Конспект урока "In the town where I was born lived a man … (Famous people of my region)" 9 класс

© Yuliya Tolkach
9 класс
Тема: In the town where I was born lived a man … (Famous people of my region)
Цель: К концу урока учащиеся могут вести беседу об известных людях,
живущих в их районе; анализировать различные версии возникновения
названия районного центра; похвастаться своими знаменитыми земляками;
воспитательная: способствовать формирования патриотических чувств и
чувств гордости за свой родной город (поселок) и людей, живущих в нем;
содействовать возникновению у учащихся потребностей чего-то достичь в
жизни, стать полезным для своей страны, семьи, окружающих;
развивающая: создать ситуации для развития коммуникативных навыков
учащихся, навыков устной речи; содействовать умению работать в парах,
малых группах; способствовать развитию познавательного интереса
учащихся; способствовать развитию умения делать выбор и принимать
решения, обобщать и систематизировать.
Лексический материал: Hard work, achievements, inventions, heroic deeds,
unique ideas, courage, ambitions, raftsman, origin, place-name.
Грамматический материал: recycling: building of nouns (verb + ^ doer of
the action)
Оснащение урока: раздаточный и иллюстративный материал, презентация
PP, доска.
Ход урока.
Оформление доски
Оформление доски
In the town where I was born
Lived a man …
Paul McCartney (The Beatles)
© Yuliya Tolkach
I. Warm-up
- Good afternoon! I’m glad to see you at our lesson dedicated to Well, try
to guess, what the topic of our today’s lesson is. There is a line from a
famous song by the Beatles on the blackboard: In the town where I was
born lived a man …” So what are your ideas about the topic of our today’s
discussion? (Pupils give their variants. If the pupils have some difficulties,
the teacher can underline the following words “town where I was born”
our native town (Stolbtsy), lived a man” a person, who did something
- You’re right. Today we are going to talk about outstanding people of our
native region, of Stolbtsy region.
II. Announcement of the topic and the necessity to study it
- Motherland! Such a simple word, but what a complicated meaning.
Motherland means our past, our present and our future. (Slides №1-3) It’s
difficult to imagine a person without any past, any connections with his / her
native land. We all should know the history, the outstanding people and the
and Art
I think people respect them for …
© Yuliya Tolkach
places of interest of our native land. But before we start, let me ask you
some questions:
1. Who are they famous people? (Historians, politicians, sportsmen,
writers, poets, etc.)
2. Why are they famous?
3. Why do people respect them? (Заполнение ассоциограммы на доске.)
(Possible variants: hard work, achievements, inventions, heroic deeds,
unique ideas, courage, ambitions.)
(All pupils answer the questions, the teacher writes down the answers on the
blackboard, fills in the associagram.)
III. Reporting new information.
- I suggest you to start our conversation with the people who dedicated their
lives to the study of Stolbtsy history. We’ll talk about our historians. Can
you give us the names of Stolbtsy historians, whose books or articles you’ve
read? (Pupils give their variants).
On the blackboard: (Учитель снимает верхние звезды, открывает надписи.)
- These two people study the history of Stolbtsy district from its foundation up
to the present days. They give different versions of the place-name origin
and of the first time it was mentioned in the chronicles. Now we are going to
work in small groups (groups of 4-5: divide into the groups by distributing
among the pupils pieces of different cards with Stolbtsy sights. Pupils should
gather the pieces into separate pictures. One picture one group.).
- (Slides 4-6)
IV. Reading.
- You’ll read a small text about the history of our district town. In your groups
you should read the text and decide whose version of the early history of
Stolbtsy you share. (Distribute the copies of the texts.)
dr Tyrko
© Yuliya Tolkach
There are a lot of legends connected with the origin of Stolbtsy. Some
people say that the name was given to the town because of a citizen whose
surname was Stolbtsov, others believe that the name means “stolbets” (a
small column). But our historians give their arguments and versions of the
town foundation and the place-name.
Alyaksandr Tyrko writes in his book:
“The exact date of Stolbtsy foundation is unknown. The first record of
the settlement was made in 1500. The place-name might have been given to
the town because of the columns (“stolbtsov”). They were built along the
Neman banks. The citizens bound their boats and small vessels to these
columns.” (Деленковский Н. И., Турко А. М. Столбцы: ист.-экон. очерк,
1981; с. 5.)
