Конспект урока "Holiday time" 8 класс

Сценарий урока
На каникулах
Holiday time
Тип урока: урок изучения и первичного закрепления новой лексики
Планируемые результаты урока:
1. Личностные:
- научаться выражать свое эмоциональное состояние по отношению к
прошедшим летним каникулам, используя соответствующие
идиоматические выражения.
- научаться понимать эмоции других людей, связанные с прошедшими
летними каникулами, выраженные через идиомы.
2. Предметные:
- научаться определять тему урока, опираясь на, логически связанные,
вопросы учителя, задаваемые в начале урока.
- освоят новый лексический материал по теме «Летние каникулы».
- осмыслят роль английских идиом в развитии устной речи.
- научатся воспринимать на слух короткий аутентичный аудиотекст в
рамках изучаемой темы.
3. Метапредметные:
Учащиеся научатся:
- понимать переносный смысл использованных идиоматических
- работать в паре, конструируя диалог-расспрос, на основе заданной
коммуникативной задачи в рамках изучаемой темы.
- отделять в тексте, воспринимаемом на слух, главную информацию.
- конструировать монолог-сравнение в рамках изучаемой темы с
опорой на алгоритм.
Получат возможность отработки навыка поиска интересующей
информации в электронном или печатном англо-английском
фразеологическом словаре.
Задачи урока: формировать умения:
работать в парах и индивидуально;
слушать разговор-обмен впечатлениями о летнем отдыхе с пониманием
общего смысла;
конструировать диалог-расспрос на основе заданной коммуникативной
конструировать монолог-сравнение на основе заданной
коммуникативной задачи;
формировать навык:
усвоения лексики по контексту, с опорой на русский эквивалент и
работы с англо-английским фразеологическим словарем.
Наглядные средства и оборудование:
1. Персональный компьютер;
2. Проектор;
3. Система опроса и голосования Smart;
4. Карточки с идиомами;
5. Карточки с упражнениями для отработки изучаемых лексических
единиц и идиом;
Приемы, методы и технологии:
Метод игры;
Метод компьютерной техники;
Технология сотрудничества;
Здоровье-сберегающие технологии;
Ход урока
I. Оргмомент:
Teacher: Hello, dear friends. I’m glad to see you. I hope you’ve had a good rest
and now you are ready for a successful work, aren’t you?
Students: Hello, glad to see you too.
Teacher: Answer my questions, please.
1. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?
2. Where did you spend your last summer holidays?
3. What activities did do?
Students answer the questions.
Teacher: Well-done, so what is the theme of our today’s lesson?
Students: We are going to speak about our summer holidays.
II. Основная часть урока:
Teacher: You are right. Now we are going to work in pairs. A very interesting
exercise will help us to divide into pairs. Each of you will get a piece of paper with
a part of an idiom. Your task is to find a person with another part of the idiom.
This person will be your partner.
1. To have common ground to have common ground
2. To be like a babe in the wood to be like a babe in the wood
3. To be like a duck in water to be like a duck in water
4. To be like a fish out of water to be like a fish out of water
5. To be a piece of cake to be a piece of cake
6. To feel as fit as a fiddle to feel as fit as a fiddle
7. To bark up the wrong tree to bark up the wrong tree
8. To beat a dead horse to beat a dead horse
Students move around the class and look for their partners.
Teacher: Well, I see you are ready. Take your places and do the next task in pairs.
Match these English idioms with their Russian equivalents.
English idiom
Russian equivalent
1. To have common ground
a. Попусту тратить время
2. To be like a babe in the wood
b. Быть в отличной форме
3. To be lie a duck in water
c. Быть проще пареной репы
4. To feel like a fish out of water
d. Иметь общие интересы
5. To be a piece of cake
e. Совершенно не разбираться в
6. To feel as fit as a fiddle
f. Зря тратить время
7. To bark up the wrong tree
g. Быть как рыба в воде
8. To beat a dead horse
h. Чувствовать себя не в своей
Teacher: Well, it’s OK. Now continue working in pairs and try to give a guess
what is the connection between these idioms and our today’s theme.
