Конспект урока "Страны и национальности. Способы словообразования. Национальный характер"
Тема: Страны и национальности. Способы словообразования.
Национальный характер.
План-конспект занятия по дисциплине
«Иностранный язык »
Преподаватель: Бондарик С.В.
2 курc Тип урока: комбинированный.
Формы организации учебной деятельности: фронтальная, групповая , парная,
Методы организации и осуществления учебной деятельности: словесные, практические;
репродуктивные и частично-поисковые
Цель урока: обучение навыкам общения в разных ситуациях межкультурной коммуникации
- расширение лексического запаса и лингвострановедческого кругозора по теме;
- систематизация знаний ранее полученных по словообразованию;
-обучение навыкам устной речи учащихся;
- обучение чтению с полным извлечением информации (изучающему)
- развитие умения работать в группе; развитие мотивации к изучению ин.языка;
-формирование осознания собственной культуры и осмысления фактов иной культуры;
-формирование языковой способности и формулирования мысли на иностранном языке;
- развитие самообразовательного потенциала учащихся;
- воспитание уважения к своему народу и другим национальностям;
-социализация личности посредством обеспечения готовности к межкультурной коммуникации;
-обогащение духовного мира учащихся;
Оборудование: аудиозаписи мелодий, рабочие листы с заданиями, карточки с названиями
национальностей и языков, флаги некоторых стран, учебник Н.В. Юхнель 11кл.
1) Основная часть. 1.Организационный момент.
Good morning, everybody. Take your seats, please.
How are you today? I hope you’re all fine.
Let’s start! Do you like travelling? What countries have you visited?
What countries would you like to visit?
2. Актуализация субъектного опыта учащихся.
Today we are going to talk about travelling abroad and visiting different
countries. And I want you to look at the word written on the board and give as
many associations on the word as you can.
3. Целеполагание.
As you can see there are pupils’ sheets in front of you. (Pupil’s sheet 1) Look
through them, please, and try to state the aims of our today’s lesson.
Don’t forget to give a mark yourself after each part of our lesson. At the end
you’re to comment on the final mark you gave yourself.
So what are we going to talk about? About different countries and nationalities. Their
traditions and traits of character, National character and of course about some stereotypes.
4. Речевая зарядка.
Play the game in 2 teams: What countries do you remember? (3 min) ex.1 p.269
What are their capitals?
What are your associations with these countries?
i.e. Brazil –a carnival
Italy – pizza and spaghetti etc.
5. Способы словообразования национальностей и языков. Систематизация.
Pupil’s sheet 2.
cultural tourism
Suffixes, articles with the words.
1)Fill in suitable names of countries and nationalities: (on the blackboard: The Belarusians live in Belarus
and speak Belarusian)
2)Imagine that you are at the international conference. You are the representatives of different countries.
Here are the flags of your countries - Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, the
USA, Egypt, India.
Your task is - Introduce yourself. Say what your name, nationality and what language you speak.
Example: My name is Stefania Righi.
I am from Italy.
I am Italian.
My language is Italian. My country is famous for national cuisine such as spaghetti and pizza and of
course for its beautiful and ancient cities such as Rome, Naples, Florence, Venice and others.
6. Введение нового лексического материала.
On your lists you see a number of adjectives. Look them through and be sure
you know them all.
Work in pairs and divide them into two columns: with positive and negative
Let’s announce positive and negative adjectives.
Now, tell me what we can describe with the help of them. Right, we can
describe people and their character.(1, 2)/ Первичное закрепление.
7. Формирование навыков изучающего чтения.
It’s well known that the English are cold and reserved, Brazilians are lively
and fun-loving, and the Japanese are shy and hard-working. But these are the
examples of national stereotypes which are widely believed.
Of course, each of you has your own opinion. That’s why I want you to add
some more adjectives which can describe the mentioned nations from your
point of view. Let’s see what have you added.
Now, divide into some groups. (3)
Read the given text and in 3-4 minutes report what you’ve learnt about:
1. Germans 2. Americans 3. Englishmen
8. Релаксация.
Are you tired? Then, let’s have some rest and listen to music.
You’ll hear the national music from 4 countries and your task is to guess the country
and try to describe the people living there. (Track 13(1) English file Elem.)
a) Ireland (Scotland)
b) Argentina (Mexico, Brazil)
c) France
d) Russia
Well done! Open your eyes, please, because we have some more work to do.
9. Формирование навыков монологического высказывания по теме.
Now, I’ll read you some more stereotypes and I want you to agree or disagree
with them. And, of course, you are to prove your point of view.
✓ Americans are concerned only with business.
✓ Laziness is the main trait of character of Belarusians.