The historian also gives another version. In his article he surmises the
following: “Long-long ago three great stone columns were placed on the
border between the Radzivil and the Chartaryjski estate. Later on a town
was built on this territory and it was named after these columns.”
Arkadzij Zmachynski doesn’t agree with the above mentioned theories.
He believes that people used small wooden columns to bind their boats to.
And if there had been people who had boats and ships there should already
have been a settlement either. He also writes that only two (not three)
columns (and not necessarily those made of stone) could have been placed
on the border between the tycoons possessions. Stone columns were built at
the entrance to magnates’ houses.
Arkadzij gives his version. It’s based on the data about raftsmen who
used small but solid “stolbtsy” (columns) to bind their rafts to. There’s
exact data that rafts were used to transport wood along the Neman. Once
raftsmen noticed that a great storm was coming. So one of them said: “We
should stay here, not far from the ‘stolbtsy’ (columns), and wait for the end
of the storm. So they spent three days at the place and then went home. At
first ‘Stolbtsy’ was the name of that place on the Neman where the raftsmen
had stayed. But later on the name was given to the Slyshki estate at
These are the versions our famous historians propose. But it’s up to you
to decide whose point of view you share.
While reading
© Yuliya Tolkach
- While reading try to pay your particular attention to the details which would
help you to answer the following questions (учащиеся получают карточки
с вопросами):
1. What are the ideas the historians express about the name of the town?
2. When was the town first mentioned in the chronicles (according to one of
the historians)?
After reading
- Now we are going to answer the questions you were given. (Pupils give their
- Let’s discuss the main question you were given. Please read the last two
sentences in the text. (One person of the group expresses the opinion.)
- Discussion: express your point of view on the following question: how
important is the work of our historians? Is there any necessity to study the
V. Reporting new information. Discussion.
- And now, when we have already discussed all the most important questions
connected with the history, let’s talk a bit about art and literature. Give us
the names of famous writers, poets and art people who was born and created
his / her pieces of art on the territory of our region. (Pupils give their
variants). (Slides 7-10)
On the blackboard: (Учитель снимает верхние звезды, открывает надписи.)
and Art
© Yuliya Tolkach
- Even the people who do not live in our region and even those who do not
live in Belarus may know our places due to one of the greatest talents of our
state Yakub Kolas. Each and every settlement in our region has the
evidence of our ‘pyasnyar’ having been there: Mikhalaeyschyna, Lastok,
Albyt, Akinchytsy…
- I’m not going to retell you the biography of the poet. You know a lot of it
already. I’m just going to ask some questions:
1. What is the real name of Yakub Kolas?
2. What are the names of his parents? What are they?
3. Give the names of the places in Stolbtsy region, where Yakub Kolas
lived and created his pieces of art. In what books by Yakub Kolas are
they mentioned?
4. What was Yakub Kolas fighting for? Explain his political views.
5. What is your favorite book by the author?
VI. Role-play.
- I suggest you to act out a fairy tale written by Yakub Kolas. But we’ll do it
in an unusual way. You will get cards with your roles on it. Then I’ll read
the story and you’ll do what your characters do.
(Pupils act out the fairy tale. Teacher read the text. Pupils read their roles when
it’s their turn.)
- "Thank you ever so much, dear children," the oak addressed his tenants, the
storks. "You have opened up the world for me again, and it seems that I have come
into it anew."
- Then the oak smiled and added, "In all things and at all times, one should keep
one's head and a sense of proportion as well."
2. the magpie (сорока):
- "Listen to me! Listen to me! Listen to me! The oak has grown old! The oak
has grown old! It won't be long before the poor fellow comes crashing
- "Silence, you three!" cried the magpie. "The Professor is going to make a
- "Oh, my dear darlings!" the magpie answered the storks. "What care we
took of him! What medical treatment we provided for him! But nothing
seems to help."
© Yuliya Tolkach
3. the raven (ворон):
- "Caw!" The raven began his speech in a low voice, in such a low voice as
academicians usually use in their speeches at learned councils. "Of ca-a-a-wse,
it is clear to everybody, esteemed avian assembly, that our highly respected
oak is ill. I would like to suggest to you, ladies and gentlemen, that you should
seek out the woodpecker, and invite him here. As you know, the woodpecker is
an outstanding surg ca-a-a-wse, it is clear to everybody, esteemed avian
assembly, that our highly eon, the tree's best doctor and friend."
