Методическая разработка "Let’s speak English" 7 класс

МБОУ «Татарская гимназия №11» Советского района г. Казани
Методическая разработка
Открытого внеклассного мероприятия
«Lets speak English»
Разработала: Сафина Расима Ахматхановна,
учитель английского языка
I квалификационной категории
Название: «Lets speak English».
Форма проведения: игра-соревнование.
Класс: 7
Обучающая: активизация пройденного материала по теме «Изучение
английского языка»
Развивающая: способствовать развитию интереса к иностранному языку, как
средству общения, расширение кругозора.
Воспитательная: воспитание толерантности и культуры общения на
английском языке.
Оформление: стенгазета на английском языке «English», карточки с
английскими пословицами, скороговорками.
Музыкальное оформление: аудиокассеты.
Оснащение: магнитофон, визитные карточки, картинки, интерактивная доска
Участники: 2 ведущих, 2 команды участников, группа поддержки, жюри.
Литература: Нестандартные уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке, Е.В.
Дзюина. – М.: ВАКО, 2011 год; Предметные недели в школе. Английский язык, Л.В.
Васильева. – Волгоград: Учитель, 2004 год; Enjoy English 7 класс, Биболетова М.З.,
Трубанева Н.Н. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010 год.
План игры-соревнования «Lets speak English»
1.Вступительное слово преподавателя английского языка.
2.Основная часть. Литературно-музыкальный монтаж.
3.Конкурсная программа.
4.Подведение итогов. Награждение победителей.
5.Заключение. Поздравление с Наступающим Новым Годом.
6.Исполнение песни «Happy New Year» шведской группы «ABBA»
Сценарий мероприятия «Lets speak English»
Teacher: Good afternoon my dear boys! Good afternoon my dear girls! How are you? Glad to hear
that you are fine. I’m happy to greet you at our English party. Today we shall have a talk about
English as a language of the world, find out why learning and speaking English is useful for you and
have a competition in English. First, I’d like to introduce my assistants to you. So meet … . She’ll
be one of the narrators.
The 1
narrator: Hello, everybody! I’m … . (Рассказ о себе)
Teacher: And now meet … . She’ll be the 2
The 2
narrator: Good afternoon! My name is … . (Рассказ о себе)
Teacher: Let me introduce our jury. They are … .
So, we will start. First I want you to answer my questions. Be active and give full answers.
-What languages do you speak? (I speak English, Russian and Tatar.)
-Are you proud of to be Russian? (Yes, I’m. I’m proud of to be Russian)
-Can you name English-speaking countries? (They are Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New
Zealand, the USA and others.)
-What the most frequently spoken language do you know? (The most frequently spoken languages in
the world are Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, Russian and others.)
-What are the six working languages of the United Nations? (They are English, Chinese, Arabic,
Russian and Spanish.)
-Why is it important to learn English nowadays? (It is important to learn English nowadays because
every educated person must know it.)
-Do you like English as a foreign language? I think you do, because you’ve got only good marks in
The 1
narrator: Yes, we do.
Teacher: Why?
The 1
narrator: Well, because it’s a very nice language. I like the way it sounds. This language is
spoken all over the world now. It’s the language of international communication, isn’t it …?
The 2
narrator: Yes, it is. English is the major international language of communication in such
areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. It is one of official languages of the
United Nations Organization and other political organizations, international tourism.
The 1
narrator: I fully agree with you. The international contacts with all the other countries in all
the spheres of science, technology and life are steadily growing. That’s why foreign languages are a
necessity for the representatives of all the walks of our society. Everybody learns English now: kids,
pupils, students, adults, businessmen etc.
The 2
narrator: Yes, English is taught everywhere now: at every school, every college or
university and even at some nursery schools. Little children are obtaining an elementary knowledge
of English there. They play and learn.
Teacher: By the way, do you remember «The more we are together» What about singing this song
together? Let’s make a circle and sing it. Girls will you join our company?
Исполнение песни «The more we are together».
The 1
narrator: Oh, it’s great! I like to listen and sing English songs. This is one of them. It used
to be very popular last year. It’s «Euphoria» by Swedish singer Loreen.
Прослушивание фрагмента песни.
The 2
narrator: Oh, yes, English is really language of modern music. Every singer or a group
must sing English if they want to be famous throughout the world. The same is true about Russian
singers. Remember «Believe me» by Dima Bilan, who won the first price at the international
«Eurovision» contest in 2008, or «What if» by Dina Garipova, who won the project «Voice» and
took part in «Eurovision» this year.