✓ It’s considered that Frenchmen are romantic and sophisticated. Can
you agree with this statement?
✓ It’s well-known that English people are very conservative and
traditional. What is your opinion?
✓ It’s believed that people living in the Caucasus are impatient, rude
and fanatical. What is your point of view?
10. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.
What are your final marks? Did you like the lesson?
Now it’s high time to summarize what you’ve learnt from the lesson about nations and
their characters. Will start with Americans, the British, Belarusians
Самооценка. Оценивание.
So, thank you for your work. And it’s time for you to announce your mark for
the lesson. Please, don’t forget to comment it.
12. Домашнее задание.
Учебник Юхнель 11кл.
ex.2 p.269-270 complete the table and learn the names of nationalities
ex.3 p.270 read the text and answer the questions
Приложение 1
National Character
1. Look through the list of words and divide them into positive and negative.
My mark:
Add to the chart more adjectives describing inhabitants of the given countries.
cold, reserved, …
lively, fun-loving, …
the Japanese
shy, …
Useful phrases:
I believe that …
From my point of view …
My view is …
In my opinion …
To my mind …
I think / feel (that) …
It seems to me that …
Personally I think that …
My mark:
Agree or disagree with the following statements. Prove your point of view.
✓ Americans are concerned only with business.
✓ Laziness is the main trait of character of Belarusians.
✓ It’s considered that Frenchmen are romantic and sophisticated. Can you agree with this
✓ It’s well-known that English people are very conservative and traditional. What is your
✓ It’s believed that people living in the Caucasus are impatient, rude and fanatical. What is
your point of view?
Useful phrases:
I absolutely agree with the statement.
That’s quite right.
I won’t deny it.
My own opinion is exactly the same.
I disagree with this point.
I don’t think that’s right.
I don’t think so.
That’s wrong.
My mark:
Read the given text and in 3-4 minutes report what you’ve learnt about:
1. Germans 2. Americans 3. Englishmen
Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. For example, it has been
generally recognized that the Russian people are generous, open-hearted, kind. The
Russians are also industrious, brave and progressive.
The Spaniards are said to be noble and very proud; the French are supposed to be
amorous, gay and light-minded.
We say that the Germans are very efficient but rather dull, very organized, but rude.
But Germans, especially who are educated and cosmopolitan, are in fact very pleasant.
They have modern, international cultural traits that make them almost unique. This
dynamic is also expressed in terms of geography. There are actually a fair bit of regional
differences within Germany. We have noticed that people in North-Rhine Westphalia are
nicer and more easy-going than Germans from the south or east.
Some people believe that the Americans are boastful, energetic, technical-minded and
easy-going. Americans are materialistic, as all Americans can think about is money. They
judge everything by its economic value. Americans have no moral values since they have
no history or tradition, and their main value is money. Americans are uneducated and
ignorant. Americans are not interested in education. They don’t read books. They can’t
name any famous painters. They don’t understand any culture but their own.
Now, what about the English? They are formal, cold, haughty, very reserved even in
their relations with their friend. Speaking about Englishmen it may be noted that they're
reserved, tradition-loving, courteous, honest, extremely nationalistic and etc. To my mind,
they have a specific sense of humor. They say that they can't understand our jokes and
anecdotes not only because of the different meanings of the words, but because of their
humor is more delicate.
Of course, the National Character exists. It is not a myth, it's a reality. But the
National Character doesn't describe the character of every person, it describes the
character of people of nation in general. Every person has its own character, but according
to the person's belonging to some nation many traits of character are similar and these
features may be explained as the national character.
My mark:
And my final mark:
Now, come to me, please. Choose a card.
Some of you have got the beginning and some – the ending of the
sentences. Your task is to find your pair, i.e. to match the two parts of the
1. Americans have to stay at home as they are vulgar in dress, speech
and eating habits.
2. Although Frenchmen are sophisticated they are downright and
3. Russians are open-hearted and communicative, but they don't keep
their traditions much.
4. Germans are regarded as scientifically-minded and industrious, but
extremely nationalistic, arrogant and even aggressive.
5. Kindness and diligence are the most impressive positive trait of
Belarusian national character.
6. Italians are all about family, love, romance, good food and good
Americans have to stay at home as they are
vulgar in dress, speech and eating habits.
Although Frenchmen are sophisticated they are
downright and stubborn.
Russians are open-hearted and
communicative, but they don't keep their traditions much.
Germans are regarded as scientifically-minded and
industrious, but extremely nationalistic, arrogant and even aggressive.
Kindness and tolerance are the most impressive
positive traits of Belarusian national character.
Italians are all about
family, love, romance, good food and good wine.