Тест "Обычаи англоязычных стран и России" 7 класс

У р о к 17. Обычаи англоязычных стран и России
Цели урока:
1. Введение лексики по теме « Обычаи».
2. Закрепление грамматических навыков по теме «Герундий»
3. Активизация навыков устной речи и аудирования по
теме .
Оборудование: изображения различных действий.
Х о д у р о к а
I. Организационный момент.
II. Речевая разминка.
Учитель привлекает внимание детей к заранее развешанным
на доске изображениям различных видов деятельности. Ученики
называют виды деятельности хором и индивидуально. Учитель
предлагает учащимся назвать свои любимые и нелюбимые
Our mood depends on our activities. Every day we do different
things. Look at the blackboard and name the activities on
the pictures. (Dancing, travelling, singing, playing football, skiing,
skating, playing chess, gardening, playing with a cat, taking
pictures, playing computer games, reading, thinking up puzzles,
learning English, etc.)
What do you like (enjoy) doing? What do you hate (gave up)
doing? (I like playing computer games. I enjoy dancing. I hate
skiing. I gave up singing. Etc.,)
III. Закрепление грамматических навыков в устной речи
Open your books, page 19, exercise 49. Let's read the examples
and then complete the sentences in this exercise. The next task
for you is exercise 50, page 19. Make up the sentences using the
following verbs.
IV. Введение и фонетическая отработка лексики по теме
You can see two columns of words on the blackboard. Will
you read them aloud, in a whisper? Let's read them after Nick.
Can you match the words from the first column and the second
one to make up the word combinations?-__ Примерные слова на доске:
hate clover (картинка)
cross a charm (картинка)
black fingers
good magpies (картинка)
have a spider (картинка)
under horseshoe
kill the number 13
two a ladder (картинка)
wear luck
fourleaf cat
Примерные словосочетания: to cross fingers, a black cat, fourleaf
clover, to hate the number 13, good luck, to have horseshoe, to kill a
spider, two magpies, to wear a charm, etc.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Введение страноведческой информации. Тренировка навыков
упр. 51,стр. 20.
VII. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи
упр. 53, стр. 20.
VIII. Тренировка навыков диалогической речи
- It's time to find out what superstitions you and your friends
believe and don't believe in. Divide into groups of five and ask
each member of your group.
Примерные вопросы учителя:
1. How many pupils in your group think that it is bad to kill a
spider? (Two pupils in my group think that it is bad to kill a spider.)
2. Who never walks under a ladder in your group? (Victor never
walks under a ladder.)
3. Does anybody catch falling leaves in autumn? (Nick and Kate
catch falling leaves in autumn.)
4. How many pupils always wear a charm? (Nobody wears a charm
in my group.)
5. Who has horseshoe over the door? (Helen and Alex have
horseshoe over the door.)__
X. Подведение итогов урока
- What new information have you learnt today? What facts were
And when it's time to go away
Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye.
Good-bye, my dear friends!
Домашнее задание: учебник: упр. 32, стр. 20; рабочая тетрадь:
упр. 1(а, Ь), стр. 17-18.