The idiom “To have common ground” helps us to explain how we made new
friends in summer holidays.
These idioms help us to show which activities we like doing.
But the idiom “To beat a dead horse” shows which activities we don’t like to
Some of them show which summer activities are useful.
Teacher: Well-done, all these idioms can be used for the explanation of our
attitude towards one or another summer activities.
Now let’s recall some summer activities.
Look at the pictures and much them with the activities the teenagers are doing.
1. Ride a scooter 6. sunbathe
2. Go roller-skating 7. Go scuba diving
3. Do jigsaw puzzles 8. Go on roller coasters
4. Watch a show at a water park 9. Go camping
5. Go on an activity holiday 10. Play team games
Students do this work in pairs.
Teacher: Now make up short dialogues using the names of these activities and
suitable idioms. In your dialogues ask each other about the activities which you did
in summer, which of them were new for you, if it was easy or difficult to do these
activities, which of them you would like to try and why. You have 5 minutes for
this work.
Teacher: Your time is up. Listen to each other very carefully and say, what
summer activities were done by the students of our group.
The first pair:
- Hello, Sergey.
- Hi.
- How did you spend your summer holiday?
- Great! And what about you?
- I liked my summer holiday very much.
- What activities did you do in summer?
- I sunbathed, went roller-skating, played team games with my friends and
went camping.
- Which of them were new to you?
- Going camping was a new activity to me. At first I felt like a fish out of
water. Then my new friends, who were like ducks in water, helped me a lot.
- Great! What new activity would you like to train next summer?
- Riding a scooter, because I’m like a babe in the wood in this kind of activity.
- Good luck to you.
Teacher: Now, we have heard all your dialogues. What summer activities did you
Students: rode a scooter, went roller-skating, camping and played team games.
Teacher: Well, now we’ll work individually. Let’s listen to the disc and say what
summer activities the British teenagers did on holiday. We’ll listen to the disk
Students: The British teenagers sunbathed, went on an activity holiday, watched a
show at a water park and went on roller coasters.
Teacher: All right. Work in pairs: try to compare your summer activities with the
activities of the British teenagers.
First of all let’s recall the strategy how to compare.
Introduction: the task;
The main body:
- Differences
- Common features
Teacher: What linking words will help us to do the task?
We have to compare … with …
… is not as … as …
… are as … as
… is less … than …
Both of us
Neither of us …
Teacher: OK. You’ll have 5 minutes. Don’t forget to use the idioms in your
Teacher: Now let’s listen to you.
The first pair: We have to compare our summer activities with the British
teenagers’ activities and try to guess if we had common ground.
The most popular activities which were done by us are sunbathing, going roller-
skating, riding a scooter and playing team games. Some of them were pieces of
cake, and we were like ducks in water, but it was difficult to ride a scooter for all
of us and we felt like a fish out of water.
Neither of these activities were done by the British teenagers. They preferred
watching a show at a water park and going on roller coasters.
However both of us went on an activity holiday and it helped us to feel as fit as a
In spite of the fact that we did different activities we were happy and cheerful.
III. Домашнее задание:
Teacher: Thank you very much for your work. Let’s write your homework:
1. Write definitions of these idioms and illustrate them:
Level A: work with a dictionary of the English idioms.
Level B: make up a booklet of illustrating idioms.
Level C: think out your own definitions for these idioms.
2. Level A: Learn your comparative characteristics by heart.
Level B: Think out your own summer story using new vocabulary and
IV. Рефлексия:
Now let’s reflex our work. Look at the questions and choose the answer
for each of the points:
1. I have been at the lesson
Active/ passive
2. The lesson seems to me
Short/ long
3. During the lesson I
Have learned practically all
idioms/ haven’t learned any idioms
4. During the lesson I
Have learned new vocabulary/
haven’t learned new vocabulary
5. The lesson was
Useful/ useless
6. I have chosen
A level, B level, C level for my
7. My homework is
Interesting and easy/ not
interesting and hard