Конспект урока "Льюис Кэрролл и его литературный успех" 9 класс

Урок английского языка в 9 классе по теме «Льюис Кэрролл и его
литературный успех».
УМК Английский язык. Серия «Новый курс английского языка для российских
школ» 5- й год обучения. 9 класс. Авторы: Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.
Москва « Дрофа» 2011г.
Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с творчеством английского писателя
Л.Кэрролла и его произведением «Алиса в стране чудес».
Задачи урока : ознакомление учащихся с английской литературой второй
половины 19 века, развитие навыков перевода, формирование умения
анализировать художественное произведение на английском языке,
активизация навыков устной речи, развитие страноведческих знаний.
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент.
Dear children, today we shall discuss the literary success of English writer Lewis
Carroll and his novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. Let’s listen to the
information about the appearance of two trends of literature in the second half of
the 19
century. Your homework was to prepare this task.
2. Английская литература второй половины 19 века. (Учащиеся готовят
самостоятельно данный материал заранее, консультируясь с учителем).
The second half of the 19th century witnessed a rapid growth of social
contradictions which were caused by a deep economic crisis. This period was
characterized by a crisis in bourgeois culture, too. The crisis in bourgeois culture
was reflected in literature by appearance of the two trends progressive and
regressive. The representatives of the progressive trend continued the traditions
of such writers as Dickens, Thackeray. These novelists showed in their books a
realistic picture of contemporary society. The writers of the regressive trend by
way of protest against severe reality tried to lead the reader away from life into
the world of dreams and beauty.
Aestheticists rejected both the social and the moral function of art. They tried to
lead the reader away from the problems of the day. Lewis Carroll appeared on the
literary scene in the 19
century. He gave his readers the most brilliant mixture
the greatest nonsense stories ever written, intellectual games with logic and
words, private jokes on English society of the time.
3. Льюис Кэролл (1832 – 1898).
Read and translate the text ex. 3.p.109.
4. Read the text again and say, ex.4.p.111.
5.”Alice ‘s Adventures in Wonderland” became classic. The book is fun. It is full of
delicious nonsense. But the nonsense appeals to the adult as to the child.
“I do not much care where…”, said Alice.
“Then it does not matter which way you go”, said the cat.
“…so long as I get somewhere”, Alice added.
6. Carroll loved playing with words and ideas. In one section of Alice in
Wonderland, the Mock Turtle is telling Alice what he studied at school. You have
read this novel and at home you have found these words and word combinations.
Name them, please.
‘Reeling and Writhing, to begin with, and then the different branches of Arithmetic
Ambition( честолюбие) – instead of Addition(сложение), Distruction
(отвлечение, растерянность) instead of Substruction (вычитание),
Uglification (обезображивание) instead of Multiplication (умножение) and
Derision(высмеивание) instead of Devision(деление) .It was the school where
they studied “Ten hours a day, nine the next and so on…”
7.Well done. Thank you. And now, let's make the conclusion of our discussion.
Help me.
L.Carroll loved riddles, puns ,unanswered questions and jokes that depend on the
uses or misuses of certain words or expressions. Nothing is certain in Wonderland
except that nothing is what it seems to be. As Alice moves through this odd
landscape, the reader becomes aware of the malign character of the world,
where cruelty and uncertainly exist everywhere and only Alice can really
recognize the absurdity of it. Carroll’s view of childhood is significant. To him it is
a time of innocence when a child is protected and free from care. The child lives
happily of its future.