Конспект урока "Lost cities" 5 класс
Урок №1
Урок английского языка в 5 классе
«Lost cities»
УМК К. М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В.В. Копылова, Р. П. Мильруд, В. Эванс
Тип урока: ознакомительный.
Цели урока: Способствовать
- умения работать с англо-английским словарем;
- умения конструировать монологическое высказывание на основе
ключевых лексических единиц.
Задачи урока:
1. познакомить учащихся с понятием «англо-английский словарь»;
2. познакомить учащихся с принципом работы с англо-английским
3. разработать совместно с учащимися алгоритм работы со словарем;
4. создать условия в рамках урока для формирования практических
навыков работы со словарем;
5. Формировать навык работать в коллективе.
Наглядные средства и оборудование:
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English; Oxford
University Press, 7
Учебник: раздел 5 «Life in the past», 5e “Lost cities” упражнение 2 стр.
86-87 – текст “Machu Picchu”, упражнение 3 стр.87;
Индивидуальные карточки с памяткой «Алгоритм работы со словом в
Конверты с пазлами.
Приемы и методы: реализация частично-поискового метода с
использованием анализа.
Ход урока:
I. Оргмомент: Hello, dear friends. I’m very glad to see you. Today we’ll
continue getting acquainted with lost cities. Look at the title of the text
(“Machu Picchu”). Is this word familiar to you?
(Фронтальный опрос с целью – выяснить, знают ли дети что-либо о
Pupil 1. This is the name of a lost city.
Pupil 2: This city was in Peru. Peru is in South America.
Pupil 3: The picture shows that the city was near the mountains.
Teacher: Do you know the meaning of the word “Machu Picchu”?
Pupils: No.
Teacher: Sasha has prepared a little information about the name of the
lost city. Let’s listen to him and try to understand the meaning of this
Sasha: Machu Picchu is the Spanish word. The word “Machu” means
“old”. The word “Picchu” means “peak” or “mountain”. So the name
“Machu Picchu” means “old mountain”. It is a 15
century Inca site
located more than 2000 metres above sea level.
Teacher: What source of information have you used?
Pupil: The Free Encyclopedia – Wikipedia.
Teacher: What other sources of information do you know?
Pupils: books, newspapers, sites of the Internet, dictionaries.
II. Основная часть урока:
Teacher: Now I see that you know a lot of sources of information. Is it
easy for you to work with different dictionaries?
Pupils: Not always, because some dictionaries are very thick.
Teacher: Would you like to learn working with different dictionaries?
Pupils: Yes.
Teacher: What is the task of our today’s lesson?
Pupils: We’ll learn to work with a dictionary.
Teacher: You are right. Now open your books at page 87. Let’s read the
information in the box “Study skills”. (Читаем информацию по
стратегии изучающего чтения - досконального освоения материала,
отобранного в ходе ознакомления со статьями. В ходе такого чтения
проявляется доверие читателя к автору, готовность принять и
впитать всю предлагаемую информацию, реализуется установка на
предельно полное понимание и усвоение материала). На основе
изученной информации составляем алгоритм работы со словарем:
1. Находим слово по первой букве – все слова в словаре
размещены в алфавитном порядке;
2. Правильно произносим слово по транскрипции;
3. Обращаем внимание на часть речи;
4. Внимательно читаем значение слова;
5. Анализируем предложения – примеры употребления
6. По контексту переводим слово.
Teacher: Now let’s return to the text. In the text you see some words in bolds.
Let’s read them.
Pupils: dates back, emperor, earthquakes, destroy, astronomers, constructed
Teacher: Well. Now let’s be divided into 3 groups and have a contest. Each group
will get an envelope with parts of the articles devoted to all these words. Your task
is to make the puzzles as quick as you can. Good luck! Ready! Steady! Go! (Ниже
приложенные статьи из словаря разрезаются на части, перемешиваются и
складываются в конверт. Дети, опираясь на созданный алгоритм,
восстанавливают статьи).
1. Dates back – PHR V – to have existed since a particular time in the past or
for the length of time mentioned: The college dates back to medieval times.
The custom dates back hundreds of years. A law dating from the 17
2. Emperor – noun – the ruler of an empire: The Roman emperors; the
Emperor Napoleon
3. Earthquake – noun – a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface.
4. Destroy – verb – to damage sth so badly that it no longer exists, works: The
building was completely destroyed by fire. They’ve destroyed all the
evidence. You have destroyed my hopes of happiness.
5. Astronomer – noun – a scientist who studies astronomy.
6. Construct – verb – to build or make sth such as a road, building or machine:
When was the bridge constructed? They constructed a shelter out of fallen
7. Terraced – adjective – having a series of flat areas of ground like steps cut
into it.
Teacher: Well done! Now you know the meaning of these words and you can
work with a dictionary, can’t you? Let’s continue working in groups. Try to think
out your own texts using these words. Don’t forget the order of the words in the
sentence. Be creative!
(Pupils work in groups making their stories. Here is their result:
Group №1
Davydov Sasha, Mokherova Ksenya, Redecop Elizaveta
We want to tell you about a great emperor. One emperor was the ruler of a
great empire. He constructed a high castle with thick walls. He had a terraced
garden. The emperor was fond of astronomy. He was an astronomer.
