Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме “A tour around Umyot”

Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме “A tour around Umyot
1.Предмет: английский язык
3.Тема: A tour around Umyot
4.Маршрут: школа-парк – Советская улица-церковь-больница – Озерная улица –
озеро-дерево «жираф»-клуб-завод-вокзал -школа
5.Цели урока: познакомить учащихся с достопримечательностями нашего поселка,
создать условия для совершенствования лексических навыков по теме «Мой поселок»,
способствовать развитию навыков аудирования и монологической речи учащихся.
6.Задачи урока:
совершенствование фонетических навыков
продолжение формирования грамматически навыков: - Present simple,конструкция
There is/are
введение и закрепление новой лексики по теме: "Мой поселок".
обогатить знания учащихся в области истории поселка
совершенствовать лексические знания по теме
активизировать навыки монологической и диалогической речи
продолжить работу над расширением словарного запаса
развивать навыки аудирования, говорения;
развивать память обучающихся, внимание и наблюдательность;
расширять общий кругозор обучающихся;
уметь давать оценку, высказывать своё мнение на английском языке.
воспитание культуры общения;
поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка;
формирование познавательной активности учащегося.
7.Планируемые результаты:
формирование устойчивой учебно-познавательной мотивации, навыков переноса
знаний в новую ситуацию, развитие стремления к совершенствованию речевой
культуры в целом
формирование коммуникативной компетенции в общении и сотрудничестве со
сверстниками в процессе учебной деятельности
развитие интереса к истории и культуре своего поселка
формирование навыков самоанализа и самоконтроля.
регулятивные развивать мотивы и интересы познавательной деятельности.
познавательные - умение извлекать информацию на разных уровнях (основную,
выборочную/запрашиваемую, полную и точную информацию) в соответствии с
поставленной коммуникативной задачей;
коммуникативные - развитие умения планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение;
владение языковыми средствами – умение ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку
зрения, использовать адекватные языковые средства;
умение поддерживать беседу по теме «Мой поселок»
владение навыками диалогической речи и аудирования
умение употреблять в речи Present Simple и конструкцию There is/are
8.Формат экскурсии: интерактивная экскурсия.
9.Продолжительность:2 урока
Ход экскурсии.
1.Организационный момент.
T. Good morning boys and girls. How are you? I hope you are fine.
2. Сообщение темы урока.
T: Every person in the world has his own Motherland, where he has been living from his birth. .
As for me, I have such a place too. It is Umyot.My chioce of the tour is explained by the
words”East or West home is best”.How do you understand this proverb?
(Ответы учащихся)
P1.For me there is no place like home.
P2.Umyot is my Motherland. I was born here.
P3.Umyot is not only a place, where I live, but also my native settlement.
So at our lesson we`ll make a tour around our settlementUmyot. And you’ll see this place in a
new way, because we’ll use English language! It will be an unusual lesson. We`ll go along the
streets of our settlement and see all the sights.
3.Актуализация знаний.
T: But how can we communicate without useful words? Let’s remember them!
Listen and repeat the words after me.
Church, street, house, park, post office,hospital, factory, well-known, tree, old, new, river,
road, café,school,hospital,block of flats, forest ,mushrooms, berries.
4.Основная часть урока. Экскурсия по поселку Умет.
T: Umyot is a work settlement in the Zubovo-Polyansky Municipal District of the Republic of
Mordovia. It is located on the federal highway M5 "Ural", 430 km from Moscow and 210 km
from Saransk. The population is 2.7 thousand people.
There is a plant, a post office, a hospital, a club, two schools and many shops in our village.
We have no river, but we have a lake.Umyot is famous for its small roadside cafes.
It has long and rich history. But though Umyot isn’t a big city, there are many beautiful places
and I will be your guide and I `ll show them to you during our excursion.Are you ready?
St. Yes .
T. Let`s go.( Выходим из класса)
Let me start our sightseeing tour around Umyot .
This is our school. It is not large. About 300 pupils study there. Our school is a two storey
building. On the ground floor there is a cloak room, a teacher’s room, a dining room and 4
classrooms. On the first floor there is a library and 6 classrooms. There is a gymnasium and
workshops in our school. In the schoolyard there is a sports ground.
Answer my questions, please.
1. When do our lessons begin?
2. How many lessons do you have every day?
3. What are your favourite subjects?
4. Do you like your school?
( Ответы детей)
T.Next to our school there is a park. Let`s go there.
Look! There is a monument to V.I. Lenin.
Not far away you can see an obelisk.
By a tradition we come to the obelisk to commemorate the heroism of our people during the
Great Patriotic War.Every year on the 9
of May there is a meeting here.People put flowers to
the obelisk and we watch the parade of school troops and a concert.
Our park is the best place for rest of our residents.Last year a dance pavillion was built and
young people go to the disco in summer.
P.Why don`t we have swings in our park?
T.There were some swings but they were broken.
P. We like to go to the park but there are few benches.
T. You are right. Many benches were built in the park but many young people come here to rest
and leave a lot of litter.And so only few benches were left.
