Конспект урока "The place we live in" 4 класс

Открытый урок
«The place we live in »
Тип урока: усвоение новых знаний
Цель урока: Введение новых лексических единиц по теме « Место, в котором
мы живем» и закрепление их в речи учащихся на базе ранее изученного
лексического и грамматического материала
Задачи урока:
1) Образовательная:
-обучать новым лексическим единицам
-формировать умение употреблять их в речи в отдельных высказываниях и
при составлении монологического высказывания по теме
2) Развивающая:
- развивать общеучебные и специальные умения и навыки, умение сравнивать,
выделять главное, обобщать
- развивать память, внимание, наблюдательность, логическое мышление,
- развивать коммуникативные умения и навыки
3) Воспитательная
-формировать общечеловеческие ценности, а именно, любовь к месту , в
котором мы живем
- создавать эмоциональный настрой у учащихся
Структура урока:
1.Организационный момент
3.Фонетическая зарядка
4.Активизация опорных лексических и грамматических знаний
5.Проверка домашнего задания
6.Введение нового материала
7.Закрепление нового материала в речи
8.Инструктаж о выполнении домашнего задания
9.Рефлексия урока
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you! Take your seats.
How are you today? P1…
What day and date is it today? P2…
What was your homework for today? P3…
Are you ready for the lesson? P4, P5….
2. Целеполагание
Teacher :Our today’s lesson is devoted to the talk about the place we live in. We are
going to speak about houses and flats where people live. You have already learnt a
lot of names of furniture and rooms, which can help you to describe the places where
you live, but I hope you want to know more.
3. Фонетическая зарядка
Teacher: We begin with phonetic exercises which will help you to pronounce the
words correctly. Repeat the following sounds and words after me.
-there, there is, there is a room in my house
-bed, by the bed
-table, by the table
-chair, by the chair
-person, there is a person on a chair
Now let’s sing a song “There is a room in my house” together.
4.Активизация опорных лексических и грамматических знаний
Teacher: Before we learn new words let me check how well you know the words we
have already learnt. Let’s play a game “Snowball”.
Name all the names of the furniture you know.
P1-a table
P2- a table and a chair
P3- a table and a chair and a sofa
P4 -
Teacher: Who named all pieces of furniture without mistakes?
Now show me, please, how well you know the names of the rooms:
1. We cook in the … (kitchen)
2. We sleep in the … (bedroom)
3. We wash face and hands in the(bathroom)
4. We take off our overcoats in the … (hall)
5. We watch TV in the … (living room)
6 We have dinner or supper in the(dining room)
Now look around and answer my questions:
-What colour are the curtains in this classroom?
-Is there a mirror on the wall?
-How many bookcases are there in our classroom?
-Is there a carpet on the floor?
-Are there flowers on the window-sills?
-What other furniture is there in our classroom?
The next task is to put the sentences in order and read the text and then answer the
question where Nick lives. ( Слайд 1)
While one pupil is doing this task on the blackboard we will put the furniture in one
room. Use the prepositions
In front of on the left in the middle behind on the right near by
In the corner
And the structure to be going to for example:
I am going to put the carpet on the floor.
(возможно использование игрушечной мебели)
5.Проверка домашнего задания
Teaсher: your homework was to draw and to describe your own favourite room. Do it,
6.Введение новых лексических единиц
Teacher: I see that you know a lot of words on the topic and can use them in the
speech, now it’s time to learn new ones.
-a wardrobe (наглядность) (слайд 2)
-a cupboard (наглядность) (слайд №3)
-a lamp (наглядность) (слайд №4)
-a cooker (наглядность) (слайд №5)
- a sink (наглядность) (слайд №6)
-a garden (наглядность) (слайд №7)
Next (to) (толкование)
Opposite (толкование)
Teacher: now repeat the words and word combinations after me:
-describe, describe a picture, please, describe what you saw …
- a wardrobe, an old wardrobe, There are two wardrobes in my room …
-next, next to my school, Come and sit down next to me. …
-a lamp, a standard lamp, a street lamp, There is a standard lamp next to the mirrow.
-a sink, a sink-sinks, There is a sink in my kitchen.
-a garden, We’ve got a wonderful garden behind our house. …
-opposite, opposite the house, My room is opposite my parent’s bedroom.
- to cook, a cooker, a cooker-cookers, In my kitchen the cooker is next to my the
-a cup, a cupboard-cupboards, Where is the cupboard?
7. Закрепление нового материала в речи
Teacher: I’m going to read you the text with the new words, Your task is to raise a
hand when you hear the new word.
My grandmother’s house is rather comfortable. It is not large, but there is some
furniture in it. In the kitchen there is a beautiful cooker. Opposite the cooker there is a
large and old cupboard, next to the cupboard there is a sink. There is a standard lamp
in her sitting room, it makes the room comfortable. In the corner there is an old
wardrobe, where she keeps her clothes. I like to spend my time in her garden ,which
is in front of the house.
Teacher: well, pupils, you hear and recognize the new words in the text, let’s make up
sentences with these words and see where their places in the sentences are:
(Слайд №8)
Teacher: Try to guess what I am speaking about:
a thing where we keep our clothes
P1- a wardrobe
-a thing which helps to read when it’s dark
P2- a lamp
-a thing in the kitchen to cook the food on (a cooker)
-a thing in the kitchen where we wash up (a sink)
- a place around or behind the house where the flowers and fruit trees grow (a
- a thing where people keep the dishes (a cupboard)
Teacher: now make up sentences putting the words instead of pictures:
(Слайд№ 9)
Teacher: Now look at this picture and answer my questions:
-What is opposite the museum\Pete’s house\the Zoo?
-What is behind the museum\ the Zoo?
-What is next to the shop\the sports ground\the stadium?
-Where is the shop\the museum\the park?
(Слайд№ 10)
Teacher: It’s time to make up questions yourselves. These are the answers:
(Слайд№ 11)
-It’s on the wall.
-It’s on the table.
-it’s next to the door.
-It’s opposite the fireplace.
-It’s on the floor.
-They are round the table.
8. Инструктаж домашнего задания
Teacher: Well, pupils, you have worked much at the lesson, you have learnt some
new words and seen their usage in the speech, but at home you should learn how to
read them quickly and correctly in your textbooks and also learn their spelling.
9 .Рефлексия урока
Teacher: You worked well at the lesson, now it is coming to it’s end.
What new things have you learnt at the lesson?
What was the most interesting for you?
What were you not so good at?
I wish you good luck! See you next lesson, good bye!