4. the jay (сойка):
- "Goodness gracious me!" the jay (сойка) exclaimed. "Surely he means that
the oak is going to die, to become a corpse!"
5. the dove (голубь):
- "No, no, the Professor does not mean that," interjected the dove (голубь).
"The Professor was trying to say that the invalid needs corn, buck-corn, wheat,
6. the blackbird (черный дрозд):
"You cannot possibly have understood the words of the Professor; he was speaking in
Latin," objected the blackbird (черный дрозд).
"You see, the old oak is ill, the one that grows by the river," the blackbird said. "So
please, make haste and visit the invalid. We all beg you to."
7. the jackdaw (галка):
"He isn't a Professor, he is an Academician!" corrected the jackdaw (галка).
8. The woodpecker (дятел):
- "The oak is ill indeed, but not so seriously as to give cause for great anxiety.
His life is in no immediate danger. What the oak needs is a complete rest. All
the holes that lead inside him will have to be stopped up, and at the same time
care has to be taken that the north and east winds should not disturb him. The
greatest care has to be taken that not a single drop of water, be it rain or snow,
should penetrate his inside. I think that's all."
9. the gentleman stork (аист):
- "What's wrong with our oak?"
- "Took care, - provided treatment!" "Your stupid care and treatment have just
about finished the poor oak off! Well, old woman," the male stork turned to his
wife, "we'd better take care of our oak by ourselves."
© Yuliya Tolkach
How the Birds Tried To Save the Old Oak-tree's Life
I don't think I can say for certain beside which river the old oak-tree stood, - whether it
was the River Nioman, or whether it was the Śvisłač. In the long run it doesn't matter. What
matters more is that year-by-year, old age had crept up on the oak. Everybody pitied the old oak.
It was the magpie (сорока) who first understood the thoughts of the problem, and he started to
"Listen to me! Listen to me! Listen to me! The oak has grown old! The oak has grown old!
It won't be long before the poor fellow comes crashing down!"
The magpie's shriek roused the jackdaws, the crows, the chaffinches, the jay, the blackbird,
the doves and a multitude of other birds. They were joined by the highly-respected raven.
For some time there was such a hubbub round the oak, that it was hard to understand who
was saying what. Suddenly the long-billed raven (ворон) spoke in a low voice. It was rather
hard to make out what the wise raven said. It seemed to remind some of the words "core, caw,
core". Some were even under the impression that the raven had clearly uttered the word
"Goodness gracious me!" the jay (сойка) exclaimed. "Surely he means that the oak is
going to die, to become a corpse!"
"No, no, the Professor does not mean that," interjected the dove (голубь). "The Professor
was trying to say that the invalid needs corn, buck-corn, wheat, millet!"
"You cannot possibly have understood the words of the Professor; he was speaking in
Latin," objected the blackbird (черный дрозд).
"Silence, you three!" cried the magpie. "The Professor is going to make a speech."
"He isn't a Professor, he is an Academician!" corrected the jackdaw (галка).
They all fell silent and became still.
"Caw!" The raven began his speech in a low voice, in such a low voice as academicians
usually use in their speeches at learned councils. "Of ca-a-a-wse, it is clear to everybody,
esteemed avian assembly, that our highly respected oak is ill. I would like to suggest to you,
ladies and gentlemen, that you should seek out the woodpecker, and invite him here. As you
know, the woodpecker is an outstanding surgeon, the tree's best doctor and friend."
Whole flocks of birds flew off into the forest to look for the woodpecker. It wasn't hard to
find him: the woodpecker was sitting in a tree tapping out a series of rhythmic sounds like a
telegraphist tapping out a telegram. The avian assembly surrounded the busy bird.
"You see, the old oak is ill, the one that grows by the river," the blackbird said. "So please,
make haste and visit the invalid. We all beg you to."
The woodpecker (дятел) stopped his work and started on his way.
He made the examination attentively, meticulously, and even went right inside a hollow
here and there.
