Конспект урока "British Superstitions" 8 класс

Topic: British Superstitions
Aim: By the end of the lesson students will be able to recognize superstitions and say which
things bring good and bad luck in Great Britain.
Resources: -Farrel, M., Rossi, F., Ceriani, R. 1999. The World of English
- Information about superstitions in Great Britain from the Internet
Task A. In every country there are superstitions that is people believe that some things may
bring good luck, health and wealth and some things may be unlucky and bring misfortune.
Are you superstitious? What superstitions do you believe in?
Task B. Look at the list of superstitions and make your predictions about the things which
bring good luck to British people and things which bring bad luck.
1. Opening an umbrella in the house.
2. Putting new shoes on the table.
3. Saying “white rabbits” on the first day of the month.
4. Passing someone on the stairs.
5. Catching falling leaves in autumn.
6. Wearing a lucky charm.
7. A black cat.
8. A horseshoe over the door the right way up.
9. Walking under a ladder.
10. Touching wood.
11. Spilling salt.
12. Number 13.
13. A four-leaf clover.
14. Killing a spider.
15. Breaking a mirror.
16. Crossing your fingers.
Task C. Fill in the blanks and see if your predictions were right or not.
If British people want to be lucky they should
put………………on their door
try to see………………..
………… their fingers when speaking about plans
try to pick up…………………
If British people don’t want to be unlucky they
don’t break………………………..
don’t kill………………
don’t put …………….. on the table
don’t walk under …………………..
don’t open ………………………. Indoors
don’t spill…………………….
don’t pass someone on ………………….
avoid everything with number………………
Task D. Are these superstitions the same in Russia? Fill in the table.
The same superstitions
The different superstitions
Task E. Now listen to the boys who are going to play an important rugby match this
afternoon and make a list of good and bad things which happen to them. Then count things
in both groups and decide if the boys are going to win. (The tape script is enclosed)
Good points
Bad points
Task F. What would you do in the following situations if you were very superstitious
British people, why?
1. Twelve friends are coming to your party so there will be thirteen people.
2. You see a spider in your tent.
3. You are having an important job interview tomorrow.
4. It’s Thursday 12
today and your friends suggest going on a hike tomorrow.
5. You see a miserable black kitten on the stairs.
6. You want your house and your family to be happy, healthy and wealthy.
7. You are telling somebody about your plans for next weekend. You are going rock-
climbing if it’s not rainy.
8. Your cousin has come to your house after doing shopping and now she is going to show
you how large and colourful her new umbrella is.
Tape script for task E
Jerry: We’re definitely going to win this afternoon. Am I right, you guys?
Frank: Oh, yeah. Touch wood, fingers crossed.
Mike: I’m sorry, you guys, but I just killed a spider. I put my sports bag down on it. That’s bad,
you know. And this is our 13
match this year.
Frank: Don’t worry, Mike. I’ve got my lucky charm with me. Look at this key Mary Baker
gave it to me… withy this key I just can’t lose.
Mike: You said that before the Queen’s School match. And what happened?
Frank: We lost. OK. But it usually works. And listen to this. This morning my sister found a
four-leaf clover. And she said to me: “Frank, this is for your match this afternoon.”
Mike: Where is it, then?
Frank: What?
Mike: The clover. The four-leaf clover, you idiot.
Frank: Oh, I haven’t got it with me. My sister has it.
Jerry: Hey, wait a minute. Look over there. What’s that?
Mike: A black cat. Wow!
Jerry: OK. No problem. We’re going to win.
Mike and Frank: Yeah. We’re going to win! We’re going to win!