Конспект урока "Путешествие в англо-говорящие страны" 7 класс

Конспект открытого урока в 7-х классах на тему «Путешествие в
англо-говорящие страны» по учебнику Биболетова «Enjoy English».
Составил: учитель английского языка Молодкина Наталья Владимировна.
Цели мероприятия:
1. Контроль знаний по теме «English-speaking countries»
2. Совершенствование лингвострановедческой компетенции учащихся
3. Расширение кругозора учащихся
4. Приобщение учащихся к культуре и традициям англо-говорящих стран.
Данный урок рассчитан на учащихся 7х классов. Урок проводится в
форме командной работы, команды можно сформировать как внутри
одного класса, так и провести соревнование среди параллели.
Подготовительная работа: детям дано заранее домашнее задание,
подготовить презентацию о своей команде, ответив на 5 вопросов:
1. How can you describe yourself in five words?
2. What is your motto?
3. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
4. How do you see your planet in 10 years time?
Ход урока:
Teacher: Good afternoon boys and girls and our guests. Today we have an
unusual lesson. Our topic is English-speaking countries”. As you see from
the topic we will speak about those countries where English is the first
language. We will have a lesson in the form of a competition. Each team
will get special tasks today. Let’s start and good luck.
Учитель говорит о целях урока и делит класс на команды.
Задание 1. Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: At home you prepared your presentations, now we are going to
check them.
Организуется проверка домашнего задания, ученики защищают свои
проекты, представляя презентации в интересной форме.
Задание 2. Тест
Teacher : And now I’LL give you’re a quiz on our topic , you are going to
answer the questions choosing the right variant. You’ll have ten minutes to
do it.
Раздается тест, включающий страноведческие вопросы на обобщение
Задание 3.
Teacher: I’LL give each team sheets of paper where you can see the shapes
of different English speaking countries. Guess what countries have such
shapes. You’ll have 3 minutes.
Учитель раздает нарисованные контуры англо-говорящих стран, нужно
определить название страны.
Задание 4.
Teacher: Now I am going to read some texts for you but I won’t tell you the
name of the country. You listen to me and try to guess this country.
Учитель зачитывает тексты с описанием стран, не называя их. Какая
команда больше всего даст правильных ответов, та и победит.
Teacher: Well, thank you for the lesson. See you next time.
1) London was founded in
a) 43 AC b) 1943 c) 43 BC d) 1143
2. Washington D.C. was founded in
a) 1290 b) 1990 c) 1790 d) 1590
3. Wellington was founded in
a) 1788 b) 1839 c) 1790 d) 1147
4. Sydney was founded in
a) 1839 b) 1820 c) 1788 d) 1790
5. Ottawa was founded in
a) 1147 b) 1788 c) 1820 d) 1839
6. Winston Churchill was a
a) teacher b) politician c) soldier d) scientist
7. The telephone was invented by
a) P.L. Shilling b) Bell c) A.Popov
8. The British red telephone box was designed by
a)Shilling b) Scott c) Bell d) Christopher Wren
9. Choose the five most common languages in the world
a) Portuguese b) French c) Russian d) Finnish e) Hindi f) German g) Chinese h) Greek i) English
j) Maori k) Spanish
10. English is spoken as the first language in
a) b)- c) d) f) g)- h) i) j) k)-
11. The capital of the UK is
a) Kingston b) London c) Dublin d) Wellington
12. The capital of the USA is
a) Kingston b) Ottawa c) Wellington d) Washington
13. The capital of New Zealand is
a) Sydney b) Wellington c) London d) Port of Spain
14. Esperanto was invented by
a) Sakharov b) Zamenhof c) Churchill d) Ch.Wren
15. The USA is situated in
a) South America b) Antarctica c) Europe d) North America
16. New Zealand is situated in
a) the Atlantic Ocean b) Arctic Ocean c) the Pacific Ocean d) the Indian Ocean
17. The UK is situated in
a) Asia b) South America c) Europe d) Antarctic
18. The motto of the USA is
a) In God we trust b) The Lucky country c) Oz d) Big Apple
19. English is made up of
a) Maori b) Anglo-Saxon c) Arabic d) French e) Mindi f) Latin (3 right variants)
20. English is the Language of
a) - b) c) d) f)- g) h)- i)- j)-
21.Schools in Great Britain are free
a) private schools b) state schools c) public schools
22. Punishments which are used in British Schools are
a) b) c) d)- e)-
23. Great Britain is associated with sports
a) baseball b) football c) ice-hockey d) tennis f) figure-skating g) chess (несколько ответов)
24. Currency used in Gr. Britain is
a) roubles b) dollars c) pounds d) pennies e) cents
25. The Olympic Games were held in Gr. Britain in a)1980 b)1908c)1994d)1948(2ответа)
Countries and nations .
1. Match the capitals with the countries
Canberra France
Paris Greece
Buenos Aires India
Athens Argentina
Ankara Australia
Delhi Turkey
Rome Spain
Madrid Italy
2. What nationalities live in these countries:
Country nationality
3. Match the cities and the places
London Eiffel Tower
Washington Red Square
Paris The pyramids
Cairo The Colosseum
Rome the White House
Moscow Big Ben
4. Answer the questions
1) The capital of the UK is
a) London b) Kingston c) Washington d) Ottawa
2) The National Gallery is in
a) Piccadily Circus b) Parliament Square c) Trafalgar Square d)
3) English is the first Language in which countries / name these countries
4) The USA is situated in
a) South America b) Antarctica c) North America d) Europe
5) The motto of the USA is
a) In God we trust b) Big Apple c) Oz d) The Lucky country
6) The capital of the USA is
a) Kingston b) New York c) Washington d) London
7) Which country has the most English language speakers
a) UK b) Ireland c) Canada d) USA