умения анализировать, находить логические связи,
сопоставлять, делать выводы;
Воспитательная: воспитание интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка и
к родной культуре.
Оснащение: карточки с названиями городов России и США
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! Today our lesson
we’ll be unusual. It will be a game between two teams. The first team will
represent Russia, another one the USA. We’ll discuss the main features of
these countries, will find negative and positive traits in their culture and
sport, science and art, economy and political system. So, let’s begin. I wish
you good luck!
2. Round 1.
T: I’d like to know how good your knowledge about Russia and the USA is.
You have to answer some questions about these countries. Youll get one
point for each correct answer. (Учитель поочередно задает по одному
вопросу каждой команде).
Questions for the first team:
1. What ocean washes the western part of the USA? (The Pacific Ocean)
2. What branch of power does Congress represent? (legislative)
3. Who designed the Kremlin? (K.Thon)
4. When was the American Constitution proclaimed? (1787)
5. Name the biggest Siberian rivers.
6. Who built the first car? (H. Ford)
7. Give the nickname of Kansas. (The Sunshine state)
8. What is the symbol of Russia? ( two-headed eagle)
Questions for the second team:
1. Who guarantees the basic rights of people? (the President)
2. What American river is called “the father of waters”? (the Mississippi )
3. When was the Russian Federation founded? ( 1991)
4. What branch of power does the Government of Russia represent?
5. Who invented the telegraph in 1837? (Morse)
6. Who is the composer of “Ruslan and Ludmila”? (M.I.Glinka)
7. Name the director of Russian films “Sibiriada” and “Uncle Vanya”?
8. Name a heavy, expensive American motorcycle ( Harley-Davidson)
3. Round 2 “Projects”
T: We’ve known some interesting facts about Russia and the USA. Now
we’d like you to give us more information about these countries. At home
you’ve prepared the projects named “I am Russia” and “I am the USA”.
Please, present them. (Maximum score is 5 points). (Каждая команда
подготовила проект, в котором сама страна как будто рассказывает о
себе. Учащиеся должны были использовать в проекте наглядный
материал, звукозаписи.)
4. Round 3 “Lawyers
T: Now youll be lawyers. You have to advocate your country. Please, point
positive aspects of your country and negative ones of your opponents’
country. The team that will name as many aspects as possible will win. (3
F.ex.: Russia covers the territory of 17 million square kilometres.
5. Round 4 “Geography”
T: Let’s check how you know the maps of your countries. You’ll get some
cards with the names of different cities. Put them as they are on the map from
west to east. You have 3 minutes. (2 points)
Vologda, Perm, Kemerovo, Chita, Kazan, Smolensk, Surgut
Dallas, New-York, Washington, Chicago, Boston, Los-Angeles, San-
6.T: Today we have known many interesting and useful facts about Russia
and the USA. We can see that each country has some advantages and
disadvantages. Which country would you choose for living if you had that
opportunity? Why?
7. T: Our lesson is going to be over. Let’s count your points… So, the team
that represents …..has won. Congratulations!
8. Рефлексия.