Тест "Russia. My homeland" 7 класс

Russia. My homeland.
I. Choose the right item:
1. There are ... Houses in the Federal Assembly.
a) two; b) three; c) four.
2. A. Chekhov called Isaak Levitan:
a) the greatest Russian painter; b) the best artist in the world; c) Russia's best
landscape painter.
3. The lower House of the Federal Assembly is ... .
a) the State Duma; b) the Council of Ministers; c) the Federal Council.
4. The population of Russia is about ... .
a) 148000000; b) 48000000; c) 548000000.
5. Georgy Zhukov became general of the Soviet army in ... .
a) 1918; b) 1945; c) 1940.
6. The head of the Republic of the Russian Federation is ... .
a) the President; b) the Prime Minister; c) the speaker of the State Duma.
7. The ecological situation in Russia is ... .
a) safe; b) not very safe; c) becoming better.
| 7 marks
II. Agree or disagree
1. You wear a uniform at your school, don't you?_______________________
2. You mustn't learn a foreign language at your school, must you?__________
3. Religion is still at the heart of the Russian culture, isn't it?_______________
4. The original Name of the city founded on the Neva banks de Peter the Great
was St. Petersburg, wasn't it?_____________________________________
| 8 marks
2 for each 1 - proper grammar
sentence 1 - proper order
III. Match the dates with the corresponding holidays
07.01 23.02
01.05 03.04
1. Country Defendants Day
2. Orthodox Christmas
3. Russian independence Day
4. Constitution Day
5. Maslenitsa
6. Victory Day
7. Day of Reconciliation and Harmony
8. Easter
9. Women's Day
10. Day of Spring and Labour.
| 5 marks
20 - 18 «5»
17 - 14 «4»
13 - 10 «3»
less than 10 «2» Total | | 20 marks
IV. Prove that
Moscow is one of the cities of the world that must be seen.
Russia. My homeland.
I. Choose the right item:
1. The National Government of Russia consists of ... .
a) the President and the Prime Minister; b) the President and the Council of
Ministers; c) The President, the Council of Ministers and Federal Assembly.
2. Alexander Pushkin died ....
a) during a war; b) after a duel; c) because he was very old.
3. There are ... republics and 68 other regions in the Russian Federation
a) 21; b) 22; c) 27.
4. Russia is a land of over ... nationalities.
a) 10; b) 100; c) 1000.
5. Yuri Gagarin made a space flight on board the spaceship "Vostok"
a) 12.04.1961; b) 12.04.1951; c) 12.04.1963.
6. The official name of our homeland is ... .
a) Russia; b) the Russian Federation; c) the Republic of the Russian
7. The Greatest Russian love is ... .
a) tea with milk; b) coffee; c) tea with lemon.
| 7 marks
II. Agree or disagree
1. Your school day is very long. You have 8 or 9 lessons every day, haven't
2. You haven't four school holidays each year, have you?_________________
3. Russia has produced a great number of very creative and talented people,
hasn't it?______________________________________________________
4. The beautiful Russian city of Moscow is the place where Russian classical
ballet was born, wasn't it?________________________________________
| 8 marks
2 for each 1 - proper grammar
sentence 1 - proper order
III. Match the dates with the corresponding holidays
12.06 08.03
02.03 09.05
1. Country Defendants Day
2. Orthodox Christmas
3. Russian independence Day
4. Constitution Day
5. Maslenitsa
6. Victory Day
7. Day of Reconciliation and Harmony
8. Easter
9. Women's Day
10. Day of Spring and Labour
| 5 marks
20 - 18 «5»
17 - 14 «4»
13 - 10 «3»
less than 10 «2» Total | | 20 marks
IV. Prove that
Moscow is one of the cities of the world that must be seen.