Разработка урока "Famous English Writers" 8 класс

Подготовила: А.В. Роньжина,
учитель английского языка МАОУ
«СПШ №33»
Разработка урока для 8 класса
Тема: « Famous English Writers»
Цель: развить интерес к литературе страны изучаемого языка, способности
к продуктивным речевым действиям и умения вести беседу по заданной
1.Развивать умения и навыки монологической устной речи: составлять
высказывания по аналогии; выражать свое мнение и оценку.
2.Активизировать изученную лексику, тренировать обучающихся в
употреблении новой лексики в речи.
3.Формировать лексические, фонетические и грамматические навыки.
4.Привить любовь к чтению, воспитать бережное отношение к книге,
умение слушать собеседника.
Оборудование: учебник «Английский язык» под редакцией Биболетовой
М. З. для 8 класса Enjoy English-8”, ТСО, сведения о книгах разных жанров,
цитаты знаменитых людей, презентация по теме.
Ход урока:
I.Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is
absent today? What day of the week is it today? What date is it today? How are
you today?
Обучающиеся приветствуют учителя, отвечают на его вопросы.
P1- ……is absent today.
II. Сообщение темы урока.
Teacher: We all have books. We use books in the classroom and at home. How do
you think what are we going to talk about?
Обучающиеся высказывают свои предположения о теме урока.
P1- Maybe we will talk about different books?
P2- I think we will speak about writers.
Teacher: You are absolutely right! Today we are going to talk about books and
writers. And now let’s read a small poem about a book.
Обучающиеся читают стихотворение по цепочке. (Слайд №1)
Pupils: I shall not spoil this little book,
Nor drop it on the floor;
I shall not turn its corners down
To spoil it more and more.
My book’s little friend to me,
And so a friend to it I’ll be.
III. Повторение лексики о жанрах книг, составление предложений.
Teacher: There are different kinds of books. Let’s revise some of them. What
kinds of books do you know?
Обучающиеся по очереди называют жанры книг на английском языке.
P1- I know that there are poems, novels, fairy-tales.
P2- I like to read detective stories. (Слайд №2)
Примерные ответы: novels, short stories, fairy-tales, poems, plays, short stories,
science fiction, adventure, thrillers, horror stories , detective stories and text-books.
Teacher: What books can be? Can they be humorous or adventurous?
(Слайд № 3)
Примерные ответы:
P1: Books can be detective, fantastic, historical, political, scientific.
P2: They can be interesting, thrilling, fascinating, exciting, useful, unusual,
original, amusing, well-written, boring, badly-written.
Teacher: Well done!
IV. Cоставление предложений.
Teacher: As for me, I like novels because they are tender , they make people
think .
Now open your copybooks, please. Write down the date. Your task is to make a
sentence with new words about kinds of books you like. Ex 101 will help you to
cope with it.
Обучающиеся составляют и записывают в тетрадях предложения по
P1- I like to read historical books because I’m fond of history.
V. Обсуждение пословиц о книгах, высказывание своего мнения.
Teacher: To my opinion a book is the best friend and you should take care of it.
Sometimes it gives you the best advice, sometimes it makes you laugh. I like
reading. There are some proverbs and golden rules about books and I want to share
it with you.
Примеры пословиц на английском языке. (Слайд №4)
1. Books are our best friends.
2. Choose an author as you choose a friend.
3. Treat books with care as good friends.
Обучающиеся читают, переводят пословицы, высказывают свое мнение.
P1- I agree that books are our best friends.
P2- We should treat books with care.
Teacher: Tell me, please, what Russian proverbs about books do you know?
P1- Книга - друг человека.
P2- Книги не говорят, а правду сказывают.
P3- Книга - маленькое окошко, через него весь мир видно.
Teacher: I agree with you, well done.
VI. Физкультминутка: Children, look around the classroom. You should find
the cards with the names and the surnames of the writers. They are in the different
parts of the classroom . Be very attentive!
В разных частях класса развешаны карточки с именами и фамилиями
писателей. Обучающимся необходимо увидеть и соотнести их.
VII. Обсуждение презентации о писателях.
Teacher: Now tell me please, what English writers do you know?
Обучающиеся называют известных им английских писателей.
P1- I like the books of Robert Louis Stevenson.
P2- I prefer to read the books of Agatha Christie.
Teacher: Very good! And now due to the presentation we will remember some of
the writers and their books. ( Mark Twain The adventures of Tom Sawyer….)
(Слайды №5-16)
Обучающиеся просматривают презентацию, называют авторов и их
P1- It is Mark Twain and The adventures of Tom Sawyer” is one of his well-
known books.
P2- I think this is the book of Charles Dickens.
Teacher: Good work, thank you.
VIII. Обобщение изученного материала.
Teacher: Many wise people said a lot about the importance of books. Let’s read
and translate these quotations from Russian into English. (Слайд №17)
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Richard Steele)
All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, the books of all
time. (John Ruskin)
Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all. (Henry
David Thoreau)
Обучающиеся читают и переводят высказывания известных людей о книгах,
выражают свое мнение.
P1- I agree with John Ruskin that all books are divided into the books of the hour
and the books of all time.
P2- I think that Richard Steele was right. Reading is exercise to the mind.
IX. Рефлексия. (Слайд № 18)
Teacher: So, children, our lesson is going to an end. I think that it was a very
useful lesson for you and for me. Let’s sum it up .Give me your answers why do
we need to read books?
Обучающиеся выражают свое мнение по поводу урока.
P1- I think that we need to read books to become wiser.
P2- From my point of view books are the best source of knowledge.
X. Объяснение домашнего задания.
Teacher: At home you should write a report about your favorite writer using the
XI. Итоги урока. ( Слайд №19)
Teacher: I’d like to thank you all for your good work at the lesson. Come to me
and I will tell you your marks. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
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