Конспект урока "Do you Like Living in Your Region?" 7 класс

Тема: «Do you Like Living in Your Region? »
7кл., авт. БИБОЛЕТОВА В. П.
(Использование регионального компонента)
Цели и задачи:
систематизация ранее изученных слов и выражений по теме; использование
лексического и грамматического материала в новой ситуации; совершенствование
навыков коммуникативного общения;
развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления; умения обобщать, путем
усложнения и обогащения ее словарного запаса на иностранном языке; развитие
личностной активности, самостоятельности;
воспитание культуры общения, интереса к изучению иностранного языка,
расширение кругозора, воспитание уважительного отношения к родной природе,
традициям и обычаям.
Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний.
Форма урока: урок- беседа за « круглым столом».
Ход урока:
Teacher: Dear boys and girls, today we are going to have a talk about our region, Republic of
Khakasia , the place we live in. At home you have written essays about it. And now I want you to
exchange your impressions about our wonderful home land. You may ask each other questions,
show your posters, notes, cards, alboms. Let us start our talk. Who would like to speak?
Pupil1: Khakasia is my native land. I live here and I love it greatly. What is special about it?
This question is simple and difficult at the same time. But I will try to answer it and express my
point of view. If you want to walk on a carpet of meadows and flowers or climb the mountain tops
beyond the clouds or perhaps you might want the crystal clear water of a mountain stream.
No need to roam the world in search of such beautiful places. You can find all of it in one land of
plenty- FABULOUS KHAKASIA? It is the way I see it.
T: Thank you very much. I guess your friends have got questions for you.
P2: Have you ever climbed the mountain tops?
P3: What is the highest mountain in our region?
T: Well, who else wants to exchange impressions?
P4: I would like. Khakasia is my birthplace. Frankly speaking, I have not seen any country so
marvelous and beautiful as Khakasia. The boundless steppes, healing lakes, clear rivers, and the
stern taiga. Unique nature, unique culture and mysterious monuments from the past. It is great.
T: There is one more important aspect that I love in my Region. I mean our people. I am often
struck, sometimes dazzled by the beauty of souls and the kindness of people in their hearts.
People in my territory always touch me deeply. I am moved by their sensitivity, generosity
and self- sacrifice. Do you agree with me?
(Реплики учащихся.)
T: I see M. wants to tell us something interesting.
P5: Republic of Khakasia, seems to me, to be living history. There is so much to see here. The
territory of Khakasia has the fame of archeological Mecca. There are about 30 thousands signs of
ancient history. Relics of copper, bronze and iron culture have been found here.
P6: I would like to add .Burial mounds! You will see them wherever you go across the steppe of
Khakasia. Burial mounds appeared as a result of ancient burial ritual. Burial mounds ( they are
called “kurgans”) were meant for leaders and outstanding warriors.
T: Have you ever heard about an open air museum in the steppe?
(Реплики учащихся)
P7: Yes, of course. Sixty kilometres west of Abakan, the capital of the Khakas Republic, in the
Valley of Kings there is the biggest Salbyk kurgan. This kurgan was erected in the 3
century B. C.
There were seven human remains and clay and bronze household utensils. Supposed that the buried
belonged to one family that had an outstanding position at that time.
T: Do you know any unusual rituals of Khakas people?
P8: Ancient Khakas people were shamanists. For centuries they have believed in spirits and
incantations. They offered sacrifice to the spirits. They would not touch food until it was offered to
( Вопросы учащихся)
T: Today Kolya has brought some pictures about Khakasia taken by his elder brother. Let us
have a look at the pictures.
Ученик показывает фотоснимки, сделанные его старшим братом, с видами Хакасии,
комментирует их, отвечает на вопросы одноклассников.
T: I think traditions are very important way of defining who people are. Traditions are, I am
sure, quite an important part in the way the Khakas people, in general, define themselves. Do you
know such traditions?
P9: I suppose that many traditions of Khakas people are kept up to the present time. The most
popular, ancient tradition and holiday is “Tun- Pairam”. It is held in the open air in the steppe and
celebrated as First Milk Day in spring. Now it has become a national holiday. Many artistic groups,
sportsmen, arrow shooters, wrestlers, horsemen demonstrate their skills.It is really a marvelous
( Вопросы учащихся)
T: It is great that some of these traditions do survive and taken place in Khakasia for a long
time .And what is more? I should say that in Khakasia there are lots of Wonders of the World. Do
you know one of them?
P10: As far as I know there were the Seven Wonders of the World in ancient times. Situated on
the territory of Khakasia, Sayano-Shushenskaya power Station is the biggest in Russia.It is really
can be called “ The Eight Wonder of the World”. I am always shocked by its power. Its power
capacity is 6.7 mln. kw. It is the top!
P11: True to say, it is really fantastic. But as for me, I think, the best thing in Khakasia is the
state natural reserve of “ Khakassky”, the fauna of reserve is various: 295 kinds of birds, 35 species
of them are into the Red Book of the Russian Federation; 65 kinds of mammals; 5 kinds of reptiles;
4 kinds of amphibious. In reserve grows more than 1000 kinds of high vascular plants, 16 kinds of
them are entered into the Red Book.
( Обмен мнениями)
T: You are absolutely right There are many rare species of mammals on the territory of the
reserve. Among them are snow leopard, fox, Siberian deer, elk, wild gout, Siberian polecat,
beaver, squirrel, sable, lynx, bears. There are about 1526 species of flora on our territory. Among
them stands out an orange coloured glower, called “Zharok”. Nothing can beat it! Many of the
plants growing in our Region have a healing effect. What other Wonders of our Republic do you
happen to know?
