Конспект урока "Travelling to England" 6 класс

Урок-путешествие "Travelling to England"
Платаева Екатерина Витальевна, учитель английского языка
развивать умение применения полученных ЗУН в конкретной ситуации;
практика устной речи и чтения;
обобщение полученных знаний об Англии и Шотландии.
Воспитательные задачи:
прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, англоязычных стран;
воспитание умения работать в коллективе;
уважение друг к другу.
Учебник: Афанасьева О.В. “English VI”
Учебные пособия: презентация Power Point по теме “England, Scotland” (Приложение 1),
задания для учащихся, учебник, карта Великобритании.
Аппаратное обеспечение: компьютер, видеопроектор.
Ход урока
Методические пояснения
Good morning! I hope that you are fine today. I
am sure that you’ll like our lesson. We are
going to read, to speak and to revise all we
know about two western countries. Let’s begin.
Приветствие, сообщение
целей урока.
Introduction of
the theme
As I’ve already said we are going to make a
short travel about one of the European
countries. You know this country very well.
Listen to its anthem and you are sure to guess
what country it is. How do you think what the
theme of our lesson is?
Прослушивание гимна
прогнозирование темы
Creative task 1
What do you think about when you hear the
word “Great Britain”?
Ученики рассказывают о
своих ассоциациях,
отвечают на вопросы.
What is the official name of this country?
What countries does Great Britain include?
Creative task 2
During our journey we shall visit two parts of
Great Britain.
What are they?
Из записанных на доске
букв ученики составляют
названия стран, входящих в
состав Великобритании.
(England, Scotland).
Auding practice
Now let’s begin our journey with England, the
largest part of the UK. I want you to listen to
some brief information about England and then
answer the questions.
England is situated on the British Isles. It is
the largest part of the United Kingdom. It is
mostly the lowland country. Geographically
it is divided into 5 regions. They are the
Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the
Midlands and the North of England. The
emblem of the country is the red rose. The
capital is London. The official language is
English. The queen Elizabeth II is the head
of the country. Over 46 million people live
1. Where is England situated?
2. How many regions is England divided into?
3. What is the emblem of England?
4. What language do people speak?
5. Who is the head of the country?
Ученики слушают краткую
информацию об Англии,
смотрят презентацию,
отвечают на вопросы.
Pre reading
Look at the blackboard and read the names of
the regions after me.
the Southeast
the Southwest
East Anglia
the Midlands
the North of England .
На доске записаны названия
районов Англии. Ученики
читают их за учителем.
Now the task is the following. You can see the
map of England. It is divided into 5 regions.
You have the description of them. You must
read the descriptions and say what region it is.
Ученики читают описание
районов (см. задания для
учащихся – упражнение 1),
отгадывают название,
находят район на карте.
After reading
Agree or disagree with the sentences.
Use the phrases of agreement or disagreement.
Ученики выполняют
упражнение, используя
фразы согласия или
несогласия. Фразы
1. The Southeast is low populated
2. There is a Heathrow airport in the
East Anglia (-)
3. The Southwest is a farming region.
4. We can find the famous Stonehenge
in the Midlands. (-)
5. The Midlands is the heart of England.
записаны на доске.
Now you’ll see some vies of England. The task
is to name them and say a few words of them.
Ученики смотрят
презентацию некоторых
Англии, называют их и
кратко рассказывают о них.
London, Stonehenge,
Stratford upon Avon, the
County of Kent,
Hadrian’s Wall
Pre reading
I think it’s time to go to another part of Great
Britain. What part is it?
Let’s speak about Scotland. Open your books
and look through the text.
Ученики отвечают на
вопрос, просматривают
текст упражнения 25, стр.
Match the questions and the answers.
1. What is Edinburgh sometimes called?
(Athens of the North)
2. What is the emblem of Scotland?
3. What street lies between the Old
Town and New Town? (the Royal
4. What is the Castle used to be? (a
5. In what part of the city is the
monument to the dog Bobby situated?
