Конспект урока "Моя семья и я" 4 класс

Тема: Моя семья и я
Цели урока:
1) Образовательная: углубить и повторить ранее полученные знания,
осуществить формирование новых умений и ранее закреплённых
навыков; формировать лексико-грамматические навыки говорения;
развивать умения работать по образцу;
2) Развивающая: в целях развития мышления учащихся учить выделять
главное; в целях развития познавательного интереса планируется
создание проблемных ситуаций; развивать самостоятельность,
усидчивость, трудолюбие, умение преодолевать трудность в обучении,
3) Воспитательная: на материале конкретного фрагмента урока
продолжить формирование мировоззрения учащихся, воспитывать
навыки культуры труда, уважение к родителям.
Оборудование: наглядное пособие (карточки с неправильными глаголами,
вопросы в прошедшем простом времени (Past Simple), письмо от сказочного
героя Хоббита.
Ход урока:
I Начало (5 минут)
- Good morning, boys and girls!
- I am glad to see you.
- Let’s remember our new poem to greet each other. Listen to me, please.
It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello!)
It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello!)
It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello!)
And start our lesson.
- Sit down, please. Today we are going to speak about your family and at the
end of the lesson you should answer my question What did you do to help
your family?
1) Фонетическая зарядка
- Let’s remember the story about our train.
- Паровозик поёт песенку ветра [f],[f],[f], который усиливается [f] [f] [f].
- Ветер шелестит листочками, и паровозик запел песенку деревьев [h], [h],
[h]. (Дети повторяют.)
- Колёса паровозика тоже поют песенку [t], [t] [d], [d]. (Дети повторяют.)
- Паровозик слышит, как разговаривают между собой цветочки, и поёт их
песенку [n], [n], [n] [nei], [nei], [nei]. (Дети повторяют.)
- Паровозик задумался и запел романтическую песенку [m], [m],[m].
- Теперь паровозик видит летающих пчёлок и поёт их песенку [ ], [ ], [ ].
- А вот и комарики [z], [z], [z]
- Весёлая песенка получилась у паровозика [ ], [ ], [z], [z].
- А теперь паровозик выпускает дым из трубы. Вот так [w], [w], [w].
- Пора и отдохнуть. Let’s play sounds.
- Какую песенку пел ветер?
- Name the words with this sound. (five, four, forest, finish….)
- Какую песенку пели деревья?
- Name the words with this sound. ( how, he, his…)
- Как паровозик выпускал дым из трубы?
- Name the words with this sound. (where, what…)
- Very good! Паровозику понравились ваши песенки.
2) Речевая разминка
- It’s time to play. I’ll ask you some questions and you should be very attentive
because I can ask you about your classmates.
- Viki, what did you do yesterday?
- And you, Dima?
II Основная часть (30 минут)
1) Повторение лексики по теме «Семья» (5 минут)
- Now, dear friends, you should revise some words about family.
- Look at the blackboard and guess what the word is.
A, M, F, Y, L, I; (FAMILY)
N,S,O; (SON)
S, S, E, R, T, I; (SISTER)
T, E, H, R, R, B, O; (BROTHER)
2) Повторение правильных и неправильных глаголов (10 минут)
- Well, boys and girls, will you revise regular and irregular verbs.
- At first find regular verbs, then irregular ones.
- Look at the table, please. Go to the blackboard and underline them.
Watched TV
Had dinner
Helped my mum
Read a book
Washed the dishes
Did my homework
Skied in the park
Played chess
Listened to the music
- Ok, you know these verbs well.
- Make up your own sentences using these verbs ( Yesterday I played chess
and listened to the music…)
3) Глаголы was и were (5-7 минут)
- My dear friends, we have a letter from Hobbit.
- Do you remember our old friend?
- Great, look at the letter and fill in was or were.
4) Физкультминутка (3 минуты)
- Are you tired? Let’s have a rest then. Will you stand up, please? We’ll remember
our poem.
Clap your hands together.
Clap, clap, clap your hands.
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet.
Stamp your feet together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet.
Stamp your feet together.
Nod, nod, nod your head.
Nod your head together.
Nod, nod, nod your head.
Nod your head together.
Dance, dance, dance and dance.
Dance and dance together.
Dance, dance, dance and dance.
Dance and dance together.
5) Введение новой лексики по теме «Как я помогаю маме» (7 минут)
- Dear children, open your books and find exercise 12, page 113.
- You should look at the pictures and say what Ted usually does at home. What
else can he do? What did he do yesterday?
- But first let’s read these phrases together.
Ted usually does his homework.
Ted did his homework yesterday.
Ted usually goes shopping.
Ted went shopping yesterday.
Ted usually makes his bed.
Ted made his bed yesterday.
Ted usually lays the table.
Ted laid the table yesterday.
Ted usually repairs his bike.
Ted repaired his bike yesterday.
Ted usually answers phone calls.
Ted answered phone calls yesterday.
Ted usually feeds his dog.
Ted fed his dog yesterday.
6) Составление собственных предложений по образцу ( 3 минуты)
- Will you make up your own sentences using new verbs. I’ll give you 3 minutes.
III Итог (3-5 минут)
- That’s all we have time for. What did we do during the lesson? What did you like
to do?
- Now listen to your marks, please.
- The lesson is over.
- Get your things together. Good bye, boys. Good bye, girls.
Домашнее задание: С. 126, У.5