Сценарий "London is a capital of Great Britain" 7 класс

Сценарий внеклассного группового мероприятия на английском языке, проведённого на тему:
«London is a capital of Great Britain”в 7 «а» классе школы №19 г. Кореновска Краснодарского края.
Провела: студентка 4 курса «Таганрогского государственного педагогического института им. А. П.
Чехова» Голобородько Оксана.
Оборудование: компьютер, картинки, карточки с заданиями для учащихся.
Цели внеклассного мероприятия:
1)образовательная ознакомить ребят с новой информацией о Лондоне
2)развивающая - развитие памяти, логики, мышления учащихся
3)воспитательная – привитие интереса к стране изучаемого языка, воспитание чувства
толерантности к чужой культуре
4)практическая – закрепить полученную новую информацию, проверить степень усвоения
изученного материала.
Этапы мероприятия
Речевое поведение учителя
Речевое поведение
1)Орг. Момент (7
Good afternoon, children. Sit
down, please. My name is
Oxana Alexandrovna. I am glad
to see you. The theme of our
extracurricular activity today is:
“London is a capital of Great
Britain”. The lesson is unusual
today. We will have the
travelling across London. I
would like to begin our trip
from the music. So, close your
eyes and listen to the famous
British group “The
Beatles”.Well, I think we can
start our trip. So, imagine that I
am your guide for today and
we are sitting in this London
double-decker. Listen to me
attentively. For each your right
answer I will give you the little
british flags and at the end of
the lesson we will count your
Good afternoon, teacher.
Тема на доске.
песня на
На доску
2)Основная часть
(30 мин.)
You see the cards with the
text. You are to fill in the gaps
in this text. I will read it to
you. So listen to the text
London is the capital of Great
Britain. It`s political,
P1:London is the capital of
Great Britain.
P2:It`s political, economical
and cultural center.
P3:London is an ancient city. It
is more than twenty centuries
карточки с
economical and cultural
center. London is an ancient
city. It is more than twenty
centuries old. The population
of London, including it`s
suburbs is more than 9 million
people. London is one of the
largest cities in the world and
the largest city in Europe. It is
situated on the banks of the
river Thames. London is
divided into 4 parts. The City,
Westminster, The West End
and the East End.
Let`s check your answers.
Good of you.
And now listen to me
attentively and translate my
The City is the financial and
the business center of the
country. There are a lot of
banks and various offices
here. It is the ancient part of
London. One of the greatest
English churches St. Paul`s
Cathedral is here. It was
designed and built by an
outstanding English architect
Christopher Wren in 1710. St.
Paul`s Cathedral is the second
large church in Europe.
Admiral Nelson is buried here.
Look at your cards. Here you
should put the sentences in a
right order.
Not far away is Westminster
the administrative centre of
London. The Houses of
Parliament are situated here.
It is the seat of the British
Government. The building
with it`s two towers and a big
clock Big Ben.
Let`s check your answers.
Read the sentences. Excellent.
You see the other cards. Listen
to me attentively and mark
whether the sentences in your
cards are true or false.
The West End is the part of
London where the rich people
live. Fine houses, wide streets,
numerous parks can be found
P4:The population of London,
including it`s suburbs is more
than 9 million people.
P5:London is one of the
largest cities in the world and
the largest city in Europe.
P6:It is situated on the banks
of the river Thames.
P7:London is divided into 4
parts: The City, Westminster,
The West End and the East
P1:Сити – финансовый и
деловой центр страны.
P2:Здесь много банков и
различных офисов.
P3:Это старинная часть
P4:Здесь же одна из
величайших церквей – собор
св. Павла.
P5:Он был спланирован и
построен выдающимся
английским архитектором
Кристофером Реном в 1710
P6:Собор св.Павла вторая по
величине церковь в Европе.
P7:Адмирал Нельсон
похоронен здесь.
P1:The first one is: Not far
away is Westminster the
administrative centre of
P2:The second sentence is:
The Houses of Parliament are
situated here.
P3:The third one is: It is the
seat of the British
P4:The last sentence is: The
building with it`s two towers
медленно, по
картинка собора
Св. Павла
Выдаются другие
карточки с
новым заданием
Картинка Здания
Парламента на
in this part of the capital. The
best cinemas, theaters,
concert halls, famous shops,
comfortable hotels,
restaurants, large museums
are situated there. The most
beautiful London park Hyde
Park is in the centre too.
