Конспект урока "MAJOR RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD" 10 класс

учителя высшей квалификационной категории
Леоновой Ирины Владимировны
2007-2008 учебный год
Цели урока: Познавательный аспект
1.Знакомство с различными религиями, основателями религий,
символикой и т.д.
2. Развитие умения извлекать информацию о религиозных праздниках,
местах преклонения, святых местах и т. д.
Развивающий аспект
1. Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся.
2. развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
3. развитие способности к выбору выражений, адекватных ситуации
общения, развитие коммуникабельности.
Воспитательный аспект
1. Формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и
взаимопомощи при работе в парах и группах.
2. Воспитание чувства гордости за свою страну.
3. Осознание реалий родной религии.
Учебный аспект
1. Формирование лексических навыков.
2. Совершенствование речевых навыков.
3. Формирование грамматических навыков чтения.
4. Развитие восприятия речи на слух (аудирование).
Оснащение урока:
- Телевизор и видеофильмы о разных религиях.
- Наглядные пособия: картинки с изображением религиозных
деятелей , опорные схемы для формирования диалогической
- Раздаточный дидактический материал: индивидуальные карточки
для работы с текстом по аудированию.
- Библейский иллюстрированный рассказ о Иисусе Христе.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент.
T : Good afternoon, dear children!
I’m very glad to see you again. How are you? OK.
Let’s start our lesson.
Today we are going to sum up the information about four main religions:
Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.
2. Фонетическая и лексическая зарядка.
T: We know all people believe in one thing or another. Our beliefs very
much depend on our character, background and experience. Do you agree
with me?
P-1: Sure. I can add that some people believe in the supernatural: for them the
world that can’t be explained scientifically is as real as anything. Others will
argue with them and say that they believe only in those things that can be
proved and they rely only on the power of human reasoning.
T: You are quite right.
P-2: In my opinion quite a number of people might call themselves fatalists:
they believe that all events in our lives are predetermined by fate and therefore
cannot be altered.
T: I wholly agree with you. But their opponents are sure to say that people
themselves make their choices and decisions and are responsible for what
happens to them. And my question is: What is religion?
P3: I think religion is a belief in the existence of supernatural power, in God
the creator and the ruler of the Universe.
T: Thank you. I quite agree with you. I can say (показывая на доску)
Religion… means the voluntary subjection of oneself god”
Another question is: Why do people all over the world profess some
P4: As for me, I think that one of the most important functions of any religion is
to help people to explain the unknown. What is the origin of the world? What
happens when we die? And etc.
T: Of course, all of you are right. You know today, there are hundreds of
different religious sects and groups in the world. However, there are four
main religions of the world. Will you name them, please?
P5: Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.
T: Quite so. What can you say about the existence of these religions?
P6: They are universal and timeless. They insist upon the reality of immaterial
3. Выполнение задания у доски с наглядными
пособиями по соотнесению понятий с определениями.
T: So, here there are words and word combinations, pictures and symbols
with the names of sacred texts, buildings, leaders and religious festivals. I
want you to match them with the names of different religions.
Who would like to come to the blackboard and do it? I need four pupils,
( P1, P2, P3, P4)
T: While they are matching, will you answer my questions:
I. 1. Who is the founder of Christianity?
2. Where do Christians worship?
3. What parts does the Bible consist of?
4. What are the main Christian holidays?
II. 1. What is the Muslim Holy Book called?
2. What does this name mean?
3. How often do Muslims pray and what do they use for praying?
4. Why is Mecca such an important place for Muslims?
III. 1. Who is Abraham and who is Moses?( A is the founder of Judaism
who is regarded as the father of Jewish people. M gave the Jews the Torah, freed
Jews from slavery in Egypt.
2. What is the Sabbath?
3. What do followers of Judaism celebrate during the festival called
IV. 1. How old is Buddhism and where did it originate?
2. What is Nirvana?
3. Is Buddha a god?
4. What is the cycle of life according to Buddhism?
5. Where do Buddhists worship?
4. Монологические высказывания о религиях.
T: Thank you, children! Will you please sit down?
Now here we have the main definitions of each religion.
Let’s describe these unique religions. Who would like to speak about :
- Christianity (P1)
- Islam (P2)
- Judaism (P3)
- Buddhism (P4)
T: While your classmates are telling us about religions we’ll have an
opportunity to watch video about them. Be very attentive and be ready
to do some check work after the presentations.
5. Аудирование.
T: Thank you very much for such detailed information. Now I would like
you to listen to some facts and match them with the names of religions.
You have papers on your tables. Please, put the number of the statement
next to the name of religion you are listening about.
a) Christianity4,10
b) Islam3,7,8
c) Judaism 2,6,9
d)Buddhism 1,5
1. The followers of this religion do not believe that the world was created by God.
2. In these religions men and women usually don't worship together.
3. This religion is the youngest of the four.
4. This religion has more followers than the others.
5. According to this religious teaching people can achieve happiness on earth.
6. Followers of this religion eat a special type of food during their holiday.
7. Followers of this religion try to visit the place where the creator of their
religion was born.
8. Followers of this religion are allowed to eat only after sunset during one of their
9. Men following this religion cannot be bareheaded when in the place of worship.
10. A key concept of this religion says that one of their holy men sacrificed his
life for them.
T: I want you to exchange your papers. Here are the keys. Check your
answers, please.
6.Развитие навыков чтения и обсуждения прочитанного.
T: You see, children, religion is not there simply to provide answers to
traditional questions about religious practices and spirituality. What do you
think about it?
P1: A religion can provide the moral fabric or structure for the people of a nation.
P2: A religion can be very helpful in creating a sense of order and stability for the
T: Absolutely you are right. In the Bible, for an example, one can find many
moral codes such as “Do not kill”. Will you continue?
- Do not break promises
- Do not lie
- Do not steal
T: And others. Definitely the Bible teachers us how to act, in the everyday life.
It is the book of wisdom.
T: Here I have many Bible stories for children. Let’s read one of them and say
what moral code is it about.
(Children read one of the Bibles stories)
T: Thank you. Was it interesting for you to get to know about Jesus Christ?
What moral codes this story is about?
P: People should be …….
7. Подведение итогов урока.
T: Thank you, children very much for your interesting conversation.
Today we’ve discussed different items about main world religions.
And now we realize that religion can help people with everyday problems.
“We have learned more about the religions, but this has made us perhaps less
aware of what it is that we mean by “religion”” Wilfred Cantwell Smith once
8. Your home task for the next lesson is to write a composition on topic
“Reasons for religion”.
Thank you. Our lesson is over. See you on Monday. Good-bye.