Конспект урока "Права детей в России" 10 класс

Урок в 10 классе по теме
«Права детей в России»
по учебнику Кузовлева В. П.
Разработан: Левашовой М. И.
Aim: to prepare for writing a report to
the UN Committee on the Right
of the Child about how children’s
rights are followed.
1.to remind the words on the topic: to proclaim, to
declare, to provide, leisure, the number of death in child-
hood, abuse, exploitation, interfere (with);
2.to examine the problem as a global in our
3. to express views on the problem;
4. to develop hearing, speech.
The equipment: the cassette recorder,
a computer, a projector, the screen.
(pupils sit in such way: P1 P2
P3 P5
P4 P6
P7 P8
P9 P10
P11 P12)
I. Warm up.
T: We’ve got together to examine the Rights of Child in Russia.
Let’s remember some facts. Some of us can use the card to answer the questions
P1 (who had been prepared before) asks the questions the students:
1. What document gives the Rights of the Child?
2. What organization has worked out the Convention on the Rights of the Child?
3. What has the United Nations worked out for?
4. Did Russia join the UN Convention?
5. What year did Russia do it in?
(P1 P2 P3 P7 P8 P12)
II. Practice.
a) T: To go on our talking you need some words.
I”ll read, you pronounce after me. (T P2P5P6P8P10P12 P11-P1)
(When the cards are at the teacher again that they are divided into two groups of
the words)
b) Working into two groups.
T: Now you have a chance to repeat the words once again.
P1 P2P4P3 P5P6 reports the words
P12 P7P8P9P10P11 reports the words
Working into the groups are held in the such way: P1 P2 …P6
III. Group work
T: Every group has the U. N. Convention It helps you to do ex.1on p. 40into Activity
Book. Don’t forget about it. ( students watch the grammar material about Passive
P7 (who had been prepared before) helps to translate the sentences
in the exerciseP8-P12
P3 do the same as the group above
Then they check their answers as a whole class.
IV. Watching the video episode taken from the News in Channel1.
(Two P9P10 persons get individual work: to translate the article about the
T: Is it violent?
Does the episode make you be indifferent to the world?
Will you discuss the issue into your groups according to the questions? They are
under your chairs. Find them. Then the teacher distributes them according to
possibilities of students.
1. What emotions do you have after seeing the vidioepisode?
2. How do you guess what feelings her parents had?
3. How do you think the man did it intentionally?
4. What punishment shall he get in your mind?
5. What rights of hers were broken?
6. What should protect children from harm, cruelty, violence?
P6 reports some facts about it.
V. Listening for detail (S. B. ex.3,P.106)
Those students who have “satisfaction” can watch the text while others are listening
Those students who have “good” can use individual cards with meanings of some
Those students who have “excellent” listen to the text without the card and book.
Then do the task according to the exercise. (key:- + - -)
T P7 P3 P1 asks the questions:
1. What does he/she think about the rights proclaimed by the UN Convention?
2. What do you think about the existence of the convention?
VI. Listening to the article.
T: There are many organizations which protect the Rights of Child. The article which
is offered to you is one of them. Listen and say what it is?
P9 P10 read it
VII Sum up and giving homework.
At home you who want to have “excellent” need to translate the article. P9 P10 help
Those students who want to have “good” should describe the video episode.
T: Are you tired after the lesson?
What do you like?
Thank you for your work.