Конспект урока "Мой рабочий день. Время Present Simple" 5 класс

Тема: Мой рабочий день.
Время Present Simple.
Основные задачи: 1. Активизировать употребление лексики
данной темы в устной речи обучающихся.
2. Практиковать обучающихся в чтении,
основываясь на лексике этой темы.
3. Тренировать обучающихся в диалогической
4. Провести обобщение грамматического
материала в употреблении грамматического
времени Present Simple.
Ход урока:
1. Оргмомент.
- Приветствие.
- Диалог с дежурным.
- Объяснение задач урока.
Is everybody ready to start? All right, class, let’s get down to work. Today we
shall be talking about your working day and your day off. We shall get repeat
some phrases on this subject. Besides, we’ll revise English Tense. It is Present
Simple. At the end of our lesson we shall play a little. Let’s start now.
2. Речевая зарядка.
The first we’ll repeat our proverbs. Read these proverbs and translate them.
( На доске пословицы).
1. Every dog has his day.
2. Time and tide wait for no man.
3. Everything is good in its season.
4. Business before pleasure.
5. Lost time is never found again.
Read them in turn.
3. In the morning.
I have some questions for you:
Some of you are early-risers and some pupils don’t get up very early. But the alarm
clock rings up at 7 o’clock and there is nothing to be done as to start a new
working day. (В это время указываю на часы). Do you agree with me?
Pupils: Yes I do, I agree with you. (Должны повторить эту фразу).
Teacher: Answer my questions about your morning.
1. At what time do you get up?
2. Do you go to the bathroom in the morning? What do
you do there?
3. Do you wash your face and hands in the morning?
4. Do you clean your teeth in the morning?
5. Do you have breakfast in the morning?
6. Who makes breakfast for you?
7. What do you have for your breakfast?
And now I’ll give you one sheet between two pupils.
1. Read the questions, please.
2. Translate the questions.
3. Look at the pictures.
4. Read the phrases under the pictures and translate them.
5. Make up the sentences using these phrases about Boris.
6. Say what about you.
Итог данного задания: рассказ нескольких обучающихся об утре Бориса.
4. In the afternoon.
And now it is two o’clock. (Перевожу часы) Let’s see what does Boris do in
the afternoon? Look at these pictures (раздаю новые картинки) and answer
this question.
Close this key and make up the story. (Рассказы учащихся о том, что делает
Борис в это время суток).
Of course, in the afternoon we can do everything what is interesting for children.
What can you do in the afternoon? ( Ребята отвечают на вопрос, вспоминая
фразы по теме «Мой рабочий день».)
5. Проверка домашнего задания.
At home you learned by heart some dialogues. Let’s remember some of them.
(Слушаем домашние диалоги учащихся)
1 диалог - Helping
2 диалог - Telephone talk
3 диалог - At the University
4 диалог - At a custom
5 диалог - He must go
(Диалоги были даны учащимся на последних уроках).
6. Работа над диалогом.
I also want to tell you my story. It’s very funny. It is a dialogue. In this dialogue
I’m going to read you, will come across a number of words you don’t know. They
are: a stranger незнакомец;
a next door neighbour человек, живущий рядом.
(На доске картинка: мальчик и девочка в вагоне поезда)
Try to grasp both the central idea and the details.
Susan and Luke.
Susan is in a train. She is going to Oxford. She is talking to a stranger.
Susan: Do you live in London?
Stranger: Yes, I do.
Susan: London is a funny place. I don’t know my next-door neighbours. I
Live in Victoria Street.
Stranger: That’s funny! I live in Victoria Street too.
Susan: I live at number 24 Victoria Street.
Stranger: I live at number 23!
Susan: Oh! You are my neighbour! My name’s Susan.
Stranger: My name is Luke. How do you do!
7. The game.
I see you are tired. We still have 7 minutes. Let’s play a little. (Играем в лото.
Раздаю карточки с часами. В пакете отдельно карточки с фразами на
обозначение времени английскими фразами.)
8. Homework.
1. Чтение текста «My working day».
2. Задать 5 вопросов к тексту.
9. Подведение итогов урока.