Конспект урока "We are going to Wales. What for?" 6 класс

МАОУ: гимназия №69 г. Липецка
ФИО: Домацких О.Н.
Предмет: английский язык
Класс и профиль: 6класс (углубленное изучение)
Тема: We are going to Wales. What for?
Задачи урока:
Учебный аспект: Формирование лексических навыков через ФСТ;
Совершенствование произносительных и орфографических навыков на базе новых слов.
Обучение выражению мыслей с помощью опоры.
Развивающий аспект: Развитие объема слуховой памяти:
Развитие внимания;
Развитие способности к догадке;
Развитие механизмов сличения и узнавания;
Развитие механизмов внутреннего проговаривания.
Познавательный аспект: получение новой информации о стране изучаемого языка;
Воспитательный аспект: воспитание культуры слушания;
Воспитание интереса, терпимости к истории, традициям и обычаям страны
изучаемого языка.
Речевой материал и оснащение урока: новые лексические единицы по проблеме;
ФСТ ( каждому ученику )
Запись на пленке.
ЛТ ( по 1 на стол)
Карта, картинки с видами.
Ход урока
I Речевая зарядка: ( на доске карта Уэльса и картинки с видами )
Teacher: Hello my dear friends, I’m glad to see all of you again. Pupils: - I’m fine
- How are you today? - All right
- Are you in a good mood? - OK
- How’s your life going on? - Not bad
- How are you keeping? - As usual
- So-So
Teacher: - Great! Glad to hear that. So am I. It’s really very nice to know that you’re fine.
II. Постановка и ввод в проблему:
Teacher: You know that the greatest risk in our life is doing nothing. So, today we’re going to continue our traveling around Great Britain.
But we’ll not do it alone. The fact is that one of my friends wants to go to Wales, but she’s a bit confused. She heard a lot about
Wales, but still she doesn’t know if it’s worth going there.
So let’s listen to three opinions about Wales and help my friend in her problem. But before listening to, pay a special attention
To these words.
( Дети читают хором за учителем слова, написанные на доске: To be worth doing smth.- это стоит того, чтобы сделать
scenery- пейзаж
to be fascinated by быть завороженным.
Teacher: And now let’s listen to the opinions. Be very attentive.
III. ЭЛО. ( Дети слушают аудиозапись)
Nelly: You are asking about Wales…. I think, It’s worth visiting. There’re a lot of green parks and valleys, high mountains and cathedrals.
To my mind, Wales is a very picturesque and colourful country.
Kate: Wales… Frankly speaking, I don’t know what can be interesting about that part of Britain. No big cities, no picturesque scenery, no
interesting facts on the history of the country. In my opinion, there’s nothing to do in Wales.
Steve: Wales? WaW! I like it! It’s great and interesting country with it’s own geography, culture, traditions and language. Besides, you
don’t need passports to cross the border from England into Wales. I’m sure, everybody can find something here to be
fascinated by.
Teacher: So, you’ve listened to three opinions about Wales. What do you think and know about this country? Let’s check
ideas and suggestions with the help of these tables.
( Учитель раздает ФСТ каждому ученику)
IV. Работа с ФСТ:
Teacher: We know that Wales is a part of Great Britain. But is it an agricultural or an industry country? Probably it’s a picturesque and
colourful country? To answer, the first line will help you, but first let’s read it and then you’ll choose the variant you like most.
( Дети читают за учителем, затем выбирают вариант, который им нравиться больше)
2. It’s known that Great Britain has it’s own culture, language, customs and traditions. And what about Wales? What does Wales
have? Read after me and then look up and say.
3. Good, thank you! What language is widely spread in Wales? ( Дети отвечают по ФСТ)
4. Right you’re! Thank you. Do you remember that Kate told us that there’re no large cities in Wales? But I think there’re some
of them, at least one. What can you say? Look up.