"The oak is ill indeed, but not so seriously as to give cause for great anxiety. His life is in
no immediate danger. What the oak needs is a complete rest. All the holes that lead inside him
will have to be stopped up, and at the same time care has to be taken that the north and east
winds should not disturb him. The greatest care has to be taken that not a single drop of water,
be it rain or snow, should penetrate his inside. I think that's all."
The woodpecker bowed and prepared to fly home.
The work was enthusiastically started. The birds did everything they were said.
There is not much left to say to bring the story to an end.
Winter came, and winter, as everyone knows, is followed by spring.
The old oak had begun to sag, and looked as though he was hardly able to keep to his feet.
10. the lady stork (аист): "Whatever will become of our home?"
© Yuliya Tolkach
"What's wrong with our oak?" asked the gentleman stork (аист).
"Whatever will become of our home?" the lady stork said raising her bill higher.
"Oh, my dear darlings!" the magpie answered the storks. "What care we took of him! What
medical treatment we provided for him! But nothing seems to help."
"Took care, - provided treatment!" the gentleman stork echoed, mocking the magpie
bitterly. "Your stupid care and treatment have just about finished the poor oak off! Well, old
woman," the male stork turned to his wife, "we'd better take care of our oak by ourselves."
Then the storks pulled the stopping out of all the cracks and crannies in the oak's body.
The oak took a deep breath of fresh air, and at once he felt better. Soon after, a shower
came, and the old oak's body filled with water. It was not long before the oak recovered almost
"Thank you ever so much, dear children," the oak addressed his tenants, the storks. "You
have opened up the world for me again, and it seems that I have come into it anew."
Then the oak smiled and added, "In all things and at all times, one should keep one's head
and a sense of proportion as well."
Translation: R. Lipataŭ
- That was really great. Thank you, young actors. And now tell me, what the
main idea of the fairy tale is? (Pupils give their variants.)
VII. Reporting new information.
- There are more stars on the blackboard. Can you give other names related to
this sector? (Pupils give their variants.)
- I’d like to propose you to write down the names of the following people
here: Yaygen Khvaley, Yaygen Karput. Let’s have a look at the following
slides. (Просматривают презентацию. Учитель показывает книги
авторов, рассказывает о кратком содержании произведений. Слайды
9-10. Учитель комментирует.)
- There’s one more section on the blackboard. Now we’re going to say a few
words about simple people who became real heroes during the Second
World War. аполняем звезды, учащиеся называют фамилии
ветеранов, с которыми они знакомы, о которых слышали.)
- May be you can give more names of ‘everyday heroes’? (Afghanistan
soldiers, firemen, etc.) (Slides № 11-19)
VIII. Speaking.
- You see, it’s really difficult to discuss all the deeds of our citizens. There are
a lot of talented, brave and reliable people in our district. Each can be named
‘a good son’ or ‘a good daughter’ of his / her native place. And it doesn’t
matter you should invent something or do something unusual, we should
always follow our hearts and wish all the best to the people around. Let’s
© Yuliya Tolkach
have a look at the sentence from the song by the Beatles one more time.
Revise all the things you’ve learnt at the lesson and try to devise your own
continuation of the sentence. (Pupils give their ideas.)
IX. Home task and the results of the lesson.
- Thank you for your participation at the lesson. Your marks are Your
home task is to write an essay I am proud to belong here”, you may use the
information you’ve learnt today.
Работа с презентацией:
Слайды 1-3 дают общую информацию о городе Столбцы айонном
центре): фотографии и карта города в прошлом и в настоящем.
Ключевыми слайдами презентации с информацией о выдающихся людях
района являются слайды 4, 7, 11. От этих слайдов с помощью ссылок внутри
документа динарный щелчок по звездочке) мы попадаем на подробную
страничку о конкретном человеке или группе людей. Стрелка возврата
(темно-синяя стрелка в правом нижнем углу) помогает вновь вернуться к
ключевому слайду и продолжить работу.
После открытия слайда 4 щелчком «вызываем» фамилии людей,
которые занимались изучением истории района, затем, если нажать на саму
звезду с фамилией, мы попадаем на страничку об этом человеке. Такой же
принцип работы со слайдами 7 и 11.
После слайда 11 при нажатии стрелки переходим на слайд 19