Конспект урока "Sport in our life" 4 класс

МБОУ «СОШ№8» г Рузаевка
УЧИТЕЛЬ: Орлина О. К
Декабрь 2012
активизировать употребление ранее изученной лексики в речи
закрепить изученный грамматический и лексический материал.
расширить кругозор учащихся
развивать внимание, мышление, память.
воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
воспитывать чувство гордости за свою школу, республику, страну
ПК с презентацией
Процессор, экран
средства наглядности
Начало урока (3 мин)
1. Organization of the lesson. (привлечь внимание детей)
- Now boys and girls, the bell has gone. Are you ready to start our
- Yes, we are.
Greeting (Приветствие. Введение в языковую среду)
- I am very glad to see you! Welcome to our guests!
- How are you today, Masha? (I am fine, thank you. And you?)
- And what about you, Emil? (I am OK)
- How are you getting on, Andrei? (I am very nervous. We have so
many guests)
- Take it easy. Everything will be all right.
- How are things with you, Dasha? (fifty-fifty)
В 2007 году, в городе Гватемала было решено, что Олимпийские
игры 2014 года будут проходить в городе Сочи. Вся наша
огромная страна, дети и взрослые, с нетерпением, затаив
дыхание ждут события всемирного значения, к которому
готовятся не жалея сил, с радостью и волнением.
(Формулировка темы)
The theme of our lesson is Sport in our life”. We`ll repeat our
vocabulary and grammar, speak about sport and sportsmen in
Ruzayevka, in Mordovia and in Russia, about future Olympic
Games in Sochi.
2.(организация контроля навыков и умений учащихся:
фонетическая и речевая зарядка 5-7 мин)
Russian sportsmen train very hard. And we`ll begin the lesson
with a training. We should work on our pronunciation
[t] sport
[ ] wealthy, healthy
[w] wise
Sport makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.
Answer to my questions, please.
- What sport games do you like to play?
- Can you play table-tennis well?
- Will you go to the swimming-pool tomorrow?
- Who will you go with?
- What do you like more to ski or to skate?
- Does your father like to watch football on TV?
- Did you go to the skating-ring last winter?
- Did you play hockey last winter?
- Will you do morning exercises tomorrow?
- Who do you usually play volleyball?
- Do you go to the sport school? How many times a week?
3.Основная часть урока (20-25 мин)
1. Повторение лексики (летние виды спорта)
Puzzle Time/время для кроссворда
Look at the screen, please. Try to guess, what sports and sport
games are here. Write the words into your work books.
1 В корзину мяч забить мечтаем
Но соперник нам мешает.
Мяч рукой ведут об пол
В игре известной (basketball)
Write the word into your work books
What sport is this? Look at the screen. 2 jumping (прыжки)
Write the word, please
3 Complete the sentence
I go to the swimming pool twice a week because I like ……….
4 What sport game is this?
B _ d _ _ n t _ n (бадминтон)
5 - Не пойму, ребята, кто вы?
Птицеловы? Рыболовы?
Что за невод во дворе?
- Не мешал бы ты игре
Ты бы лучше отошёл
Мы играем в (volleyball)
6. Экстремальный вид спорта, в котором спортсмены катаются по
Surfing (сёрфинг)
Check and correct mistakes. Read the word. (summer)
-Do you know what sports are popular in Mordovia?
-BMX, heel and toe walk, wrestling.
- Yes, you are right. Mordovian sportsmen are champions in these
sports. Look at the screen
1. Our Champions (Наши чемпионы)
Оvchinnikova Varvara
In this picture I can see a girl. Her name is Varya. She is a pupil of our
school. Varya is in the sixth form. She goes in for Bicycle Motor Cross
(BMX). She can do it very well. She is a champion of our Republic for
You should make up a dialogue on this text. Try to do it. Here some
questions. Use them.
1. What is her name?
2. Is she a pupil of our school?
3. What form is she in?
4. What sport does she go in for?
5. Is she a champion? (Она чемпионка?)
Let`s check your home task, a report about Alexei Mishin
2. Our Champions (Наши чемпионы)
Alexei Mishin
Alexei Mishin is a wrestler from Russia. He is 33. Mishin won a gold
medal in Greco Roman wrestling at the 2004 Summer Olympics. He is
also 2007 world champion and 2001, 2005 and 2006 European
champion. Alexei Mishin lives in our town
Look at his photo and try to describe Alexei. Use the following words.
Well- built [welbilt] крепкий, хорошо сложенный.
Handsome [h ns m] красивый, статный
Wrestler [resl ) борец
Read the text and try to guess who is it about
3. Our Champions (Наши чемпионы)
She is twenty seven. She lives in Saransk and studies at the University.
She is a famous Russian athlete and Olympic champion for heel and toe
walk (Olga Kaniskina)
These were summer sports. Now let`s speak about winter sports
-When will 2014 Olympics take place?
