Конспект урока "Basic Color Theory"

Конспект занятия по английскому языку на тему «Basic Color Theory»
Цель урока: закрепление пройденного материала
Задачи урока:
Совершенствование навыка аудирования при помощи видео
Совершенствование разговорной речи с употреблением
лексических единиц по теме «Basic Color Theory»
Обеспечить в ходе урока развитие у студентов навыков памяти.
Содействовать в ходе урока развитию навыков самостоятельной
Содействовать в ходе урока развитию навыков работы в паре.
Сформировать у учащихся знания следующих понятий:
толерантность, эстетические нормы поведения.
Дать возможность учащимся оценить свой уровень владения
грамматикой английского языка
Способствовать повышению самооценки учащихся.
Реализуемые компетенции:
ОК 2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, определять методы и
способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их
эффективность и качество.
ОК 5. Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в
профессиональной деятельности.
ОК 6. Работать в коллективе, обеспечивать его сплочение, эффективно
общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями.
Тип урока: урок повторения
Оборудование: компьютер, видеофрагмент
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqzYUIh0Dcg , раздаточный материал
Форма работы: групповая, фронтальная, индивидуальная
Время занятия: 45 мин + 45 мин
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
T: Color theory is a human construct. We need ways to define what we mean
by color, and how colors can be ordered, related to each other, and adjusted to
become new colors. Color theory attempts to meld together the facts we have
about color in a way that gives us common ground to discuss and use colors.
2. Речевая разминка
I want to know one thing. What is color?
Pablo Picasso
T: There are literally millions of colors! But fortunately, they can be divided
into just a few color families. And every color can be described in terms of
having three main attributes: hue, saturation and brightness.
What are the color characteristics?
P: Hue is identified as the color family or color name (such as red, green,
purple). Hue is directly linked to the color’s wavelength.
P: Saturation, also called “chroma”, is a measure of the purity of a color or
how sharp or dull the color appears.
P: Brightness, also called “luminance” or “value”, is the shade (darkness) or
tint (lightness) of a color. Areas of an evenly colored object in direct light have
higher brightness than areas in shadow.
3. Проверка домашнего задания
4. Основная часть занятия
- Совершенствование знания лексических единиц по теме “Color
Color Vocabulary
What does hue mean?
What does intensity mean?
What does opaque mean?
What do primary colors mean?
What do secondary colors mean?
What does shade mean?
What does tint mean?
What does value mean?
What do tertiary colors mean?
P: HUE The name of a color as it appears on
the color wheel: red, orange, yellow, red-violet,
P: INTENSITY The purity of a hue. A hue at
its highest intensity has no other color mixed
with it. A hue loses its intensity as another
color is added to it.
P: OPAQUE Having covering power; not permitting paper or other color to
show through.
P: PRIMARY COLORS Red, yellow, and blue. With these three colors (and
black and white) all other colors can be made. The primary colors themselves
can not be made by mixing other colors.
P: SECONDARY COLORS Those colors which are created by the mixture
of two primary colors in approximately equal proportions. The secondary
colors are orange, violet and green.
P: SHADE Hue plus black.
P: TINT Hue plus white (or water).
P: TERTIARY COLORS Those colors created by the mixture of an adjacent
primary and secondary color. The tertiary colors are named by combining the
names of the two parent colors, with the primary element listed first: orange +
red = red-orange.
P: VALUE The natural lightness or darkness of a hue or the amount of white
or black in a color, pink is a light value of red, navy-blue is a dark value of
blue, etc.
- Совершенствование навыков говорения (описание цветов)
Name the meanings of red color.
Name the meanings of yellow color.
Name the meanings of blue color.
P: Red is the color of passionate love, seduction, danger, anger, and adventure. Our
prehistoric ancestors saw red as the color of fire and blood energy and primal life
P: Yellow is the color of happiness, and optimism, of enlightenment and creativity,
sunshine and spring. Lurking in the background is the dark side of yellow: cowardice,
betrayal, egoism, and madness. Yellow is the color of caution and physical illness.
P: Blue is embraced as the color of heaven and authority, denim jeans and corporate
Dark blue: trust, dignity, intelligence, authority
Bright blue: cleanliness, strength, dependability, coolness
- Работа в паре
T: Describe these rooms.
P: Red is a good choice when you want to stir up excitement, particularly at
night. In the living room or dining room, red draws people together and
stimulates conversation.
P: Yellow is perfect for kitchens, dining rooms, and bathrooms, where happy
colors are energizing and uplifting. In halls, entries, and small spaces, yellow
can feel expansive and welcoming. It is not a good choice to use in main color
schemes when it comes to designing a room. In large amounts, this color tends
to create feelings of frustration and anger in people.
P: Blue is considered calming, relaxing and serene, and it is often
recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms. Dark blue has the opposite effect,
evoking feelings of sadness. Stay with the lighter shades of blue to give you
and your loved ones a calm effect.
- Совершенствование навыков употребления английских идиом
T: Fill in:
Tickled Pink Red In The Face Feeling
Black Sheep Green With Env Yellow-bellied
Golden Child
1. Ever since my dog ran away, I've been ………………!
2. All of my children became doctors except one. John, …………………….. of the
family, stays home and plays video games all day!
3. I was ……………………. when I heard my friend won a trip to Hawaii!
4. The son of the king is a ……………!
- Совершенствование навыков письменной речи
T: You have 20 min to do this task. Describe this room. Write 150-200 words.
5. Закрепление полученных знаний
Which color do you associate with happy?
Which color do you associate with good tasting?
Which color do you associate with high technology?
Which color do you associate with mourning?
Which color do you associate with expensive?
Which color do you associate with inexpensive?
Which color do you associate with powerful?
Which color do you associate with dependable?
Which color do you associate with high quality?
Which color do you associate with bad luck?
T: Fill in the table. (Работа по группам)
6. Домашнее задание
T: Watch the movie and prepare for talking.
7. Заключение
T: Thank you for your work. Now I’d like you to estimate your work , answer
the questions.
1. What was the theme of the lesson?
2. What have been discussed during the lesson?
3. What was the most difficult task for you?