T.Let`s go along Sovetskaya Street.Our settlement is famous for its number of the most diverse
roadside cafes.They have different names such as “Anastasiya”,”Eater”,” Morddovins”and many
others . Their food is very tasty and many drivers always stop in Umyot to eat and have a
rest.Many films were made and shown on TV about our settlement. Sometimes it is called
T. Do you know how many cafes are there along the highway?
P. About 200.
T. Yes, you are right.More than 200 pieces stretched along the road at a distance of about 2 km.
What are the main dishes in the cafes?
P. Borsht, pelmeni and barbecue.
T. Do your parents work in the cafes?
P. Yes, they do.And we also help our parents.
T.A famous French actor Gérard Depardieu stopped in Umyot in the cafe « Ararat »
Well done! The next place of interest is our church.We are going there.
Look right! It`s our church. And many people come here for services.I think it is very beauitiful.
P. Yes, it`s very beauitiful. What is the name of our church?
T. Bogoroditsraya church.It was built in 2003.Opposite the church there is a cemetery.
We continue our excursion and we are going along Uchitelskaya street.Here you can see the
hospital and the ambulant clinic.
T. Let`s go through railroad crossing and go along Ozyornaya street.You can see many block of
flats and shops.Most part of our residents live here.
Let`s go on our tour.I know that you like to swim. So where can we go? Of course, to the lake.
I consider that our lake is the best place for a rest and every summer people go here for
swimming and fishing.But in winter children play hockey and skate.
P. Is it a deep lake?
T. Yes, the depth of the lake in some places is about 3 metres.
P.What is the name of this lake?
T.There is no official name but some people call it Babino because near the lake there lived the
Our settlement is surrounded by the forest.There are many trees such birches,oaks,pines,marples
and many others.People like to go to the forest to pick up mushrooms and berries.Near the lake
there is a very interesting place.Let`s go there and I `ll show you an unusual tree. It looks like a
P.Do you know how old is it?
T. Nobody knows.I think it’s an old tree. Some people say that it is more than 70 years old.
You may take pictures. (Дети фотографируются на дереве).
Going along Stadionnaya street we`ll reach the club.It was its old name. And now it is called the
centre of leisure and culture.
Let`s go inside.On the ground floor there is a concert hall and a crush room. On the first floor
there is a library.There are a lot of books and many people come here to have a rest and take a
Have a look at the wall.Here you can see photos of famous people of our settlement.For
example; D.V.Tyurkin was the Hero of the Soviet Union.
Let`s get aquainted with the librarian. She knows English a bit and can answer your questions.
( Дети задают вопросы библиотекарю)
Do you speak English?
What is your name?
When does the library open?
Can I take magazines to read?
Do you like your job?
T: Children say good bye to the librarian.Let`s go.
The next place of interest is our plant.If you walk along Leninskaya Street you `ll go there.
Lumberman Leskov opened sawmill in 1896. At that time Umyot was very small.There were
only 17 houses in which 231 people live .In 1937 woodworking factory was created.At the
factory windows, doors, garden furniture and parquet were made.In 1999 a plywood plant
“Plyterra” was created.
P. How many people work at this plant?
T. About 500 people.
P. What do they make?
T. Plywood.It means фанера.
P. What things do people do from the plywood?
T. It is used in the construction of buildings and the furniture is made of plywood.
P.Where do they sell plywood?
T.They sell it to 45 countries all over the world.
T.The railway station is the next place where we stop. Let`s go there.
Now we are on the railway station “Teply Stan”.The trains don`t stop here. If you want to go to
Moscow or to another city you must go to Zuboba Polyana.
T.Our tour has finished.Let`s go to school. (Снова идем в школу)
T.Here we are again at school.I hope that you have enjoyed our excursion and you are able to
show it to the guests of our settlement.
5.Викторина по итогам экскурсии.
And now let`s do the quiz.
1. This monument stands near the entrance to the park. (Lenin monument)
2. It is a place, where people can meet the guests from the other city or can go to the other city
themselves. (Railway station).
3. It is a two storeyed building in the centre of the settlement. Pupils study there. (school)
4. People usually go there when they want to watch a concert. (The club)
5. People, who likes swimming spend a lot of time there. (a lake) .
6. It is a traditional place, which people visit on the 9 th of May (Obelisk)
6 .Заключительный этап урока.
T: Well, our lesson is over. You all worked very well. I’m pleased with your аnswers.
You were good at the lesson. Your marks are:______
What else have we done at the lesson? (We have spoken about our native settlement).
Your answers were nice. Now I see that you love your native place. You are really active, polite,
kind, clever and friendly.
Did you like the lesson? Was it useful for you?
T: Today we have learnt a lot. At the end of the lesson I would like you to write a cinquain on
our topic. Here is an example.
Native ,famous .
To live, to work, to study.
I am proud of my settlement .
-Pupils say their examples of cinquain.
8.Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания.
And I think that now it will be easy to compose your impressions about visiting our settlement in
written form. It will be your home task.
Thank you for the lesson, see you next day! Good bye!
Список источников.
1.УМК Spotlight” 5 класс Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д.Дули.
2. http://www.plyterra.ru
3. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Умёт_(Мордовия)