Конспект урока "Проект, посвященный творчеству Марка Твена" 6 класс

ГБОУ средняя общеобразовательная школа № 183
с углубленным изучением английского языка
г. Санкт-Петербург
Конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку
в 6 классе
«Проект, посвященный творчеству
Марка Твена»
учитель английского языка
Смирнова Ирина Владимировна
Санкт- Петербург
Цель мероприятия: повышение культурного и образовательного уровня
Образовательный компонент цели: совершенствование навыков активного
овладения чтением, пониманием и восприятием текстов; углубление знаний
учащихся в области английской литературы.
Развивающий компонент цели: развитие таких личных качеств, как
культура общения, умение работать в сотрудничестве, готовность к
самообразованию; расширение объема страноведческих знаний за счет новой
Воспитательный компонент цели: развитие эстетического вкуса,
воспитание уважения к носителям иноязычной культуры, углубление
познавательного интереса к предмету, привитие вкуса к чтению.
Оборудование: компьютер для показа слайдов.
Ход мероприятия:
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Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born in Florida, Missouri, on November 30,
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His pen name came from his years working on Mississippi. Twain is an archaic
term for "two". The river boatman's cry was mark twain; that is, "The water is deep
and it is safe to pass".
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Twain was the great traveller. In 1861 he with his brother travelled across the
Rocky Mountains. Twain moved to San Francisco, California in 1864, where he
continued working as a journalist. In 1867, a local newspaper funded a trip to the
Mediterranean. During his tour of Europe and the Middle East, he wrote a popular
collection of travel letters.
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Twain was in demand as a speaker, and appeared before many men's clubs,
including the Beefsteak Club, the Bohemian Club, the Savage Club.
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Once Twain was shown a picture of Olivia Langdon, he fell in love at first sight.
Olivia gave birth to three daughters: Susy, Clara and Jean.
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But Mark Twain was not only the great novelist. He became an extremely
outspoken critic.
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Twain passed a period of deep depression, when his daughter Susy and wife Olivia
died. In 1906, Twain began his autobiography in the North American Review.
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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was drawn on Twain’s youth in Hannibal. Tom
Sawyer was modeled on Twain as a child, with traces of his two schoolmates.
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Place: A classroom. Several schoolchildren are sitting at the desks reading: the
girls on one side of the room, the boys on the other. The teacher is sitting half
asleep at his table. Tom Sawyer walks in quickly.
Teacher: Thomas Sawyer!
Tom: Sir!
Teacher: Now, sir, why are you late again as usual?
Tom: Well… I stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn.
Schoolchildren (surprised): Oh?!
Teacher: You you did what?
Tom: Stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn.
Teacher: This is the most surprising excuse I have ever listened to. Now sir, go
and sit with the girls. Let this be a lesson to you not to be late for school.
Tom goes and sits down near Becky Thatcher. He begins to draw something.
Becky (is curious and whispers): Let me see. It’s nice. I wish I could draw.
Tom: It’s easy. I’ll teach you. What’s your name?
Becky: Becky Thatcher. What’s yours? Oh, I know. It’s Thomas Sawyer.
Tom: You call me Tom, will you?
Becky: Yes.
Tom begins to write something, hiding the words from the girl.
Becky: Let me see it.
Tom: Oh, it isn’t anything.
Becky: Yes, it is. Please, let me.
Tom: You’ll tell.
Becky: No, I won’t.
Tom (pretends to resist): You won’t tell anybody. As long as you live?
Becky: No, I won’t. Let me.
Becky reads: I love you. Oh! You bad thing!
Schoolchildren: He loves her!
The teacher comes up and takes Tom by his ear.
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Twain’s next major published work, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been the
first Great American Novel and has become required reading in many schools
throughout the US. Twain created one of the most memorable characters in fiction.
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The Prince and the Pauper is the story of two boys born on the same day who are
physically identical. They exchange roles and stations in life.
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Twain died of a heart attack on April 21, 1910, one day after the Halley’s comet's
closest approach to Earth. He is buried in his wife's family plot at Woodlawn
Cemetery in Elmira, New York.
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Список источников
1. Димент А.Л. Тематические вечера на английском языке. М;
Просвещение, 1988
2. Васильев К.Б. Английская литература: самое необходимое. - СПб.:
Авалон, 2002
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Twain