5. Thank you. Of course, while traveling around Wales, we can visit some places. What can we visit in Cardiff, in the capital of
6. You’re absolutely right! Thank you. And what else can we see in Wales?
7. Quite right! Thanks a lot. Without doubt going somewhere, we’re thinking about the thing why and what for we go here or there.
What will this trip give us? Will it help us somehow? ( Дети отвечают по ФСТ)
Teacher: Right you’re. And now tell me please what you have learnt about Wales. Use the table
( Дети делают обобщение по ФСТ)
V. Работа с ЛТ: закрепление изученных ЛЕ.
Teacher: Really thank you! I’m sure your thoughts will help my friend to solve her problem and to decide if it’s worth going to Wales?
And what about you? If you have a chance, will you go to Wales? The following table will help you to answer my question.
I’ll give you 3 min. to think it over and then you’re welcome. ( Учитель раздает ЛТ по 1 на стол, ученики работают по
таблице и затем один за другим делают сообщение)
VI. Заключительная часть урока.
Teacher: Thank you very much! I think today we’ve found the answer to our question. Its really worth going to Wales.
HW: Написать рекламу о том стоит ли ехать в Уэльс и почему, используя ФСТ.
ФСТ и ЛТ прилагаются.
Тема урока: Wales and the Welsh. What do we know about them.
Задачи урока:
Учебный аспект: совершенствование речевых навыков по данной проблеме;
Совершенствование произносительных и орфографических навыков;
Обучение выражению мыслей с помощью опоры;
Развивающий аспект: развитие механизмов комбинирования, трансформации, репродукции;
Развитие догадки;
Развитие способности к обобщению;
Познавательный аспект: получение новой информации об Уэльсе и людях, которые живут там;
Знакомство с различными точками зрения по проблеме;
Воспитательный аспект: воспитание культуры слушания;
Воспитание терпимости и уважения к мнению других.
Речевой материал и оснащение урока:
3 разговорных текста, демонстрирующие разные точки зрения на проблему и помогаю-
щие сформировать собственную точку зрения;
комплекс упражнений, направленный на СРН;
картинки с видами и карта Уэльса.
Ход урока
I. Орг. Момент, речевая зарядка:
Teacher: Hello my dear friends! Glad to see you again!
It’s interesting for me how are you today?
- how is your life? Pupils: - I’m fine
- how are you keeping? - So-So
- how do you feel today? - all right, not bad, as usual thank you.
II. Ввод и постановка проблемы.
Teacher: It’s really nice that all of you are in a good mood. Last time we were talking about Wales. Today we’ll continue our talk and
Of course, we’ll learn some new information about the Welsh.
III. Совершенствование речевых навыков.
Teacher: You know there’re a lot of people, and everybody has their opinion about the Welsh.
Now I’d like you to read Steve’s opinion about the Welsh and then you’re to say what he thinks about them. You’ve got
2 min. ( Дети читают 1 текст и находят ответ на вопрос)
Steve: Wales? Waw! I like this wonderful country and people who live there. It is a great and interesting country with it’s own
geography, culture, traditions and language. Besides, you do not need passports to cross the border from England into
Wales. Speaking about the Welsh, they are very friendly and really nice! I’m sure that everybody can find something
Here to be fascinated by!
РУ 1.
Teacher: So, your time is over. Can you tell us what Steve thinks about the Welsh? Good! Right you’re.
a) And now I’d like you to correct me if I’m wrong in my suppositions.
1) Steve doesn’t like this country and it’s people.
2) It’s a great and interesting country.
3) Wales hasn’t got it’s own culture and traditions.
4) You need passports to cross the border from England into Wales.
5) The Welsh are friendly and kind.