-2014 Olympics will take place in winter, in February.
- What winter sports do you know?
- Biathlon
- Figure skating
- Ski jumping
- Bob sleigh
- Speed skating
You should make up sentences with these words (составьте
предложения с этими словами)
………is the most popular sport in Russia.
………… is a very dangerous sport.
………….is a winter sport which combines skiing and shooting
………….or skeleton is a winter sport in which teams runs down iced
tracks in bobs
In………. sportsmen race each other on skates.
Moving activities /Физкультминутка.
1.Boys and girls, it`s a rule the time comes and we should move!
(мальчики и девочки, пришло время и нам следует двигаться)
Shake your hands,
And then hands up!
Do you need to jump?
So, jump!
Don`t make much noise and harm.
Wink your eyes,
One, two, three, four,
More and more, more and more.
Потрясите руками,
Руки вверх!
Хотите попрыгать?
Ну так прыгайте!
Не шумите сильно.
Поморгайте глазами,
Ещё и ещё, ещё и ещё.
Run, run, run,
Fly, fly, fly.
Fly as high as in the sky!
Turn and turn,
And clap, clap, clap.
Shake your hands and nod your head.
Turn around, turn around.
Thank you, children,
And sit down.
Бегите, бегите, бегите,
Летите, летите, летите.
Летите высоко как в небе!
Повернитесь, повернитесь,
Хлопайте, хлопайте в ладоши.
Потрясите руками и наклон. голов.
Повернитесь, поверн. Вокруг
Спасибо, дети
-Where sport competitions will take place in Sochi?
- at stadiums, in ice palaces, on tracks, on ski jumps
- You are right. Look at the screen. Let`s speak about them
Раскройте скобки, употребляя имена прилагательные в
положительной, сравнительной или превосходной степени
Sport Objects in Sochi
Sportsmen will live and train in the (comfortable) Olympic Village. It
will be not (far) from the Olympic park, the (beautiful) and the
(wonderful) park in the world.
In this park will be the Olympic Stadium “Fisht”, the Ice Palace
“Bolshoi”, the Ice Ring “Shaiba”, the Curling Center “Ice Cube”, the
Palace of Winter Sport “Iceberg”.
The Olympic Stadium “Fisht” will be the (large) stadium of Winter
Olympic Games.
The Ice Palace Bolshoi” will be (big) than other Ice Palaces. It will be
the (big) palace in the world.
The biathlon track “Laura” will be the (fast) track for ski races and
The Ski Jump “Russkie Gorki” will be the (high) ski jump in the world
Reading for Comprehension/Работа с текстом. Прочитай
текст. Задай общие и специальные вопросы к каждому
Sport in Our Life
Sport is very important in our life. Many people like sport. They
do morning exercises, train in clubs and sections, take part in
sport competitions. Physical training is an important subject at
school. Boys and girls run and jump, рlay volleyball, basketball,
football. They take part in different competitions. Sport helps
people to have good health. There are summer and winter sports.
My favourite sport is swimming. I go to the swimming pool
every week. My friend Peter likes playing football. He is a good
football player.
What is very important in our life?
1. Do many people like sport?
Who likes sport?
What do many people like?
2. Do they do morning exercises?
Who does morning exercises?
What do they do?
3. Is physical training an important subject at school?
What is an important subject at school?
Where is physical training an important subject?
4. Do boys and girls run and jump?
Who runs and jumps?
5. Do they take part in different competitions?
Where do they take part?
Who takes part in different competitions?
6. Does sport help people to have good health?
What helps people to have good health?
7. Are there summer and winter sports?
What sports are there?
4.Заключительный этап урока (10 мин)
Children, I know that all of you go in for sport. Some of you train very
hard. Andrei and Yaroslav are football players, Artyom goes in for
wrestling. Girls play volleyball.
But some people don`t like sport. They don`t do morning exercises
and don`t play sport games. How do you think what can we say to
convince them to go in for sport?
- Sport helps people to be healthy (спорт помогает людям быть
- I think, that sportsmen are very nice and kind people (Я думаю, что
спортсмены очень красивые и добрые люди)
- I think that when people go in for sport they are happy(Я думаю, что
когда люди занимаются спортом они счастливы)
- Sport makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.(Спорт делает
людей здоровыми, богатыми и мудрыми)
- Sport is fun for boys and girls
It`s much better than the toys
You can run and you can jump
You can have a lot of fun.
Сегодня мы говорили о спорте. Начали со школы и родного города,
а закончили событием мирового масштаба Олимпийскими
играми. Узнали новые слова, расширили кругозор, повторили
грамматический материал и лексику. Подводя итог, хочу сказать,
что олимпийскими чемпионами не рождаются, ими становятся
благодаря упорному ежедневному труду. Третий год вы шаг за
шагом, правило за правилом терпеливо изучаете английский язык.
И сегодня вы показали себя настоящими чемпионами и получаете