Let`s check. Right you are.
Listen to the text attentively
and answer the question you
see on the blackboard: What
does the East End include?
The East End includes the
port, the docks stretching for
miles and the great industrial
areas, which connected with
Who would like to answer the
question? Good of you.
Now listen to me and be ready
to tell me all the names of
London sightseeings that you
will hear.
London is also famous for it`s
outstanding places of interest.
There are many architectural
art and historic monuments in
London such as: The British
Museum, The Tower of
London, The National Gallery,
Buckingham Palace, Nelson`s
Column and many others.
Tell me please what places of
interest did you hear? Great!
Look at your cards. You are to
choose only one answer to
each question. I will read you
the text and then we will
check your answers.
Big Ben is the name of the
clock and the bell of the clock
tower of the Houses of
Parliament. You can hear the
sound of big Ben every
quarter of an hour in London.
The clock and the bell got
their names after Sir Benjamin
Hall. Ну was a tall man, whose
nickname was Big Ben. So
people know clock as Big Ben.
Let`s check your tests. Right
you are.
Listen to me very attentively.
and a big clock Big Ben.
P1:The East End is the part of
London where the rich people
live. It is false. The West End is
the part of London where the
rich people live
P2:Fine houses, wide streets,
numerous parks can be found
in this part of the capital. It is
P3:The best cinemas, theaters,
concert halls, famous shops,
comfortable hotels,
restaurants, large museums
are situated there.
P4:The most beautiful London
park St. James Park is in
the centre too. It is false. The
most beautiful London park
Hyde Park is in the centre
P: The East End includes the
port, the dock and the great
industrial areas.
P1: The British Museum, The
Tower of London
P2:The National Gallery,
Buckingham Palace, Nelson`s
P1:Big Ben is the name of
a)the clock
b)the clock and the bell of the
clock tower
of the Houses of Parliament.
Картинка Гайд -
На доске
написан вопрос
восточной части
Читаю медленно
и чётко
галереи, музея,
карточки с
картинка Биг
You are to tell me all the
surnames you will hear.
Westminster Abbey it is a
church where kings and
queens are crowned. It is
situated opposite the Houses
of Parliament. This ancient
building was founded in the 11
century. It was destroyed and
rebuilt several times. Many
famous people were buried
here, Newton, Darwin,
Dickens and Kipling are among
Let`s see what surnames did
you hear. Great.
And now look at the picture,
listen to me and guess what
place I will talk about.
This place is not far from
Westminster Abbey. It is the
London residence of the
Queen. When the flag is flying
on the top she is at home.
Many tourists come here to
watch the Changing of the
Guard. It is a very beautiful
So what is the place I was
talking about? Good of you.
And now listen to me and
translate the sentences.
The tower of London is a very
old building. It is more than
900 years old. English kings
lived in it many years ago, but
now it is a museum. People
who come to London like to
go to the Tower. It was a
fortress, that was built by
William the Conqueror, a royal
palace and later a prison. The
ravens are another famous
sign. The legend says that
without them the Tower will
fall. Right.
The right answer is b.
P2:You can hear the sound of
big Ben every
a) hour
b) quarter of an hour
in London.
It is b.
P3:a)The clock and the bell
b) the bell
got their names after Sir
Benjamin Hall.
It is a.
P4:Нe was a
man, whose nickname was Big
Ben. So people know clock as
Big Ben.
P:Newton, Darwin, Dickens
and Kipling.
P:This is Buckingham Palace.
P1:Лондонский Тауэр очень
старое здание.
P2:Ему более чем 900 лет.
P3:Английские короли жили
в нём много лет назад, но
сейчас это музей.
P4:Люди, приезжающие в
Лондон любят ходить в
P5:Он был крепостью,
которая была построена
Вильгельмом Завоевателем,
королевским дворцом и
позднее тюрьмой.
P6:Вороны другой
выдающийся символ.
P7:Легенда гласит, что без
них Тауэр падёт.
медленно, чётко
картинка дворца
медленно, по
итогов (3 мин)
Good of you. Well, our trip is
over. Let`s count your results.
Our winner today is Masha.
Our extracurricular activity is
over. Thank you for you
coming and for you working.
Good bye.
P1: I have 5 cards
P2: And I have 6
P3: I have 4 cards
Good bye.