6) You can’t find here anything to see.
b) Now find the best continuation for the following sentences:
1. It’s a great and interesting country with ….
2. You don’t need passport to ….. ( Дети продолжают предложения с помощью
3. Everybody can find something here … текста)
4. Speaking about the Welsh, they’re…..
c) I’d like you to find the reasons to prove that:
1. Steve likes Wales. ( Дети находят подтверждения в тексте)
2. Wales is an interesting country.
3. The Welsh are wonderful people.
РУ 1.
Teacher: And now I’d like you to read Mary’s opinion about the Welsh. Read it and say what she thinks about the people.
Mary: Wales…. Frankly speaking I do not know what can be interesting about that part of Britain. No big cities, no picturesque scenery,
no interesting facts on the history of the country. And people…. They are so boring and concentrated on themselves. I think
they are very egoistic. So, in my opinion, there nothing to do in Wales.
OK, your time is over. You see here’s Olga ( Nick) and she knows nothing about the Welsh. Let’s tell her.
а) Answer my questions: на доске:
ЛЛС 1 I agree with
1. Is there anything interesting about Wales to Mary’s mind? Because I also …
2. What does she think about the Welsh? First…
3. Why is there nothing to do to her mind? Second …
Besides …
b) Now your task is to find the proves that: Moreover ..
So, that’s why ….
1. There can be nothing interesting about Wales.
2. The Welsh are egoistic.
3. There’s nothing to do in Wales. ЛЛС 2 I can say that ..
Because …
Teacher: Good! You did it well! Thank you! Besides
What’s more …
So, you’ve read 2 quite opposite opinions about the Welsh. But there’s I they are …
one more left. Read Nelly’s opinion and tell us what she thinks about So, to sum up everything, I can say
Wales and it’s people. that
Nelly: You are asking about Wales …. To tell the truth, I do not know if it is worth visiting Wales or not. On the one hand, there are
a lot of green parks, valleys and high mountains. It is nice for those, who like to be closer to the nature. But on the other hand
if you like to go to the disco or restaurant, it will be difficult for you to find them, because there are few of them. Of course,
Wales is very green and picturesque, but sometimes you may be tired of all these colourful sceneries. As for the Welsh, they are
strange … I do not know how to describe them. Probably they are too conservative. On the whole, it’s up to you to decide
whether to go or not to go to Wales.
Teacher: Wonderful! Good!
РУ 1.
a) Correct me if I’m mistaken.
1. There is no green parks, valleys and high mountains. ( Дети дают правильные ответы
2. There’re a lot of discoes and restaurants there. по тексту)
3. You’ll be never tired of Wales.
4. The Welsh are very democratic.
5. They’re very simple.
РУ2. So, you’ve read three opinions about Wales and the people. All of them are different. And it’s interesting for me whose opinion
is closer to you personally? You have 3 min.
Marvelous! Good for you!
РУ 3. Дети высказываются, используя ЛСС 2 на доске.
Teacher: Thank you. It was really interesting to know your opinion about the point.
IV. Подведение итогов урока. HW: to write down the impressions about Wales and the Welsh
Чтение ( изучающее)
Тема урока: The history of Wales.
Задачи урока:
Учебный аспект: обучение чтению с полным пониманием ( изучающее чтение);
Совершенствование произносительных навыков;
Развивающий аспект: развитие механизма содержательной антиципации
Развитие механизма логического восприятия текста;
Развитие механизма узнавания;
Развитие объема слуховой памяти
Развитие внимания;
Развитие способности к догадке;
Развитие способности к зрительной дифференциации;
Развитие способности к обобщению;
Познавательный аспект: приобретение знаний об истории Уэльса;
Знакомство с наиболее важными фактами истории страны изучаемого языка;
Воспитательный аспект: воспитание культуры слушания;
Воспитание интереса, терпимости к истории, традициям и обычаям страны
Изучаемого языка.
Речевой материал и оснащение урока:
Комплекс упражнений в обучении чтению ( подготовительные упражнения,
упражнения в собственно чтении)
Текст для обучения чтению ( Reader VI,стр. 66 The History of Wales)
Картинки и фото с видами Уэльса.
