Конспект урока "Rise in motivation of pupils when they study English" 5 класс

Муниципальное образовательное учреждение
Белоевская средняя общеобразовательная школа
Rise in motivation of pupils when they study English.
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 5 – 9
Автор составитель
учитель английского языка:
Белякова Светлана Валерьевна
Motivation is foundations of all human actions and also is foundation of
studying. Problem of rise in motivation of pupils interests every teacher. This
question comes up before English teachers especially acutely in secondary school.
Motivation is divided into external motivation and inner motivation. We have
opportunity stimulate motivation but inner motivation is firmer than external, that’s
why we must greater attention for this motivation.
Every teacher has some methods for supporting and rise in motivation of
pupils in its methods-box. We could distinguish next groups of methods:
1. Group of methods which are used during every lesson:
sport minutes are used for rest of pupils. They are used usually in
middle of lesson. For example:
These are mother's forks and knives (пальцы обеих рук скрещены)
This is mother's table (изображаем столик)
This is mother's looking glass (изображаем зеркальце и
прихорашивающуюся маму)
This is baby’s cradle. (Колыбелька для ребенка)
methods of emotional pupil’s stirring are used for pupil’s tuning
in lesson, that’s why they are used usually in the begging of lesson.
For example:
Exercise Compliment”. Children speak kind words each other and
try emphasizing merits of theirs classmates
relaxing exercises are used for creating friendly atmosphere
during lesson and can be used in every moment of lesson. For
Exercise “I see, I hear, I feel”. A Pupil has to speak three sentences
what it see, three sentences what it hear and three sentences what it
exercises of pupil’s self-appraisal are used for analyzing getting
knowledge, that’s why they are used at the end of lesson. For
At the end of lesson pupils draw different smiles, which show their
attitude to the lesson;
praise of pupils is used rise in pupil’s confidence and we can
use this method in every moment of lesson.
2. Group of methods which are used sometimes:
fairy-tales. We can use this method when we teach grammar
(especially times). It facilitate and make more interesting
non-standard lessons are used usually for generalizing and
revising. They may be lesson-travel, lesson-competition;
using Information computers technologies supply modernity of
playing methods. Method is effective not only for generalizing
and revising but also for studying new themes;
language learning through study of a country`s customs and
institutions. It supplies pupil’s interest for country of learning
3. Group of methods are used in addition to the lessons:
weekly reviews. They are additional materials for pupil’s
studying which stimulate its cognitive aspiration
theatrical studios. It gives additional opportunities for
studying foreign literature;
project works. They have individual direction.
Also we can rise pupil’s motivation during the lesson formulating in non-
standard form
. It may be problem or rhetorical question which will be with
urgent essence of materials. And we have to use interesting methods for teaching
these materials.
These methods are universal and can be used for rise in pupil’s motivation
during teaching any subjects. But we must take age-peculiarity and individual
peculiarity of pupils into consideration. Every teacher can choose methods which
will be effective for their pupils from this large number of methods.
Using these methods will be more effective if for making lesson will use the
№ 1 table, which allocates different kinds of activities during the lesson.
Table № 1. Rational organization’s structure of English lesson N.K. Smirnov
“Healthkeeping educational technology
Factors of lesson
Range of lesson’s sanitary
Density of lesson
60% - 75%
Number studying activities’
Medium length of different kinds
of studying activities
Maximum - 10 minutes
Interchange’s frequency of kinds
of studying activities
Change in 7-10 minutes
Numbers of teaching’s kinds
Minimum - 3
Availability of emotional relieves
of tension
List of using literature
1. Валиуллина Ф.З. Влияние лингвострановедческого материала на
мотивацию учащихся / http://www.openclass.ru/lessons/42503
2. Головкина Екатерина Вячеславовна Мотивация и анонсирование темы
на уроках иностранного языка / http://www.ezhva-
3. Кожаева Наталья Георгиевна Формирование адаптивной среды на
уроках английского языка через использование здоровьесберегающих
технологий / http://www.ucheba.com/met_rus/k_inostrannyi/formir_sredy.htm
4. Литвинова Светлана Леонидовна Использование ИКТ для повышения
мотивации учащихся на уроках английского языка /
5. Матвеева Надежда Викторовна Повышение предметной мотивации
учащихся через использование новых форм работы на уроке и во
внеурочное время / http://festival.1september.ru/articles/510502/