The 1
narrator: Fantastic! English is also the language of world literature. Everybody knows such
names as: William Shakespeare, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, George Gordon Byron, Ernest
Hemingway, Daniel Defoe, Sir Walter Scott, Jack London, Edgar Po, Mark Twain, Ray Bradbury,
Agatha Christie and many others.
Teacher: And what book do you read now?
The 1
narrator: We are reading «Harry Potter».
Teacher: Who wrote it?
The 1
narrator: Joanne Rowling, a famous British writer.
Teacher: Will you tell us just a few words about him?
The 1
narrator: Willingly. (information about the author)
Teacher: Are you tired, friends? What about having a rest? Let’s relax and sing a song «My bonnie»
(a Scottish folk-song).
Совместное исполнение песни “My bonnie».
Teacher: And now I suggest we have a competition of two teams. It’s time to find out the names of
your teams. The first is called … (in chorus) «…!» The second-(in chorus) «…!»
Tasks of the contest
I. Try to solve the following riddles. Raise your hands if you know the right answer.
1. It has no wings, but it can fly away. (A balloon)
2. The teacher writes on me with chalk;
My face is black, I can’t talk;
Unlike the boys, who voices hum
I do my work, remaining dumb. (a blackboard)
3. We’re very large, though we seem small.
We float on high and never fall.
We shine like jewels in the night
But in the day are hid from sight. (stars)
4. What goes all around the house without legs? (a broom)
5. It has one face and two hands,
It goes and yet it stands. (a clock)
6. What is there in your house that you must look into? (a mirror)
7. In what month do people talk the least? (In February, because it’s the shortest month of the year)
8. If you lose it once you can never find it again. (the time)
9. Can you think of something that has fifty heads but neither of them as able to think? (a box of
10. It never asks questions, but one has always to answer it. What is it? (a telephone)
II. « Guess the words» (words on the blackboard)
Teacher: I want you look at the smart board. You can see some English words there. But the letters
are not in the right order. Will you make up words using these letters?
Lgeuanga (language)
Ensgnlphisaigek (English-speaking)
Cnouryt (country)
Earln (learn)
Acovyralub (vocabulary)
Ffoliaci (official)
Opralup (popular)
Orrowsngib (borrowings)
Rgammra (grammar)
Ecudionta (education)
III. Complete the proverbs
Boys and girls, look at the board, please. You can see the pictures there. These pictures will help you
to complete the following proverbs.
1. Curiosity killed the… . (cat) - Любопытство до добра не доведет.
2. Every …has a silver lining.(cloud) - Нет худа без добра.
3. An … a day keeps a doctor away. ( apple) - Ешь по яблоку в день, и врач не
4. The … is not as black as he is painted. (devil) - Не так страшен черт, как его
5. Cut your … according to your cloth. (coat)-По одежке протягивай ножки.
6. Every has his day. (dog)-Будет и на нашей улице праздник.
IV. Read the tongue twisters
Teacher: It’s time to practice tongue twisters. I want our captains to go to the blackboard and get
special cards with tongue twisters. They’ll have to read the following poems quickly and in natural
Robert Rowley rolled She sells seashells,
Around roll round, By the seashore.
A round roll Robert The shells she sells,
Rowley rolled round; Are surely seashells.
Where did the round roll roll So if she sells shells,
Robert Rowley rolled round? On the seashore,
I’m sure she sells,
Seashore shells.
V. Make up as a sentence using the words on the cards:
1. English is the language of international communication.
2. English is one of the official languages of the UNO.
VI. Конкурс «Разминка»
Teacher: The last task for our team is to agree or disagree with the statements. If the statement is
false, correct it, please. If it is true, repeat it after me. Our teams will do this task one by one.
1. American English doesn’t differ from the English spoken in Great Britain. (It is false. American
English differs from the English spoken in Great Britain.)
2. 2. There are two English-speaking countries in the world. (It’s false. There are not two English-
speaking countries in the world.)
3. Some words came to Russian from English. (It’s true. Some words came to Russian from
4. English is one of the most popular foreign languages in Russia. (It’s true. English is one of the
most popular foreign languages in Russia.)
5. People who speak English have worse job opportunities. (It’s false. People who speak English
have better job opportunities.)
6. English is the official language of the Olympics. (It’s true. English is the official language of the
Teacher: Thank you for your work, children. You were so active today. Now you know that learning
English is very important. I hope you liked our competition very much. It is interesting to find out
what team is the winner today
VII. Results of the competition. Congratulations. (Awarding prizes)
VIII. Congratulations with the forthcoming Happy New Year!
IX. A song Happy «New Year!» ( all together).