Ход урока
I. Орг. Момент, речевая зарядка:
Teacher: - Hello my dear friends! Glad to see all of you hope you are in a good mood today?
How are you? Pupils: - Fine
- How is your life? - So-So
- How do you feel today? - Good
- How are you doing? - OK
I’m really glad to know that you are OK today
II. Ввод в проблему: на доске картинки с видами Уэльса
И ватман для табл.
Teacher: I do hopr you remember that we were traveling around Wales during our last lesson. We’ve learnt a lot about Wales and the
people. But Wales has it’s history and it dated back to the Celts. So, today we’re going to learn some facts from the history.
of Wales. The following story will help you to get new information.
But before reading it I’d like you to guess what the story is about.
III. Подготовительные упражнения:
( Дети сначала проговаривают фразы за учителем, а затем выбирают предположения.)
This story is about ….
a) people who were the first to arrive in Wales
b) The fights between the Welsh and other people
c) Old customs and traditions
d) Old ceremonies that take place nowadays
e) The Welsh Kings, Queens, Princes.
Teacher: Good thank you! And now look at the black board. There are some words you’ll face in the text. Let’s read them together.
( Дети читают за учителем слова, написанные на доске)
to defeat наносить поражение
further - далее, дальше
Ditch - канав
Huge - огромный, гигантский
IV.Чтение текста.
Teacher: You’ll have 10 min. to read the text and then we’ll check out your suggestions. So, after reading the story you ‘re to say what it
is about. (Дети читают текст)
So your time is over. And now can you tell me what this story is about? ( Дети говорят о чем текст)
V. Упражнения в собственно чтении.
1.Teacher: Now I’d like to find out if everything from the text is clear for you. Please answer my questions. You may use the text, but
\don’t read. Look up and say!
1. Who was the first to arrive in Wales? ( the Celts)
2. What did the Romans do when they had come to Wales? ( defeated the Celts)
3. Who memorized all the things which were necessary for the Celts? ( the Druids)
4. What did a Saxon king do to keep the Welsh out of England? ( built a huge ditch)
5. Why did the Normans build huge castles? ( to protect themselves0
6. What did the Welsh do to win back their freedom? ( they fought)
7. What ceremony took place in 1969? ( The Queen made her son , Prince of Wales)
2. Teacher: Now I’d like you to look at the blackboard. There’s the plan of the story but it is mixed. Put the sentences in the right order.
You have 2 min. ( Дети восстанавливают план)
1. The Celts were the first to arrive in Wales. ( 1,3,2,5,6,4)
2. The Saxons pushed the Welsh further to the west.
3. The Druids memorized all the things necessary for the Celts.
4. The Queen made her eldest son, Prince of Wales.
5. The Normans built huge castles to protect themselves.
6. The Welsh fought for many years to win back their freedom.
3. Teacher: So, you see there’re a lot of people in Wales Every nation did something for the history of Wales. Let’s find out how many
nationalities were in Wales. We’ll do it working with the puzzle. I put a question and you are to guess who I am asking
about and to write the word in a proper line. ( Таблица с пустыми клетками на листе ватмана на доске)
1. They fought for many years to win back their freedom. ( Welsh)
2. These people were the Celtic religious leaders and they were killed by the Romans. (Druids)
3.They were the first who had arrived in Wales. (Celts)
4. They built huge castles at Harlech and Caernarfon. (English)
5. These people built huge castles to protect themselves fro attacks from the west. (Normans)
6. They pushed the Welsh further to the west and kept them out of England. ( Saxons)
7. They defeated the Celts and also killed large numbers of Druids. (Romans)
4. Teacher: Thank you . You were great. And now you’ll do your best and retell the story. You’ll do it one by one as in a game
“Snow Ball” sentence by sentence.
(Дети пересказывают текст , повторяя ранее сказанные предложения и добавляя свое)
VI. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.