Конспект урока "Hobbies and School clubs" 6 класс

Тема урока «Hobbies and School clubs»
Класс: 6
Цель урока: развитие лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Hobbies and School clubs».
1.Активизировать лексику по данной теме; практиковать лексико –грамматические навыки и
речевые умения по данной теме (слушанье, говорение, чтение);
2.Развивать внимание, память, логическое мышление, навыки самостоятельной работы;
3.Способствовать развитию навыков культуры общения.
Оборудование: мультимедийное сопровождение к уроку; подборка картинок; карточки с
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент (1)
Teacher: Good afternoon, boys. Good afternoon, girls. I am glad to see you again. Let’s start our English
lesson. The topic of our lesson is “hobbies and school clubs”. Today we are talking about our free time
and about our hobbies. And I’d like to know what hobbies you have and what you like doing in your free
2. Фонетическая зарядка (2)
Teacher: First let’s practice the English sounds and words on the topic “The world of hobbies”. What
sounds can we hear more ooften? What do these words mean? Make up your own sentences using these
English words.
[a: ] [i:] [t]
gardening reading tennis
cartoons people football
dancing see basketball
drama weekend travelling
postcard keep collecting
3. Речевая разминка (3)
Teacher: Let’s play an interesting game. It is called “What is missing?” You can see some pictures on the
blackboard. How many pictures can you see?
Pupil: We can see 7 pictures.
Teacher: What can you see in these pictures?
Pupil 1: I can see reading
Pupil 2: I can see watching TV\ dancing\playing football\ playing computer games\ gardening
Teacher: Try to remember as many words as you can. Close your eyes. Open your eyes. What is
Pupil: dancing
Teacher: You are right. It is “dancing”. Do you like dancing?\playing football\gardening\....?
4. Развитие навыков понимания информации на слух по теме School Clubs”. (5)
a) Open your books on p.30 ex.93 Listen and say what Dima wants to do after his classes.
b) Put the sentences of the dialogue in the correct order (1-4). Listen and check the order.
5. Развитие навыков чтения “School clubs”. (5)
Open your books on p.30 ex.95 Read the adverbs from the wall newspaper and match them with
the pictures.
6. Активизация лексических навыков по теме “School clubs”. (5)
Now listen to me and guess what school clubs about I tell.
1. In this club you can sing your favourite songs with your friends. (singing club)
2. You can play this smart board game. (chess club)
3. You can draw pictures. You can be a famous artist.(drawing club)
4. You can play violin, guitar or piano in this club. (musician’s club)
5. In this club you can play, jump and run with the small ball and rocket. (tennis club)
7. Физминутка (5)
Now it’s time to rest.
I am going to tell you about something I like to do. And your task is to show this hobby, I will try
to help you.
I am fond of swimming.
I like playing the piano.
I enjoy dancing.
I really like drawing.
I like singing.
I love taking pictures.
I enjoy playing tennis.
8. Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме School clubs and hobbies”. (5)
Teacher: Look at the smart board. Fill in the missing words
taking pictures
playing tennis
taking pictures
playing tennis
Tom likes………….and……. He doesn’t like……………and …………..
Sam is fond of…….,………….and………… Sam is not fond of…………
Alison likes………,………….and…………..She doesn’t like……………
Jack likes ………..and…………… He doesn’t like……and………………..
Kate likes………….and……. He doesn’t like……………and …………..
Ann is fond of…….,………….and………… Sam is not fond of…………
Jim likes………,………….and…………..She doesn’t like……………
Martin likes ………..and…………… He doesn’t like……and………………..
8. Развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме “Hobbies”. (5)
Teacher: Make up your own dialogues in pairs.
Example: Do you like ________ ?
Yes, I do\ No, I don’t. I like _______ . I don’t like ________ . And you?
I like ________, too\I don’t like ________, too.
9. Рефлексия.
Активизация лексических навыков по теме “ Hobbies”. (4)
Teacher: Different people have different hobbies. But what hobbies do they usually have? I am sure you
know the names of them. Try to remember as many hobbies as you can. The world of hobbies is very
different. I want you to go to the blackboard and write down their names. Who will be the first? second?...
You should use the phrases:
I enjoy …
I really like …
I am fond of …
I love
10. Домашнее задание.
1) W/b ex.23,24 p.11-12
2) S/b ex.98 p32 (mini-project)
computer games