Once upon a time stars in the sky showed him that a great earthquake would
be soon, but he didn’t believe them. One night when all people were sleeping the
earthquake happened. It destroyed everything, but people were saved, so the
emperor was not sad. He began constructing a new castle, a fortress, a terraced
garden with beautiful fountains. It dates back to 1613.
Group №2
Zueva Zhenya, Shlykova Yulya, Naryshkin Rostislav, Ardashev Nikita
This event dates back to the Ancient Greece. Some years ago a great
emperor lived in Greece. He liked clever people very much. There were many
scientists, doctors and astronomers in his palace. Once upon a time his favourite
astronomer came and told him that the earthquake would be soon. It would destroy
his terraced palace and garden which he was proud of. But the emperor didn’t
believe him, he was angry and ordered to kill his astronomer. At that moment the
earthquake happened, it destroyed everything.
Group №3
Savchenko Polina, Romashov Sasha, Zaynetdinov Ruslan, Voychic
Construction of the terraced castle dates back to the earthquake which
destroyed an ancient city. Astronomers knew about it and told to their emperor but
he didn’t believe them. Now we can see only ruins.
Teacher: Thanks a lot for your work. What was the most interesting and exciting
at our today’s lesson?
Pupils: Making puzzles.
Teacher: Your homework: The first task is for everybody, as for the rest tasks you
may choose.
1. ex.2 p.86 – read the text and do exercises 3-4 p.86
2. Give your friend some tips how to work with a dictionary.
3. Make a model of Machu Picchu and describe it using the new words.
4. Make a model of a Stone City (Perm Region) and present one of legends
connected with this place.
III. Основная часть урока:
Teacher: So, I see that all of you have favourite films, and, of course,
you want to tell each other about them. How can we do it?
Pupils: We can share our opinions through
the conversation with our group-mates;
the advertisement of the film;
the description of the film’s plot;
Teacher: Well done! One more way is to write a review of a film. So, what
is the theme of our today’s lesson?
Pupils: A film review.
Teacher: You are right. Who knows the meaning of the word “Review”?
Nobody. It’s OK, I’ll help you. I’ll read the definition of this word, try to
choose the key-words.
- Review is a report in a newspaper or magazine, or on the Internet,
television or radio, in which somebody gives their opinion of a book,
play, film/ movie, etc.
Pupils: Key-words are a report and opinion.
Teacher: What does the word “review” mean?
Pupils: Review is a report about a book, play or film, founded on person’s
Teacher: What is the task of our today’s work?
1. To learn how to write a review.
2. To think out the name of a magazine or newspaper, devoted to our
favourite films.
Teacher: First of all let’s be divided into 4 groups to think out the name for
our magazine. You have 3 minutes for this work.
Teacher: Now let’s read the text – ex.2a p.65
First of all we’ll recall the strategy of reading for detailed comprehension.
1. Прочитать весь текст, чтобы понять общий смысл текста;
2. При повтором прочтении стараться понять значение незнакомых
слов по общему смыслу предложения.
3. Если не получается, попробовать сопоставить его со словами
русского языка.
4. Если не видна связь с родным языком – посмотреть, из каких
элементов состоит слово.
5. Если не помогли перечисленные способы – обратиться к словарю.
Главное, не оставлять ключевые слова без точного перевода.
6. Выстроить цепочку из ключевых слов.
Teacher: OK, work individually, read the text according to this strategy and
try make an algorithm of writing a review. You have 10 minutes.
Let’s listen to you.
Pupils present the results of their work and together make a decision,
which algorithm is the best:
Think out a bright title for your review. It must include the name of the film.
- Describe the main idea of the film;
- Describe the plot of the film in brief, touching the names of the main
- Don’t show the main intrigue of the film;
- Don’t retell the subject of the film.
The main body:
- Try to analyse the film from the point of view of its idea;
- Try to value the work of its director, the play of actors, tricks and special
effects, scenery;
- Describe you impressions.
- Is it worth to see this film?
- Whom is this film for?
- What does a spectator get, seeing this film?
Homework: Write a review of your favorite film. The algorithm will
help you to be successful.
Now let’s reflex our work. Try to finish the following sentences:
1. Today I have learned …
2. It was interesting …
3. It was difficult …
4. I could …
5. I’ll try to …
6. I was surprised …
7. I’d like to …
(вариант ученической работы):
Have a good time with “Reservoir dogs”
If you didn’t see Quentin Tarantino’s films, find and see his first film «Reservoir
This film is a thriller. Thrillers usually have: black humor, violence, drama and
morality. Some people don't like thrillers, because thrillers are cruel.
A «Reservoir dogs» is directed by Quentin Tarantino.
Eight criminals robbed jewelry store, but their plan failed. Police have already
waited for them. Mr. White (Harvey Keitel) with injured Mr. Orange went to the
warehouse, that to wait for the others. They discovered that they have a traitor. So,
they will learn that a traitor is Mr. Orange. But Mr. White did not believe it and
bandits kill each other. Protagonists are
Mr. Blue (Edward Bunker)
Mr. Orange (Tim Roth)
Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi)
Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen)
Mr. Brown (Quentin Tarantino)
Mr. White (Harvey Keitel)
Eddie Cabot (Chris Penn)
Joe Cabot (Lawrence Tierney)
I recommend this film because it’s very affective and interesting.
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