(the Old Town)
6. Who lives in the Holyrood palace
sometimes? (the Queen)
Ученики отвечают на
вопросы, выбирая ответы из
списка. Ответы записаны на
Listen to the poem by a well known Scottish
poet Robert Burns. What part of Scotland is it
devoted to?
Ученики слушают
стихотворение Роберта
Бернса “My heart’s in the
Highlands”, отвечают на
Let’s read the text “Highlands and Islands”
Highlands and Islands
To the north of Edinburgh and Glasgow are
the Highlands of Scotland: mountains with
few trees, wild deer and many sheep. It’s one
of the most picturesque places in the world.
The Highlanders, the people of the area are
very devoted to their country with its
striking beauty, though it is not so
prosperous as other places in Britain. Most
of these people are farmers and fishermen.
Scotland does a lot of fish trading. On the
small islands to the north and west of
Scotland there are fishing and farming
villages. The houses in the villages look
modest but they have to be strong enough to
keep people warm in winter when cold winds
blow from the sea. Some of the people still
speak Gaelic, the ancient Celtic language of
After reading
Give the English for
1. самое живописное место в мире;
2. жители Высокогорья;
3. процветающий;
4. торговля рыбой;
5. скромное жилище;
6. кельтский язык
Ученики находят в тексте
перевод выражений.
Complete the sentences
1. To the north of Edinburgh …
2. It’s one of …
3. The Highlanders are …
4. Most of these people are …
5. Scotland does…
6. The houses …
7. Some of the people still…
Ученики дополняют
предложения, используя
What would you advise to visit in Scotland?
Учащиеся рассказывают о
(Edinburgh, Cannongate,
monument to the dog Bobby,
Military Tattoo)
By the way, the name “tattoo” has an
interesting origin. Traditionally the soldiers
were told to return to their living quarters each
night by a beat of the drum which sounded like
“tat – too”.
Now, I’d like to say a few words in conclusion.
We’ve travelled through England and Scotland.
And I hope you enjoyed a lot. I’m glad that
we’ll learned a lot about Great Britain. It’s great
when people have an opportunity to travel and
expand their outlook. Our travelling is over.
Thank you for your work. Good bye!
Задания для учащихся
Exercise 1
1. A highly populated region, a lot of industry near the Thames, important historical cities,
the main passenger ports and airports, attractive countryside, the garden of England,
world famous resorts.
2. A very flat area with a lot of farms, Oliver Cromwell’s birthplace, the main national
roads, more than half of the area is surrounded by the sea, the famous university of
Cambridge, the Fens.
3. Another farming region with a lot of small family farms, dairy products, used to be
known for pirates, the principal cities Bristol, Bath, the famous Stonehenge, the most
westerly point of Great Britain.
4. An area with a lot of busy industrial cities and many wild and lonely parts, rich in coal,
the Lake District, the ruins of Hadrian’s Wall, beautiful valleys, rivers, waterfalls and
5. The heart of England, the largest industrial area, the birthplace of William Shakespeare,
the university city of Oxford, the industrial cities of Birmingham, Manchester and
Sheffield, the big sea port of Liverpool.
Exercise 2
Agree or disagree
1. The Southeast is low populated region.
2. There is a Heathrow airport in the East Anglia.
3. The Southwest is a farming region.
4. We can find the famous Stonehenge in the Midlands.
5. The Midlands is the heart of England.
Exercise 3
Highlands and Islands
To the north of Edinburgh and Glasgow are the Highlands of Scotland: mountains with few
trees, wild deer and many sheep. It’s one of the most picturesque places in the world.
The Highlanders, the people of the area are very devoted to their country with its striking
beauty, though it is not so prosperous as other places in Britain. Most of these people are farmers
and fishermen. Scotland does a lot of fish trading. On the small islands to the north and west of
Scotland there are fishing and farming villages. The houses in the villages look modest but they
have to be strong enough to keep people warm in winter when cold winds blow from the sea.
Some of the people still speak Gaelic, the ancient Celtic language of Scotland.
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Приложение 1