Конспект урока "Travelling to the country DoDidDone" 4 класс

Travelling to the country DoDidDone
Цель: актуализация знаний учащихся.
Место урока: седьмой урок из десяти учебных часов, рассчитанных на изучение данной
Образовательные задачи:
Формировать навыки устной речи.
Расширять знания учащихся по использованию грамматических явлений (Present
Simple Tense, Past Simple Tense).
Развивающие задачи:
Развивать языковую догадку, память, внимание.
Воспитательные задачи:
Воспитывать культуру общения в разных видах коллективного взаимодействия.
Оборудование урока:
ТСО: аудиозапись;
изображение героев королевства “Past”;
грамматическая таблица неправильных глаголов;
таблица движений;
карточки с заданием;
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Hello everybody! I am glad to see you today!
Pl. Hello, hello, hello to you!
Hello, hello we are glad to see you!
Get ready for the lesson. Sit down, please. Let us begin our lesson.
2. Речевая разминка.
Teacher: Answer my questions, please.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today? Is he/she ill?
What is the date?
What day of the week is it today?
What day of the week was yesterday?
What season is it now? (It is winter)
Do you like winter?
What do you usually do in winter?
What is the weather like today?
Teacher: That is right.
Thank you. Well done.
3. Постановка задач урока.
Today we are going to visit the kingdom of the “Past” and its citizens. We are going to practice
grammar rules about Present Simple and Past Simple Tenses in your speech. So we are going to
do some exercises, work with the text and of course, play games. Ok, are you ready to start? (
Yes, we are./Sure.)
4. Работа над грамматикой.
Look at the blackboard, please. Here you can see the kingdom of the Past Simple Tense. Answer
my questions, please:
Who is the king of the kingdom?
Who is the queen of the kingdom?
What citizens are there in the kingdom?
How can you explain the word regular/irregular verbs?
How can we build sentences?
Кто правит королевством?
Какие есть жители?
Какая главная улица в королевстве?
Thanks a lot. Now let us play a little.
5. Фонетическая зарядка.
А теперь пора вспомнить ленивых, непослушных жителей нашего королевства.
Now let us repeat irregular verbs (по таблице на доске, хором). Please, repeat after me:
Кенгуру. Кенгуру.
Говорила по утру:
“Надо быстренько вставать
И глаголы повторять:
to write-wrote-written
to eat-ate-eaten,
to speak-spoke-spoken,
to break-broke-broken…”
Very good! It’s time to play a little.
(Игра с мячом на употребление трех форм глаголов)
a) Write 3 forms of the verbs:
Do- Play-
Have- Walk-
Come- Want-
Give- Open-
Put- Talk-
Make- Help-
Say- Live-
Be- Skate-
Meet- Paint-
Drink- Smile-
(Задание для сильных учеников – 1я колонка. Задание для слабых учеников – 2я колонка)
b) Open your exercise books write the date.
And begin to do this exercise.
c) Ex.19 p. 71 (Выполняют письменно)
d) Чтение текста вслух
e) Контроль понимания (выберете правильный вариант ответа)
1) She helped to lay the table.
2) She watered the flowers.
3) She fed the pets.
4) She cleaned the room.
5) She cooked the breakfast.
6. Зарядка
“Hands up! Hands down
Hands on hips! Sit down!
Stand up! Hands to the side!
Bend left! Bend right
Hands on hips !
1, 2, 3 hop!
Thank you. Take your seats, please.
7. Аудирование
(Пальчиковая игра “The days of the week”– проговариваем названия дней недель по–
английски в одну потом в обратную сторону).
Thank you. Well done.
DAYS of the WEEK
Listen and match the correct day. Say what Alex did on different days of the week.
Ex. 24. P. 73.
8) Устная речь
1) Say, what did you do yesterday. Let us work in a chain now. Firstly ask then
answer the question! What did you do yesterday? (Игра – цепочка)
2) Ask me about what I did yesterday. (Задают вопросы учителю)
3) Работа в парах.
At home you must prepaid the dialogue.
And tell about what did you yesterday.
Act the dialogue. (Разыгрывают диалоги)
9) Переделкино. (Работа над грамматикой)
Жители королевства «Past» хотят с вами немного поиграть и увидеть, не путаете ли вы их
с жителями соседнего королевства «Present».
They gave me some cards for you with sentences and they asked you to read these sentences, and
say what did they do yesterday. Use the words: yesterday, the day before yesterday, ten days
ago, a week ago, and a month ago.
1) I clean my room on Saturdays.
2) We wash our hands and face in the morning.
3) He does his homework every day.
4) They play snowballs with friends every weekend.
5) I go to school every day.
(Для сильных учеников)
(Для слабых учеников)
Use Past Simple Tense.
1) I … my mother yesterday (help)
2) It … windy two days ago (be)
3) My mother … a cake last Sunday (cook)
4) He … TV yesterday (watch)
5) We … together with my sister last weekend (skate)
10) Чтение
Open your books at page 66, exercise 3.
Look at the picture in Ex. 1. Complete the text.
(Работа с текстом. Чтение текста вслух)
11) Итоги урока.
I think we’ll stop doing this now. You have all good done. Now, open your daybooks and write
down home task. Ex. 7. p. 67.
I give you good-and excellent marks.
Thank you for a work at the lesson.
12) Рефлексия
Children tell me. Do you like the lesson?
The lesson is over. Good-bye