Конспект урока "Animals in danger" 6 класс

Открытый урок в 6 «А» классе по теме: «Animals in
-развитие лексических навыков;
-развитие навыка поискового чтения.
-развитие логического мышления;
-развитие познавательного интереса к
-развитие умения учебного труда ( работа в заданном
-экологическое воспитание (бережное отношение к
-основы формирования толерантного мышления.
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент.
Teacher-Good morning children! Sit down and let`s begin our lesson!
Teacher-Look at our planet. It looks upset. Can you guess why?
Pupil-It has problems.
Teacher-What problems does it have?
Pupil-Pollution, litter, animals and plant extinct.
Teacher-Very good. What problem shall we discuss today?
Pupil- Animals in danger.
Teacher-You are right. We are going to discuss endangered animals and try to
solve the problem. (слайд 1 с темой урока)
3.Активизация лексических единиц по теме.
Teacher-Let`s see how you know them.
Whose nose is it?
Pupil-Its tiger`s nose. ( и т.д. слайд №2-животные).
4. Развитие лексических навыков.
Teacher-Where do these animals live? ( слайд №3)
5. Поисковое чтение.
Teacher-There are many animals all over the world who needs our help to
survive .Now read the information about animals. Put the animals in right order
from the first to the ninth. The first is the most endangered. The ninth is the least
endangered. ( слайд №4 и 5).
6. Физкультминутка.
Tеacher- Lets relax and do gymnastic for our neck.
7.Чтение текста и обсуждение проблемы: животные на воле и в не
a) read the words and translate.(слайд№6).
b) read the text and work in groups.
Teacher-Give some arguments for and against life of animals in the wild and
their life in the zoo.
The first group will speak about animals in the wild, the second group will speak
about animals in the zoo.
(задания на карточках).
8.Создание постера.
Teacher-What should we do to save endangered animals? Are you ready to help
the animals?
The first group will find what we should do. The second group will find what we
shouldn`t do .(карточки с фразами раздаю детям они выходят к доске и
вешают их на постер на доске).
9. Итог.
Teacher- Do you think the Earth liked our lesson?
Let`s make a smile on it.
You were the best today come to the blackboard do it.
All the rest were good too, so come here and put these animals on the Earth.
10. Your homework: find the information about animals in danger and be ready
to share the most fascinating facts with your classmates and friends.