Конспект урока "How did I spend my summer holidays?" 7 класс

«How did I spend my summer holidays?»
Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся; сохранение здоровья
Задачи:1.Повторить и обобщить тему в монологических и диалогических высказываниях
учащихся, обучать умению использовать опору.
2.Развивать активность, трудолюбие, чувство ответственности и коллективизма.
3. Воспитывать стремлению к самоусовершенствованию, умение слушать других, вести себя
сдержанно, тактично.
Оборудование: тематические картинки, опоры, аудиокассета, компьютер.
Ход урока:
1. Good morning children.Sit down. Lets start our lesson. The topic of our lesson is «How did I spend
my summer holidays How do you think, what are we going to do at the lesson?
-We are going to learn new words, to answer the questions, to read , to speak without mistakes,
to speak English, to speak about summer holidays.
2. Warming up Activity.
-Are you ready?-Yes, we are ready. How are you today, Pavel? I am fine,thanks. And you? I am OK.
How are you,Sasha? Not so good.Why are you so sad? Because it is autumn. It will be winter soon.
Yes, autumn is in the air. But do not be apset. Every season brings something good for us. And today the
Queen of autumn has come to us. Natasha, go to the blackboard and say some words about
autumn.Children, will you reсite any verses about autumn? Well, enough. Children as you see every
autumn month brings something good for us. And do not be upset, all seasons are wonderfull, nice.
3.And now, pupils, lets organize the competition «Who knows more words and expressions to the topic
«How did I spend my summer holidays?» Team №1, Team 2. Lets begin. Lets count, how many words
and expressions have you learned for todays lesson. I think its quite enough to start our talk, to start
reading the text.
4. Lets revise grammer «The degrees of comparison. I will give you cards with pictures and sentences
and you must put them on the blackboard and show us the degrees of comparison: Positive,
comparative and superlative. Vladimir, go to the blackboard and put your card on the blackboard.
Pupils, well enough. Which adjectives are exceptions to the rule? Lets listen some rhymes.
5. Children, in order to travel, in order to go abroad or to go to the Crimea or to go to Moscow you
should know geography very well. Answer my questions using the degrees of comparison.
1. Is England as big as Russia?
2. What is the most important thing for you when you go on holiday? The place.
3. What is the deepest lake in the world?
Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world.
4. What is the largest ocean in the world?
The Pacific ocean is the largest.
5.What is the longest river in the world?
The longest river is the Nile.
Now children its quaite enough.
6. Lets start reading short text « How did Rob, Sasha, Olga, Anna spend their summer holidays.
7.And now lets discuss these stories. Ask and answer the questions. Lets discuss Sashas story. As you see
all stories are exciting. Only Olgas story was the least exiting. She wants to make up a good story. Help
her. Think of a good ending.
8. Speak about yourself.Were did you spend you summer holidays? Where were you in summer? And
you ,Sasha? Pupils use the structures:
a) If I go camping, I can…..
b) If I go to the village,I can….
c) If I go abroad, can….
d) If I go to a big city, I can…..
Children I see that somebody was abroad, somebody was in Moscow some of us some of you were in
the Crimea. But what do you like to do together? Have you any habits, traditions in your class. We like
to go camping together. But what are the advantages of camping? Ilya say some words. I see it is very
good for you. Are all children great lovers of camping? As we know, some children we may call a
sleeping-bag. Who is a sleeping-bag in your class? Who is a campfire? Who is a touch?
9. Lets listen a verse « Some of us…»
10. Some pupils in our group have prepared mini-projects « How did they spend their summer
holidays Lets listen. Thank you for your stories . But what would you like to see in London if you were
there? Pavel say some words.
11. Lets imagine that we are in London. We are going along the street and see a beautiful building. You
stop an Englishman and ask him questions about this building. What questions can you ask?
And another situation. Imagine that Russian tourist has already visited London. And he is going to go in
Russia. What questions can an Englishman ask to him?
Children, what does a trip to Moscow in London in Italy give for you? Lets listen a verse.
12. Сhildren as you know English language is highly idiomatic. There are many proverbs, jokes, rhymes,
expressions, idioms. What idioms do you know? Well. Children I shall read the situation and you must
choose a necessary rhyme. Listen attentively.
-Today I had a lot of work. I did not eat all the day. And now ( I am as hungry as a hunter).
- He got up early in the morning. He helped his mother about the house. Then he walked the dog. Then
he went to his grandmother and read for her because she cant see very well any more. And in the
afternoon he played with his little sister. What can we say about this boy? Yesterday I saw UFO. It
landed in our garden and three green man came of it.
-I have a lot of work: I must clean the house, do the shopping and cook dinner.
13. And now a song « I swam in the sea
14. Подведение итогов урока.
How have we done our lesson?
We have done (2 р.)
We have done our lesson OK.
We had a look in every book
And now its time to play.
Pupils thank you for participation. I give you «4» and «5». Vladimir, Anna were the most active. She was
the most active from the girls. He was the most active from the boys. Our time is out.