Конспект урока "Природные катаклизмы и явления" 8 класс

Урок в 8 классе по УМК Биболетовой М.З.:
«Природные катаклизмы и явления»
Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учашихся с использованием
лексики по теме «Природные катаклизмы и явления».
ознакомить с лексикой по изучаемой теме ;
совершенствовать навыки аудирования ;
развивать логическое мышление, языковую догадку;
совершенствовать навыки работы с аутентичным текстом;
расширить кругозор учащихся и развивать познавательные способности.
Ход урока
Орг. момент.
- Good morning, boys and girls!
Oh? (Слышны раскаты грома, звуки шторма.. Следует проблемное изложение темы
урока, What do you think, Whats this?.... Yes? You are right//
Today we are going to learn to talk about natural disasters and how to behave if they happened.
Речевая зарядка
I propose you to listen to some sounds once again. After listening you are to describe me your
feelings, thoughts or what you imagined while listening the sounds.
Приложение 1.
Sound 1- earthquake
Sound 2 tornado
Sound 3 storm
Актуализация опорных знаний.
-Good job. So we can say that all the sounds were scary, because we can hear cracking the walls,
crash, strong wind and so on.
Работа с учебником. Ex. 79 p.24.
Формирование новых ЗУН.
- There are a lot of different disasters on our planet. What natural disasters can you name?
(Приложение 2 Слайд1)
- Now let’s look at the slide and try to match the disaster with its definition and try to understand
their meanings. Remember that many of them sound alike their Russian equivalents.
(Приложение 2 Слайд 2)
1. A flood is a large amount of water which quickly covers a place that is usually dry land.
2. An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground.
3. A tornado is a very violent wind or storm.
4. A hurricane is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at a great speed
across land.
5. A volcano is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases
are released from the crater.
6. A drought is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.
(Если учащиеся затрудняются в выполнении задания, то можно перевести ключевые
- Let’s look at the next slide. Match the pictures with appropriate word. (Приложение 2 Слайд3
Thunderstorm picture1
Emergency services picture 2
Emergency supplies picture 3
Flying debris picture 4
Now we are going to listen to breaking news. You will hear 4 reporters. Your task is to define
what kind of disaster they tell about and what you should do in the case of disaster. You will
listen to the reporters twice. (Приложение 3)
- So, the first report was …….. hurricane alert
Report 2 - tropical storm warning.
Report 3 flooding
Report 4 tornado alert.
- And what should you do in the case of these disasters. Make your answer in the following way:
If there is a… do... (Приложение 2 Слайд4,)
If there is a hurricane alert, seek safe shelter or be prepared to evacuate the area.
If there is a tropical storm warning, cover the windows and make sure you have
emergency supplies.
If there is a chance of flooding, stay alert and go to higher ground.
If there is a tornado alert, stay inside and avoid open spaces and look out for flying
Закрепление пройденного материала.
- How clever of you. By the way , if there is any alert or warning, keep your radio turned on to
listen for important information. Ok. Each of you have a paper with an important message. Read
it and then select the one you didn’t read in the text. (Приложение 4)
(Приложение 2 Слайд 5)
If there is water damage, you should not drink contaminated water.
Be prepared to evacuate the area.
Don’t go to the beach to see the wave. You won’t be able to escape.
If there is a flood, not go to the basement.
Don’t walk through the moving water if the river floods its banks
Remember if a tsunami is approaching land, keep away from the shoreline.
- Read the each sentence and translate.
- What other recommendations can you give?
Подведение итогов.
- Great. So, let’s summarize. What should we do if a disaster happened?
- You are quite right. I hope that today’s lesson was very useful for you but I would like you’ll
never have to use them.
Your homework will be to do Ex.2p.17 (Wb) (Приложение 2 Слайд 6)