P12: I cannot help telling about our beautiful lake Belye. Its warm water is like milk, fresh from
the cow which makes bathing especially pleasant. This lake is the biggest mineral water reservoir in
the territory and the whole of Eastern Siberia! Nowadays they breed trout and salmon here. It seems
to me it is one of a kind!
( Обмен мнениями)
T: I am quite agree with you. Sometimes I think the beauty of our majestic nature with varied
landscape, the forests, the freshness of wild flowers, the sweet smells of summer meadows and
fields are unforgettable.
К учащимся на урок приходит « английский студент». В этой роли выступает студент
университета. Учащиеся его видят впервые.
T: Well, boys and girls, we have a guest. He is from Great Britain. His name is Tom Willson.
He has come here on students exchange programme.
Tom: I am very pleased to meet you, boys and girls. I hope we shall be friends.
T: Dear friends, you may ask Tom questions you like and get to know him better.
По договоренности со студентом заранее он отвечает на вопросы учащихся.
- Do you speak Russian?
- Have you ever been in Siberia?
- Do you like sport?
- How old are you?
- Have you got a family?
- Where do you live?
- Where do you study?
- Are your parents businessmen?
- Have you got a girl friend?
- What is your favourite holliday?
- Do you like travelling?
- What countries have you visited?
T: Dear boys and girls I must tell you that Tom is planning to stay in Khakasia for several
days. Let us tell him about some of the places of interest in our Region. May I begin?
Teacher: Tom, I think it is very interesting to visit museums. Material and spiritual heritage of
the people of Khakassia is kept in the depositories of seven museums. The richest collection of
exhibits( about 80 thousand) is in the Republican Museum of Natural History. Ethnographic
collection of the museum reflects the variety of everyday life of indigenous population, architecture
and interior of their homes, national clothes.
Now it is your turn, boys and girls. What do you think Tom should see in Khakasia?
P13: Tom, I advise you to visit Zoo. It is unique with its rare animals.
P14: Probably, Tom, you visit and admire the shining domes of our churches.
P15: To my mind you should visit the puppet theatre “ Skazka” , very popular in Russia . I
hope you will like it, because it is super!
P16: And I offer ecological and hunting tours, fishing tours in mountains. Or you may spend
Christmas vacation, rest and ski the famous skiing down the smooth slopes of the hill
P17: Visit and enjoy our beautiful lakes! Emerald- pearl waters under the warm sunshine
dissolve all the problems and give your soul and body peace and tranquility.
Teacher: Well, pupils. You have given Tom a lot of advice. Will you have enough time to visit
all these places, Tom?
Tom: Thank you for your advice. I will try to visit as many places as I can. I think I will have a
nice time in Khakasia.
T: Thank you for coming, Tom. We wish you a nice trip.
Затем классу предлагается викторина – соревнование “How Well Do You know Your
- When was the Khakas Republik founded?
- Where is it situated?
- What are its national emblems?
- Where do Khakas people like to spend their holidays?
- How many rivers are there in Khakasia?
- What is the longest river in Khakasia?
- Is there any national musical instrument in Khakasia?
- What famous people live in Khakasia?
- What is the time difference between Khakasia and Great Britain?
- Why do they call Khakasia “ The Second Switzerland”?
Teacher: And now , dear boys and girls, imagine you are a stewardess on board a plane
taking a group of tourists from Peking to Khakasia. Your plane is going to land in Abakan
airport, the capitol of the Khakas Republic. Please, tell the passengers about Khakasia. Begin:
Ladies and gentlemen! Dear friends! Our plane is landing in Khakasia…
Teacher: Imagine you are a guide with a tourist group in Khakasia. You take the group to
some places of interest and tell them everything about it.
(Демонстрируются цветные слайды. Выбор достопримечательностей определяется их
Teacher: And now you are tourists. You have come to Khakasia for the first time and go
sightseeing. The bus takes you to an interesting place. You get off the bus and see
the Valley of Kings, ( the Republican Museum of Natural History, Zoo, Peak Podnebesnyi,
Salbyk kurgan, Reserve of “Khakassky”, “Gladenkaya”, lake Belye) in front of you.
( Демонстрируются слайды.) What will you say?
Беседу о родном регионе учащиеся заканчивают словами:
- Keeping up best traditions, overcoming current difficulties, Khakasia strives for the future.
Beautiful and strong, kind and friendly it welcomes anyone who sets his foot on its ground.
- If you want to see Siberian nature, to hear the voice of chatkhan take in the sultry air of
thesteppe, to have a closer look at the ancient monuments,to listen to charming legends of a
folklore narrator, then… welcome to fair Khakasia!
В конце урока подводятся итоги викторины, школьники обмениваются впечатлениями
о беседе за « круглым столом».
Будучи нетрадиционным по форме, урок за «круглым столом» - это учебное занятие, и
его успех определяется прежде всего четкой постановкой и решением комплекса задач:
практика школьников в аудировании, диалогической и монологической речи, полилоге.
Такие уроки расширяют кругозор школьников, развивают их интересы, мыслительную
активность и коммуникабельность. Уроки- беседы за «круглым столом» обычно проводятся
на заключительном этапе работы над темой. При этом выбираются те подтемы, при
обсуждении которых можно организовать обмен личными мнениями и впечатлениями.
Беседа может включать подготовленные и неподготовленные сообщения учащихся. Однако
не следует знакомить учащихся со сценарием урока.
Главное требование к беседе – это реальное, соответствующее действительности
содержание высказываний учащихся.
Одна из особенностей беседы за «круглым столом» - это отказ от строгой
академичности урока .Выставление оценок на таком уроке противоречило бы его атмосфере.
Здесь задействованы мотивы более высокого порядка: познавательные; кроме того, ученик
получает удовлетворение от факта общения на иностранном языке, от успеха, пусть даже